Cron <root@ppc-hub> /usr/local/bin/ - releng-cron (2024)

LOCAL: remote: 0ad-0.0.18-4.fc23same: local and remote: 0ad-data-0.0.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 0install-2.6.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: 0xFFFF-0.3.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: 2048-cli-0.9-5.git20141214.723738c.fc23 same: local and remote: 2ping-2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: 389-admin-1.1.42-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: 389-admin-console-1.1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 389-adminutil-1.1.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 389-console-1.1.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: 389-ds-1.2.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: 389-ds-base- same: local and remote: 389-ds-console-1.2.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 389-dsgw-1.1.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: 3Depict-0.0.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 3proxy- same: local and remote: 4Pane-3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: 64tass-1.51.727-2.fc23 same: local and remote: 7kaa-2.14.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: 99soft-oss-parent-10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: 9wm-1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: AGReader-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: APLpy-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ATpy-0.9.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: AcetoneISO-6.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: Add64-1.2.2-9.fc23 newer remote: local: Agda- remote: Agda- with 2 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: Agda-stdlib-0.7-3.fc21 remote: Agda-stdlib-0.9-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: AllegroOGG-1.0.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: AntTweakBar-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ArpON-2.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: AtomicParsley-0.9.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: BEDTools-2.24.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: BackupPC-3.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: BareBonesBrowserLaunch-3.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: BibTool-2.58-2.fc23 same: local and remote: BitchX-1.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: BlockOutII-2.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: Box2D-2.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: CBFlib- same: local and remote: CCfits-2.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: CGAL-4.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: CGSI-gSOAP-1.3.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: CImg-1.5.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: CQRlib-1.1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: CTL-1.4.1-24.fc23 same: local and remote: CUnit-2.1.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: CVector- same: local and remote: CableSwig-3.20.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: Canna-3.7p3-45.fc23 same: local and remote: CardManager-3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: CharLS-1.0-10.fc23 newer remote: local: ClanLib-2.3.7-3.fc22 remote: ClanLib-2.3.7-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ClanLib06-0.6.5-35.fc23 same: local and remote: ClanLib1-1.0.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: Coin2-2.5.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: Coin3-3.1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ColPack-1.0.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: CriticalMass-1.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: CuraEngine-15.04-2.fc23 same: local and remote: CutyCapt-0-0.7.20130714svn.fc23 same: local and remote: Cython-0.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: DSDP-5.8-13.fc23 only remote: DecodeIR-2.45-5.fc23same: local and remote: DevIL-1.7.8-22.fc23 same: local and remote: DivFix++-0.34-20.fc23 same: local and remote: E-1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: EMBOSS-6.4.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ETL-0.04.17-4.fc23 same: local and remote: EekBoek-2.02.02-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ElectricFence-2.2.2-42.fc23 same: local and remote: ExchangeIR- same: local and remote: FUR-0.4.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: Falcon- same: local and remote: Field3D-1.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: FlightCrew-0.7.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: FlightGear-3.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: FlightGear-Atlas-0.5.0-0.11.cvs20141002.fc23 same: local and remote: FlightGear-data-3.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: FoXlibf-4.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: FreeSOLID-2.1.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: GAPDoc-1.5.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: GConf2-3.2.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: GLC_Player-2.3.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: GLC_lib-2.2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: GLee-5.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: GMT-5.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: GREYCstoration-2.8-20.fc23 same: local and remote: GarminPlugin-0.3.27-2.fc23 same: local and remote: GeoIP-1.6.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: GeoIP-GeoLite-data-2015.07-1.fc23 same: local and remote: GeographicLib-1.43-3.fc23 same: local and remote: GitPython-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: GraphicsMagick-1.3.21-4.fc23 same: local and remote: GtkAda-2.24.2-16.fc23 newer remote: local: GtkAda3-3.8.2-6.fc23 remote: GtkAda3-3.8.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: HepMC-2.06.09-7.fc22 remote: HepMC-2.06.09-11.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: Hermes-1.3.3-25.fc23 only remote: IBSimu-1.0.5-11.b.fc23same: local and remote: IQmol-2.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ImageMagick- newer remote: local: InsightToolkit-4.7.1-4.fc23 remote: InsightToolkit-4.8.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: Inventor-2.1.5-53.fc23 same: local and remote: Io-language-20131204-1.fc22 same: local and remote: JSCookMenu-2.0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: Judy-1.0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: KoboDeluxe-0.5.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: L-function-1.23-15.fc23 same: local and remote: LabPlot- same: local and remote: LibRaw-0.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: LinLog-0.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: Lmod-6.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: LogService-2.8.0-10.fc23 only remote: LuxRender-1.3.1-20.fc23same: local and remote: MAKEDEV-3.24-16.fc23 same: local and remote: MUMPS-5.0.1-1.fc23 only remote: Macaulay2-1.6-13.fc23same: local and remote: Maelstrom-3.0.6-29.fc23 same: local and remote: MagicPoint-1.13a-13.fc23 same: local and remote: Mars-4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: Mayavi-4.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: MochiKit-1.4.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ModemManager-1.4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: MyPasswordSafe-0.6.7-25.20061216.fc23 same: local and remote: MySQL-zrm-3.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: NFStest-1.0.11-0.fc23 same: local and remote: NLopt-2.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: NaturalDocs-1.52-5.fc23 same: local and remote: NearTree-3.1.1-8.fc21 same: local and remote: NetPIPE-3.7.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-iodine-0.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-l2tp- newer remote: local: NetworkManager-openconnect-1.0.0-1.fc22 remote: NetworkManager-openconnect-1.0.2-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: NetworkManager-openswan-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-openvpn-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-pptp-1.1.0-2.20150428git695d4f2.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-ssh-0.9.4-0.1.20150713git60f03fe.fc23 same: local and remote: NetworkManager-vpnc-1.0.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: OCE-0.15-3.fc20.1 remote: OCE-0.16.1-5.fc23.1 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ORBit-0.5.17-43.fc23 same: local and remote: ORBit2-2.14.19-14.fc23 same: local and remote: OSGi-bundle-ant-task-0.2.0-0.13.svn1242.fc23 same: local and remote: OmegaT-2.6.3-2.fc22 same: local and remote: OpenColorIO-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenEXR-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenEXR_CTL-1.0.1-23.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenEXR_Viewers-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenIPMI-2.0.21-9.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenImageIO-1.5.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenLP-2.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenMesh-3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenNL-3.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenSceneGraph-3.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: OpenStego-0.5.2-14.fc21 same: local and remote: OpenTK-1.1-4.4c.fc23 same: local and remote: PackageKit-1.0.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: PackageKit-Qt-0.9.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: Panini-0.71.104-5.fc23 same: local and remote: PerceptualDiff-1.1.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: Perlbal-1.80-17.fc23 same: local and remote: PersonalCopy-Lite-soundfont-4.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: PolicyKit-olpc-1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: Pound-2.7-0.5.d.fc23 same: local and remote: PragmARC-20130728-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ProDy-1.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: PyGreSQL-4.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: PyKDE-3.16.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: PyMca-4.7.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: PyMunin-0.9.27-4.fc23 same: local and remote: PyOpenGL-3.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: PyPAM-0.5.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: PyPE-2.9.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: PyQt-3.18.1-31.fc23 same: local and remote: PyQt4-4.11.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: PyQuante-1.6.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: PyQwt-5.2.0-29.fc23 same: local and remote: PyRTF-0.45-18.fc23 same: local and remote: PySBIG-0.04-14.fc23 same: local and remote: PySolFC-2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: PySolFC-cardsets-2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: PySolFC-music-4.40-13.fc23 same: local and remote: PyX-0.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: PyXB-1.2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: PyYAML-3.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: Pyrex-0.9.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: PythonCard-0.8.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: QMsgBox-0-5.20130830git94677dc.fc23 same: local and remote: QsLog-0-8.2959cecgit.fc23 same: local and remote: QtDMM-0.8.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: QuantLib-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-3.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-ALL-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-AnnotationDbi-1.30.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-BSgenome-1.32.0-1.fc21 same: local and remote: R-BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2-1.3.19-5.fc21 same: local and remote: R-Biobase-2.28.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-BiocGenerics-0.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-Biostrings-2.36.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-BufferedMatrix-1.28.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-BufferedMatrixMethods-1.28.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-DBI-0.2.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-DynDoc-1.42.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-GeneR-2.24.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: R-GenomeInfoDb-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-GenomicFeatures-1.14.2-2.fc21 same: local and remote: R-GenomicRanges-1.20.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-IRanges-2.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-RCurl- same: local and remote: R-RM2-0.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: R-ROC-1.38.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: R-RODBC-1.3.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-RSQLite-0.11.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-RUnit-0.4.26-10.fc23 same: local and remote: R-Rcompression-0.93.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: R-Rsamtools-1.20.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-Rsolid-0.9.31-16.fc23 same: local and remote: R-S4Vectors-0.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-TH-data-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-XML- same: local and remote: R-XVector-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-abind-1.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: R-acepack- same: local and remote: R-affy-1.40.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-affydata-1.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-affyio-1.32.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-biglm-0.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-biomaRt-2.18.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-bitops-1.0.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: R-caTools-1.17.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-car-2.0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-combinat-0.0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: R-expm- same: local and remote: R-fibroEset-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-hgu133acdf-2.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-hgu95av2cdf-2.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-hgu95av2probe-2.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-lmtest-0.9.34-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-mAr-1.1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: R-maanova-1.34.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-msm-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-multcomp-1.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-multtest-2.20.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-mvtnorm-1.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-nws- same: local and remote: R-pls-2.4.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-preprocessCore-1.26.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-qcc-2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: R-qtl-1.36.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-qvalue-1.38.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-rlecuyer-0.3.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: R-rtracklayer-1.22.3-5.fc22 same: local and remote: R-sandwich-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-sciplot-1.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: R-statmod-1.4.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: R-systemfit-1.1.15-7.fc23 same: local and remote: R-timeDate-3010.98-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-tkWidgets-1.42.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-waveslim-1.7.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: R-wavethresh-4.6.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: R-widgetTools-1.42.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R-xtable-1.7.1-4.fc21 same: local and remote: R-zoo-1.7.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: R2spec-4.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: RBTools-0.7.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: RabbIT-4.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: RackTables-0.20.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: Ray-2.3.1-9.fc23 only remote: RdRand-2.0.0-4.fc23same: local and remote: RemoteBox-1.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: RepetierHost-0.90D-5.fc23 same: local and remote: Ri-li-2.0.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: RunSnakeRun-2.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: SAASound-3.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL-1.2.15-18.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL2-2.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL2_gfx-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL2_image-2.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL2_mixer-2.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL2_net-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL2_ttf-2.0.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_Pango-0.1.2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_gfx-2.0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_image-1.2.12-12.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_mixer-1.2.12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_net-1.2.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_sound-1.0.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: SDL_ttf-2.0.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: SFML-2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: SIBsim4-0.20-9.fc23 same: local and remote: SILLY-0.1.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: SIMVoleon-2.0.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: SLOF-0.1.git20150429-1.fc23 same: local and remote: SOIL-1.07-14.20080706.fc23 same: local and remote: Saaghar-1.0.94-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ScientificPython-2.8-20.fc22 newer remote: local: ShellCheck-0.3.4-2.fc22 remote: ShellCheck-0.3.7-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: SimGear-3.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: SimplyHTML-0.16.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: Singular-3.1.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: SkyX-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: SoQt-1.5.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: SocketW-031026-8.fc23 same: local and remote: SolarModel-2.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: Spawning-0.9.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: StarCluster-0.95.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: SuperLU-4.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: TOPCOM-0.17.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: TeXamator-1.7.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: TeXmacs-1.99.2-4.fc22 same: local and remote: Thunar-1.6.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: TurboGears-1.1.3-10.fc21 same: local and remote: TurboGears2-2.3.0-0.4.git6da6959.fc21 same: local and remote: VMDKstream-0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ViTables-2.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: VirtualGL-2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: Vuurmuur-0.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: WALinuxAgent-2.0.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: WebCalendar-1.2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: WebShell-0.9.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: WindowMaker-0.95.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: WindowMaker-extra-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: WritRecogn-0.1.9-12.fc23 same: local and remote: Xaw3d-1.6.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: XmlSchema-1.4.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: Xnee-3.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: YafaRay-0.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: Zim-0.63-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ZipArchive-4.1.2-6.fc23 only remote: a2jmidid-8-9.fc23newer remote: local: a2ps-4.14-26.fc22 remote: a2ps-4.14-28.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: aajohan-comfortaa-fonts-2.004-5.fc23 same: local and remote: aalib-1.4.0-0.27.rc5.fc23 same: local and remote: abakus-0.92-6.fc23 same: local and remote: abattis-cantarell-fonts-0.0.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: abc-1.01-6.hg20150306.fc23 same: local and remote: abcde-2.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: abcm2ps-7.8.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: abduco-0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: abe-1.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: abgraph-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: abi-compliance-checker-1.99.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: abi-dumper-0.99.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: abiword-3.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: abook-0.6.0-0.17.20141128git6e550af.fc23 same: local and remote: abootimg-0.6-11.20110830gitff8e759.fc23 same: local and remote: abrt-2.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: abrt-java-connector-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: accerciser-3.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: access-modifier-annotation-1.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: accountsservice-0.6.40-2.fc23 same: local and remote: accrete-1.0-13.fc23 newer remote: local: accumulo-1.6.1-2.fc21 remote: accumulo-1.6.1-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: acegisecurity-1.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: aces_container-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ack-2.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: acl-2.2.52-9.fc23 same: local and remote: acpi-1.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: acpica-tools-20150619-2.fc23 only remote: acpid-2.0.23-5.fc23same: local and remote: acpitool-0.5.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: activeio-3.1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: activemq-5.6.0-9.fc21 same: local and remote: activemq-cpp-3.8.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: activemq-protobuf-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: adanaxisgpl-1.2.5-21.fc23 same: local and remote: adcli-0.7.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: adevs-2.8.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: adf-accanthis-fonts-1.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: adf-gillius-fonts-1.008-11.fc23 same: local and remote: adf-tribun-fonts-1.13-10.fc23 same: local and remote: adime-2.2.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: adjtimex-1.29-10.fc23 same: local and remote: admesh-0.98.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: adns-1.4-18.fc23 same: local and remote: adobe-source-code-pro-fonts-1.017-6.fc23 same: local and remote: adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts-1.002-2.fc23 same: local and remote: adobe-source-han-sans-tw-fonts-1.002-2.fc23 same: local and remote: adobe-source-libraries-1.0.43-24.fc22 same: local and remote: adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts-1.050-5.fc23 same: local and remote: adonthell-0.3.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: adplay-1.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: adplug-2.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: advancecomp-1.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: adwaita-icon-theme-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: adwaita-qt-0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: aesh-0.33.7-3.fc23 newer remote: local: aespipe-2.4c-1.fc21 remote: aespipe-2.4c-10.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: aether-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aether-ant-tasks-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: aether-connector-okhttp-0.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: afflib-3.7.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: afpfs-ng-0.8.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: afuse-0.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: agedu-0-9.r9153.fc23 same: local and remote: agg-2.5-23.fc23 same: local and remote: aggregate-1.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: agistudio-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ahc-tools-0.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ahcpd-0.53-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ahkab-0.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ahven-2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: aiccu-2007.01.15-22.fc22 same: local and remote: aide-0.15.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: aiksaurus-1.2.1-33.fc23 same: local and remote: ailurus-10.10.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: aime-8.20150211-3.fc23 same: local and remote: aircrack-ng-1.2-0.8rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: airinv-1.00.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: airline-0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: airrac-1.00.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: airsnort-0.2.7e-24.fc23 same: local and remote: airtsp-1.01.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aisleriot-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aj-snapshot-0.9.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: akonadi-1.13.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: akuma-1.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: alacarte-3.11.91-3.fc23 same: local and remote: albatross-1.7.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: albumart-1.6.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: aldo-0.7.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aldusleaf-crimson-text-fonts-0.8-0.5.20130806.fc23 same: local and remote: alef-fonts-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: alevt-1.6.2-25.fc23 same: local and remote: alex-3.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: alex4-1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: alexandria-0.6.9-10.fc23.2 same: local and remote: alfont-2.0.9-8.fc23 only remote: alglib-3.9.0-3.fc23same: local and remote: alien-8.90-5.fc23 same: local and remote: alienarena-7.66-8.fc23 same: local and remote: alienblaster-1.1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: allegro-4.4.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: allegro5-5.0.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: alleyoop-0.9.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: allgeyer-fonts-5.002-12.fc23 same: local and remote: alliance-5.0-40.20090901snap.fc22 same: local and remote: alltray-0.71b-10.fc23 same: local and remote: almanah-0.11.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: almas-mongolian-title-fonts-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: alot-0.3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: alphabet-soup-1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: alpine-2.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: alsa-firmware-1.0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: alsa-lib-1.0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: alsa-plugins-1.0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: alsa-tools-1.0.29-4.fc23 same: local and remote: alsa-utils-1.0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: alsamixergui-0.9.0-0.21.rc2.fc23 newer remote: local: alt-ergo-0.95.2-5.fc21 remote: alt-ergo-0.99.1-7.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: altermime-0.3.10-12.fc23 same: local and remote: alure-1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: am-utils-6.2.0-4.20140906gitbb13dea6.fc23 same: local and remote: amanda-3.3.7p1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: amanith-0.3-31.fc23 same: local and remote: amarok-2.8.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: amavisd-new-2.10.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ambari-1.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ambdec-0.5.1-9.fc23 only remote: american-fuzzy-lop-1.71b-2.fc23same: local and remote: amftools-0.0-9.20121220svn32.fc23 same: local and remote: amiri-fonts-0.107-3.fc23 same: local and remote: amoebax-0.2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: amor-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: amora-1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21 same: local and remote: ampr-ripd-1.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: amprd-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: amqp-1.0-3.20150701svn1688630.fc23 same: local and remote: ams-2.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: amtterm-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: anaconda-23.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: anaconda-realmd-0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: anaconda-user-help-22.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: analitza-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: anchorman-0.0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: and-1.2.2-23.fc23 same: local and remote: android-json-org-java-5.0.2-0.2.r1.fc23 same: local and remote: android-opengl-api-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: android-tools-20141219git8393e50-4.fc23 same: local and remote: anet-0.3.1-2.fc23 only remote: angelscript-2.30.0-8.fc23same: local and remote: angrydd-1.0.1-13.fc23 newer remote: local: anjuta-3.15.90-2.fc23 remote: anjuta-3.16.0-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: anki-2.0.32-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ann-1.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: annogen-0.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: annotation-indexer-1.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: annox-0.5.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ansible-1.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ansible-inventory-grapher-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ansible-lint-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ansible-openstack-modules-0-20140903git79d751a.fc23 same: local and remote: ansifilter-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ant-1.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ant-antunit-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ant-contrib-1.0-0.28.b3.fc23 same: local and remote: anthy-9100h-28.fc23 same: local and remote: antimicro-2.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: antiword-0.37-18.fc23 same: local and remote: antlr-2.7.7-37.fc23 same: local and remote: antlr-maven-plugin-2.2-15.fc23 newer remote: local: antlr3-3.5.2-2.fc21 remote: antlr3-3.5.2-9.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: antlr32-3.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: antlr4-4.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: antlrworks-1.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ants-1.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: anyremote-6.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: anyterm-1.1.29-27.fc23 same: local and remote: aoetools-36-9.fc23 same: local and remote: aopalliance-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: apa-new-athena-unicode-fonts-3.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-beanutils-1.9.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-chain-1.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-cli-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-codec-1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-collections-3.2.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-collections4-4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-compress-1.10-0.2.svn1684406.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-configuration-1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-csv-1.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: apache-commons-daemon-1.0.15-9.fc22 remote: apache-commons-daemon-1.0.15-10.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: apache-commons-dbcp-1.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-dbutils-1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-digester-2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-discovery-0.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-el-1.0-35.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-email-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-exec-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-fileupload-1.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-io-2.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-javaflow-1.0-0.10.20120509SNAPSHOT.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-jci-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-jexl-2.1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-jxpath-1.3-24.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-lang-2.6-17.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-lang3-3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-launcher-1.1-16.20100521svn936225.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-logging-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-math-3.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-modeler-2.0.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-net-3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-ognl-3.0.2-10.20120313svn1102435.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-parent-38-1.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-pool-1.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-pool2-2.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-primitives-1.1-0.2.678495.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-validator-1.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-commons-vfs-2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-ivy-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-james-project-1.8.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-log4j-extras- same: local and remote: apache-mime4j-0.7.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-mina-2.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-parent-17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-poi-3.10.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-rat-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-resource-bundles-2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: apache-scout-1.2.6-11.fc21 same: local and remote: apache-sshd-0.11.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: apacheds-1.5.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: apacheds-ldap-client-0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: apacheds-shared-0.9.19-9.fc23 same: local and remote: apachetop-0.15.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: apanov-edrip-fonts-20100430-10.fc23 same: local and remote: apanov-heuristica-fonts-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: apbs-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: apcupsd-3.14.13-3.fc23 newer remote: local: ape-2.1.0-3.fc20 remote: ape-2.2.0-2.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: apg-2.3.0b-24.fc23 same: local and remote: api-sanity-checker-1.98.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: apiextractor-0.10.10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: apitrace-7.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: apiviz-1.3.2-9.fc23 only remote: apmd-3.2.2-23.fc23same: local and remote: apper-0.9.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: appframework-1.03-15.fc23 same: local and remote: appliance-tools-007.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: appmenu-qt-0.2.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: appmenu-qt5-0.r26-5.fc23 same: local and remote: appstream-0.8.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: appstream-data-23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: apr-1.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apr-api-docs-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: apr-util-1.5.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apricots-0.2.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: apron-0.9.10-29.fc23 same: local and remote: aprsd-2.2.5-15.6.fc23.11 same: local and remote: aprsdigi-3.5.1-5.fc23 newer remote: local: apt-0.5.15lorg3.95-9.git522.1.fc20 remote: apt-0.5.15lorg3.95-20.git522.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: apt-cacher-ng-0.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: apvlv-0.1.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: apx-0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aqbanking-5.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: aqemu-0.8.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: aqsis-1.8.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: aqute-bnd-2.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: arandr- same: local and remote: arc-5.21p-6.fc23 same: local and remote: arc-gui-clients-0.4.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: arch-install-scripts-15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: archimedes-2.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: archivemail-0.9.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: archivemount-0.8.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: archlinux-keyring-20150605-1.fc23 same: local and remote: archmage-0.2.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ardour-2.8.16-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ardour2-2.8.16-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ardour4-4.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: arduino-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: argparse4j-0.4.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: args4j-2.32-1.fc23 same: local and remote: argtable-2.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: argus-3.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: argyllcms-1.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aria2-1.19.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aries-blueprint-0.3.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: aries-proxy-0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: aries-quiesce-0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: aries-util-0.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: arj-3.10.22-23.fc23 same: local and remote: ark-15.04.2-2.fc23 only remote: arm-boot-config-0.63-4.fc23same: local and remote: arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs-2.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs-5.1.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: arm-none-eabi-gdb-7.6.2-1.fc20 remote: arm-none-eabi-gdb-7.6.2-3.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: arm-none-eabi-newlib-2.2.0_1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: armacycles-ad- same: local and remote: armadillo-5.200.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: arora-0.11.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: arp-scan-1.8.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: arpack-3.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: arpage-0.3.3-19.fc23 same: local and remote: arprec-2.2.17-6.fc23 same: local and remote: arptables-0.0.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: arptools-1.0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: arpwatch-2.1a15-34.fc23 same: local and remote: arrows-0.6-17.fc23 same: local and remote: artha-1.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: artikulate-15.04.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: arts-1.5.10-29.fc23 same: local and remote: artwiz-aleczapka-fonts-1.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: asc- same: local and remote: asc-music-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ascend-0.9.8-19.20140710svn4695.fc23 same: local and remote: ascii-3.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ascii-design-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: asciidoc-8.6.8-7.fc23 newer remote: local: asciinema-0.9.8-2.fc21 remote: asciinema-1.1.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: asciiquarium-1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: asio-1.10.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: asl-1.42-0.25.bld97.fc23 same: local and remote: asm6809-2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: asn1c-0.9.27-2.fc23 same: local and remote: aspectjweaver-1.8.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell- same: local and remote: aspell-af-0.50-19.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-ar-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-bg-4.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-bn-0.01.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-br-0.50-19.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-ca-2.1.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-cs-20040614-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-cy-0.50-17.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-da-1.4.42-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-de-20030222-14.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-el-0.50-17.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-en-7.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-es-1.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-fi-0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-fo-0.2.16-18.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-fr-0.50-22.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-ga-4.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-gd-0.1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-gl-0.5a-10.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-gu-0.03-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-he-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-hi-0.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-hr-0.51-16.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-id-1.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-is-0.51.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-it-2.2_20050523-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-la-20020503-4.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-ml-0.03-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-mr-0.10-14.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-nl-0.50-6.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-no-0.50.1-23.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-or-0.03-14.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-pa-0.01-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-pl-6.0_20061121-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-pt_BR-20090702-9.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-pt_PT-20070510-8.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-ru-0.99f7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-sk-2.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-sl-0.50-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-sr-0.02-14.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-sv-0.51-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-ta-20040424-13.fc23 same: local and remote: aspell-te-0.01-13.fc23 newer remote: local: assimp-3.0.1270-11.fc23 remote: assimp-3.1.1-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ast-8.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: asterisk-13.3.2-1.fc23.2 same: local and remote: asterisk-gui-2.0-11.20120518svn5220.fc23 same: local and remote: asterisk-sounds-core-1.4.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: astloch-fonts-1.00-4.41528389c445hg.fc23 newer remote: local: astromenace-1.3.1-3.fc20 remote: astromenace-1.3.2-6.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: astronomy-backgrounds-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: astronomy-bookmarks-1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: astronomy-menus-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: astyle-2.05.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: asunder-2.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: asylum-0.3.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: asymptote-2.35-3.fc23 same: local and remote: at-3.1.16-6.fc23 same: local and remote: at-spi2-atk-2.17.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: at-spi2-core-2.17.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: atanks-6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: atari++-1.73-6.fc23 same: local and remote: atasm-1.07d-10.fc23 same: local and remote: aterm-1.0.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: atf-0.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ath_info-0-0.11.20130214svn.fc23 only remote: athcool-0.3.12-12.fc23same: local and remote: atinject-1-21.20100611svn86.fc23 same: local and remote: atk-2.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: atkmm-2.23.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: atlas-3.10.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: atlascpp-0.6.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: atmel-firmware-1.3-14.fc23 only remote: atomic-1.0-1.git52d695c.fc23same: local and remote: atomic-reactor-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: atomicapp-0.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: atomix-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: atomorun-1.1-0.20.pre2.fc23 same: local and remote: atool-0.39.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: atop-2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: atoum-2.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: atril-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: attica-0.4.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: attr-2.4.47-12.fc23 same: local and remote: aubio-0.3.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: audacious-3.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: audacious-plugin-fc- same: local and remote: audacious-plugins-3.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: audacity-2.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: audex-0.79-2.fc23 same: local and remote: audio-convert-mod-3.46.0b-9.fc23 same: local and remote: audio-entropyd-2.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: audiocd-kio-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: audiofile-0.3.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: audit-2.4.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: audit-viewer-0.7.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: augeas-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: augeas-vala-0.10.0-8.fc23 only remote: aunit-2015-2.fc23same: local and remote: auriferous-1.0.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: authconfig-6.2.10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: authd-1.4.3-43.fc23 same: local and remote: auto-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: auto-buildrequires-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: auto-destdir-1.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: autoarchive-1.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23 same: local and remote: autoconf-archive-2015.02.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: autoconf213-2.13-35.fc23 same: local and remote: autodir-0.99.9-19.fc23 same: local and remote: autodocksuite-4.2.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: autodownloader-0.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: autofs-5.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: autogen-5.18.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: autojump-21.7.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: autokey-0.90.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: automake-1.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: automaton-1.11r8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: automoc-1.0-0.23.rc3.fc23 same: local and remote: autossh-1.4e-1.fc23 same: local and remote: autotest-framework-0.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: autotrace-0.31.1-41.fc23 same: local and remote: autotrash-0.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: autowrap-0.6.1-4.20150209gitd0e9a5.fc23 same: local and remote: avahi-0.6.31-37.fc23 same: local and remote: avalon-framework-4.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: avalon-logkit-2.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: avarice-2.12-7.fc22 newer remote: local: avgtime-0-0.14.git20141110.fc22 remote: avgtime-0-0.15.git20141110.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: avl-3.35-4.fc23 same: local and remote: avogadro-1.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: avoision-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: avr-binutils-2.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: avr-gcc-5.1.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: avr-gdb-7.1-9.fc20 remote: avr-gdb-7.1-12.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: avr-libc-1.8.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: avra-1.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: avrdude-6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: avro-1.7.5-9.fc22 same: local and remote: awake-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: awesfx-0.5.1c-12.fc23 same: local and remote: awesome-3.5.6-3.fc23 only remote: aws-2015-2.fc23same: local and remote: awstats-7.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ax25-apps-0.0.6-20.fc23 same: local and remote: ax25-tools-0.0.10-0.13.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: axel-2.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: axiom-1.2.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: axis-1.4-27.fc23 same: local and remote: axis2-1.6.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: axmail-2.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ayttm-0.6.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: azove-2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: azureus- same: local and remote: b43-fwcutter-019-5.fc23 same: local and remote: b43-openfwwf-5.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: b43-tools-017-5.fc23 same: local and remote: babel-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: babeld-1.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: babeltrace-1.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: babl-0.1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: backintime-1.0.36-2.fc23 same: local and remote: backup-light-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: backup-manager-0.7.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: backupninja-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bacula-7.0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: bacula-docs-7.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bacula2-2.4.4-21.fc23 same: local and remote: baekmuk-bdf-fonts-2.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: baekmuk-ttf-fonts-2.2-39.fc23 same: local and remote: bakefile-0.2.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: bakery-2.6.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: balance-3.52-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ballbuster-1.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: ballerburg-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: balloontip- same: local and remote: ballz-1.0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: baloo-4.14.3-5.fc23 newer remote: local: baloo-kcmadv-1.00.00-1.fc21 remote: baloo-kcmadv-1.00.00-1.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: baloo-widgets-4.14.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: balsa-2.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bam-0.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: bamf-0.5.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bandit-0.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bandwidthd-2.0.1-29.fc23 same: local and remote: bangarang-2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: banner-1.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bannergrab-3.5-5.fc23 newer remote: local: banshee-2.6.2-11.fc23 remote: banshee-2.6.2-12.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: banshee-community-extensions-2.4.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: baobab-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: barcode-0.98-25.fc23 newer remote: local: bareftp-0.3.9-6.fc20 remote: bareftp-0.3.9-10.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: barman-1.3.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: barrage-1.0.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: barry-0.18.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: base64coder-20101219-13.fc23 same: local and remote: basesystem-11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bash-4.3.39-5.fc23 same: local and remote: bash-argsparse-1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bash-completion-2.1-8.20150513git1950590.fc23 same: local and remote: bashdb-4.3_0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bashmount-3.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: bastet-0.43.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: batctl-2015.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: batik-1.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bats-0.4.0-2.20141016git3b33a5a.fc23 same: local and remote: batti-0.3.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: bbkeys-0.9.0-24.fc23 same: local and remote: bc-1.06.95-15.fc23 same: local and remote: bcache-tools-1.0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: bcel-6.0-0.4.20140406svn1592769.fc23 same: local and remote: bchunk-1.2.0-17.fc23 only remote: bcm283x-firmware-20150723-1.43c4847.fc23same: local and remote: bcm43xx-fwcutter-006-14.fc23 same: local and remote: bcrypt-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: bdii-5.2.23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: be-1.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: bea-stax-1.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: beacon-0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: beakerlib-1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bean-validation-api-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: beansbinding-1.2.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: beanstalkd-1.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: beecrypt-4.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: beediff-1.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: beefy-miracle-backgrounds-16.91.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: beefy-miracle-kde-theme- same: local and remote: beep-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: beesu-2.7-25.fc23 same: local and remote: beets-1.3.13-3.fc23 only remote: beignet-1.0.3-3.fc23same: local and remote: belier-1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: beneath-a-steel-sky-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: beneath-a-steel-sky-cd-0.0372-11.fc23 same: local and remote: berusky-1.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: berusky-data-1.7-4.fc23 only remote: berusky2-0.10-7.fc23same: local and remote: berusky2-data-0.9-4.fc23 newer remote: local: bes-3.13.1-2.fc22 remote: bes-3.14.0-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: beteckna-fonts-0.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: beust-jcommander-1.47-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bfa-firmware- same: local and remote: bfast-0.7.0a-10.fc22 same: local and remote: bharati-m17n-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: bib2html-1.2.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: biber-1.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: bibexport-2.10-12.fc23 same: local and remote: biblesync-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bibletime-2.10.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: bibtex2html-1.97-8.fc23 same: local and remote: bibus-1.5.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: bibutils-5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bicon-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bidiv-1.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: bigloo-4.1a-9.2.fc23 same: local and remote: bijiben-3.17.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: billiards-0.4.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: biloba-0.9.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: binclock-0.3.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: bind-9.10.2-9.P3.fc23 same: local and remote: bind-dyndb-ldap-8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bind-to-tinydns-0.4.3-16.20140818gitdf0ddc3.fc23 same: local and remote: bind99-9.9.7-6.P2.fc23 same: local and remote: bindex-2.2-13.svn96.fc23 same: local and remote: bindfs-1.12.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bing-1.1.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: biniax-1.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: binutils-2.25-12.fc23 same: local and remote: binwalk-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bio2jack-0.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: bionetgen-2.2.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: bios_extract-0-0.14.20101207gitd65284d.fc23 only remote: biosdevname-0.6.2-1.fc23same: local and remote: bip-0.8.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: bird-1.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bison-3.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bitbake-1.17.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bitfrost-1.0.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: bitlbee-3.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bitlyclip-0.2.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bitmap-1.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bitmap-fonts-0.3-23.fc23 same: local and remote: bitstream-vera-fonts-1.10-27.fc23 same: local and remote: bitten-0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: bkchem-0.14.0-11.pre2.fc23 same: local and remote: bkhive-1.1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: blackbox-0.70.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: bleachbit-1.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: blender-2.75-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bless-0.6.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: blinken-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bliss-0.72-13.fc23 same: local and remote: blitz-0.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: blivet-gui-0.3.5-1.fc23 only remote: blktap-3.0.0-3.fc23.git0.9.2same: local and remote: blktrace-1.1.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: blobby-1.0-2svn1541.fc22 remote: blobby-1.0-7.svn1541.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: blobwars-1.19-12.fc23 same: local and remote: blosc-1.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: blt-2.4-46.z.fc23 same: local and remote: bltk-1.1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: bluebird-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecove-2.1.1-0.11.20101024snap63.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-classic-metacity-theme-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-gnome-theme-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-gtk-themes-1.0.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-icon-theme-8.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-kde-theme-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-metacity-theme-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: bluecurve-xmms-skin-1.0.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: bluedevil-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bluefish-2.2.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: blueman-2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: blueproximity-1.2.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: bluetile-0.6-29.fc23 same: local and remote: bluez-5.32-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bluez-hcidump-2.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bmake-20141111-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bmon-3.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bmpanel2-2.1-0.16.pre1.fc23 same: local and remote: boa-0.94.14-0.24.rc21.fc23 newer remote: local: bochs-2.6.2-7.fc22 remote: bochs-2.6.2-9.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: bodhi- same: local and remote: bodr-10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bogl-0.1.18-29.fc23 same: local and remote: bogofilter-1.2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: boilerpipe-1.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: boinc-client-7.2.42-3.gitdd0d630.fc22 newer remote: local: bolzplatz2006-1.0.3-27.fc21 remote: bolzplatz2006-1.0.3-30.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: bombardier- newer remote: local: bomber-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: bomber-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: bonesi-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bonnie++-1.96-10.fc23 same: local and remote: bontmia-0.14-14.fc23 newer remote: local: boo- remote: boo- with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: bookkeeper-4.2.1-10.fc21 remote: bookkeeper-4.2.1-16.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: boom-0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: boost-1.57.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: boost-gdb-printers-5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bootparamd-0.17-42.fc23 same: local and remote: boswars-2.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: boswars-addons-2.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: botan-1.10.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bouml-4.21-11.fc23 same: local and remote: bouml-doc-4.3.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: bouncycastle-1.52-7.fc23 same: local and remote: bouncycastle-mail-1.52-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bouncycastle-pg-1.52-8.fc23 same: local and remote: bouncycastle-pkix-1.52-7.fc23 same: local and remote: bournal-1.5-11.fc23 newer remote: local: bovo-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: bovo-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: bowtie-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: boxes-1.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bpg-fonts-20120413-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bpython-0.14.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: brainf*ck-0.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: brasero-3.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: brazil-2.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: brd-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: breathe-4.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: brewtarget-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bridge-method-injector-1.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: bridge-utils-1.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: brise-0.35-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bristol-0.60.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: brltty-5.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: bro-2.3.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: brutalchess-0.5.2-0.9.alpha.fc23 same: local and remote: bsd-games-2.17-48.fc23 same: local and remote: bsdiff-4.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: bsf-2.4.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: bsfilter-1.0.19-1.fc23.2 same: local and remote: bsh-1.3.0-33.fc23 same: local and remote: bsp-5.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: btanks-0.9.8083-12.fc23 same: local and remote: btest-0.54-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bti-034-5.fc23 same: local and remote: btkbdd-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: btm-2.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: btrfs-progs-4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: bubblemon-1.46-18.fc23 same: local and remote: bucardo-4.5.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: budgie-2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: bugwarrior-1.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bugzilla-4.4.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: buildbot-0.8.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: buildnumber-maven-plugin-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: bullet-2.82-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bundling-detection-java-0.1-0.5.20150611git.fc23 only remote: bunny-0.93-19.fc23same: local and remote: burp-1.4.40-1.fc23 only remote: bustle-0.4.8-4.fc23newer remote: local: busybox-1.19.4-15.fc21 remote: busybox-1.22.1-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: bval-0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: bvi-1.4.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: bwa-0.6.1-7.fc20 remote: bwa-0.7.12-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: bwbar-1.2.3-18.fc23 same: local and remote: bwidget-1.9.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bwm-ng-0.6-18.fc23 same: local and remote: byacc-1.9.20141128-2.fc23 same: local and remote: byaccj-1.15-11.fc23 same: local and remote: bygfoot-2.3.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: byobu-5.92-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bytecode-compatibility-transformer-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: bytelist-1.0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: byteman- same: local and remote: byzanz-0.3-0.15.fc23 same: local and remote: bzflag-2.4.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: bzip2-1.0.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: bzr-2.6.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: bzr-fastimport-0.13.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: bzrtools-2.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: c++-gtk-utils-2.0.16-7.fc23 same: local and remote: c-ares-1.10.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: c-graph-2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: c2esp-2.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: c3p0-0.9.5-0.2.pre8.fc23 same: local and remote: ca-certificates-2015.2.4-3.fc23 newer remote: local: cab-0.1.9-12.fc22 remote: cab-0.2.15-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: cabal-install- same: local and remote: cabal-rpm-0.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cabextract-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cachefilesd-0.10.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cadaver-0.23.3-10.fc23 only remote: cadvisor-0.16.0-1.fc23same: local and remote: cagibi-0.2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cairo-1.14.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cairo-clock-0.3.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: cairo-dock-3.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cairomm-1.10.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: caja-1.10.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: caja-actions-1.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: caja-extensions-1.10.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: caja-terminal-0.8.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: cajun-jsonapi-2.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cal10n-0.7.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cal3d-0.11.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: calamares-1.0.1-5.20150502gita70306e54f505.fc23 same: local and remote: calamaris-2.59-12.fc23 same: local and remote: calc- same: local and remote: calcurse-4.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: caledonia-kde-theme-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: calendar-1.28-3.20140613cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: calf-0.0.19-8.fc23 same: local and remote: calibre-2.33.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: california-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: callgit-2.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: calligra-2.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: calligra-l10n-2.9.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: camE-1.9-25.fc23 same: local and remote: cambozola-0.93-3.fc23 only remote: caml-crush-1.0.6-2.fc23same: local and remote: camorama-0.19-16.fc23 same: local and remote: campivisivi-titillium-fonts-20120913-6.fc23 same: local and remote: canl-c-2.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: canl-c++-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: canl-java-2.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cantata-1.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cantor-15.04.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: capstats-0.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: captcp-1.9-2.fc23 only remote: carat-2.1b1.19.07.2008-2.fc23same: local and remote: carbon-c-relay-0.42-2.fc23 same: local and remote: carbonate-0.2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cardpeek-0.8.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cargo-parent-4.13-7.fc23 same: local and remote: caribou- same: local and remote: carterone-fonts-1.00-5.716ff965e2b0hg.fc23 same: local and remote: carto-0.14.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cas-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: cas-client-3.3.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cashe-0.99.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: castor-1.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: castor-maven-plugin-2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: catdoc-0.94.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: catfish-1.2.2-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: catkin-0.4.5-11.gitd4f1f24.fc23 same: local and remote: cave9-0.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: cbi-plugins-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cbios-0.23-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cbmc-5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cbootimage-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cbrpager-0.9.22-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ccache-3.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ccd2iso-0.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ccgo- same: local and remote: cciss_vol_status-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cclive-0.9.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ccrtp-2.0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ccrypt-1.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ccsm-0.8.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ccze-0.2.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: cd-discid-1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cdac-sakal-marathi-fonts-9.21-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cdargs-1.35-17.fc23 same: local and remote: cdbs-0.4.130-2.fc23 newer remote: local: cdcollect-0.6.0-20.fc21 remote: cdcollect-0.6.0-23.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: cddlib-094h-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cdi-api-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: cdi-api1-1.0-16.SP4.fc23 same: local and remote: cdk-5.0.20141106-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cdlabelgen-4.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cdm-0.5.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: cdogs-sdl-0.5.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cdparanoia-10.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: cdpr-2.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cdrdao-1.2.3-25.fc23 same: local and remote: cdrkit-1.1.11-29.fc23 same: local and remote: cdsclient-3.80-1.fc23 only remote: cduce-0.6.0-13.fc23same: local and remote: cdw-0.7.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ceelog-0.2-3.fc21 same: local and remote: cego-2.20.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cegui-0.8.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cegui06-0.6.2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: celestia-1.6.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: cellwriter-1.3.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: celt051- same: local and remote: celt071-0.7.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: centerim-4.22.10-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ceph-0.94.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ceph-deploy-1.5.25-2.fc23 only remote: ceres-solver-1.10.0-8.fc23same: local and remote: certmaster-0.28-10.fc23 same: local and remote: certmonger-0.78.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cervisia-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cf-bonveno-fonts-1.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: cf-sorts-mill-goudy-fonts-3.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cfdg-3.0-0.beta2.fc23.8 same: local and remote: cfdg-fe-0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: cfengine-3.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: cfitsio-3.370-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cflow-1.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cfv-1.18.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: cgdb-0.6.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cgdcbxd-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cgit-0.11.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cglib-3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: cgnslib-3.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: chameleon-0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: chatzilla-0.9.87-10.1450hg.fc23 same: local and remote: check-0.9.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: check-create-certificate-0.5-9.20140409gitd0971ba.fc23 same: local and remote: check-mk-1.2.6p5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: check_postgres-2.21.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: checkdns-0.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: checkpolicy-2.4-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: checksec-1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: checkstyle-6.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cheese-3.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: chemical-mime-data-0.1.94-16.fc23 same: local and remote: chemtool-1.6.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cherokee-1.2.103-7.fc23 same: local and remote: cherrytree-0.35.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: chicken- remote: chicken- with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: childsplay-1.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: chinese-calendar-0.8.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: chipmunk-5.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: chirp-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: chisholm-letterslaughing-fonts-20030323-10.fc23 same: local and remote: chisholm-to-be-continued-fonts-20090124-12.fc23 same: local and remote: chkconfig-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: chkrootkit-0.50-5.fc23 same: local and remote: chm2pdf-0.9.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: chmlib-0.40-12.fc23 same: local and remote: chmsee-2.0.2-20.gitd40ff7da.fc23 same: local and remote: chntpw-0.99.6-25.110511.fc23 same: local and remote: chocolate-doom-2.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: choqok-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: chordii-4.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: chromaprint-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: chromium-bsu- same: local and remote: chrony-2.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: chrpath-0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cifs-utils-6.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cim-schema-2.43.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cinepaint-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-2.6.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-control-center-2.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-desktop-2.6.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-menus-2.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-screensaver-2.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-session-2.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-settings-daemon-2.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cinnamon-translations-2.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ciphertest-0.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cjkuni-ukai-fonts-0.2.20080216.1-53.fc23 same: local and remote: cjkuni-uming-fonts-0.2.20080216.1-56.fc23 same: local and remote: cjs-2.6.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ckeditor-4.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ckermit-9.0.302-8.fc23 same: local and remote: cksfv-1.3.14-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cl-asdf-20101028-9.fc23 same: local and remote: clac-005-8.fc23 same: local and remote: clalsadrv-2.0.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: clamav-0.98.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: clamav-unofficial-sigs-3.7.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: clamsmtp-1.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: clamtk-5.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: clamz-0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: clanbomber-1.05-25.fc23 same: local and remote: clapham-0.1.003-12.fc23 same: local and remote: classmate-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: classycle-1.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: claws-mail-3.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: claws-mail-plugins-3.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: clawsker-0.7.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: clc-0.03-11.fc23 same: local and remote: cleanfeed-20020501-14.fc23 same: local and remote: clearlooks-compact-gnome-theme-1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: clearlooks-phenix-6.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: clearsilver-0.10.5-32.fc23 same: local and remote: clement-2.1.402-7.fc23 same: local and remote: clementine-1.2.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cli-parser-1.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: clide-0.9-12.20150109git4f1eca0.fc23 same: local and remote: clinfo-0.1-0.7.git20150215.94fdb47.fc23 same: local and remote: clipit-1.4.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: clipper-2.1-28.20140911.fc23 same: local and remote: clips-6.30.0-0.11.20090722svn.fc23 same: local and remote: clipsmm-0.3.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cliquer-1.21-9.fc23 newer remote: local: clisp-2.49-12.20130208hg.fc21 remote: clisp-2.49-17.20130208hg.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: clive-2.3.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: cln-1.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cloc-1.62-1.fc22 same: local and remote: clojure-1.7.0-0.5.fc23 same: local and remote: clonekeen-0.8.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: cloog-0.18.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: closure-compiler-20141215-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cloud-init-0.7.6-5.20140218bzr1060.fc23 same: local and remote: cloud-utils-0.27-14.fc23 same: local and remote: cloudtoserver-0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cloudy-13.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: clpbar-1.10.9-12.fc23 only remote: clpeak-0.1-9.20150215git9a39c0c.fc23same: local and remote: clthreads-2.4.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: clucene- same: local and remote: clucene09-0.9.21b-15.fc23 same: local and remote: clufter-0.50.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: clustal-omega-1.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: clusterPy-0.9.9-10.fc23 same: local and remote: clustershell-1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: clusterssh-4.02.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: clutter-1.23.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: clutter-gst-1.6.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: clutter-gst2-2.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: clutter-gst3-3.0.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: clutter-gtk-1.6.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cluttermm-1.17.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: clxclient-3.6.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: cmake-3.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cmake-fedora-2.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cmap-cns1-6-2010.10.26-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cmap-gb1-5-2010.10.30-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cmap-identity0-2010.10.26-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cmap-japan1-6-2012.08.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cmap-korean1-2-2012.01.31-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cmconvert-1.9.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cmdtest-0.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cmigemo-1.3-0.11.date20110227.fc23.3 same: local and remote: cminpack-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cmocka-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cmockery2-1.3.9-2.fc23 only remote: cmospwd-5.0-9.fc23same: local and remote: cmpfit-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cmpi-bindings-0.9.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cmusphinx3-0.8-23.fc23 same: local and remote: cmyktool-0.1.6-0.10.pre1.fc23 same: local and remote: cntlm-0.92.3-8.fc23 newer remote: local: coan-5.2-3.fc22 remote: coan-6.0.1-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: cobbler-2.6.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: coccinella-0.96.20-11.fc23 newer remote: local: coccinelle-1.0.0-0.rc20.1.fc21 remote: coccinelle-1.0.1-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: co*ckpit-0.67-1.fc23 same: local and remote: coco-coq-0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: cocot-20080315-11.fc23 same: local and remote: code-editor-2.8.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: code2html-0.9.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: codeblocks-13.12-17.fc23 same: local and remote: codec2-0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: codegen-0.6.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: codehaus-parent-4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: codemod-1.0-4.20130508giteac2165.fc23 same: local and remote: codemodel-2.6-17.fc23 same: local and remote: codenarc-0.17-14.fc23 same: local and remote: coffee-script-1.6.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cogl-1.20.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Alps-1.5.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Bcp-1.3.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Bcps-0.94.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Blis-0.94.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Bonmin-1.8.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Cbc-2.9.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Cgl-0.59.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Clp-1.16.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-CoinMP-1.7.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-CoinUtils-2.10.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Couenne-0.5.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Dip-0.91.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-DyLP-1.10.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-FlopC++-1.1.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Ipopt-3.12.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-OS-2.9.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Osi-0.107.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-SYMPHONY-5.6.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Sample-1.2.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-Vol-1.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: coin-or-lemon-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: coldet-1.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: collada-dom-2.4.3-8.fc23 only remote: collectd-5.5.0-6.fc23same: local and remote: collectl-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: color-filesystem-1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: colord-1.2.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: colord-gtk-0.1.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: colord-kde-0.4.0-2.20150519git.fc23 same: local and remote: colordiff-1.0.15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: colorgcc-1.3.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: colorhug-client-0.2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: colorize-0.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: colossus-0.14.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: colrdx-1.02-14.fc23 same: local and remote: comedilib-0.8.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: comix-4.0.4-8.fc23.1 same: local and remote: common-lisp-controller-7.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: commoncpp2-1.8.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: community-mysql-5.6.25-1.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-SFML16-1.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-expat1-1.95.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-flex-2.5.4a-14.fc23 newer remote: local: compat-gcc-296-2.96-145 remote: compat-gcc-296-2.96-146.1 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-68.13 same: local and remote: compat-gcc-34-3.4.6-37.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-gdbm-1.8.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-gnutls28-3.3.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-gtkhtml314-3.32.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-guichan05-0.5.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-guile18-1.8.8-11.fc23 newer remote: local: compat-libffi-3.0.10-4.fc20 remote: compat-libffi-3.0.10-7.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: compat-libgdata19-0.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-libgfortran-41-4.1.2-48.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-libuv010-0.10.34-3.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-libvpx1-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-lua-5.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-qpid-cpp-0.24-22.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-readline5-5.2-25.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-tolua++-1.0.93-3.fc23 same: local and remote: compat-wxGTK3-gtk2-3.0.2-5.1.fc23 same: local and remote: compface-1.5.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: compiz-0.8.8-30.fc23 same: local and remote: compiz-bcop-0.8.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: compiz-manager-0.6.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.8-16.fc23 same: local and remote: compiz-plugins-main-0.8.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.8-14.fc23 same: local and remote: compizconfig-python-0.8.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: composer-1.0.0-0.8.20150720git00c2679.fc23 same: local and remote: compress-lzf-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: comps-extras-23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: conakry-fonts-20070829-12.fc23 same: local and remote: concordance-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: concurrent-1.3.4-20.fc23 same: local and remote: concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru-1.4.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: condor-8.3.1-3.fc23 remote: condor-8.3.6-1.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: condor-ec2-enhanced-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: condor-ec2-enhanced-hooks-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: condor-job-hooks-1.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: condor-low-latency-1.2-2.fc23.6 same: local and remote: conduit-0.3.17-10.fc21 same: local and remote: cone-0.91.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: congruity-18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: conky-1.9.0-14.20141003git30d09e.fc23 same: local and remote: conky-manager-2.3.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: conman-0.2.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: conmux-0.0-24.493svn.fc23 same: local and remote: connect-proxy-1.100-12.fc23 same: local and remote: connman-1.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: conntrack-tools-1.4.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: conserver-8.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: console-bridge-0.2.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: console-setup-1.128-1.fc23 same: local and remote: conspy-1.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: constant-pool-scanner-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: constantine-backgrounds-12.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: constantine-kde-theme-12.1.0-9.fc23 only remote: consul-0-0.1.git5079177.fc23same: local and remote: contextkit-0.5.41-10.fc23 newer remote: local: contour-0.3-5.fc21 remote: contour-0.3-6.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: control-center-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: converseen-0.9.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: convmv-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cook-2.34-9.fc22 same: local and remote: cookcc-0.3.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: cookxml-3.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: coolkey-1.1.0-28.fc23 newer remote: local: coot-0.7.2-2.fc21 remote: coot-0.8.1-1.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: copr-backend-1.37-2.fc23 same: local and remote: copr-cli-1.44-2.fc23 same: local and remote: copr-frontend-1.44-2.fc23 same: local and remote: copr-keygen-1.60-2.fc23 same: local and remote: copr-selinux-1.37-1.fc23 same: local and remote: copyq-2.4.8-2.fc23 only remote: coq-8.4pl6-4.fc23same: local and remote: corebird-1.0-1.fc23 only remote: coreboot-utils-4.0-6.20150109git78c5d58.fc22same: local and remote: coreutils-8.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: coriander-2.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: corkscrew-2.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: coro-mock-1.0-0.7.e55ca83git.fc22 same: local and remote: corosync-2.3.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: corrida-0.96.11-17.fc23 same: local and remote: cortado-0.6.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: couchdb-1.6.1-5.fc22 same: local and remote: courier-unicode-1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: covered-0.7.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: cowpatty-4.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: cowsay-3.03-18.fc23 same: local and remote: cowsay-beefymiracle-1.0-5.fc23 only remote: cp2k-2.6.0-4.fc23same: local and remote: cpanspec-1.78-22.fc23 same: local and remote: cpdup-1.17-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cpio-2.11-36.fc23 same: local and remote: cpipe-3.0.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: cpl-6.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cpmtools-2.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cppad-20150000.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cppcheck-1.68-3.fc23 newer remote: local: cpphs-1.18.9-1.fc23 remote: cpphs-1.18.9-2.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: cppi-1.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cppmyth-1.1.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cpptasks-1.0b5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: cpptest-1.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cppunit-1.12.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: cproto-4.7m-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cptutils-1.59-1.fc23 only remote: cpuid-20150606-1.fc23same: local and remote: cpulimit-0.1-3.20140722gitcabeb99.fc23 newer remote: local: cqrlog-1.7.3-1.fc21 remote: cqrlog-1.9.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: crack-5.0a-22.fc23 same: local and remote: crack-attack-1.1.14-31.fc23 same: local and remote: cracklib-2.9.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: crash-7.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: crcimg-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: crda-3.18_2015.04.06-2.fc23 same: local and remote: create-tx-configuration-0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: createrepo-0.10.3-3.fc21 same: local and remote: createrepo_c-0.9.0-3.fc23 only remote: criu-1.6-2.fc23same: local and remote: crlibm-1.0-0.12.beta4.fc23 same: local and remote: crm114-0-10.20100106.fc23 same: local and remote: cronie-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cronolog-1.6.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: crontabs-1.11-10.20130830git.fc23 same: local and remote: cross-binutils-2.25-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cross-gcc-5.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: crossfire-1.70.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: crossfire-client-1.70.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: crossfire-maps-1.70.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: crrcsim-0.9.12-16.fc23 same: local and remote: crrcsim-addon-models-0.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: crudini-0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: crudminer-0.3.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: cryptkeeper-0.9.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: crypto-policies-20150518-2.gitffe885e.fc23 same: local and remote: crypto-utils-2.4.1-59.fc23 same: local and remote: cryptominisat-2.9.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cryptopp-5.6.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cryptsetup-1.6.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: crystal-clear-20050622-16.fc23 same: local and remote: crystal-project-20070620-14.fc23 same: local and remote: crystal-stacker-1.5-20.fc23 same: local and remote: crystal-stacker-themes-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: cscope-15.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: cscppc-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: csdiff-1.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: csdp-6.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: csisat-1.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: csmash-0.6.6-32.fc23 same: local and remote: csmith-2.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: csmock-1.8.3-1.fc23 only remote: csnappy-0-2.20150331gitcf029fa.fc23same: local and remote: csound-6.03.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cssed-0.4.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: csslint-0.10.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: cssparser-0.9.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: csstidy-1.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: cstream-3.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: csvcat-0.1-20141205git858edfe.fc23.1 same: local and remote: csvdiff-0.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cswrap-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: csync2-1.34-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ctags-5.8-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ctan-cm-lgc-fonts-0.5-24.fc23 same: local and remote: ctan-kerkis-fonts-2.0-30.fc23 same: local and remote: ctapi-common-1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ctemplate-2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ctorrent-1.3.4-23.dnh3.3.2.fc23 same: local and remote: ctpl-0.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ctstream-23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cube-4.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cudd-2.5.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cuetools-1.4.0-0.14.svn305.fc23 same: local and remote: culmus-fonts-0.130-7.fc23 same: local and remote: cuneiform-1.1.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: cups-2.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: cups-bjnp-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cups-filters-1.0.71-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cups-pdf-2.6.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cups-pk-helper-0.2.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cups-x2go- same: local and remote: cura-15.02.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: cura-lulzbot- only locally: cura-networking-0.0.3-4.fc19only locally: cura-providers-0.0.8-1.fc19only locally: cura-storage-0.3-1.fc19same: local and remote: curator-2.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: curblaster-1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: curl-7.43.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: curlftpfs-0.9.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: curlpp-0.7.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: cutecom-0.22.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cutecw-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: cutter-1.2.4-2.fc21 same: local and remote: cv-0.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cvc3-2.4.1-13.fc23 newer remote: local: cvc4-1.3-7.fc22 remote: cvc4-1.4-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: cvs-1.11.23-39.fc23 same: local and remote: cvs2cl-2.73-10.fc23 same: local and remote: cvs2svn-2.3.0-0.11.r5319svn.fc23 same: local and remote: cvsclient-71-3.jenkins11.fc23 same: local and remote: cvsgraph-1.6.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: cvsplot-1.7.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: cvsps-2.2-0.16.b1.fc23 same: local and remote: cvsutils-0.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cvsweb-3.0.6-17.fc23 same: local and remote: cwdaemon-0.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cwiid-0.6.00-26.20100505gitfadf11e.fc23 same: local and remote: cxf-2.7.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cxf-build-utils-2.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: cxf-xjc-utils-2.6.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: cxxtest-4.4-2.fc23 only remote: cxxtools-2.3rc1-1.fc23same: local and remote: cycle-0.3.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: cylindrix-1.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: cyphesis-0.6.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: cyreal-wireone-fonts-1.000-0.3.20140916hg.fc23 same: local and remote: cyrus-imapd-2.4.17-11.fc23 same: local and remote: cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-25.2.fc23 same: local and remote: czmq-3.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: d-feet-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: d52-3.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: dSFMT-2.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: daa2iso-0.1.7e-9.fc23 same: local and remote: daemonize-1.7.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dagger-1.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dahdi-tools-2.10.0-6.fc23 newer remote: local: dans-gdal-scripts-0.23-6.fc22 remote: dans-gdal-scripts-0.23-8.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: dansguardian- newer remote: local: dap-server-4.1.4-2.fc22 remote: dap-server-4.1.6-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: dap2rpm-0.1.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dar-2.4.17-3.fc23 newer remote: local: darcs-2.8.4-5.fc22 remote: darcs-2.8.5-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: darkclient-0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: darkgarden-fonts-1.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: darkhttpd-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: darkserver-0.5.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: darkstat-3.0.718-6.fc23 only remote: darktable-1.6.7-4.fc23same: local and remote: dash-0.5.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dasher-4.11.0-2.20150716git13371a4.fc23 same: local and remote: datagrepper-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: datalog-2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: datanommer-0.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: datanommer-commands-0.4.6-1.fc21 same: local and remote: datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: datanucleus-core-3.2.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: datanucleus-maven-parent-3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dataquay-0.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dateformat-1.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: datefudge-1.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dateshift-1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: dateutils-0.3.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: datovka-4.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: davfs2-1.4.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: davix-0.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dayplanner-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dbench-4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dbh-5.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dblatex-0.3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dbmail-3.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dbunit-2.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-1.9.18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-c++-0.9.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-glib-0.104-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-java-2.7-20.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-python-1.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-qt3-0.9-15.fc23 same: local and remote: dbus-sharp-0.7.0-14.fc23 newer remote: local: dbus-sharp-glib-0.5.0-11.fc23 remote: dbus-sharp-glib-0.5.0-12.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: dbusmenu-qt-0.9.3-0.10.20150604.fc23 only remote: dbxtool-0.6-5.fc23same: local and remote: dc3dd-7.1.614-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dcap-2.47.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dcfldd- same: local and remote: dclib-0.3.23-14.fc23 same: local and remote: dcm4che-test-2.6-0.11.fc23.20110530svn15516 same: local and remote: dcmtk-3.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dconf-0.24.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dconf-editor-3.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dcraw-9.25.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dcw-gmt-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dd2-0.2.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: dd_rescue-1.98-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ddate-0.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ddccontrol-0.4.2-12.20120904gitc3af663d.fc23 same: local and remote: ddccontrol-db-20061014-7.20120904gite8cc385a.fc23 same: local and remote: ddclient-3.8.2-2.fc21 same: local and remote: ddd-3.3.12-22.fc23 same: local and remote: ddpt-0.95-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ddrescue-1.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: debbuild-0.11.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: debconf-1.5.56-3.fc23 same: local and remote: debhelper-9.20150628-1.fc23 same: local and remote: debian-keyring-2014.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: debmirror-2.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: debootstrap-1.0.70-1.fc23 same: local and remote: decentxml-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: decibel-audio-player-1.08-11.fc23 same: local and remote: deco-1.6.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: deco-archive-1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dee-1.2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: deja-dup-34.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dejagnu-1.5.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dejavu-fonts-2.35-2.fc23 same: local and remote: deletemail-0.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: deltarpm-3.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: deltaspike-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: deluge-1.3.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: demorse-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: denemo-1.2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: denyhosts-2.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: deo-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: derby- newer remote: local: derelict-3-31.20141022git7fc1714.fc22 remote: derelict-3-32.20141022git7fc1714.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: derrick-0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: desktop-backgrounds-22.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: desktop-file-utils-0.22-5.fc23 same: local and remote: desktopcouch-1.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: detox-1.2.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: deutex-4.4.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: dev86-0.16.21-6.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-0.11.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-c-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-common_args-0.10.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-cpp-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-custom-0.10.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-dap-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-devassistant-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-docker-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-eclipse-0.10.0dev-9.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-git-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-github-0.10.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-java-0.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-nodejs-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-openscad-0.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-perl-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-php-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-python-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-ruby-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-tito-0.10.0dev-7.fc23 same: local and remote: devassistant-dap-vim-0.10.0dev-7.fc23 same: local and remote: devhelp-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: device-mapper-multipath-0.4.9-76.fc23 same: local and remote: device-mapper-persistent-data-0.5.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: devilspie-0.22-14.fc23 same: local and remote: devilspie2-0.39-1.fc23 same: local and remote: devio-1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: devscripts-2.15.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: devtodo-0.1.20-16.fc23 same: local and remote: devtodo2-2.1-13.20120711git8dee6.fc23 same: local and remote: dex-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dexter-0.18-10.fc23 same: local and remote: dfish-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dfu-programmer-0.6.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dfu-util-0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dfuzzer-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dgae-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dgc-0.98-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dh-autoreconf-10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dh-make-1.20140617-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dhcp-4.3.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dhcp-forwarder-0.10-1908.fc23 same: local and remote: dhcp_probe-1.3.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: dhcping-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: dhex-0.68-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dia-0.97.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dia-CMOS-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dia-Digital-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dia-electric2-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dia-electronic-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dia-gnomeDIAicons-0.1-5.fc21 same: local and remote: dia-optics-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dialog-1.2-16.20150528.fc23 same: local and remote: diaser-1.1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: dib-utils-0.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dibbler-1.0.1-0.RC1.2.fc23.2 same: local and remote: dictd-1.12.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: diction-1.11-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dieharder-3.31.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: diet-2.9-2.fc23 only remote: dietlibc-0.33-5.fc23same: local and remote: diffmark-0.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: diffpdf-2.1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: diffstat-1.60-1.fc23 same: local and remote: diffuse-0.4.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: diffutils-3.3-12.fc23 newer remote: local: digikam-4.6.0-1.fc21.2 remote: digikam-4.11.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: digitemp-3.6.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dillo- same: local and remote: din-5.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ding-libs-0.4.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: dinotrace-9.4c-8.fc23 same: local and remote: diorite-0.1-0.5git888cb5f.fc23 same: local and remote: dirac-1.0.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: directory-project-27-10.fc23 same: local and remote: dirvish-1.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: discount-2.1.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: diskimage-builder-0.1.42-4.fc23 same: local and remote: disktype-9-16.fc23 same: local and remote: dislocker-0.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: disper-0.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: disruptor-3.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dissy-10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dist-git-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: distcc-3.2rc1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ditaa-0.9-13.r74.fc21 same: local and remote: diveintopython-5.4-27.fc21 same: local and remote: djmount-0.71-11.fc23 same: local and remote: djview4-4.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: djvulibre- same: local and remote: dkms- same: local and remote: dl-0.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: dl_poly-1.9.20140324-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dleyna-connector-dbus-0.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: dleyna-core-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dleyna-renderer-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dleyna-server-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dlm-4.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: dmapd-0.0.72-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dmenu-4.5-8.20140425git.fc23 same: local and remote: dmg2img-1.6.5-2.fc23 only remote: dmidecode-2.12-9.fc23same: local and remote: dmlite-0.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dmlite-plugins-s3-0.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dmlite-shell-0.6.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dmraid-1.0.0.rc16-28.fc23 only remote: dmtcp-2.2-3.fc22same: local and remote: dmz-cursor-themes-0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: dnf-1.0.2-2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: dnf-langpacks-0.12.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dnf-plugins-core-0.1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dnf-plugins-extras-0.0.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dnfdaemon-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dnscap-141-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dnsenum- same: local and remote: dnsjava-2.1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dnsmap-0.30-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dnsmasq-2.72-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dnsperf- same: local and remote: dnssec-check-2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dnssec-nodes-2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dnssec-system-tray-2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dnssec-tools-2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dnssec-trigger-0.13-0.1.20150714svn.fc23 same: local and remote: dnstop-20140915-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dnstracer-1.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dnsyo-1.1.4-4.fc21 same: local and remote: docbook-dtds-1.0-64.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook-simple-1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook-slides-3.4.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook-style-dsssl-1.79-21.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook-style-xsl-1.78.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook-utils-0.6.14-39.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook2X-0.8.8-22.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook5-schemas-5.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: docbook5-style-xsl-1.78.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: docco-0.6.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dock-1.3.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: docker-1.7.0-22.gitdcff4e1.fc23 same: local and remote: docker-client-3.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: docker-registry-0.9.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: docky-2.2.0-2.fc21 remote: docky-2.2.0-6.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: doclifter-2.15-2.fc22 same: local and remote: docsis-config-encoder-0.9.8-0.2.20150302git68e622f.fc23 same: local and remote: doge-2.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dogtag-pki-10.2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dogtag-pki-theme-10.2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dogtail-0.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dojo-1.8.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: dokuwiki-0-0.25.20140929c.fc23 same: local and remote: dolphin-connector-1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dolphin-plugins-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dom4j-1.6.1-25.fc23 same: local and remote: domtt-0.7.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: doodle-0.7.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dopewars-1.5.12-18.1033svn.fc23 same: local and remote: dos2unix-7.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dosbox-0.74-16.fc23 same: local and remote: dosfstools-3.0.27-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dot2tex-2.8.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: dotconf-1.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: double-conversion-2.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: dovecot-2.2.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: doxy2man-0-1.20150625git.fc23 same: local and remote: doxygen- same: local and remote: dozer-5.5.1-2.fc23 only remote: dpdk-2.0.0-2.fc23same: local and remote: dpkg-1.17.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dpm-contrib-admintools-0.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: dpm-dsi-1.9.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: dpm-xrootd-3.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dpsearch-4.54-0.5.20131107snap.fc23 same: local and remote: dracut-043-40.git20150710.fc23.2 same: local and remote: dracut-modules-olpc-0.7.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: dragon-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drascula-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: drascula-international-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: drascula-music-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: drawtiming-0.7.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: drbd-8.9.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drbdlinks-1.27-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dreamchess-0.2.1-10.RC2.fc23 same: local and remote: dreampie-1.1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: dreamweb-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drehatlas-warender-bibliothek-fonts- same: local and remote: drehatlas-widelands-fonts- same: local and remote: drehatlas-xaporho-fonts- same: local and remote: drgeo-1.1.0-30.fc23 same: local and remote: drgeo-doc-1.6-18.fc23 same: local and remote: driconf-0.9.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: driftnet-0.1.6-32.20040426cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: drobo-utils- same: local and remote: dropbear-2015.67-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dropbox-api-command-1.17-5.fc23 only remote: dropwatch-1.4-12.fc23same: local and remote: drpm-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drraw-2.2-0.14.b2.fc23 same: local and remote: drumkv1-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drumstick-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drumstick0-0.5.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-6.36-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-addthis-3.0-12.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-admin_menu-1.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-advanced-help-1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-authfas-0.2.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-auto_nodetitle-1.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-backup_migrate-2.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-better_formats-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-block_class-1.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-calendar-2.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-cck-2.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-comment_bonus_api-1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-context-3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-context_menu_block-3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-ctools-1.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-custom_breadcrumbs-2.0.rc1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-date-2.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-devel-1.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-diff-2.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-eazylaunch-1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-emfield-2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-faq-1.13-6.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-features-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: drupal6-feeds-1.0-0.14.beta13.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-filefield-3.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-fivestar-1.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-flag-2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-flexifilter-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-footnotes-2.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-geshifilter-1.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-image-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-image_resize_filter-1.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-imageapi-1.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-imagecache-2.0-8.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-imagecache_profiles-1.4-0.4.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-imagefield-3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-insert-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-job_scheduler-1.0-0.12.beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-link-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-login_destination-2.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-markdown-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-media_vimeo-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-media_youku-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-menu_block-2.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-messaging-2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-mobile_tools-2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-node_import-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-notifications-2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-og-2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-path_redirect-1.0-0.5.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-pathauto-2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-prepopulate-2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-rules-1.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-service_links-2.3-0.beta1.fc23.2 same: local and remote: drupal6-stringoverrides-1.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-strongarm-2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-theme-ninesixty-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-token-1.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-user_badges-2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-userpoints-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-userpoints_votingapi-1.41-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-vertical_tabs-1.0-0.4.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-views-2.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-views_bonus-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-views_bulk_operations-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-views_customfield-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-views_datasource-1.0-0.4.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-vote_up_down-3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-votingapi-2.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-wikitools-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-workspace-1.4-9.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal6-yubikey-2.0-0.7.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-7.38-1.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: drupal7-addressfield-1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: drupal7-admin_menu-3.0-0.6.rc5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-admin_theme-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-advanced_help-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-auto_nodetitle-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-backup_migrate-3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-block_class-2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-boxes-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-calendar-3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-cck-3.0-0.3.alpha3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-chosen-2.0-0.7.beta4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-ckeditor-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-context-3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-crumbs-2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-cs_adaptive_image-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-ctools-1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-date-2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-date_ical-3.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-diff-3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-domain-3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-domain_locale-1.0-0.7.beta5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-domain_views-1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-drush_language-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-ds-2.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-email-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-entity-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-entity_translation-1.0-0.7.beta4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-eva-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-features-2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-features_extra-1.0-0.6.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-feeds-2.0-0.13.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-fences-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-field_permissions-1.0-0.7.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-file_entity-2.0-0.5.unstable7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-file_entity_inline-1.0-0.5.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-fivestar-2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-flexifilter-1.0-0.7.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-footnotes-2.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-google_analytics-2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-i18n-1.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-i18n_boxes-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: drupal7-job_scheduler-2.0-0.8.alpha3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-jquery_update-2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-l10n_client-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-l10n_pconfig-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: drupal7-l10n_update-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-lang_dropdown-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-language_cookie-1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-language_switcher-1.0-0.5.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-languageicons-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-libraries-2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-link-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-locale_auto_import-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-locale_cookie-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-login_destination-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-markdown-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-mediawiki_api-1.0-0.11.beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-menu_token-1.0-0.7.beta5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-metatag-1.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-migrate-2.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-module_filter-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-panels-3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-path_breadcrumbs-3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-pathauto-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-potx-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-profiler-2.0-0.6.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-rules-2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-site_map-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-stringoverrides-1.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-strongarm-2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-taxonomy_access_fix-2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-theme-adaptivetheme-3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-theme-ninesixty-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-theme-zen-5.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-title-1.0-0.5.alpha7.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-tmgmt-1.0-0.8.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-token-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-translation_helpers-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-translation_overview-2.0-0.5.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-translation_table-1.0-0.5.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-transliteration-3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-variable-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-views-3.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-views_bulk_operations-3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-views_rss-2.0-0.5.rc4.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-views_slideshow-3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-votingapi-2.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-webform-4.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-workbench-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: drupal7-workbench_moderation-1.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dsi-1.0.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: dsmidiwifi-1.01a-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dsniff-2.4-0.20.b1.fc23 same: local and remote: dspam-3.10.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: dssi-1.1.1-10.fc23 only remote: dssi-vst-0.9.2-13.fc23same: local and remote: dstat-0.7.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: dt-18.32-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dtach-0.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dtc-1.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dtdparser-1.21-16.fc23 same: local and remote: dtrx-7.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: dtv-scan-tables-1-3.20140905git4aad313.fc23 same: local and remote: dualscreen-mouse-utils-0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: duel3-0.1-0.20.20060225.fc23 same: local and remote: duff-0.5.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: dumb-0.9.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: dumbster-1.6-19.fc23 same: local and remote: dump-0.4-0.25.b44.fc23 same: local and remote: dumpasn1-20141219-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dumpet-2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: dunst-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: duplicity-0.7.03-2.fc23 same: local and remote: duply-1.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: dustin-domestic-manners-fonts-20030527-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dustin-dustismo-fonts-20030318-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dustmite-1-22.20141201git0efbe54.fc22 same: local and remote: dvb-apps-1.1.2-9.1488.f3a70b206f0f.fc22 same: local and remote: dvblinkremote-0.2.0-0.6.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: dvd+rw-tools-7.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: dvdauthor-0.7.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dvdbackup-0.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dvdisaster-0.72.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: dvgrab-3.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dvtm-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dwarves-1.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dwatch-0.1.1-17.fc23 newer remote: local: dwb-2014.03.07-4.fc21 remote: dwb-2014.03.07-4.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: dwdiff-2.0.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: dwgrep-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: dwlocstat-0.1-0.9.20121105gitc55cb50.fc23 same: local and remote: dwm-6.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dwscan-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: dwz-0.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: dx-4.4.4-36.fc23 same: local and remote: dx-samples-4.4.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: dxcc-20080225-24.fc23 same: local and remote: dxpc-3.9.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: dynalink-0.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: dynamite-0.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: dyninst-8.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: dzen2-0.8.5-16.20100104svn.fc23 same: local and remote: e00compr-1.0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: e16-1.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: e16-docs- same: local and remote: e16-epplets-0.14-6.fc23 same: local and remote: e16-keyedit-0.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: e16-themes-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: e2fsprogs-1.42.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: e2tools-0.0.16-24.fc23 only remote: e3-2.8-7.fc23same: local and remote: earcandy-0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: earth-and-moon-backgrounds-0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: easy-rsa-2.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: easybashgui-10.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: easymock-3.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: easystroke-0.6.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: easytag-2.3.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eb-4.4.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ebay-cors-filter-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eblook-1.6.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: ebnetd-1.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: ebook-tools-0.2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ebtables-2.0.10-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ebumeter-0.1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ebview- same: local and remote: ec2-metadata-0.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ecdsautils-0.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: echo-artist-0.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: echo-icon-theme- same: local and remote: echolinux-0.17a-15.fc23 same: local and remote: echoping-6.1-0.2.beta.r434svn.fc23 same: local and remote: ecj-4.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ecl-13.5.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: eclib-20120830-14.fc23 only remote: eclipse-4.5.0-7.fc23same: local and remote: eclipse-anyedit-2.4.2-5.fc21 same: local and remote: eclipse-avr-2.3.4-10.fc23 newer remote: local: eclipse-cdt-8.4.0-0.3.git20140506.fc21 remote: eclipse-cdt-8.7.0-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: eclipse-checkstyle-6.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-collabnet-merge-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-color-theme-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-dltk-5.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-dtp-1.12.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-e4-importer-0.1.0-0.3.git5ac5197.fc23 newer remote: local: eclipse-ecf-3.9.0-2.fc22 remote: eclipse-ecf-3.10.0-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: eclipse-eclemma-2.3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-eclox-0.8.0-13.20100810svn.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-egit-4.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-egit-github-4.0.1-1.fc23 newer remote: local: eclipse-emf-2.10.1-1.fc22 remote: eclipse-emf-2.11.0-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: eclipse-emf-query-1.9.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-emf-transaction-1.9.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-emf-validation-1.9.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-epic-0.6.54-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-fedorapackager-0.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-filesystem-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-findbugs-3.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-gef-3.10.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-jbosstools-4.2.2-1.fc22 same: local and remote: eclipse-jgit-4.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-launchbar-1.0.0-0.2.git01bfa62.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-license-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-linuxtools-4.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-antlr-0.15.0-0.4.git3a263f7.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-buildhelper-0.15.0-0.4.git2dbbbb7.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-core-1.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-cxf-0.14.0-0.4.gitf22f9ea.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-egit-0.14.0-0.6.gitaf764de.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-mavenarchiver-0.16.0-0.4.git8bdbcc3.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-mavendev- same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-modello-0.16.0-0.4.git338f33f.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-plexus-0.15.0-0.4.git37ec013.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-sisu-0.15.0-0.5.git81d3bc5.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-sourcelookup- same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-tycho-0.7.0-0.4.git4ec9311.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-m2e-workspace-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-mdt-ocl-5.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-mdt-uml2-5.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-moreunit-3.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-mpc-1.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-mylyn-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-mylyn-fedora-integration-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-nls-4.4.0.v20141223043836-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-packagekit-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-pdt-3.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-photran-9.1.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: eclipse-ptp-7.0.3-1.fc20 remote: eclipse-ptp-9.0.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: eclipse-pydev-3.7.1-2.fc22 remote: eclipse-pydev-4.2.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: eclipse-quickrex-3.5.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-remote-2.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-rse-3.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-shelled-2.0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-subclipse-1.10.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-swtbot-2.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-testng-6.8.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-texlipse-1.5.0-7.20111125git254ca99.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-tm-terminal-4.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-veditor-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-vrapper-0.22.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-webtools-3.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipse-xsd-2.10.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipselink-2.4.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: eclipselink-persistence-api-2.0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ecolier-court-fonts-20070702-20.fc23 same: local and remote: ecryptfs-utils-106-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ed-1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ed2k_hash-0.4.0-23.fc23 newer remote: local: edac-utils-0.16-11.fc21 remote: edac-utils-0.16-11.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingonly remote: edb-0.9.18-14.fc23same: local and remote: edg-gridftp-client- same: local and remote: edg-mkgridmap-4.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: edgar-1.21-1.fc23 same: local and remote: editarea-0.8.2-10.fc23 only remote: edk2-20150519svn17469-2.fc23same: local and remote: edsadmin-1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: eekboard-1.0.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: efax-0.9a-22.001114.fc23 only remote: efibootmgr-0.12-2.fc23only remote: efivar-0.21-1.fc23same: local and remote: efl-1.14.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: efont-unicode-bdf-0.4.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: eg- same: local and remote: egd-0.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: eggdrop-1.6.21-10.fc23 same: local and remote: egtk-3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ehcache-core-2.6.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ehcache-parent-2.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ehcache-sizeof-agent-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: eiciel-0.9.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: eigen2-2.0.17-7.fc21 same: local and remote: eigen3-3.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ejabberd-14.07-6.fc22 same: local and remote: ekg-1.8-0.18.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: ekg2-0.3.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ekiga-4.0.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: ekmukta-fonts-1.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: elastic-curator-3.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: elasticsearch-1.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: electric-8.09-10.fc23 same: local and remote: electronics-menu-1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: elektra-0.8.6-2.fc22 same: local and remote: elementary-1.14.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: elementary-icon-theme-3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: elementary-xfce-icon-theme-0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: elfelli-0.3.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: elfinfo-1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: elftoaout-2.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: elfutils-0.163-1.fc23 same: local and remote: elinks-0.12-0.47.pre6.fc23 same: local and remote: elixir-1.0.5-1.fc23 only remote: elk-3.1.12-12.fc23same: local and remote: ell-0-0.5.20130617svn.fc23 newer remote: local: elpa-2013.11-5.008.fc22 remote: elpa-2015.02.002-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: elph-1.0.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-24.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-apel-10.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-auctex-11.88-2.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-auto-complete-1.3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-bbdb-3.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-color-theme-6.6.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-ddskk-15.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-ebib-1.8.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-ess-15.03-2.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-proofgeneral-4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-riece-8.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-tuareg-2.0.10-0.1.1c837e26.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-common-w3m-1.4.531-0.4.20140421cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-evil-1.0.9-2.fc21 same: local and remote: emacs-goodies-35.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-goto-chg-1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-haskell-mode-2.9.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-htmlize-1.34-11.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-irsim-mode-0.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-lookup-1.4.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-lua-20130419-5.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-magit-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-mew-6.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-mmm-0.4.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-pymacs-0.25-6.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-rinari-2.1-11.20100815git.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-rpm-spec-mode-0.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-slime-2.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-spice-mode-1.2.25-14.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-undo-tree-0.5.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-verilog-mode-531-8.fc23 same: local and remote: emacs-vm-8.1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: emacspeak-40.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: email2trac-2.8.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ember-0.7.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ember-media- same: local and remote: emelfm2-0.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: emerald-0.8.8-14.fc23 same: local and remote: emerald-themes-0.5.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: emerald-themes-extra-0.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: emesene-2.11.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: emma-2.0.5312-16.fc23 same: local and remote: empathy-3.12.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: enblend-4.1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: enca-1.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: enchant-1.6.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: encuentro-0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: enemies-of-carlotta-1.2.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: enet-1.3.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: engauge-digitizer-5.2-10.20150115git28de7d.fc23 same: local and remote: engine_pkcs11-0.1.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: engrampa-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: engrid-2.0.0-0.4.gitbaef0ce.fc23 same: local and remote: enigma-1.21-5.fc23 same: local and remote: enlightenment-0.19.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: enscript-1.6.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: entangle-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: entypo-fonts-20121031-4.fc23 same: local and remote: enum-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: enunciate-core-annotations-1.27-6.fc23 same: local and remote: environment-modules-3.2.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: eog-3.17.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: eog-plugins-3.16.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eom-1.10.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eot-utils-1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: epic-2.10.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: epiphany-3.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: epix-1.2.14-9.fc23 same: local and remote: epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.4.3-2.1lsb3.2.fc23 same: local and remote: epstool-3.08-8.fc23 same: local and remote: epydoc-3.0.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: epylog-1.0.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: eqntott-9.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: equalx-0.7.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: erfa-1.2.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: ergo-3.3.1-3.fc22 remote: ergo-3.3.1-5.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: eric-6.0.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: eris-1.3.23-5.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-17.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-amf-0-0.11.20110224gitb36dfb6.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-basho_metrics-1.0.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-basho_stats-1.0.3-3.fc21 same: local and remote: erlang-bear-0.1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-bitcask-1.6.3-6.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-cl-1.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-cluster_info-1.2.3-4.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-cowboy-0.8.2-7.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-ebloom-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-edown-0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-egeoip-0-0.8.20111025git45c32ad.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-eleveldb-1.3.2-7.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-emmap-0-0.12.git05ae1bb.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-eper-0.90.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-epgsql-3.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-eradius-0.8.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-erlando-2.8.7-4.gite3f115b.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-erlsom-1.2.1-16.20120904gitdef76b9.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-erlsyslog-0.6.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-erlydtl-0.7.0-5.20130214git6a9845f.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-esasl-0.1-18.20120116git665cc80.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-esdl-1.3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-etap-0.3.4-12.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-folsom-0.7.4-4.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-gen_leader-1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-getopt-0.8.2-1.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-gettext-2.1.0-0.10.20101022gitb55cb72.fc23 newer remote: local: erlang-gproc-0.2.16-1.fc19 remote: erlang-gproc-0.2.17-3.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-gtknode-0.32-9.20110310git19ddfd5.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-ibrowse-4.0.1-1.fc21 same: local and remote: erlang-jiffy-0.8.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-js-1.3.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-jsx-1.4.2-4.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-lager-1.2.2-5.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-lfe-0.9.0-2.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-log4erl-0.9.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-luke-0.2.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-meck-0.7.2-7.fc22 newer remote: local: erlang-merge_index-1.3.0-2.fc20 remote: erlang-merge_index-1.3.0-4.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-mimetypes-1.0-5.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-misultin-0.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-mochiweb-2.4.2-5.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-mustache-0.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-neotoma-1.7.2-1.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-oauth-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-pgsql-0-14.20101203svn.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-poolboy-0.9.1-5.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-protobuffs-0.8.0-5.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-ranch-0.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-rebar-2.6.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: erlang-riak_api-1.3.2-2.fc20 remote: erlang-riak_api-1.3.2-3.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-riak_client-1.3.3-4.fc22 newer remote: local: erlang-riak_control-1.3.2-3.fc20 remote: erlang-riak_control-1.3.2-4.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: erlang-riak_core-1.3.2-3.fc21 remote: erlang-riak_core-1.3.2-3.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-riak_err-1.0.1-7.fc22 newer remote: local: erlang-riak_kv-1.2.1-2.p3.fc19 remote: erlang-riak_kv-1.3.2-2.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-riak_pb-1.3.3-4.fc22 newer remote: local: erlang-riak_pipe-1.3.2-3.fc21 remote: erlang-riak_pipe-1.3.2-3.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: erlang-riak_search-1.2.1-1.p2.fc19 remote: erlang-riak_search-1.3.2-2.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-riak_sysmon-1.1.3-5.fc22 newer remote: local: erlang-riaknostic-1.1.0-1.fc21 remote: erlang-riaknostic-1.1.0-2.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: erlang-rpm-macros-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-sd_notify-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-sext-1.1-4.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-sidejob-0.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-skerl-1.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-snappy-1.0.3-0.11.git80db168.fc23 same: local and remote: erlang-webmachine-1.10.1-5.fc22 same: local and remote: erlang-xmlrpc-1.13-10.fc23 same: local and remote: erlpmd-2.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: eruby-1.0.5-31.fc22 newer remote: local: esc-1.1.0-24.fc21 remote: esc-1.1.0-27.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: escape-200912250-12.fc23 same: local and remote: esmtp-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: esniper-2.31.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: esorex-3.10.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: espeak-1.48.04-6.fc23 same: local and remote: espresso-3.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: espresso-ab-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: esteidcerts- same: local and remote: estonianidcard-3.8.1-3.fc23 only remote: etcd-2.0.13-3.fc23same: local and remote: etckeeper-1.18.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: eterm-0.9.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: etherape-0.9.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: etherbat-1.0.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ethstatus-0.4.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ethtool-4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: etoys-5.0.2408-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ettercap-0.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: euca2ools-2.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: eureka-1.00-6.fc23 same: local and remote: eurephia-1.1.0-9.fc22 same: local and remote: evas-generic-loaders-1.14.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: evemu-2.1.0-4.20150722git79b29f0.fc23 same: local and remote: eventlog-0.2.13-7.fc23 same: local and remote: evince-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: evo-inflector-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: evolution-3.17.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: evolution-data-server-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: evolution-ews-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: evolution-mapi-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: evolution-rspam-0.6.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: evolution-rss-0.3.95-4.fc23 same: local and remote: evtest-1.33-1.fc23 same: local and remote: exaile-3.4.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: examiner-0.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: exec-maven-plugin-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: exempi-2.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: exif-0.6.21-8.fc23 same: local and remote: exim-4.86-1.fc23 same: local and remote: exim-doc-4.73-8.fc23 same: local and remote: exiv2-0.25-1.fc23 same: local and remote: exo-0.10.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: expat-2.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: expatpp-0-7.20121019gitd8c1bf8.fc23 same: local and remote: expect-5.45-20.fc23 same: local and remote: expendable-0.0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: expresso-0.9.2-7.fc23 only remote: extlinux-bootloader-1.1-5.fc23same: local and remote: extra-cmake-modules-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: extra166y-1.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: extrema-4.4.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: extremetuxracer-0.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: extundelete-0.2.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: eyesight-0.1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ez-ipupdate-3.0.11-0.32.b8.fc23 same: local and remote: ez-pine-gpg-0.4h-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ezmorph-1.0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ezstream-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: f21-backgrounds-21.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: f21-kde-theme-20.90-3.fc23 same: local and remote: f22-backgrounds-21.91.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: f22-kde-theme-22.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: f23-backgrounds-23.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: f2c-20110801-8.fc23 same: local and remote: f2fs-tools-1.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: f3-5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fabric-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: facter-2.4.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: faience-icon-theme-0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fail2ban-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fakechroot-2.17.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fakeroot-1.20.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fann-2.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: fantasdic-1.0-0.15.beta7.fc23.4 same: local and remote: fapg-0.41-11.fc23 same: local and remote: farstream-0.1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: farstream02-0.2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fastback-0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: fastd-17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fasterxml-oss-parent-18e-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fastlz-0.1.0-0.2.20070619svnrev12.fc23 same: local and remote: fastutil-6.5.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fastx_toolkit-0.0.14-14.fc23 same: local and remote: fatrace-0.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fatsort-1.3.365-2.fc23 same: local and remote: faust-0.9.46-7.fc23 only remote: fawkes-0.5.0-23.fc23same: local and remote: fbb-7.0.8-0.3.beta.fc23.1 same: local and remote: fbdesk-1.4.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: fbg2-0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: fbida-2.09-9.fc23 same: local and remote: fbpanel-6.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fbreader-0.12.10-18.fc23 same: local and remote: fbset-2.1-37.fc23 same: local and remote: fbterm-1.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: fbzx-2.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fcgi-2.4.0-28.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx- same: local and remote: fcitx-anthy-0.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-chewing-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-cloudpinyin-0.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-configtool-0.4.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-fbterm-0.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-hangul-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-kkc-0.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-libpinyin-0.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-m17n-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-qt5-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-skk-0.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-sunpinyin-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-table-extra-0.3.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-table-other-0.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-ui-light-0.1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: fcitx-unikey-0.2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fcode-utils-1.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: fcoe-utils-1.0.30-3.git91c0c8c.fc23 same: local and remote: fdm-1.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fdupes-1.51-10.fc23 same: local and remote: fedfind-1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fedfs-utils-0.10.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fedmsg-0.14.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fedmsg-notify-0.5.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fedocal-0.5.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-arm-installer-1.99.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-bookmarks-22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-business-cards-1-0.5.beta1.fc23 newer remote: local: fedora-dockerfiles-0-0.6.git122ef5d.fc21 remote: fedora-dockerfiles-0-0.16.giteab04ff.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: fedora-easy-karma-0-0.25.20150508gitc8e437c0.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-gather-easyfix-0.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-gnat-project-common-3.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-gooey-karma-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-icon-theme-1.0.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-jam-backgrounds-1.0.1-0.6.git8db10f1.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-jam-kde-theme-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-logos-22.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-package-config-apt-16.00-7 same: local and remote: fedora-packager- same: local and remote: fedora-productimg-atomic-23-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-productimg-cloud-22-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-productimg-server-23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-productimg-workstation-23-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-release-23-0.15 same: local and remote: fedora-release-notes-22.01-1.fc22 same: local and remote: fedora-remix-logos-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-repos-23-0.4 same: local and remote: fedora-review-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-review-plugin-java-4.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-screensaver-theme-1.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-upgrade-22.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedora-user-agent-chrome- same: local and remote: fedorainfinity-backgrounds-0.0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: fedorainfinity-screensaver-theme-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: fedorawaves-kdm-theme-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fedpkg-1.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedpkg-minimal-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedrepos-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fedup-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedup-dracut-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fedwatch-0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: feedstail-0.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: feh-2.13.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-bundlerepository-1.6.6-18.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-configadmin-1.4.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-fileinstall-3.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-framework-5.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-gogo-command-0.14.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-gogo-parent-0.6.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-gogo-runtime-0.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-gogo-shell-0.10.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-main-4.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-osgi-compendium-1.4.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-osgi-core-1.4.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-osgi-foundation-1.2.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-osgi-obr-1.0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-osgi-obr-resolver-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-parent-2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-scr-1.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-scr-annotations-1.9.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-scr-generator-1.13.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-scr-maven-plugin-1.21.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-shell-1.4.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: felix-utils-1.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fence-agents-4.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fence-virt-0.3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ferm-2.2-3.fc23 only remote: fes-0.1-8.fc23same: local and remote: festival-1.96-31.fc23 same: local and remote: festival-freebsoft-utils-0.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: fetch-crl-3.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fetchlog-1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: fetchmail-6.3.26-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fex-1.20100416.2814-8.fc23 newer remote: local: ffcall-1.10-14.20120424cvs.fc21 remote: ffcall-1.10-18.20120424cvs.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ffgtk-0.8.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: fflas-ffpack-1.6.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ffsb-6.0-0.7.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: fftw-3.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fftw2-2.1.5-29.fc23 same: local and remote: fgrun-3.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fido-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fido-pi-0-0.2.20150209git281e4d.fc23 same: local and remote: fife-0.3.3r3-14.fc23 only remote: fig-1.0.1-3.fc23same: local and remote: fig2ps-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: figlet-2.2.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: figtoipe-20091205-11.fc23 same: local and remote: file-5.22-5.fc23 same: local and remote: file-roller-3.16.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: filebench- same: local and remote: filedrop-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: filelight-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: filesystem-3.2-34.fc23 same: local and remote: filezilla- same: local and remote: fillets-ng-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: fillets-ng-data-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: findbugs-3.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: findbugs-bcel-6.0-0.5.20140707svn1547656.fc23 same: local and remote: findbugs-contrib-6.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: findthatword-0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: findutils-4.5.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: finger-0.17-54.fc23 same: local and remote: fio-2.2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fipscheck-1.4.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: firebird- same: local and remote: firecontrol-0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: firefox-39.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: firefox-esteid-plugin- same: local and remote: firefox-esteidpkcs11loader-3.11.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: firehol-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: firewalk-5.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: firewalld- only remote: firmware-addon-dell-2.2.9-10.fc23same: local and remote: firmware-tools-2.1.15-1.fc23.8 same: local and remote: fish-2.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fishpoll-0.1.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fityk-1.2.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: five-or-more-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: flac-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: flac123-0.0.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: flam3-3.0.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: flamerobin-0.9.3-9.20130401snap.fc22 same: local and remote: flamp-2.2.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: flann-1.8.4-6.fc23 only remote: flannel-0.5.1-3.fc23same: local and remote: flare-0.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: flare-engine-0.19-5.fc23 newer remote: local: flashrom- remote: flashrom-0.9.7-3.svn1850.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: flasm-1.62-15.fc23 same: local and remote: flatpack-4.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: flaw-1.3.2a-12.fc23 same: local and remote: flawfinder-1.31-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fldigi-3.22.13-1.fc23 only remote: fleet-0.9.0-6.fc23same: local and remote: flex-2.5.39-2.fc23 same: local and remote: flexdock-1.2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: flexiport-2.0.0-9.20120701git1b6103d.fc23 same: local and remote: flickcurl-1.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: flight-of-the-amazon-queen-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: flight-of-the-amazon-queen-cd-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: flim-1.14.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: flint-2.4.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: flite-1.3-23.fc22 same: local and remote: fllog-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: flobopuyo-0.20-16.fc23 only remote: flocq-2.4.0-10.fc23same: local and remote: floppy-support-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: florence-0.6.3-2.fc23 only remote: florist-2011-18.fc23same: local and remote: flow-tools- same: local and remote: flowcanvas-0.7.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: flpsed-0.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: flrig-1.3.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: flterm-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fltk-1.3.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fluid-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fluid-soundfont-3.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: fluidsynth-1.1.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fluidsynth-dssi-1.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: flumotion- same: local and remote: flute-1.3.0-14.OOo31.fc23 same: local and remote: fluxbox-1.3.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: flxmlrpc-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: flyingsaucer-8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fmit-0.99.5-3.fc22 same: local and remote: fmpp-0.9.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fmt-ptrn-1.3.22-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fmtools-2.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fntsample-3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: focuswriter-1.4.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: foghorn-0.1.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: folks-0.11.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: font-manager-0.5.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: fontaine-0-15.svn68.fc23 same: local and remote: fontawesome-fonts-4.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fontconfig-2.11.94-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fontdump-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fontforge-20150612-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fontik-0.6.1-9.20120305git5dbbc513.fc23 same: local and remote: fontmatrix-0.9.99-22.r1218.fc23 same: local and remote: fontpackages-1.44-13.fc23 same: local and remote: fonts-KOI8-R-1.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: fonts-tweak-tool-0.3.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: fonttools-2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: foobillard-3.0a-24.fc23 same: local and remote: foomatic-4.0.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: foomatic-db-4.0-46.20150415.fc23 same: local and remote: fop-2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: forbidden-apis-1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: foremost-1.5.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: forge-parent-38-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fortune-firefly-2.1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: fortune-mod-1.99.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: fossil-1.33-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fotowall-0.9-9.fc22 same: local and remote: fotoxx-15.07-1.fc23 same: local and remote: four-in-a-row-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fourterm-1.0.6-5.fc22 same: local and remote: fox-1.6.50-5.fc23 same: local and remote: foxtrotgps-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fparser-4.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fpaste- same: local and remote: fpc-2.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fpdns-0.10.0-20131123.1.fc23 same: local and remote: fped-0-0.14.r6006.fc23 same: local and remote: fping-3.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: fpm2-0.79-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fprintd-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fprobe-ulog-1.2-2.fc23 only remote: frama-c-1.11-7.fc23newer remote: local: free42-1.4.77-2.fc20 remote: free42-1.5.5-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: freeDiameter-1.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: freealut-1.1.0-20.fc23 only remote: freecad-0.15-6.fc23same: local and remote: freeciv-2.5.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: freecol-0.11.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: freecolor-0.9.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: freedink-108.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: freedink-data-1.08.20140901-2.fc23 same: local and remote: freedink-dfarc-3.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: freedoom-0.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: freedoom-freedm-0.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: freedroid-1.0.2-24.fc23 same: local and remote: freedroidrpg-0.15.1-11.fc23 newer remote: local: freefem++-3.31-2.3.fc23 remote: freefem++-3.31-6.3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: freeglut-3.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: freehdl-0.0.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: freehoo-3.5.3-19.20100314cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: freeimage-3.10.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: freeipa-4.1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: freeipmi-1.4.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: freemarker-2.3.19-11.fc23 same: local and remote: freemedforms-0.9.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: freemind-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: freenx-server-0.7.3-35.fc23 same: local and remote: freeradius-3.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: freeradius-client-1.1.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: freerdp-1.2.0-0.9.git.24a752a.fc23 same: local and remote: freerouting-1.2.43-3.20140513git265f040.fc23 newer remote: local: freesteam-2.1-6.20140724svn753.fc20 remote: freesteam-2.1-7.20140724svn753.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: freetalk-4.0-0.3.rc4.fc23 same: local and remote: freetds-0.91-15.git0a42888.fc22 same: local and remote: freetennis-0.4.8-35.fc23 same: local and remote: freetiger-5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: freetype-2.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: freewrl- same: local and remote: freexl-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: freeze-2.5.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: frei0r-plugins-1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: freight-0.3.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: frepple-2.1-3.fc22 same: local and remote: freqtweak-0.7.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: frescobaldi-2.18.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fribidi-0.19.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fritzing-0.9.0b-4.fc23 same: local and remote: frobby-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: frogr-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fros-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: frotz-2.43-18.fc23 same: local and remote: frozen-bubble-2.2.1-0.13.beta1.fc23 only remote: frysk-0.4-42.fc21same: local and remote: fs_mark-3.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fsarchiver-0.6.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fslint-2.44-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fsniper-1.3.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: fspy-0.1.1-11.fc23 only remote: fst-1.9-0.6.20110131git2066144.fc23same: local and remote: fstrm-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fswebcam-20140113-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ftgl-2.1.3-0.13.rc5.fc23 same: local and remote: ftnchek-3.3.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: ftop-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ftp-0.17-69.fc23 same: local and remote: ftplib-3.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: fts-3.2.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fts-monitoring-3.2.32-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fts-mysql-3.2.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fts-rest-3.2.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: fuelmanager-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: func-0.30-6.fc23 same: local and remote: funguloids-1.06-14.fc23 same: local and remote: funionfs-0.4.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-2.9.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-convmvfs-0.2.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-emulator-1.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-emulator-utils-1.1.1-5.fc22 same: local and remote: fuse-encfs-1.7.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-python-0.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-s3fs-0.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-sshfs-2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: fuse-zip-0.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fusesource-pom-1.9-10.fc23 same: local and remote: fusion-icon-0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: fusionforge-6.0.2-1.fc23 newer remote: local: fusioninventory-agent-2.3.16-4.fc23 remote: fusioninventory-agent-2.3.16-5.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: fvwm-2.6.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: fwbackups-1.43.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: fwbuilder- same: local and remote: fwfstab-0.04-0.10.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: fwknop-2.6.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: fwrestart-1.08-6.fc23 same: local and remote: fwsnort-1.6.5-4.fc23 only remote: fwupd-0.1.3-3.fc23only remote: fwupdate-0.4-2.fc23same: local and remote: fxload-2008_10_13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: g2clib-1.4.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: g3data-1.5.3-13.fc23 only remote: ga-5.3b-17.fc23same: local and remote: gabedit-2.4.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gadget-0.0.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gajim-0.16.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: galculator-2.1.3-2.fc23 only remote: galera-25.3.10-2.fc23same: local and remote: gallery2-2.3.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gallery3-3.0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gallery3-openid-2.0-0.6.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: galternatives-0.13.4-16.fc21 same: local and remote: gamazons-0.83-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gambas3-3.7.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gambit-c-4.7.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: game-music-emu-0.6.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: games-menus-0.3.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gamin-0.1.10-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gammaray-2.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gammu-1.35.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ganglia-3.7.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ganymed-ssh2-210-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ganyremote-6.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-4.7.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-aclib-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-alnuth-3.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-atlasrep-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-autodoc-2015.04.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-autpgrp-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-browse-1.8.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-carat-2.1.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-congruence-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-cryst-4.1.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-crystcat-1.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-ctbllib-1.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-edim-1.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-fga-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-io-4.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-nq-2.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-orb-4.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-polycyclic-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-polymaking-0.8.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-radiroot-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-sonata-2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-spinsym-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gap-pkg-tomlib-1.2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gappa-1.2.0-2.fc23 only remote: gappalib-coq-1.1.0-2.fc23same: local and remote: garcon-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: garden-1.0.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gargi-fonts-1.9-12.fc23 same: local and remote: garmin-sync-0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: garmindev-0.3.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: garmintools-0.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gauche-0.9.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gauche-gl-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gauche-gtk-0.6-0.14.20121223gitceb4579.fc23 same: local and remote: gaupol-0.25-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gausssum-3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gavl-1.4.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gawk-4.1.3-2.fc23 newer remote: local: gazebo-3.1.0-2.fc21 remote: gazebo-5.1.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gball-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gbdfed-1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gbrainy-2.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gc-7.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gcab-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gcal-4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gcc-5.1.1-4.fc23 newer remote: local: gcc-python-plugin-0.12-18.fc21 remote: gcc-python-plugin-0.14-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gccxml-0.9.0-0.25.20140718.gitab651a2.fc22 newer remote: local: gcin-2.8.1-4.fc21 remote: gcin-2.8.2-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gcl-2.6.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gcolor2-0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gcompris-15.02-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gconf-editor-3.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gconfmm26-2.28.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gcr-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gcstar-1.7.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gcx-0.9.11-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gd-2.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gdal-1.11.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gdata-sharp- same: local and remote: gdb- same: local and remote: gdb-heap-0.5-21.fc23 same: local and remote: gdbm-1.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gdcm-2.4.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gdesklets-0.36.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: gdigi-0.4.0-20140208gitcada964d.fc23 same: local and remote: gdisk-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gdk-pixbuf2-2.31.5-1.fc23 newer remote: local: gdl-0.9.5-1.fc21 remote: gdl-0.9.5-9.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gdlmm-3.7.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gdm-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-aegean-fonts-8.00-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-aegyptus-fonts-5.03-0.5.20150618.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-akkadian-fonts-7.13-0.4.20150430.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-alexander-fonts-6.00-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-anaktoria-fonts-6.00-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-analecta-fonts-4.02-0.4.20150430.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-aroania-fonts-6.00-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-asea-fonts-5.01-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-musica-fonts-3.12-0.4.20150430.fc23 same: local and remote: gdouros-symbola-fonts-8.00-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gdpc-2.2.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gds2pov-0.20080229-10.fc22 same: local and remote: geany-1.25-4.fc23 same: local and remote: geany-plugins-1.24-6.fc23 same: local and remote: geany-themes-1.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gearbox-10.11-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gearmand-1.1.12-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gears-backgrounds-0.0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: geary-0.10.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gecko-sharp2-0.13-29.fc23 same: local and remote: gecode-4.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: geda-gaf-1.8.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gedit-3.17.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gedit-code-assistance-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gedit-cossa-3.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gedit-latex-3.8.0-8.20141017git8e9970b.fc23 same: local and remote: gedit-plugins-3.17.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: geekcode-1.7.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: geeqie-1.2-0.5.20141130gita1afabd.fc23 same: local and remote: gegl-0.2.0-26.fc23 same: local and remote: gegl03-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gela-asis-0.3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gemdropx-0.9-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gemini-blueprint-1.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gen-oath-safe-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: genbackupdata-1.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: genchemlab-1.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: genders-1.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: general-purpose-preprocessor-2.24-6.fc23 same: local and remote: generatorrunner-0.6.16-9.fc23 same: local and remote: generic-jms-ra-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: generic-logos-17.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: generic-release-23-0.7 same: local and remote: gengetopt-2.22.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: genius-1.0.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: genromfs-0.5.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gentlyweb-utils-1.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gentoo-0.20.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: genus2reduction-0.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: geoclue-0.12.99-8.fc23 same: local and remote: geoclue2-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: geocode-glib-3.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: geoipupdate-2.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: geolatte-geom-0.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: geome-2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: geomorph-0.60.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: geomview-1.9.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: geos-3.4.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gerbv-2.6.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-annotation-1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-commonj-1.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-ejb-1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-interceptor-1.0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-jaspic-spec-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-jaxrpc-2.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-jcdi-1.0-api-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-jms-1.1.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-jpa-1.1.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-jta-1.1.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-osgi-support-1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-parent-poms-1.6-20.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-saaj-1.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-txmanager-3.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: geronimo-validation-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gerrymander-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: getdata-0.8.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: getdns-0.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: getmail-4.48.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gettext- same: local and remote: gettext-commons-0.9.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gf2x-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gfal2-2.9.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gfal2-plugin-xrootd-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gfal2-python-1.8.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gfal2-util-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gfalFS-1.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gfan-0.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfbgraph-0.2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gflags-2.1.1-8.fc23 only remote: gfm-1.07-2.fc23same: local and remote: gforth-0.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-ambrosia-fonts-20080624-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-artemisia-fonts-20070415-20.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-baskerville-fonts-20070327-21.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-bodoni-classic-fonts-20070415-20.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-bodoni-fonts-20070415-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-complutum-fonts-20070413-21.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-decker-fonts-20090618-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-didot-classic-fonts-20080702-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-didot-fonts-20070616-20.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-eustace-fonts-20080303-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-fleischman-fonts-20080303-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-garaldus-fonts-20080707-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-gazis-fonts-20091008-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-goschen-fonts-20100203-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-ignacio-fonts-20090923-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-jackson-fonts-20080303-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-neohellenic-fonts-20090918-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-nicefore-fonts-20080303-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-olga-fonts-20060908-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-philostratos-fonts-20090902-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-porson-fonts-20060908-20.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-pyrsos-fonts-20090618-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-solomos-fonts-20071114-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs-theokritos-fonts-20070415-23.fc23 same: local and remote: gfs2-utils-3.1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gftp-2.0.19-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ggobi-2.1.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ggz-base-libs-0.99.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ggz-gtk-client-0.99.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ghasher-1.2.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-7.8.4-46.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-Boolean-0.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-ConfigFile-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-Decimal-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-Diff-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-HSH-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-HTTP-4000.2.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-HUnit- same: local and remote: ghc-IOSpec-0.2.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-IfElse-0.85-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-JuicyPixels-3.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-MemoTrie-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-MissingH- same: local and remote: ghc-MonadCatchIO-mtl- same: local and remote: ghc-MonadCatchIO-transformers- same: local and remote: ghc-MonadRandom- same: local and remote: ghc-NumInstances-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-QuickCheck-2.7.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-SHA- same: local and remote: ghc-STMonadTrans-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-SafeSemaphore-0.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-Stream- same: local and remote: ghc-X11- same: local and remote: ghc-X11-xft-0.3.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-aeson- same: local and remote: ghc-aeson-pretty-0.7.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-ansi-terminal- same: local and remote: ghc-ansi-wl-pprint- same: local and remote: ghc-arrows- same: local and remote: ghc-async- same: local and remote: ghc-attempt- same: local and remote: ghc-attoparsec- same: local and remote: ghc-attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-base-unicode-symbols- same: local and remote: ghc-base16-bytestring- same: local and remote: ghc-base64-bytestring- same: local and remote: ghc-binary-shared-0.8.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-blaze-builder- same: local and remote: ghc-blaze-builder-enumerator- same: local and remote: ghc-blaze-html- same: local and remote: ghc-blaze-markup- same: local and remote: ghc-blaze-textual- same: local and remote: ghc-bloomfilter- same: local and remote: ghc-boxes-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-byteable-0.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-byteorder-1.0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-bytestring-nums-0.3.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-bytestring-show- same: local and remote: ghc-bytestring-trie-0.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cabal-file-th-0.2.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cairo- same: local and remote: ghc-case-insensitive- same: local and remote: ghc-cautious-file-1.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cereal- same: local and remote: ghc-chalmers-lava2000-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-citeproc-hs-0.3.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cmdargs-0.10.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cmdtheline-0.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-colour-2.3.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-concatenative-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-concrete-typerep- same: local and remote: ghc-conduit-1.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-conduit-extra- same: local and remote: ghc-contravariant- same: local and remote: ghc-control-monad-free-0.6.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cookie- same: local and remote: ghc-crypto-api-0.13.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-crypto-cipher-types-0.0.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-cryptohash-0.9.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-css-text- same: local and remote: ghc-csv-0.1.2-23.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-data-accessor- same: local and remote: ghc-data-default-0.5.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-data-default-class-0.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-data-hash- same: local and remote: ghc-data-inttrie-0.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-data-memocombinators-0.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-data-reify-0.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-dataenc- same: local and remote: ghc-date-cache-0.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-dbus-0.10.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-deepseq-generics- same: local and remote: ghc-derive-2.5.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-digest- same: local and remote: ghc-distributive-0.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-dlist-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-dotgen-0.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-edit-distance- same: local and remote: ghc-editline- same: local and remote: ghc-entropy- same: local and remote: ghc-enumerator-0.4.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-equivalence-0.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-exceptions-0.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-executable-path-0.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-extensible-exceptions- same: local and remote: ghc-failure- same: local and remote: ghc-fast-logger-2.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-fsnotify-0.0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-geniplate- same: local and remote: ghc-ghc-mtl- same: local and remote: ghc-ghc-paths- same: local and remote: ghc-gio- same: local and remote: ghc-glade- same: local and remote: ghc-glib- same: local and remote: ghc-gtk-0.13.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-gtksourceview2- same: local and remote: ghc-haddock-library-1.1.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: ghc-hakyll- remote: ghc-hakyll- with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: ghc-happstack-server-7.1.0-3.fc21 remote: ghc-happstack-server-7.3.9-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ghc-hashable- same: local and remote: ghc-hashed-storage-0.5.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-hashtables- same: local and remote: ghc-haskell-lexer-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-haskell-src-exts- same: local and remote: ghc-hgettext-0.1.30-9.fc23 newer locally: local: ghc-highlighting-kate- remote: ghc-highlighting-kate- local and remote: ghc-hinotify-0.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-hint- same: local and remote: ghc-hjsmin- newer remote: local: ghc-hledger-lib-0.23.2-1.fc22 remote: ghc-hledger-lib-0.24-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ghc-hs-bibutils-5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-hslogger-1.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-hslua-0.3.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-html- same: local and remote: ghc-http-date-0.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-http-types-0.8.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-indents-0.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-io-streams- same: local and remote: ghc-json-0.9-2.fc23 newer remote: local: ghc-lambdabot-utils-4.2.2-7.fc22 remote: ghc-lambdabot-utils-4.2.2-9.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ghc-language-c-0.4.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-language-ecmascript-0.15.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-language-java-0.2.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-language-javascript-0.5.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-lazysmallcheck-0.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-libffi-0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-libmpd- same: local and remote: ghc-libxml-sax-0.7.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-lifted-base- same: local and remote: ghc-logict- same: local and remote: ghc-lrucache- same: local and remote: ghc-ltk- same: local and remote: ghc-maccatcher-2.1.5-6.fc23 only remote: ghc-mime-types- local and remote: ghc-mmap-0.5.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-mmorph-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-monad-control- same: local and remote: ghc-monad-logger- same: local and remote: ghc-monad-loops- same: local and remote: ghc-monad-unify-0.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-monads-tf- same: local and remote: ghc-mtl- same: local and remote: ghc-mtlparse-0.1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-mwc-random- same: local and remote: ghc-nats-0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-netlist-0.3.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-netlist-to-vhdl-0.3.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-network- same: local and remote: ghc-numbers-3000.2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-oeis-0.3.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-optparse-applicative- same: local and remote: ghc-pandoc-types- same: local and remote: ghc-pango- same: local and remote: ghc-parallel- same: local and remote: ghc-parsec-3.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-path-pieces-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-pattern-arrows-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-pcap- same: local and remote: ghc-pcre-light- same: local and remote: ghc-pipes-4.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-polyparse-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-prelude-extras-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-primes- same: local and remote: ghc-primitive- same: local and remote: ghc-publicsuffixlist-0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-pureMD5- same: local and remote: ghc-random- same: local and remote: ghc-ranges-0.2.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-readline- same: local and remote: ghc-reflection-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-regex-base-0.93.2-32.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-regex-compat-0.95.1-38.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-regex-pcre-0.94.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-regex-posix-0.95.2-33.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-regex-tdfa-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-regexpr-0.5.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-resourcet- same: local and remote: ghc-rfc5051- same: local and remote: ghc-rosezipper-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-rpm-macros-1.4.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-safe-0.3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-scientific- same: local and remote: ghc-scotty-0.9.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-securemem-0.1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-semigroups- same: local and remote: ghc-sendfile-0.7.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-setenv- same: local and remote: ghc-setlocale- same: local and remote: ghc-shakespeare- same: local and remote: ghc-shelly- same: local and remote: ghc-show-0.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-simple-sendfile-0.2.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-sized-types- same: local and remote: ghc-smallcheck-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-snap-core- same: local and remote: ghc-snap-server- same: local and remote: ghc-split-0.2.2-5.fc22 same: local and remote: ghc-srpm-macros-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-stm-2.4.2-29.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-stm-chans- same: local and remote: ghc-streaming-commons- same: local and remote: ghc-strict-0.3.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-stringsearch- same: local and remote: ghc-syb-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-system-fileio-0.3.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-system-filepath- only remote: ghc-tabular- local and remote: ghc-tagged-0.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-tagsoup-0.13.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-tar- same: local and remote: ghc-temporary- same: local and remote: ghc-texmath- same: local and remote: ghc-text- same: local and remote: ghc-tf-random-0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-threads- same: local and remote: ghc-transformers-base-0.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-transformers-compat- same: local and remote: ghc-union-find-0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-uniplate-1.6.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-unix-compat- same: local and remote: ghc-unix-time-0.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-unordered-containers- same: local and remote: ghc-utf8-light-0.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-utf8-string-0.3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-uuid-1.2.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-vault- same: local and remote: ghc-vector- same: local and remote: ghc-vector-binary-instances- same: local and remote: ghc-vector-space-0.8.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-void-0.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-wai- same: local and remote: ghc-wai-extra- same: local and remote: ghc-wai-logger-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-warp- same: local and remote: ghc-webkit- same: local and remote: ghc-wizards-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-wl-pprint-1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-word8-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-xdg-basedir-0.2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-xml-1.3.13-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-xml-types-0.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-xmonad-contrib-0.11.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-xss-sanitize- same: local and remote: ghc-yaml-0.8.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ghc-yesod-routes- same: local and remote: ghc-zip-archive- same: local and remote: ghc-zlib- same: local and remote: ghc-zlib-bindings- same: local and remote: ghc-zlib-enum- same: local and remote: ghdl-0.33dev-1.hg813.0.fc23 same: local and remote: ghemical-2.99.2-29.fc23 same: local and remote: ghex-3.10.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ghmm-0.7-12.svn2286.fc22 same: local and remote: ghost-diagrams-0.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ghostscript-9.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ghostscript-chinese-0.4.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ghostscript-fonts-5.50-34.fc23 same: local and remote: giada-0.7.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: giblib-1.2.4-23.fc23 only remote: gif2png-2.5.8-1806.fc23same: local and remote: giflib-4.1.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gifsicle-1.87-2.fc23 same: local and remote: giggle-0.7-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gigolo-0.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: giis-4.6.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gimagereader-3.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gimmix- same: local and remote: gimp-2.8.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-data-extras-2.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-dbp-1.1.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-dds-plugin-3.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-elsamuko-24-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-fourier-plugin-0.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-gap-2.7.0-10.GITe75bd46.fc22 same: local and remote: gimp-help-2.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-high-pass-filter-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-lensfun-0.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-lqr-plugin-0.7.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-normalmap-1.2.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-paint-studio-2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-resynthesizer-0.16-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-separate+-0.5.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gimp-wavelet-denoise-plugin-0.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ginac-1.6.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ginfo-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gio-sharp-0.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gipfel-0.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: girara-0.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gists-0.4.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: git-2.5.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: git-annex-3.20120615-3.fc18 remote: git-annex-5.20140717-7.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: git-bugzilla-0-0.14.20091211git.fc23 same: local and remote: git-bz-0-0.4.20150708gitea1947c.fc23 same: local and remote: git-cal-0.9.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: git-cola-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: git-extras-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: git-ftp-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: git-remote-bzr-0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: git-remote-hg-0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: git-review-1.25.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: git2cl-2.0-0.9.git8373c9f.fc23 same: local and remote: gitflow- same: local and remote: gitg-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: github2fedmsg-0.3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gitifyhg-0.8.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gitolite-2.3.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gitolite3-3.6.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gitosis-0.2-17.20080825git.fc23 same: local and remote: gitso-0.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gitstats-0-0.7.20141209gitc2310a8.fc22 same: local and remote: gitweb-caching- same: local and remote: givaro-3.8.0-4.fc23 newer remote: local: giver-0.1.8-12.fc20 remote: giver-0.1.8-16.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gjots2-2.3.15-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gjs-1.43.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gkermit-1.00-17.fc23 same: local and remote: gkeyfile-sharp-0.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-2.3.5-22.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-aclock-0.3.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-freq-2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-moon-0.6-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-sun-1.0.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-top-2.2.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gkrellm-wifi-0.9.12-20.fc23 same: local and remote: gl-117-1.3.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gl-manpages-1.1-10.20140424.fc23 same: local and remote: gl2ps-1.3.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: glabels-3.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: glacier-cli-0-10.20131113gite8a2536.fc23 same: local and remote: glade-3.19.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glade2-2.12.2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: glade3-3.8.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: glances-2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-annotation-api-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-dtd-parser-1.2-0.12.20120120svn.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-el-3.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-el-api-3.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-enterprise-concurrent-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-enterprise-concurrent-api-1.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: glassfish-fastinfoset-1.2.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-gmbal-3.2.0-0.8.b003.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-ha-api-3.1.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-hk2-2.4.0-0.7.b25.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-jax-rs-api-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-jaxb-2.2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-jaxb-api-2.2.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-jaxws-2.2.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-jsp-2.3.3-0.3.b02.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-jsp-api-2.3.2-0.3.b01.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-legal-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-management-api-3.2.1-0.2.b002.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-master-pom-8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-pfl-3.2.0-0.9.b001.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-policy-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-saaj-1.3.19-8.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-servlet-api-3.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: glassfish-toplink-essentials-2.0.46-10.fc23 same: local and remote: glaxium-0.5-21.fc23 same: local and remote: glazedlists-1.9.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gle-4.2.4c-16.fc23 same: local and remote: glew-1.10.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: glfw-3.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glglobe-0.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: glib-1.2.10-46.fc23 same: local and remote: glib-networking-2.45.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glib2-2.45.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: glibc-2.21.90-21.fc23 same: local and remote: glibmm24-2.45.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: glimmer-3.02b-6.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-jobid-api-c-2.2.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-jobid-api-cpp-1.3.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-jobid-api-java-1.3.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lb-client-6.0.10-5.fc23 newer remote: local: glite-lb-client-java-2.0.7-2.fc22 remote: glite-lb-client-java-2.0.7-4.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: glite-lb-common-9.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lb-logger-2.4.23-3.fc23 newer remote: local: glite-lb-logger-msg-1.2.13-4.fc23 remote: glite-lb-logger-msg-1.2.13-5.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: glite-lb-server-3.0.18-8.fc23 remote: glite-lb-server-3.0.18-9.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: glite-lb-state-machine-2.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lb-types-2.0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lb-utils-2.3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lb-ws-interface-4.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-db-3.2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin-3.2.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-gss-3.2.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface-2.3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-log-1.3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-maildir-2.3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-server-bones-2.3.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-lbjp-common-trio-2.3.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glite-px-proxyrenewal-1.3.36-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gliv-1.9.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: glm- same: local and remote: glmark2-2014.03-4.fc23 same: local and remote: glob2- same: local and remote: global-6.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-authz-3.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-authz-callout-error-3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-callout-3.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-common-15.30-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-ftp-client-8.23-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-ftp-control-6.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gass-cache-9.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gass-cache-program-6.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gass-copy-9.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gass-server-ez-5.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gass-transfer-8.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gatekeeper-10.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gfork-4.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-audit-4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-client-13.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-client-tools-11.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-14.26-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error-3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-condor-2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-fork-2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-lsf-2.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-scripts-6.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-sge-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-job-manager-slurm-2.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gram-protocol-12.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gridftp-server-8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gridftp-server-control-3.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gridmap-callout-error-2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gridmap-eppn-callout-1.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gridmap-verify-myproxy-callout-2.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-callback-5.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-cert-utils-9.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-credential-7.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-openssl-error-3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-proxy-core-7.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-proxy-ssl-5.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gsi-sysconfig-6.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gss-assist-10.15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gssapi-error-5.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-gssapi-gsi-11.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-io-11.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-net-manager-0.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-openssl-module-4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-proxy-utils-6.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-rsl-10.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-scheduler-event-generator-5.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-simple-ca-4.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-usage-4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-5.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-gridftp-driver-2.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-gridftp-multicast-1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-gsi-driver-3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-pipe-driver-3.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-popen-driver-3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-rate-driver-1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xio-udt-driver-1.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: globus-xioperf-4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: glog-0.3.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: glogg-1.0.2-4.fc23 newer remote: local: glom-1.27.1-2.fc22 remote: glom-1.28.4-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: gloobus-preview-0.4.1-24.fc20 remote: gloobus-preview-0.4.1-28.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gloox-1.0.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: glpi-0.85.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glpk-4.55-4.fc23 same: local and remote: glue-schema-2.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: glue-validator-1.0.2-9.fc23 only remote: gluegen2-2.2.4-3.fc23same: local and remote: glueminisat-2.2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: glui-2.36-8.fc23 same: local and remote: glusterfs-3.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-4.fc21 same: local and remote: glyph-keeper-0.32-18.fc23 same: local and remote: glyphicons-halflings-fonts-3.1.0-4.20140211git728067b.fc23 same: local and remote: glyphtracer-1.3-8.1.fc23 same: local and remote: gmediaserver-0.13.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gmetric4j-1.0.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gmetrics-0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gmic- same: local and remote: gmime-2.6.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gmm-4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gmock-1.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gmp-6.0.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gmp-ecm-6.4.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gmpc-11.8.16-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gmpy-1.17-4.fc23 newer remote: local: gmqcc-0.3.0-2.fc21 remote: gmqcc-0.3.5-8.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gmrun-0.9.2-34.fc23 only remote: gmsh-2.9.3-3.fc23same: local and remote: gmusicbrowser-1.1.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnash-0.8.10-17.fc23 same: local and remote: gnat-srpm-macros-2-1.fc23 only remote: gnatcoll-2014-4.fc23same: local and remote: gnaural-1.0.20110606-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gnet2-2.0.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gnofract4d-3.14.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gnokii-0.6.31-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gnomad2-2.9.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-2048-3.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-abrt-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-activity-journal-0.8.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-backgrounds-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-battery-bench-3.15.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-bluetooth-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-boxes-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-builder-3.16.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-calculator-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-calendar-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-characters-3.16.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-chemistry-utils-0.14.10-2.fc21 remote: gnome-chemistry-utils-0.14.10-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-chess-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-clocks-3.16.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-code-assistance-3.16.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-color-manager-3.16.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-colors-icon-theme-5.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-commander-1.4.7-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: gnome-common-3.14.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-contacts-3.16.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-desktop-2.32.0-16.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-desktop-sharp-2.26.0-25.fc23 remote: gnome-desktop-sharp-2.26.0-26.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-desktop-testing-2014.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-desktop3-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-devel-docs-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-dictionary-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-directory-thumbnailer-0.1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-disk-utility-3.17.3-1.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-do-0.9-6.fc21 remote: gnome-do-0.95.3-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-documents-3.17.2-3.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-dvb-daemon-0.2.10-3.fc20 remote: gnome-dvb-daemon-0.2.10-4.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-epub-thumbnailer-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-font-viewer-3.16.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-getting-started-docs-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-gmail-1.8.2-7.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-guitar-0.8.1-16.fc22 remote: gnome-guitar-0.8.1-19.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-hearts-0.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-icon-theme-extras-3.12.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-initial-setup-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-js-common-0.1.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-keyring-3.16.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-keyring-sharp-1.0.1-0.19.133722svn.fc23 remote: gnome-keyring-sharp-1.0.1-0.20.133722svn.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-klotski-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-kra-ora-thumbnailer-1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-libs-1.4.2-33.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-logs-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-mahjongg-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-maps-3.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-menus-3.13.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-mime-data-2.18.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-mines-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-mud-0.11.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-multi-writer-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-music-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-nds-thumbnailer-3.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-nettool-3.8.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-nibbles-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-online-accounts-3.17.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-online-miners-3.14.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-packagekit-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-password-generator-1.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-phone-manager-0.69-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-photos-3.17.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-pie-0.5.5-7.20130330git0a5aa2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-pkg-tools-0.19.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-power-manager-3.16.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-python2-2.28.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-python2-desktop-2.32.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-python2-extras-2.25.3-46.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-rdp- remote: gnome-rdp- with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-robots-3.17.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-screensaver-3.6.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-screensaver-frogs-0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-screenshot-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-search-tool-3.6.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-session-3.16.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-settings-daemon-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-sharp-2.24.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-background-logo-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-calc-0-0.9.gite4f4ac5.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-fedmsg-0.1.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-iok-0.20150317-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-pidgin-0-0.19.gitfb9dbfd.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro-0.11.0-0.3.gitc7ad79d3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-remove-bluetooth-icon-0.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-remove-volume-icon-0.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-simple-dock-0.1-20141014git39b8503.fc23.3 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extension-sustmi-3.0-11.git72282ce.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-extensions-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-shell-theme-selene-3.4.0-10.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-software-3.15.4-1.fc22 remote: gnome-software-3.17.2-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-sound-recorder-3.17.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-subtitles-1.3-4.fc22 remote: gnome-subtitles-1.3-7.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-sudoku-3.17.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-system-log-3.9.90-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-system-monitor-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-taquin-3.17.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: gnome-terminal-3.14.2-2.fc21 remote: gnome-terminal-3.16.2-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnome-tetravex-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-themes-2.32.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-themes-standard-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-todo-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-translate-0.99-26.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-transliteration-0.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-tweak-tool-3.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-user-docs-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-user-share-3.14.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-valgrind-session-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-vfs2-2.24.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-vfs2-monikers-2.15.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-video-effects-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-weather-3.17.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnome-web-photo-0.10.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gnomebaker-0.6.4-23.fc23 same: local and remote: gnomint-1.2.1-127.fc23 same: local and remote: gnonlin-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnote-3.17.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: gnotime-2.4.1-7.fc22 remote: gnotime-2.4.1-8.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingonly remote: gnu-efi-3.0.2-2.fc23same: local and remote: gnu-free-fonts-20120503-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gnu-getopt-1.0.14-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gnu-regexp-1.1.4-20.fc23 only remote: gnu-smalltalk-3.2.5-9.fc23same: local and remote: gnubg-1.04.000-1.fc22 same: local and remote: gnubik-2.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnucap-0.35-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnucash-2.6.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnucash-docs-2.6.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnuchess-6.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnudiff-1.15-6.fc22 same: local and remote: gnudos-1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnue-common-0.6.9-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnugo-3.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gnujump-1.0.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gnulib-0-15.20150706git.fc23 same: local and remote: gnumed-1.4.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gnumed-server-19.8-3.fc23 newer remote: local: gnumeric-1.12.20-1.fc22 remote: gnumeric-1.12.22-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gnupg-1.4.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnupg2-2.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnuplot-5.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnuplot-py-1.8-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gnuradio-3.7.8-0.1.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: gnurobbo-0.66-7.20141028svn412.fc23 same: local and remote: gnurobots-1.2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gnusim8085-1.3.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gnustep-back-0.24.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnustep-base-1.24.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnustep-examples-1.3.0-24.fc23 same: local and remote: gnustep-gui-0.24.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gnustep-make-2.6.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gnutls-3.4.3-2.fc23 only remote: go-bindata-3.0.7-2.gitf94581b.fc23same: local and remote: go-srpm-macros-1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: goaccess-0.8.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gob2-2.0.19-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gobby-0.4.13-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gobby05-0.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gobi_loader-0.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gobject-introspection-1.45.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gocl-0.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gocr-0.50-4.fc23 same: local and remote: goddard-backgrounds-13.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: goddard-kde-theme-13.1.1-3.fc23 only remote: gofed-0.0.6-1.fc23same: local and remote: gofer-2.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: goffice-0.10.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: goffice08-0.8.17-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gogoc-1.2-44.fc23 same: local and remote: gogui-1.4.9-5.fc23 only remote: golang-1.4.99-4.1.5beta2.fc23same: local and remote: golang-bitbucket-kardianos-osext-0-0.6.hg364fb577de68.fc23 newer remote: local: golang-bitbucket-ww-goautoneg-0-0.3.git75cd24fc2f2c.fc23 remote: golang-bitbucket-ww-goautoneg-0-0.4.git75cd24fc2f2c.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: golang-github-10gen-openssl-0-0.2.git4c6dbaf.fc23 remote: golang-github-10gen-openssl-0-0.4.git4c6dbaf.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingonly remote: golang-github-BurntSushi-toml-0-0.4.git2ceedfe.fc23only remote: golang-github-BurntSushi-toml-test-0.2.0-0.6.git85f50d0.fc23same: local and remote: 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gpscorrelate-1.6.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: gpsd-3.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gpsdrive-2.11-29.fc23 same: local and remote: gpsim-0.28.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gpsman-6.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gputils-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gpx-viewer-0.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gq-1.3.4-24.fc23 same: local and remote: gqradio-1.9.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gqrx-2.3.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gr-air-modes-0-0.35.20140312gitcc0fa180.fc23 same: local and remote: gr-fcdproplus-0-0.13.20140920git1edbe523.fc23 same: local and remote: gr-iqbal-0.37.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gr-osmosdr-0.1.3-8.20141023git42c66fdd.fc23 same: local and remote: gr-rds-0-0.10.20141117gitff1ca15.fc23 same: local and remote: grace-5.1.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gradle-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: grads-2.0.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gramps-4.1.3-3.fc23 newer remote: local: granatier-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: granatier-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: grantlee-0.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: graphem-0.3.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: graphite-web-0.9.13-0.4.aa992b9.fc23 same: local and remote: graphite2-1.2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: graphviz-2.38.0-29.fc23 newer remote: local: grass-6.4.4-5.fc21 remote: grass-6.4.4-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: greadelf-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: greenisland-0.5.95-1.fc23 same: local and remote: greenmail-1.3.1b-5.fc23 same: local and remote: grep-2.21-5.fc23 same: local and remote: grepmail-5.3104-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gresistor-0.0.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: gresolver-0.0.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gretl-1.10.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: greybird-1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: greyhounds-0.8-0.19.prealpha.fc23 same: local and remote: greylistd-0.8.7-19.fc23 same: local and remote: grfcodec-6.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: grhino-0.16.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: grib_api-1.14.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: gridengine-2011.11p1-16.fc20 remote: gridengine-2011.11p1-26.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gridftp-ifce-2.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gridloc-0.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: gridsite-2.2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: grig-0.8.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: grilo-0.2.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: grilo-plugins-0.2.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: grimmer-proggy-tinysz-fonts-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: grin-1.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: grinder-0.0.139-6.fc23 same: local and remote: grip-3.2.0-49.fc23 same: local and remote: grisbi-0.8.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: grizzly-2.3.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: grizzly-npn-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: groff-1.22.3-6.fc23 newer remote: local: gromacs-4.6.5-5.fc22 remote: gromacs-5.0.6-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: groonga-5.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: groonga-normalizer-mysql-1.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: groovy-2.4.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: groovy-sandbox-1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: groovy18-1.8.9-23.fc23 same: local and remote: grsync-1.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: grub-customizer-4.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: grub2-2.02-0.17.fc23 same: local and remote: grubby-8.40-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gsbase-2.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gscan2pdf-1.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gscribble-0.1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gsf-sharp-0.8.1-25.fc23 same: local and remote: gshhg-gmt-nc4-2.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gshutdown-0.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gsi-openssh-6.9p1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gsim85-0.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: gsl-1.16-17.fc23 same: local and remote: gsm-1.0.13-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gsm-ussd-0.4.0-0.12.25.fc23 same: local and remote: gsmartcontrol-0.8.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gsoap-2.8.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gsound-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gspiceui-0.9.98-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gssdp-0.14.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gssntlmssp-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gssproxy-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gst-editing-services-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gst-entrans-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gst-inspector-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gst123-0.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gstream-1.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-0.10.36-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-0.10.23-28.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.36-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-plugins-espeak-0.4.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-plugins-fc-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-python-0.10.22-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer-rtsp-0.10.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer1-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer1-plugins-base-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamer1-vaapi-0.5.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gstreamermm-0.10.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gt-0.4-21.fc23 same: local and remote: gt5-1.4.0-15.fc23 newer remote: local: gtatool-1.5.2-11.fc21 remote: gtatool-2.1.0-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gtest-1.7.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gtg-0.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gthumb-3.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gti-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gtick-0.5.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gtimelog-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk+-1.2.10-81.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk+extra-2.1.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-doc-1.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-gnutella-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-nodoka-engine-0.7.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-recordmydesktop-0.3.8-14.fc23 newer remote: local: gtk-sharp-beans-2.14.0-15.fc23 remote: gtk-sharp-beans-2.14.0-16.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gtk-sharp2-2.12.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-sharp3-2.99.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-splitter-2.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-unico-engine-1.0.3-0.6.20140109bzr152.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-v4l-0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-vnc-0.5.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk2-2.24.28-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk2-engines-2.20.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gtk2hs-buildtools- same: local and remote: gtk3-3.17.5-1.fc23 only remote: gtkd-2.4.2-50.fc22same: local and remote: gtkdatabox- same: local and remote: gtkdialog-0.8.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkglarea2-2.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkglext-1.2.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkglextmm-1.2.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkhash-0.6.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkhtml3-4.8.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkimageview-1.6.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkmathview-0.8.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkmm24-2.24.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkmm30-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkparasite-0-0.14.20090120git928494e5.fc23 newer remote: local: gtkpod-2.1.4-3.fc21 remote: gtkpod-2.1.5-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: gtksourceview-sharp-2.0.12-20.fc21 remote: gtksourceview-sharp-2.0.12-24.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gtksourceview2-2.11.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: gtksourceview3-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gtksourceviewmm-2.10.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gtksourceviewmm3-3.12.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkspell-2.0.16-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkspell3-3.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkspellmm30-3.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkterm-0.99.7-0.7.rc1.git26021e33.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkwave-3.3.66-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gtkwhiteboard-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gtorrentviewer-0.2b-32.fc23 newer remote: local: gtranslator-2.91.7-1.fc23 remote: gtranslator-2.91.7-3.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: gtrayicon-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: gts-0.7.6-26.20111025.fc23 same: local and remote: gtweakui-0.4.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: gtypist-2.9.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: guacamole-client-0.9.3-2.fc22 same: local and remote: guacamole-server-0.9.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: guake-0.7.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: guava-18.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: guayadeque-0.3.7-10.svn1894.fc23 same: local and remote: gubbi-fonts-1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gucharmap-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gudev-sharp-0.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: guessencoding-1.4-11.fc23 only remote: guestfs-browser-0.2.2-16.fc23same: local and remote: guichan-0.8.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: guile-2.0.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: guile-cairo-1.4.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: guile-lib-0.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: guilt-0.35-12.fc23 same: local and remote: guitarix-0.32.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: guitone-1.0-0.11.rc5.fc23 same: local and remote: gumbo-parser-0.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gummi-0.6.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gupnp-0.20.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gupnp-av-0.12.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gupnp-dlna-0.10.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: gupnp-igd-0.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gupnp-tools-0.8.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: gust-antykwa-torunska-fonts-2.08-6.fc23 same: local and remote: gutenprint-5.2.10-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gv-3.7.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: gvfs- same: local and remote: gvrng-4.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: gwebsockets-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gweled-0.9.1-12.20130730git819bed.fc23 same: local and remote: gwenhywfar-4.13.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gwenview-15.04.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: gwget-1.0.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: gwsmhg-0.13.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: gxemul- same: local and remote: gxmessage-2.20.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: gxmms2-0.7.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: gxneur-0.17.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gyachi-1.2.11-13.fc23 same: local and remote: gyp-0.1-0.18.0bb6747git.fc23 same: local and remote: gypsy-0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: gzip-1.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: h2-1.3.176-4.fc23 same: local and remote: h5py-2.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hackedbox-0.8.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: hackrf-2014.08.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: haddock-2.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hadoop-2.4.1-8.fc22 same: local and remote: hail-0.8-0.16.gf9c5b967.fc22 same: local and remote: halberd-0.2.4-10.fc23 newer remote: local: halibut-1.0-8.20120803svn9601.fc20 remote: halibut-1.0-11.20120803svn9601.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: hamcrest-1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: hamlib- same: local and remote: hamster-time-tracker-1.04-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hanazono-fonts-20141012-3.fc23 same: local and remote: happy-1.19.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: haproxy-1.5.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: harctoolbox-1.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hardening-check-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hardlink-1.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: harfbuzz-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: harmonyseq-0.16-18.fc23 same: local and remote: hash-slinger-2.6-2.fc23 newer remote: local: haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0-37.fc21 remote: haskell-platform-2014. with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: hatari-1.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hatools-2.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: haveged-1.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hawaii-icon-theme-0.3.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: hawaii-shell-0.3.0-2.fc21 remote: hawaii-shell-0.3.0-3.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: hawaii-widget-styles-0.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hawkey-0.5.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hawknl-1.68-14.fc23 same: local and remote: hawtbuf-1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hawtdb-1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hawtdispatch-1.21-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hawtjni-1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hazelcast-3.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hbase-0.98.3-4.fc22 same: local and remote: hct-0.7.60-15.fc23 same: local and remote: hdapsd-20141203-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hddtemp-0.3-0.34.beta15.fc23 same: local and remote: hdf-4.2.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hdf5-1.8.15-4.patch1.fc23 same: local and remote: hdhomerun-0.0-0.28.20150615.fc23 same: local and remote: hdparm-9.48-1.fc23 same: local and remote: healpix-2.13a-17.fc23 same: local and remote: heat-cfntools-1.3.0-4.fc23 only remote: hedgewars- local and remote: heimdal-1.6.0-0.11.20150115gitc25f45a.fc23 same: local and remote: heimdall-1.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: heisenbug-backgrounds-20.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: heisenbug-kde-theme-19.90.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: help2man-1.47.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: herbstluftwm-0.6.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hercstudio-1.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hercules-3.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: herqq-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hesiod-3.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hessian-4.0.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hevea-2.23-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hex-a-hop-1.2.0-git20140926.1.fc23.2 same: local and remote: hexalate-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hexchat-2.10.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hexedit-1.2.13-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hexglass-1.2.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hexter-dssi-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hfsplus-tools-540.1.linux3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hfsplusutils-1.0.4-23.fc23 same: local and remote: hfsutils-3.2.6-29.fc23 same: local and remote: hg-git-0.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hgsvn-0.2.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hgview-1.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-4.3.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-hql-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha6.fc21 same: local and remote: hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0-0.7.Draft.16.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-jpamodelgen-1.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-search-4.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate-validator-5.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hibernate3-3.6.10-17.fc23 same: local and remote: hicolor-icon-theme-0.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hidapi-0.7.0-5.a88c724.fc23 same: local and remote: hiera-1.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: high-scale-lib-1.1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: highlight-3.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hippo-canvas-0.3.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: hiran-perizia-fonts-0.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hiredis-0.12.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hitori-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hive-0.12.0-5.fc22 same: local and remote: hivex-1.3.11-11.fc23 only remote: hledger-0.24-1.fc23newer remote: local: hlint-1.9.4-1.fc22 remote: hlint-1.9.10-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: hmaccalc-0.9.14-2.fc23 only remote: hmmer-3.1b2-2.fc23same: local and remote: hnb-1.9.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hntool-0.1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hoard-3.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hokuyoaist-3.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: holland-1.0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: homebank-5.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: homerun-1.2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hop-2.5.0-1.fc23.4 newer remote: local: hornetq-2.4.1-4.fc21 remote: hornetq-2.4.1-6.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: horst-3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hostapd-2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hostname-3.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hotssh-0.2.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hotwire-0.721-14.fc23 same: local and remote: hovercraft-1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: howl-logger-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hping3-0.0.20051105-25.fc23 only remote: hpl-2.1-11.fc23same: local and remote: hplip-3.15.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hppc-0.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hscolour-1.20.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hspell-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hsqldb-2.3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hsqldb1- same: local and remote: ht-2.0.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ht-alegreya-fonts-1.004-6.fc23 same: local and remote: htdig-3.2.0-0.22.b6.fc23 same: local and remote: html-xml-utils-6.3-5.fc21 same: local and remote: html2ps-1.0-0.20.b7.fc23 same: local and remote: html2text-1.3.2a-16.fc23 same: local and remote: html401-dtds-4.01-19991224.12.fc23.6 same: local and remote: htmlcleaner-2.2.1-6.fc21 same: local and remote: htmldoc-1.8.28-8.fc23 same: local and remote: htmlparser-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: htmlunit-2.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: htmlunit-core-js-2.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: htop-1.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: htrace-2.03-4.fc21 same: local and remote: http-parser-2.0-9.20121128gitcd01361.fc23 same: local and remote: http_ping-20050629-19.fc23 same: local and remote: httpcomponents-asyncclient-4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: httpcomponents-client-4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: httpcomponents-core-4.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: httpcomponents-project-7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: httpd-2.4.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: httpd-itk- same: local and remote: httpdtap-0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: httperf-0.9.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: httpie-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: httping-2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: httpress-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: httpry-0.1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: httptunnel-3.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: httpunit-1.7-18.fc23 same: local and remote: httrack-3.48.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: httraqt-1.4.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hub-1.12.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hugin-2014.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hugs98-2006.09-22.fc23 same: local and remote: humanity-icon-theme-0.6.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-1.3.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-af-0.20080825-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ak-0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-am-0.20090704-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ar-3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-as-1.0.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ast-0.02-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-az-0.20040827-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-be-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ber-0.20080210-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-bg-4.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-bn-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-br-0.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ca-2.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-cop-0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-csb-0.20050311-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-cv-1.02-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-cy-0.20040425-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-da-1.7.42-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-de-0.20131206-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-dsb-1.4.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-el-0.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-en-0.20140811.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: hunspell-es-0.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-et-0.20030606-13.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-eu-0.20080507-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-fa-0.20070116-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-fj-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-fo-0.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-fr-4.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-fur-0.20050912-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-fy-2.0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ga-4.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-gd-2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-gl-0.20080515-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-grc-2.1.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-gu-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-gv-0.20040505-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-haw-0.02-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-hi-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-hil-0.14-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-hr-0.20040608-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-hsb-0.20060327.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ht-0.06-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-hu-1.6.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-hy-0.20.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ia-0.20050226-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-id-0.20040812-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-is-0.20090823-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-it-2.4-0.12.20070901.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-kk-1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-km-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-kn-1.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ko-0.5.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ku-0.21-13.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ky-0.20090415-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-la-0.20130331-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-lb-0.20121128-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ln-0.02-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-lt-1.2.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mai-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mg-0.20050109-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mi-0.20080630-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mk-0.20051126-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ml-0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mn-0.20080709-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mos-0.20101130-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mr-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ms-0.20050117-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-mt-0.20020708-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-nds-0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ne-20080425-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-nl-2.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-no-2.0.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-nr-0.20091030-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-nso-0.20091201-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ny-0.01-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-oc-0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-om-0.04-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-or-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-pa-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-pl-0.20130130-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-pt-0.20130125-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-qu-0.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-quh-0.20110816-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ro-3.3.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ru-0.99g5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-rw-0.20050109-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sc-0.20081101-13.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-se-1.0-0.9.beta7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-shs-0.20090828-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-si-0.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sk-0.20110228-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sl-0.20070127-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-smj-1.0-0.9.beta7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-so-1.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sq-1.6.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sr-0.20130330-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ss-0.20091030-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-st-0.20091030-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sv-2.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-sw-0.20050819-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ta-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-te-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-tet-0.20050108-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-th-0.20061212-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ti-0.20090911-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-tk-0.02-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-tl-0.20050109-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-tn-0.20091101-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-tpi-0.07-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ts-0.20091101-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-uk-1.6.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ur-0.64-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-uz-0.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-ve-0.20091030-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-vi-0.20080604-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-wa-0.4.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-xh-0.20091030-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-yi-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hunspell-zu-0.20100126-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hunt-1.5-20.fc22 same: local and remote: hwdata-0.280-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hwloc-1.11.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hxtools-20150304-1.fc23 same: local and remote: hydra-8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hydrogen- same: local and remote: hyena-0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hylafax+-5.5.6-2.fc23 newer remote: local: hyperestraier-1.4.13-22.fc22 remote: hyperestraier-1.4.13-23.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingonly remote: hyperv-daemons-0-0.12.20150702git.fc23same: local and remote: hyphen-2.8.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-as-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-bg-4.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-bn-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ca-0.9.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-cy-0.20110620-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-da-0.20070903-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-de-0.20060120-13.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-el-0.20051018-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-es-0.20110222svn-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-eu-0.20110620-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-fa-0.20130404-4.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-fo-0.20040420-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-fr-2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ga-0.20040220-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-gl-0.99-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-grc-0.20110913-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-gu-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-hi-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-hsb-0.20110620-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-hu-0.20090612-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ia-0.20050628-9.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-id-0.20040812-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-is-0.20030920-13.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-it-0.20071127-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-kn-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ku-1.71.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-lt-0.20100531-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-mi-0.20080630-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ml-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-mn-0.20100531-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-mr-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-nl-0.20050617-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-or-0.7.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-pa-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-pl-0.20060726-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-pt-0.20021021-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ro-3.3.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ru-0.20020727-11.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-sa-0.20110915-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-sk-0.20031227-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-sl-0.20070127-10.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-sv-1.00.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-ta-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-te-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-tk-0.20110620-7.fc23 same: local and remote: hyphen-uk-0.20030903-10.fc23 same: local and remote: i2c-tools-3.1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: i3-4.10.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: i3-ipc-0.1.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: i3lock-2.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: i3status-2.8-4.fc23 only remote: i7z-0.27.2-11.fc23only remote: i8kutils-1.33-8.fc22same: local and remote: iagno-3.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: iapetal-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: iaxclient-2.1-0.23.beta3.fc23 only remote: ibmasm-3.0-25.fc23same: local and remote: ibmonitor-1.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ibp-0.21-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-1.5.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-anthy-1.5.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-bogo-0.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-cangjie-2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-chewing-1.4.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-fbterm-0.9.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-fep-1.4.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-gucharmap-1.4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-handwrite-3.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-hangul-1.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-input-pad- same: local and remote: ibus-kkc-1.5.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-libpinyin-1.7.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-libzhuyin-1.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-m17n-1.3.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-pinyin-1.5.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-qt-1.3.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-rawcode-1.3.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-rime-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-sayura-1.3.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-skk-1.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-table-1.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-table-chinese-1.8.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-table-cyrillic- same: local and remote: ibus-table-extraphrase- same: local and remote: ibus-table-latin- same: local and remote: ibus-table-others-1.3.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-table-tv- same: local and remote: ibus-typing-booster-1.2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-unikey-0.6.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ibus-xkbc- same: local and remote: ibutils-1.5.7-18.fc23 same: local and remote: icaro-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: icc-profiles-basiccolor-printing2009-1.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: icc-profiles-openicc-1.3.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: icecast-2.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: icecat-31.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: icecream-1.0.1-13.20140822git.fc23 same: local and remote: icedtea-web-1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ices-2.0.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: icewm-1.3.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: icfg-0.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: icon-naming-utils-0.8.90-14.fc23 same: local and remote: icon-slicer-0.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: icoutils-0.31.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: icu-54.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: icu4j-54.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: id3lib-3.8.3-37.fc23 same: local and remote: id3v2-0.1.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: idjc-0.8.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: idle3-tools-0.9.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: idlj-maven-plugin-1.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: idm-console-framework-1.1.14-2.fc23 newer remote: local: idris- remote: idris- with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: idzebra-2.0.58-6.fc23 same: local and remote: iec16022-0.2.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ifm-5.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ifstat-1.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: ifstatus-1.1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: iftop-1.0-0.10.pre4.fc23 same: local and remote: ifuse-1.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ignuit-2.24.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: igor-0.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: igraph-0.6.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: iguanaIR-1.1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ii-1.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: iio-sensor-proxy-1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: iipsrv-1.0.0-4.0.git2431b45.fc23 only remote: ikarus-0.0.3-13.fc23same: local and remote: ike-2.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ike-scan-1.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ikiwiki-3.20150614-1.fc23 same: local and remote: iksemel-1.4-10.fc22 same: local and remote: ilbc-1.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ilmbase-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: im-chooser-1.6.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ima-evm-utils-0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: imagefactory-1.1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: imagefactory-plugins-1.1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: imageinfo-0.05-23.fc23 same: local and remote: imagej-1.48-7.e.fc23 same: local and remote: imake-1.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: imap-upload-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: imapfilter-2.5.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: imapsync-1.637-2.fc23 same: local and remote: imaptest-20150620-1.fc23 same: local and remote: imgbased-0.1-0.9.git20140721.71b82f3.fc23 same: local and remote: iml-1.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: imlib-1.9.15-27.fc23 same: local and remote: imlib2-1.4.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: immix-1.3.2-24.fc23 same: local and remote: impallari-lobster-fonts-1.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: impressive-0.10.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: impressjs-0.5.3-4.20130412gitgedff5a0.fc23 same: local and remote: imsettings-1.6.8-6.fc23 only remote: imvirt-0.9.6-7.fc23same: local and remote: inadyn-mt-2.24.46-2.fc23 same: local and remote: inception-0.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: inchi-1.0.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: incron-0.5.10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: indefero-1.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: indent-2.2.11-18.fc23 same: local and remote: indi-aagcloudwatcher-1.0.0-3.20150226svn2046.fc23 same: local and remote: indi-apogee-1.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: indi-eqmod-1.0.0-3.20150226svn2046.fc23 same: local and remote: indi-gphoto-1.0.0-3.20150226svn2046.fc23 same: local and remote: indi-sx-1.0.0-4.20150227svn2049.fc23 same: local and remote: infiniband-diags-1.6.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: infinispan-6.0.2-5.fc21 same: local and remote: ini4j-0.5.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: iniparser-3.1-6.fc22 same: local and remote: initial-setup-0.3.33-2.fc23 same: local and remote: initscripts-9.63-2.fc23 same: local and remote: inkboy-fonts-20070624-13.fc23 same: local and remote: inkscape-0.91-11.fc23 same: local and remote: inkscape-psd-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: inkscape-sozi-13.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: inkscape-table-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: inksmoto-0.7.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: inn-2.6.0-0.rc1.1.fc23.2 same: local and remote: innotop-1.10.0-0.1.4131ed5.fc23 same: local and remote: ino-0.3.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: inotify-tools-3.14-9.fc23 same: local and remote: input-pad- same: local and remote: insight-7.8.50-6.20140827git.fc23 same: local and remote: instack-0.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: instack-undercloud-1.0.42-2.fc23 same: local and remote: international-time-0.0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: intltool-0.51.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: intrace-1.5-6.fc22 same: local and remote: invokebinder-1.2-1.fc22 same: local and remote: inxi-2.2.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: iodine-0.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: iok-2.1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ioping-0.9-1.fc23 only remote: ioport-1.2-11.fc23same: local and remote: ioprocess-0.15.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: iotop-0.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ip-sentinel-0.12-1907.fc23 same: local and remote: ipa-ex-gothic-fonts-002.01-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ipa-ex-mincho-fonts-002.01-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ipa-gothic-fonts-003.03-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ipa-mincho-fonts-003.03-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ipa-pgothic-fonts-003.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ipa-pmincho-fonts-003.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ipcalc-0.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ipcalculator-0.41-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ipe-7.1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: iperf-2.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: iperf3-3.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ipmitool-1.8.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ipmiutil-2.9.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ipplan-4.92-11.b.fc23 same: local and remote: iproute-4.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: iprutils-2.4.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ipsec-tools-0.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ipset-6.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ipsilon-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: iptables-1.4.21-15.fc23 same: local and remote: iptraf-ng-1.1.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: iptstate-2.2.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: iptux-0.5.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: iputils-20140519-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ipv6calc-0.99.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ipvsadm-1.28-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ipw2100-firmware-1.3-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ipw2200-firmware-3.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ipwatchd-1.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ipxe-20150407-3.gitdc795b9f.fc23 same: local and remote: ipxripd-0.8-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ipython-3.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: irc-otr-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ircd-ratbox-2.2.9-3.fc22 same: local and remote: irclib-1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: irclog2html-2.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ircp-tray-0.7.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: irda-utils-0.9.18-22.fc23 same: local and remote: iris-1.0.0-0.24.20140424git4dcc9f49.fc23 same: local and remote: irma_configuration-0.1-0.6.aeb8d68.fc23 same: local and remote: ironjacamar-1.1.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: irqbalance-1.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: irrlicht-1.8.1-3.fc23.4 same: local and remote: irsim-9.7.92-1.fc23 same: local and remote: irssi-0.8.17-4.fc23 same: local and remote: irssi-xmpp-0.52-7.fc23 same: local and remote: irstlm-5.80.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: is-interface-1.15.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: iscan-firmware-20130319-2.fc23 same: local and remote: iscsi-initiator-utils- same: local and remote: isdn4k-utils-3.2-101.fc23 same: local and remote: isight-firmware-tools-1.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: isl-0.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: islamic-menus-1.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: isns-utils-0.93-8.fc23 same: local and remote: iso-codes-3.59-1.fc23 same: local and remote: iso8859-2-fonts-1.0-31.fc23 same: local and remote: isomaster-1.3.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: isomd5sum-1.0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: isorelax-0-0.18.release20050331.fc23 same: local and remote: isrcsubmit-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: istack-commons-2.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: istanbul-0.2.2-23.fc23 same: local and remote: istatd-0.5.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: isync-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: itcl-4.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: itext-2.1.7-29.fc23 same: local and remote: itk-4.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: itop-0.1-3.20150225git6dbb3c42.fc23 same: local and remote: itstool-2.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: itzam-core-2.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: iverilog-0.9.20120609-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ivtv-firmware-20080701-29 same: local and remote: ivykis-0.36.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: iw-3.15-4.fc23 only remote: iwhd-1.6-15.fc23same: local and remote: iwidgets-4.0.2-17.fc23 only remote: iwyu-0.4-3.fc23same: local and remote: jBCrypt-0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jFormatString-0-0.20.20131227git.fc23 same: local and remote: jaaa-0.6.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jabber-roster-0.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: jabberd-2.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jabberpy-0.5-0.29.fc23 same: local and remote: jabref-2.9.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jabrt-1.0-3.git0a3b423.fc23 same: local and remote: jack-audio-connection-kit-1.9.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jack-keyboard-2.7.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: jack-rack-1.4.7-18.fc23 same: local and remote: jack_capture-0.9.61-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jackctlmmc-4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jacknativeclient-0-0.10.20120218git.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-1.9.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-annotations-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-core-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-databind-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-dataformat-csv-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-dataformat-smile-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-dataformat-xml-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-datatype-guava-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-jaxrs-providers-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-module-jsonSchema-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-module-mrbean-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jackson-parent-2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jacoco-0.7.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jacop-4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jacorb-2.3.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: jai-imageio-core-1.2-0.16.20100217cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: jakarta-commons-httpclient-3.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: jakarta-oro-2.0.8-18.fc23 same: local and remote: jake-8.0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jalv-1.4.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jam-2.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: jam-control-1.03-4.fc21 same: local and remote: jamin-0.97.16-10.20111031cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-api-2.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-java-parent-2.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-maven-plugin-2.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-nodegen-plugin-2.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-parent-2.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-processor-2.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jamon-runtime-2.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jamonapi-2.74-8.fc23 same: local and remote: jandex-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: janino-2.7.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jansi-1.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jansi-native-1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jansson-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: japa-0.6.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: japanese-bitmap-fonts-0.20080710-16.fc23 same: local and remote: jarbundler-2.2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jargs-1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: jarjar-1.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: jasmine-1.3.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jasmine-node-1.14.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jasper-1.900.1-31.fc23 same: local and remote: jasperreports-4.0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: jastow-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jasypt-1.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jatl-0.2.2-7.fc23 only locally: java-1.6.0-openjdk- local and remote: java-1.8.0-openjdk- same: local and remote: java-atk-wrapper-0.32.92-2.fc23 same: local and remote: java-augeas-0.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: java-base64-2.3.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: java-deptools-0-0.13.20120627gite000f35.fc23 newer remote: local: java-dirq-1.4-3.fc21 remote: java-dirq-1.4-7.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: java-gnome-4.1.3-6.fc22 remote: java-gnome-4.1.3-8.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: java-hll-1.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: java-libpst-0.8.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: java-oauth-20100601-11.fc23 same: local and remote: java-service-wrapper-3.2.5-22.fc23 same: local and remote: java-sleep-2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: java-uuid-generator-3.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: java-wakeonlan-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: java-xmlbuilder-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: java_cup-0.11b-1.fc23 same: local and remote: javacc-5.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: javacc-maven-plugin-2.6-20.fc23 same: local and remote: javaewah-0.8.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: javahelp2-2.0.05-18.fc23 same: local and remote: javamail-1.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: javanotes-5.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: javapackages-tools-4.6.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: javaparser-1.0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: javasqlite-20150419-2.fc23 same: local and remote: javassist-3.18.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: javasysmon-0.3.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: javatar-2.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: javawriter-2.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: javolution-5.5.1-0.7.fc23 same: local and remote: jaxb2-common-basics-0.6.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jaxb2-fluent-api-3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jaxb2-maven-plugin-1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jaxen-1.1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jaxodraw-2.0.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jazzy-0.5.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jberet-1.0.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: jbig2dec-0.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jbigkit-2.1-4.fc23 only remote: jblas-1.2.3-8.fc23same: local and remote: jbosh-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-annotations-1.1-api-1.0.1-0.9.20120212git76e1a2.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-annotations-1.2-api-1.0.0-0.5.Alpha1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-batch-1.0-api-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-classfilewriter-1.0.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-classpool-scoped-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-common-beans-1.1.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-common-core-2.2.22-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-concurrency-1.0-api-1.0.0-0.3.CR1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-connector-1.6-api-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-connector-1.7-api-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-dmr-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-ejb-3.1-api-1.0.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-ejb-3.2-api-1.0.0-0.5.Alpha2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-ejb-client-2.0.1-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-ejb3-ext-api-2.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-el-2.2-api-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-el-3.0-api-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-httpserver-1.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-iiop-client-1.0.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-integration-6.0.0-0.4.CR1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-interceptors-1.1-api-1.0.2-0.12.20120319git49a904.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-interceptors-1.2-api-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-invocation-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-j2eemgmt-1.1-api-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jacc-1.4-api-1.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jacc-1.5-api-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jad-1.2-api-1.0.1-9.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-jaspi-1.0-api-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jaspi-1.1-api-1.0.0-0.3.Beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jaxb-2.2-api-1.0.4-9.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-jaxb-intros-1.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jaxr-1.0-api-1.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jaxrs-1.1-api-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jaxws-2.2-api-2.0.2-0.8.20120507gitd6937f.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-jms-1.1-api-1.0.1-9.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-jms-2.0-api-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jsf-2.1-api-2.0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jsf-2.2-api-2.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-jsp-2.2-api-1.0.1-10.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-jsp-2.3-api-1.0.0-0.5.Beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-jstl-1.2-api-1.0.3-10.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-logging-3.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-logging-tools-1.2.0-0.3.Beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-logmanager-1.5.2-2.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-logmanager-log4j-1.0.0-11.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-marshalling-1.4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-metadata-8.0.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-modules-1.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-msc-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-naming-5.0.6-0.11.CR1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-negotiation-2.2.7-1.Final.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-parent-11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-reflect-2.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-remote-naming-2.0.1-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-remoting-4.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-remoting-jmx-2.0.0-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-rmi-1.0-api-1.0.4-11.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-saaj-1.3-api-1.0.2-9.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-sasl-1.0.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-servlet-2.5-api-1.0.1-8.fc22 same: local and remote: jboss-servlet-3.0-api-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-servlet-3.1-api-1.0.0-0.5.Beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-specs-parent-1.0.0-0.12.Beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-stdio-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-threads-2.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-transaction-1.1-api-1.0.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-transaction-1.2-api-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-transaction-spi-7.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-vfs-3.2.5-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jboss-web-8.0.0-0.5.Alpha1.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-web-native-2.0.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-websocket-1.0-api-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jboss-websocket-1.1-api-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jbossws-api-1.0.2-0.4.CR1.fc21 same: local and remote: jbossws-common-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jbossws-common-tools-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jbossws-cxf-4.2.3-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jbossws-parent-1.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jbossws-spi-2.3.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: jbossxb-2.0.3-7.fc21 same: local and remote: jbrout-0.4-0.14.git20140930reva7c8fb8.fc23 same: local and remote: jbzip2-0.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jcal-0.4.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jchardet-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jcharset-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jcifs-1.3.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jcip-annotations-1-16.20060626.fc23 same: local and remote: jcodings-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: jcommon-1.0.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jcommon-serializer-0.3.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jconvolver-0.9.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jcsp-1.1-0.4.rc5.fc23 same: local and remote: jctools-1.1-0.2.alpha.fc23 same: local and remote: jd-2.8.9-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: jday-2.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jdbi-2.59-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jdeparser-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jdepend-2.9.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jdependency-0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jdf-stacks-client-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jdiff-1.1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jdns-2.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: jdo-api-3.1-0.7.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: jdo2-api-2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jdom-1.1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jdom2-2.0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: je-5.0.97-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jed-0.99.19-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jedis-2.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jemalloc-3.6.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jemmy- same: local and remote: jenkins-1.616-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-ant-plugin-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-antisamy-markup-formatter-plugin-1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-commons-jelly-1.1.20120928-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-credentials-plugin-1.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-crypto-util-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-executable-war-1.29-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-external-monitor-job-plugin-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-extras-memory-monitor-1.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-icon-shim-1.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-instance-identity-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-javadoc-plugin-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-jexl-1.1-4.20111212.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-junit-plugin-1.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-ldap-plugin-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-mailer-plugin-1.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-matrix-auth-plugin-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-matrix-project-plugin-1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-openid-plugin-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-pam-auth-plugin-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-remoting-2.49-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-script-security-plugin-1.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-ssh-cli-auth-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-ssh-credentials-plugin-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-ssh-slaves-plugin-1.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-sshd-1.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-task-reactor-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-version-number-1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-winstone-2.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jenkins-xstream-1.4.7-6.jenkins1.fc23 same: local and remote: jericho-html-3.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jersey-2.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jersey1-1.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jetring-0.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jets3t-0.9.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jettison-1.3.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-9.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-alpn-api-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-artifact-remote-resources-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-assembly-descriptors-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-build-support-1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-distribution-remote-resources-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-parent-19-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-schemas-3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-test-policy-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-toolchain-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty-version-maven-plugin-1.0.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jetty8-8.1.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: jeuclid-3.1.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: jexcelapi-2.6.12-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jfbterm-0.4.7-33.fc23 newer remote: local: jffi-1.2.7-1.fc22 remote: jffi-1.2.9-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: jflex-1.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jfreechart-1.0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jfsutils-1.1.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jgettext-0.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jglobus-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jgoodies-animation-1.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jgoodies-common-1.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jgoodies-forms-1.8.0-1.fc21 same: local and remote: jgoodies-looks-2.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jgrapht-0.8.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jgraphx- same: local and remote: jgroups-3.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jgroups212-2.12.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jhdf5-2.11.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jhead-3.00-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jhighlight-1.0.1-4.fc23 newer remote: local: jibx-1.2.6-2.fc22 remote: jibx-1.2.6-3.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: jide-oss-2.7.6-12.1340svn.fc23 same: local and remote: jigdo-0.7.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: jilter-1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: jimtcl-0.76-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jing-trang-20131210-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jinput-2.0.7-4.20140526svn.fc23 same: local and remote: jipijapa-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jisksp16-1990-fonts-0.983-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jj-1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jkmeter-0.6.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jlatexmath-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jlibrtp-0.2.3-0.5.20141215svn258.fc23 same: local and remote: jline-2.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jline1-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jmapviewer-1.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jmatio-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jmdns-3.4.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jmeters-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: jmock-2.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jmol-14.2.12-3.2015.01.22.fc23 same: local and remote: jna-4.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jnettop-0.13.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-constants-0.8.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-enxio-0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-ffi-2.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-netdb-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-posix-3.0.15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-unixsocket-0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jnr-x86asm-1.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: joda-convert-1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: joda-time-2.8.1-1.tzdata2015e.fc23 same: local and remote: joe-3.8-2.fc23 only remote: jogl2-2.2.4-4.fc23same: local and remote: john-1.8.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jomolhari-fonts-0.003-20.fc23 same: local and remote: joni-2.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jopt-simple-4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jorbis-0.0.17-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jortho-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: josm-0-0.66.8109svn.fc23 same: local and remote: josql-2.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jove- same: local and remote: jovie-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: joyce-2.2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: joystick-support-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: jpanoramamaker-5.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jpathwatch-0.95-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jpcap-0.7-17.fc23 same: local and remote: jpeginfo-1.6.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jpegoptim-1.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jpf-1.5.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jpfcodegen-0.4-8.fc21 same: local and remote: jpilot-1.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jpilot-backup-0.60-15.fc21 same: local and remote: jpnevulator-2.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jpype-py3-0-0.3.20150202gitca6fc96.fc23 same: local and remote: jq-1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jra-1.0-0.10.alpha4.fc23 same: local and remote: jredis-2.0.0-0.1.a.0.fc23 same: local and remote: jreen-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jrosetta-1.0.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jrtplib-3.7.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: jruby-1.7.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jruby-maven-plugins-1.0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: js-1.8.5-22.fc23 same: local and remote: js-CodeMirror-4.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: js-excanvas-0-0.2.gitae9e090.fc23 same: local and remote: js-jquery-2.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: js-jquery-migrate-1.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: js-jquery1-1.11.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: js-json-20140204git3d7767b-6.fc23 same: local and remote: js-of-ocaml-2.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: js-sizzle-2.1.1-2.jquery.2.1.2.fc23 same: local and remote: js-web-socket-js-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: js-yui2-2.9.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: js-zlib-0.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jsap-2.1-6.3.fc23 same: local and remote: jsch-0.1.53-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jsch-agent-proxy-0.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jsemver-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jsilver-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jsl-0.3.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: jsmath-fonts-20090708-9.fc23 same: local and remote: jsmpp-2.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: json-0-5.20150410gitd7d0509.fc23 same: local and remote: json-c-0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: json-glib-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: json-lib-2.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: json-parser-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: json-path-0.9.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: json-smart-1.3-0.4.20140820.fc23 same: local and remote: json4s-3.2.7-2.fc21 same: local and remote: json_diff-1.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: json_simple-1.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jsoncpp-0.6.0-0.17.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: jsonic-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jsonp-1.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jsoup-1.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jspc-2.0-0.17.alpha.3.fc23 same: local and remote: jspecview-2-10.1649svn.fc23 same: local and remote: jspeex-0.9.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: jsr-305-0-0.18.20130910svn.fc23 same: local and remote: jsr-311-1.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: jss-4.2.6-37.fc23 same: local and remote: jsslu*tils-1.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jtds-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jthread-1.2.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: jtidy-1.0-0.21.20100930svn1125.fc23 same: local and remote: jtnef-1.8.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jtoaster-1.0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: jts-1.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jtype-0.1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: judy-fk-1.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: juel-2.2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: juffed-0.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: juk-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jul-to-slf4j-stub-1.0.1-2.fc23 only remote: julia-0.3.7-2.fc23same: local and remote: julius-4.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: julius-voxforge-2013.03.01-4.fc23 same: local and remote: jung-2.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: junit-4.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: junit-addons-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: junit-benchmarks-0.7.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: junitperf-1.9.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: juniversalchardet-1.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jupp-28-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jutils-1.0.1-12.20110719svn.fc23 same: local and remote: jvnet-parent-4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: jvyamlb-0.2.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: jwhois-4.0-41.fc23 same: local and remote: jwm-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jxmpp-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: jython-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: jzlib-1.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: k3b-2.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: k3d- same: local and remote: k3guitune-1.01-15.fc23 same: local and remote: k4dirstat-2.7.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kBuild-0.1.9998-5.r2784.fc23 same: local and remote: kaccessible-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kaccounts-integration-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kaccounts-providers-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kacst-fonts-2.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: kactivities-4.13.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: kajongg-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kakasi-2.3.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kalapi-fonts-0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: kalgebra-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kalibrate-rtl-0.4.1-5.20141008gitaae11c8a.fc23 same: local and remote: kalzium-15.04.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kamera-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kamoso-2.0.2-23.20140902git.fc23 same: local and remote: kanagram-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kanatest-0.4.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: kanjistrokeorders-fonts-3.001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kannel-1.4.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: kanotf-fonts-20050515-7.fc23 same: local and remote: kanyremote-6.3.5-2.fc23 newer remote: local: kapman-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kapman-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kapow- same: local and remote: kapptemplate-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kasumi-2.5-16.fc23 newer remote: local: kate-15.04.2-1.fc23 remote: kate-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kate4-4.14.3-15.fc23 newer remote: local: katomic-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: katomic-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kaudiocreator-1.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: kawa-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kaya-0.5.2-24.fc22 newer remote: local: kazehakase-0.5.8-18.svn3873_trunk.fc22 remote: kazehakase-0.5.8-19.svn3873_trunk.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kbackup-0.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kbd-2.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: kbibtex-0.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: kbilliards-0.8.7b-21.fc23 newer remote: local: kblackbox-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kblackbox-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: kblocks-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kblocks-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: kbounce-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kbounce-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: kbrickbuster-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kbrickbuster-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kbruch-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kcachegrind-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kcalc-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kcbench-0.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: kcbench-data-0.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: kcc-2.3-39.fc23 same: local and remote: kcemirror-0.1.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: kcharselect-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kcheckers-0.8.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: kchildlock- same: local and remote: kchmviewer-7.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: kcm-fcitx-0.4.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kcm-gtk-0.5.3-18.fc23 same: local and remote: kcm-qt-graphicssystem-1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: kcm_systemd-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kcm_wacomtablet-2.1.0-0.3.20141123.ede16d1git.fc23 same: local and remote: kcolorchooser-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kcoloredit-4.4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: kcron-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdbg-2.5.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-artwork-active-0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-baseapps-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-cli-tools-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-colorscheme-plastik-0.1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-connect-0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-dev-scripts-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-dev-utils-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-filesystem-4-52.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-gtk-config-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-i18n-3.5.10-21.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-l10n-15.04.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-partitionmanager-1.2.1-6.fc23 newer remote: local: kde-plasma-activitymanager-0.5-8.fc21 remote: kde-plasma-activitymanager-0.5-8.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kde-plasma-applicationname-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-plasma-ihatethecashew-0.4-11.fc23 only remote: kde-plasma-milou-0.1-0.5.20140417git.fc21newer remote: local: kde-plasma-nm- remote: kde-plasma-nm- with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kde-plasma-publictransport-0.10-0.14.20111204git.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-print-manager-15.04.2-3.fc23 only locally: kde-printer-applet-4.9.3-1.fc19same: local and remote: kde-runtime-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-settings-22-11.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-wallpapers-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kde-workspace-4.11.21-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeaccessibility-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeaddons-3.5.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeadmin-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeartwork-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdebase3-3.5.10-39.fc23 same: local and remote: kdebindings-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdecoration-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeedu-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeedu-data-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdegames-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdegames3-3.5.10-22.fc23 same: local and remote: kdegraphics-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdegraphics-mobipocket-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdegraphics-thumbnailers-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdelibs-4.14.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdelibs3-3.5.10-70.fc23 same: local and remote: kdemultimedia-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdenetwork-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdenetwork-filesharing-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdepim-4.14.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdepim-runtime-4.14.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdepim3-3.5.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: kdepimlibs-4.14.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeplasma-addons-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kdesdk-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdesdk-kioslaves-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdesdk-strigi-analyzers-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdesdk-thumbnailers-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdesrc-build-1.15.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: kdesvn-1.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: kdetoys-4.14.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kdeutils-4.14.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdevelop-4.7.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kdevelop-pg-qt-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: kdevelop-php-1.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kdevelop-python-1.7.1-3.py3.fc23 same: local and remote: kdevplatform-1.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kdewebdev-3.5.10-25.fc23 same: local and remote: kdf-15.04.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: kdiamond-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kdiamond-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kdiff3-0.9.98-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kdissert-1.0.7-17.fc23 same: local and remote: kdnssd-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kdnssd-avahi-0.1.3-0.22.20080116svn.fc23 same: local and remote: kdocker-5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kea-0.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: keepalived-1.2.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: keepass-2.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: keepassx-0.4.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: kernel-4.2.0-0.rc4.git1.1.fc23 same: local and remote: ketchup-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: keurocalc-1.0.0-2.rc2.fc23.11 same: local and remote: kexec-tools-2.0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: key-mon-1.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: keybinder-0.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: keybinder3-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: keychain-2.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: keychecker-0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: keyrings-filesystem-1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: keytool-maven-plugin-1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: keyutils-1.5.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-attica-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-baloo-5.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-bluez-qt-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-frameworkintegration-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kactivities-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kapidox-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-karchive-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kauth-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kbookmarks-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kcmutils-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kcodecs-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kcompletion-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kconfig-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kconfigwidgets-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kcoreaddons-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kcrash-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdbusaddons-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdeclarative-5.12.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kded-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdelibs4support-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdesignerplugin-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdesu-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdewebkit-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdnssd-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kdoctools-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kemoticons-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kfilemetadata-5.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kglobalaccel-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kguiaddons-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-khtml-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-ki18n-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kiconthemes-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kidletime-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kimageformats-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kinit-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kio-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kitemmodels-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kitemviews-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kjobwidgets-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kjs-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kjsembed-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kmediaplayer-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-knewstuff-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-knotifications-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-knotifyconfig-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kpackage-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kparts-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kpeople-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kplotting-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kpty-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kross-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-krunner-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kservice-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-ktexteditor-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-ktextwidgets-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kunitconversion-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kwallet-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kwayland-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kwidgetsaddons-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kwindowsystem-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kxmlgui-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-kxmlrpcclient-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-modemmanager-qt-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-networkmanager-qt-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-plasma-5.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-solid-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-sonnet-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kf5-threadweaver-5.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kfaenza-icon-theme-0.8.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: kfilefactory-0.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: kfilemetadata-4.14.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kflickr-20100817-11.fc23 same: local and remote: kfloppy-15.04.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: kfourinline-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kfourinline-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kgamma-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kgb-bot-1.31-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kgeography-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kget-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kgoldrunner-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kgpg-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kgrab-0.1.1-31.fc23 same: local and remote: kgraphviewer-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kguitar-0.5.1-19.926svn.fc22 same: local and remote: khal-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: khangman-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: khelpcenter-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: khmeros-fonts-5.0-20.fc23 newer remote: local: khotkeys-5.3.1-1.fc23 remote: khotkeys-5.3.2-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kicad-2015.03.21-3.rev5528.fc23 same: local and remote: kiconedit-4.4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: kid3-3.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kig-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kigo-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kile-2.1.3-9.fc23 newer remote: local: killbots-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: killbots-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kimchi-1.4.1-4.fc23 newer remote: local: kimono-4.14.3-1.fc22 remote: kimono-4.14.3-6.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kinfocenter-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kinput2-v3.1-50.fc23 same: local and remote: kio-extras-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kio-ftps-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: kio-upnp-ms-1.0.0-8.20111102git.fc23 same: local and remote: kio_gopher-0.1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: kio_mtp-0.75-12.20141221gitc418634.fc23 same: local and remote: kio_sysinfo-20090930-12.fc23 same: local and remote: kipi-plugins-elegant-theme-1.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kiriki-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kismet-0.0.2013.03.R1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kismon-0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: kita-0.177.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: kiten-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kitsune-2.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: kitutuki-0.9.6-10.fc23 newer remote: local: kjumpingcube-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kjumpingcube-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: klamav-0.46-17.fc23 same: local and remote: klatexformula-3.2.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: klavaro-3.01-0.pre1.1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: klettres-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: klickety-15.04.3-1.fc23 newer remote: local: klines-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: klines-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: klog-0.5.6-14.fc23 same: local and remote: klt-1.3.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: kmag-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kmahjongg-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kmenu-gnome-0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: kmenuedit-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kmess- same: local and remote: kmetronome-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kmid2-2.4.0-10.fc23 newer remote: local: kmines-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kmines-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kmix-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kmldonkey-2.0.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: kmod-21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kmousetool-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kmouth-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kmplayer-0.11.3c-10.fc23 same: local and remote: kmplot-15.04.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: kmscon-8-4.fc21 remote: kmscon-8-10.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kmymoney-4.7.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: knapsen-1.0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: knavalbattle-15.04.3-1.fc23 newer remote: local: knemo-0.7.6-3.fc21 remote: knemo-0.7.6-3.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: knetstats-1.6.2-12.fc23 newer remote: local: knetwalk-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: knetwalk-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: knights-2.5.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: knm-new-fixed-fonts-1.1-21.fc23 newer remote: local: knot-1.99.1-2.fc23 remote: knot-2.0.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kobo-0.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kodos-2.4.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: koffice-kivio-1.6.3-45.fc23 same: local and remote: kohsuke-pom-14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: koji-1.10.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kolf-15.04.3-1.fc23 newer remote: local: kollision-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kollision-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kolourpaint-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: komparator-0.9-15.fc23 same: local and remote: kompare-14.12.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: konkretcmpi-0.9.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: konquest-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: konsole-4.14.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: konsole5-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: konversation-1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kopete-15.04.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: kopete-cryptography-1.3.0-24.fc21 remote: kopete-cryptography-1.3.0-24.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: koschei-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kosmtik-0.0.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: koules-1.4-18.fc22 same: local and remote: kover-6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: koverartist-0.7.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: kpartsplugin-0.0.1-0.14.20120723.fc23 same: local and remote: kpassgen-1.4-9.fc23 newer remote: local: kpat-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: kpat-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: kpcli-3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kphotoalbum-4.6.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kphotobymail-0.4.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: kpilot-5.3.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: kpolynome-0.1.2-29.fc23 same: local and remote: kppp-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kqtquickcharts-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kradio4-4.0.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: kranky-fonts-1.00-5.716ff965e2b0hg.fc23 same: local and remote: krazy2-2.97-0.7.20140114git35d9080f1870d.fc23 same: local and remote: krb5-1.13.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: krb5-appl-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: krb5-auth-dialog-3.15.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: krdc-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: krecipes-2.0-0.9.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: kredentials-2.0-0.11.pre3.fc23 same: local and remote: kreetingkard-0.7.1-6.fc23.5 same: local and remote: kreetingkard_templates-0.2.0-4.fc23.7 same: local and remote: kremotecontrol-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: krename-4.0.9-15.fc23 same: local and remote: kreversi-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: krfb-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: krop-0.4.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kross-interpreters-4.14.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kruler-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: krusader-2.4.0-0.15.beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: kryo-3.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kryo-serializers-0.26-2.fc21 same: local and remote: ksaneplugin-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kscd-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kscope-1.9.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: kscreen-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ksecrets-4.8.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ksensors-0.7.3-30.fc23 same: local and remote: ksh-20120801-27.fc23 same: local and remote: kshisen-14.12.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kshutdown-3.3-0.2.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: ksig-1.1-0.17.20080213.fc23 same: local and remote: ksirk-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ksnakeduel-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ksnapshot-15.04.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: kspaceduel-15.04.3-1.fc23 newer remote: local: ksquares-15.04.2-2.fc23 remote: ksquares-15.04.3-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ksshaskpass-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kst-2.0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kstars-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kstart-4.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ksudoku-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ksysguard-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ksystemlog-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kteatime-15.04.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktechlab-0.3.70-16.20090304svn.fc23 same: local and remote: ktikz-0.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ktimer-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ktoblzcheck-1.44-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ktorrent-4.3.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ktouch-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-accounts-kcm-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-approver-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-auth-handler-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-common-internals-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-contact-list-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-contact-runner-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-desktop-applets-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-filetransfer-handler-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-kded-integration-module-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-send-file-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktp-text-ui-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ktuberling-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kturtle-15.04.2-2.fc23 only remote: kubernetes-1.0.0-0.9.git2d88675.fc23same: local and remote: kubrick-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kup-0.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kupfer-208-9.fc23 same: local and remote: kurdit-unikurd-web-fonts-20020502-14.fc23 same: local and remote: kuser-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kvirc-4.2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: kvkbd-0.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: kwallet-4.12.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: kwalletmanager-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kwalletmanager5-15.04.0-3.20150501git.fc23 same: local and remote: kwebkitpart-1.3.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: kwin-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kwooty-1.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: kwordquiz-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: kwrited-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: kxml-2.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: kxstitch-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: kyotocabinet-1.2.76-9.fc23 same: local and remote: kyua-cli-0.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: kyua-testers-0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: l3afpad- same: local and remote: labelleaurore-fonts-1.001-0.3.20140913hg.fc23 same: local and remote: labiryntowy-fonts-1.53-3.fc23 same: local and remote: labrea-2.5.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: labyrinth-0.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lacewing-1.10-25.fc23 same: local and remote: ladish-2-8.3.gitfcb16ae.fc23 same: local and remote: laditools-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-1.13-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-amb-plugins-0.6.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-autotalent-plugins-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-blop-plugins-0.2.8-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-caps-plugins-0.9.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-cmt-plugins-1.16-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-fil-plugins-0.3.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-mcp-plugins-0.4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-rev-plugins-0.3.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-swh-plugins-0.4.15-24.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-tap-plugins-0.7.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ladspa-vco-plugins-0.3.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ladvd-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: laf-plugin-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: lagan-2.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: lancer-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: langdetect-1.1-0.7.20120112.fc23 same: local and remote: langtable-0.0.34-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lapack-3.5.0-10.fc22 same: local and remote: lash-0.5.4-21.fc22 same: local and remote: lasi-1.1.2-5.fc23 newer remote: local: lasso-2.4.0-2.fc21 remote: lasso-2.4.1-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: lastfmlib-0.4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: laszip-2.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: latencytop-0.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: latex-mk-2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: latex2emf-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: latex2html-2012-6.fc23 same: local and remote: latex2rtf-2.3.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: latexila-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: latexmk-4.42-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lato-fonts-2.010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: latrace-0.5.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: latte-integrale-1.7.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: laughlin-backgrounds-14.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: laughlin-kde-theme-14.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: launchy-2.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: layla-fonts-1.4-2.fc23 newer remote: local: lazarus-1.0.8-4.fc20 remote: lazarus-1.4.2-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: lbd-0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lbdb-0.39-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lbrickbuster2-2.6.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lbzip2-2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lbzip2-utils-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lcd4linux-0.11-0.12.svn1200.fc23 newer remote: local: lcdproc-0.5.7-4.fc22 remote: lcdproc-0.5.7-5.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: lcdtest-1.18-14.fc23 same: local and remote: lcg-infosites-3.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lcgdm-1.8.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: lcgdm-dav-0.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lcm-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lcmaps-1.6.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lcms-1.19-15.fc23 same: local and remote: lcms2-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lcov-1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ldapdiff-1.4.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ldapjdk-4.18-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ldapvi-1.7-21.fc23 newer remote: local: ldc-0.15.0-64.fc22 remote: ldc-0.15.2.beta1-70.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ldd-pdf-3.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lde-2.6.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ldm-2.2.11-6.20130228.04.fc23 same: local and remote: ldns-1.6.17-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ldtp-3.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: leafnode-1.11.8-14.fc23 same: local and remote: leafpad- same: local and remote: ledger-3.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ledmon-0.79-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lekhonee-0.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lekhonee-gnome-0.12-8.fc23 only remote: leksah-server- local and remote: lemonpos-0.9.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: lensfun-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: leonidas-backgrounds-11.0.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: leonidas-kde-theme-11.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: leptonica-1.72-2.fc23 same: local and remote: less-479-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lesstif-0.95.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lettuce-2.3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: leveldb-1.12.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: leveldb-java-0.7-4.fc23 newer remote: local: leveldbjni-1.8-6.fc21 remote: leveldbjni-1.8-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: levien-inconsolata-fonts-1.01-12.fc23 same: local and remote: levien-museum-fonts-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: levmar-2.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lexertl-2013.11.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lfcbase-1.5.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lfcxml-1.1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lftp-4.6.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lhapdf-5.9.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lib3ds-1.3.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: lib765-0.4.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libAfterImage-1.20-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libEMF-1.0.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libFS-1.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libHX-3.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libICE-1.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libIDL-0.8.14-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libQGLViewer-2.5.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libSM-1.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libUnihan-0.5.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libX11-1.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXNVCtrl-352.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXScrnSaver-1.2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libXau-1.0.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXaw-1.0.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXaw3dXft-1.6.2d-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXcm-0.5.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXcomposite-0.4.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libXcursor-1.1.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libXdamage-1.1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libXdmcp-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXevie-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libXext-1.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libXfixes-5.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXfont-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libXft-2.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libXi-1.7.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libXinerama-1.1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXmu-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libXp-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXpm-3.5.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libXrandr-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXrender-0.9.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXres-1.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXt-1.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXtst-1.2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXv-1.0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libXvMC-1.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libXxf86dga-1.1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libXxf86misc-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libXxf86vm-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libabigail-1.0-0.5.20150727gitf0d319a.fc23 same: local and remote: libabw-0.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libaccounts-glib-1.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libaccounts-qt-1.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libaccounts-qt5-1.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libacpi-0.2-24.fc23 same: local and remote: libaesgm-20090429-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libaio-0.3.110-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libalkimia-4.3.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libannodex-0.7.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: libao-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libapogee-2.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libappindicator-12.10.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libappstream-glib-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libapreq2-2.13-20.fc23 same: local and remote: libarchive-3.1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libart_lgpl-2.3.21-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libason-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libasr-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libass-0.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libassuan-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libast-0.7.1-0.17.20080502cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: libasyncns-0.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libatasmart-0.19-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libatomic_ops-7.4.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libaudclient-3.5-0.2.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: libavc1394-0.5.3-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libax25-0.0.12-0.9.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: libbase-1.1.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libbatch-2.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libbind-6.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libbinio-1.4-22.fc23 same: local and remote: libblockdev-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libbluray-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libbonobo-2.32.1-8.fc22 same: local and remote: libbonoboui-2.24.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libbs2b-3.1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: libbsd-0.7.0-3.fc23 only locally: libbsr-0.2-4.fc12same: local and remote: libburn-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libcaca-0.99-0.25.beta18.fc23 same: local and remote: libcanberra-0.30-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libcangjie-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libcap-2.24-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libcap-ng-0.7.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libcapifax-0.7.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libccd-2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libccp4-6.4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libcdaudio-0.99.12p2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: libcddb-1.3.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libcdio-0.93-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libcdio-paranoia-10.2+0.93+1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libcdr-0.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libcec-2.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libcgi-1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libcgroup-0.41-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libchamplain-0.12.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libchewing-0.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libclastfm-0.5-0.7.20120314git968af0ab.fc23 same: local and remote: libclaw-1.7.4-9.fc23 only remote: libclc-0.0.1-10.20140901gite822ae3.fc23same: local and remote: libcli-1.9.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libcmis-0.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libcmml-0.9.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libcmpiutil-0.5.7-4.fc22 same: local and remote: libcommuni-2.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libcompizconfig-0.8.8-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libcomps-0.1.6-14.fc22 same: local and remote: libconfig-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libconfuse-2.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libcroco-0.6.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libcryptui-3.12.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libcrystalhd-3.10.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libcss-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libcsv-3.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libctl-3.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libcue-1.4.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libcutl-1.9.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libcxgb3-1.3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libcxgb4-1.3.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdaemon-0.14-9.fc23 newer locally: local: remote: libdap-3.14.0-5.fc23same: local and remote: libdatrie-0.2.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libdb-5.3.28-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libdb4-4.8.30-19.fc23 same: local and remote: libdbi-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdbusmenu-12.10.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libdc1394-2.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdeltacloud-0.9-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libdigidoc-3.10.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdigidocpp- same: local and remote: libdiscid-0.6.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdivecomputer-0.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdmapsharing-2.9.30-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libdmtx-0.7.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libdmx-1.1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libdnet-1.12-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libdockapp-0.6.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libdom-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libdrm-2.4.62-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libdsk-1.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libdstr-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libdv-1.0.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: libdvdnav-5.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libdvdread-5.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libdwarf-20150507-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libdxfrw-0.5.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libe-book-0.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libeXosip2-3.6.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libeasyfc-0.13.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libebml-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libecap-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libecb-0.20150608-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libechonest-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libedit-3.1-13.20150325cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: libee-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libeio-4.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libeot-0.01-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libepc-0.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libepoxy-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libepubgen-0.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: liberation-fonts-1.07.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libesedb-20120102-7.fc22 same: local and remote: libesmtp-1.0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libestr-0.1.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libetonyek-0.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libetpan-1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libev-4.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libevdev-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libevent-2.0.21-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libewf-20140608-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libexif-0.6.21-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libexif-gtk3-0.4.1-0.6.20130415cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: libexplain-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libextractor-1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libexttextcat-3.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libfakekey-0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libfaketime-0.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libfap-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libfc14audiodecoder-1.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libfep-0.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libffado-2.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libffi-3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libfishsound-1.0.0-10.fc23 newer remote: local: libflatarray-0.1.1-4.fc22 remote: libflatarray-0.2.0-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: libfli-1.7-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libfm-1.2.3-12.D20150713gitf47c9ae7ae.fc23 same: local and remote: libfontenc-1.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libfonts-1.1.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libforensic1394-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libformula-1.1.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libfplll-4.0.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libfprint-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libfreehand-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libfreenect-0.5.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libftdi-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libgadu-1.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgaiagraphics-0.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libgames-support-0.1-0.3.8654371.fc23 same: local and remote: libgap-4.7.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgcal-0.9.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libgcroots-0.2.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libgcrypt-1.6.3-5.fc23 newer remote: local: libgda-5.2.2-7.fc22 remote: libgda-5.2.2-10.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: libgdamm-4.99.8-4.fc23 remote: libgdamm-4.99.8-6.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: libgdata-0.17.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgdiplus-3.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libgdither-0.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libgdl-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgee-0.18.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgee06-0.6.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libgeotiff-1.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libgexiv2-0.10.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libghemical-2.99.1-30.fc23 same: local and remote: libgit2-0.22.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgit2-glib-0.22.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libglade-0.17-34.fc23 same: local and remote: libglade2-2.6.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libglademm24-2.6.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libgle-3.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libglpng-1.45-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libgltf-0.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnome-2.32.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnome-keyring-3.12.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnome-media-profiles-3.0.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnomecanvas-2.30.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnomecanvasmm26-2.26.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnomekbd-3.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libgnomeui-2.24.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libgovirt-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgpg-error-1.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgphoto2-2.5.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libgpod-0.8.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libgringotts-1.2.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libgrss-0.7.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgsasl-1.8.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libgsf-1.14.33-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgsystem-2015.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgta-1.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libgtextutils-0.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libgtop2-2.31.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgudev-230-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libguess-1.2-2.fc23 newer remote: local: libguestfs-1.28.4-2.fc21 remote: libguestfs-1.30.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: libgusb-0.2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgweather-3.17.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libgxim-0.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libgxps-0.2.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libhangul-0.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libharu-2.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libhawaii-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libhbaapi-2.2.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libhbalinux-1.0.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libhid-0.2.17-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libhif-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libhocr-0.10.17-21.fc23 same: local and remote: libhtp-0.5.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libhttpserver-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libhubbub-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libhugetlbfs-2.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libibcm-1.0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libibcommon-1.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libibmad-1.3.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libibumad-1.3.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libibverbs-1.1.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libical-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libical-glib-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libicns-0.8.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libid3tag-0.15.1b-20.fc23 same: local and remote: libident-0.32-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libidn-1.31-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libidn2-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libiec61883-1.2.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libieee1284-0.2.11-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libifp- same: local and remote: libimobiledevice-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libindi-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libindicator-12.10.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libinfinity-0.6.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libinput-0.20.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libinstpatch-1.0.0-10.20110806svn386.fc23 same: local and remote: libint-1.1.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libint2-2.0.3-11.644hg.fc23 same: local and remote: libiodbc-3.52.7-9.fc23 only remote: libipathverbs-1.2.1-4.fc23same: local and remote: libiptcdata-1.0.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libircclient-1.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libirman-0.4.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libiscsi-1.15.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libisds-0.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libisoburn-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libisofs-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libitl-0.7.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libixion-0.9.1-3.fc23 only remote: libjingle-0.6.14-10.fc23same: local and remote: libjoedog-0.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libjpeg-turbo-1.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libkate-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libkcddb-15.04.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libkcompactdisc-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkdcraw-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkdeedu-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkdegames-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libkdegames4-14.12.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libkdtree++-0.7.0-8.fc22 same: local and remote: libkeduvocdocument-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkexif-0.2.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libkexiv2-15.04.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libkface-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkfbapi-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libkgapi-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libkgeomap-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkindrv-0.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkipi-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkkc-0.3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libkkc-data-0.2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libkmahjongg-14.12.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libkni3-3.9.2-28.fc23 same: local and remote: libkolab-0.5.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkolabxml-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkomparediff2-14.12.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libkpeople-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libksane-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libksba-1.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libkscreen-1.0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libkscreen-qt5-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libksysguard-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libktorrent-1.3.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: liblangtag-0.5.7-1.fc23 only remote: liblas-1.8.0-4.fc23same: local and remote: liblastfm-1.0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: liblayout-0.2.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: liblbfgs-1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libldb-1.1.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libldm-0.2.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: liblinear-1.94-6.fc23 same: local and remote: liblinebreak-2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: liblo-0.28-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libloader-1.1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: liblockfile-1.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: liblogging-1.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: liblognorm-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: liblouis-2.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: liblouisutdml-2.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: liblqr-1-0.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: liblrdf-0.5.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libltc-1.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: liblxqt-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: liblxqt-mount-0.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: liblzf-3.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libmash-0.2.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: libmatchbox-1.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libmatekbd-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmatemixer-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmateweather-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmatheval-1.1.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libmatroska-1.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libmatthew-java-0.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libmbim-1.12.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmcrypt-2.5.8-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libmediaart-1.9.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libmediainfo-0.7.75-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmemcached-1.0.18-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libmetalink-0.1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libmicrohttpd-0.9.39-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libmikmod-3.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmimedir-0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libmirage-2.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libmkv- same: local and remote: libmlx4-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libmm-qt-1.0.2-4.20140305git0ede8b1.fc23 same: local and remote: libmng-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmnl-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libmodbus-3.0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libmodelfile-0.1.92-15.fc23 same: local and remote: libmodman-2.0.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libmodplug- same: local and remote: libmongo-client-0.1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libmowgli-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libmp4v2-2.1.0-0.3.trunkREV507.fc23 same: local and remote: libmpc-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libmpcdec-1.2.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: libmpd-11.8.17-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libmpdclient-2.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libmsn-4.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libmspack-0.5-0.2.alpha.fc23 same: local and remote: libmspub-0.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libmthca-1.0.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libmtp-1.1.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmusicbrainz-2.1.5-20.fc23 same: local and remote: libmusicbrainz3-3.0.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libmwaw-0.3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libmx-1.4.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libmygpo-qt-1.0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libnasl-2.2.11-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libnatpmp-20140401-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libnatspec-0.2.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libndp-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libnes-1.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libnet-1.1.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libnet10-1.0.2a-26.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetdude-0.11-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetfilter_acct-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetfilter_cthelper-1.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetfilter_cttimeout-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetfilter_log-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libnetfilter_queue-1.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libnfc-1.7.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libnfnetlink-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libnfsidmap-0.26-3.1.fc23 same: local and remote: libnftnl-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libnice-0.1.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libnids-1.24-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libnih-1.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libnjb-2.2.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libnl3-3.2.26-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libnm-qt- same: local and remote: libnotify-0.7.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libnotifymm-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libnova-0.15.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libnss-mysql-1.5-24.fc23 same: local and remote: libnss-pgsql-1.5.0-0.13.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: libntirpc-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libntlm-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libnxml-0.18.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libnxt-0.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: liboauth-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodb-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodb-boost-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodb-mysql-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodb-pgsql-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodb-qt-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodb-sqlite-2.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libodfgen-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libofa-0.9.3-27.fc23 same: local and remote: libofx-0.9.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libogg-1.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: liboggz-1.1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: liboglappth-0.98-17.fc23 same: local and remote: liboil-0.3.16-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libopendaap-0.4.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: libopenraw-0.0.9-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-0.22-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-evolution2-0.22-50.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-file-0.22-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-gnokii-0.22-15.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-gpe-0.22-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-moto-0.22-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-opie-0.22-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-palm-0.22-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-python-0.22-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libopensync-plugin-synce-0.22.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: liboping-1.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libopkele-2.0.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libopm-0.1-17.20050731cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: liborcus-0.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: liborigin-20080225-15.fc23 same: local and remote: liborigin2-2.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libosinfo-0.2.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libosip2-3.6.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libosmium-2.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libosmo-dsp-0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libotf-0.9.13-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libotr-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libotr3-3.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libowfat-0.30-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libp11-0.2.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libpagemaker-0.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libpagemap-0.0.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libpam4j-1.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libpano13-2.9.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libpaper-1.1.24-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libpar2-0.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: libpari23-2.3.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libparserutils-0.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libpcap-1.7.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libpcapnav-0.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libpciaccess-0.13.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libpeas-1.15.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libpfm-4.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libpgf-6.14.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libphidget- same: local and remote: libpinyin-1.1.91-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libpipeline-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libplist-1.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libpng-1.6.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libpng10-1.0.63-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libpng12-1.2.50-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libpng15-1.5.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libpolyxmass-0.9.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libpqxx-4.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libpri-1.4.13-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libprojectM-2.0.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: libprojectM-qt-2.0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libproxy-0.4.11-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libpsl-0.7.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libpst-0.6.64-3.fc23 only remote: libpuma-1.2-3.fc22same: local and remote: libpuzzle-0.11-25.fc23 same: local and remote: libpwquality-1.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libqalculate-0.9.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libqb-0.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libqinfinity-0.6-0.3.20140920.fc23 same: local and remote: libqmi-1.12.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libqtxdg-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libquvi-0.9.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libquvi-scripts-0.9.20131130-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libqxt-0.6.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libqzeitgeist-0.8.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: librabbitmq-0.7.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: librapi-0.15.2-7.fc22 same: local and remote: librasterlite-1.1g-8.fc23 same: local and remote: librasterlite2-1.0.0-3.rc0.fc23.1 same: local and remote: libraw1394-2.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: librcc-0.2.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: librcd-0.1.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: librdmacm- same: local and remote: libreadline-java-0.8.0-40.fc23 same: local and remote: libreatlas-1.0.0a-13.fc23 same: local and remote: librecad-2.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: librelp-1.2.7-4.fc23 newer remote: local: libreoffice- remote: libreoffice- with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: libreoffice-TexMaths-0.39-1.fc19 remote: libreoffice-TexMaths-0.41-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: libreoffice-gallery-vrt-network-equipment-1.2.0-3.fc23 newer remote: local: libreoffice-voikko-3.4-3.fc20 remote: libreoffice-voikko-4.1-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: librep-0.92.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libreplaygain-0-0.4.20110810svn475.fc23 same: local and remote: librepo-1.7.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libreport-2.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: librepository-1.1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libresample-0.1.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: libreswan-3.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: librevenge-0.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: librfid-0.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: librfm-5.3.16-7.fc23 same: local and remote: librime-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: librra-0.14-12.fc23 same: local and remote: librsvg2-2.40.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: librsync-1.0.0-2.fc23 only locally: librtas-1.3.13-3.fc23same: local and remote: librtfcomp-1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: librvngabw-0.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: librx-1.5-25.fc23 same: local and remote: libsamplerate-0.1.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libsbml-5.11.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libsbw-2.11.1-8.20150414svn579.fc23 same: local and remote: libscrypt-1.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libscs-1.4.1-11.fc23.2 only remote: libseccomp-2.2.3-0.fc23same: local and remote: libsecret-0.18.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libsedml-0.3.0-12.20150422git235bb5.fc23 same: local and remote: libselinux-2.4-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: libsemanage-2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libsepol-2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libserf-1.3.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libserializer-1.1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libserialport-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libsexy-0.1.11-25.fc23 same: local and remote: libsexymm-0.1.9-20.fc23 same: local and remote: libshout-2.2.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libsidplayfp-1.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libsieve-2.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libsigc++-1.2.7-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libsigc++20-2.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libsigrok-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libsigrokdecode-0.3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libsigsegv-2.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libsilc-1.1.10-14.fc23 only remote: libskindesignerapi-0.0.1-4.fc23same: local and remote: libskk-1.0.2-2.fc23 only remote: libsmbios-2.2.28-13.fc23same: local and remote: libsmi-0.4.8-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libsndfile-1.0.25-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libsodium-1.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libsolv-0.6.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libsoup-2.51.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libspatialite-4.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libspectre-0.2.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libspectrum-1.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libspf2-1.2.10-6.20150405gitd57d79fd.fc23 same: local and remote: libspiro-20150131-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libspnav-0.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libsqlite3x-20071018-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libsrtp-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libss7-1.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libssh-0.7.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libssh2-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libssh2-python-0.7.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libst2205-1.4.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libstatgrab-0.17-8.fc23.2 same: local and remote: libstemmer-0-3.585svn.fc23 same: local and remote: libstoragemgmt-1.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libstroke-0.5.1-32.fc23 same: local and remote: libsurl-0.7.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libsvm-3.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libsynce-0.15.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libsysstat-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libtaginfo-0.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libtalloc-2.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libtar-1.2.20-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libtasn1-4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libtcd-2.2.6-2.r2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: libtdb-1.3.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libteam-1.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libtelnet-0.21-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libtevent-0.9.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libthai-0.1.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libtheora-1.1.1-13.fc23 only remote: libticables2-1.3.4-5.fc23only remote: libticalcs2-1.1.8-4.fc23same: local and remote: libticonv-1.1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libtiff-4.0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libtifiles2-1.1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libtiger-0.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libtimezonemap-0.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libtimidity-0.1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libtirpc-0.3.2-2.0.fc23 same: local and remote: libtnc-1.25-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libtomcrypt-1.17-25.fc23 same: local and remote: libtommath-0.42.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libtool-2.4.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libtopology-0.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libtorrent-0.13.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libtpcimgio-1.5.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libtpcmisc-1.4.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libtpms-0.5.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libtranslate-0.99-31.fc22 same: local and remote: libtranslit-0.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libtrash-3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libtsm-3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libtunepimp-0.5.3-28.fc23 same: local and remote: libtvdb-0.3.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libtwin-0.0.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: libucil-0.9.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libuecc-5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libumberlog-0.3.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libunicap-0.9.12-16.fc23 same: local and remote: libunicapgtk-0.9.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: libuninameslist-20130501-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libuninum-2.7-16.fc23.1 same: local and remote: libunistring-0.9.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libunwind-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libupnp-1.6.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libusb-0.1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libusbg-0.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libusbmuxd-1.0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libusbx-1.0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libuser-0.62-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libutempter-1.1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libuv-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libva-1.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libva-vdpau-driver-0.7.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libvdpau-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libverto-0.2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libverto-jsonrpc-0.1.0-9.fc21 same: local and remote: libvidcap-0.2.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-1.2.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-cim-0.6.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-designer-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-glib-0.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-java-0.4.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-python-1.2.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-sandbox-0.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libvirt-snmp-0.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libvisio-0.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libvisual-0.4.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: libvncserver-0.9.10-0.7.20140718git9453be42.fc23 same: local and remote: libvoikko-3.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libvorbis-1.3.4-5.fc23 only locally: libvpd-2.2.4-3.fc23same: local and remote: libvpx-1.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libvtemm-0.25.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libwacom-0.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libwapcaplet-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libwbxml-0.11.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libwbxml-compat-0.10.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libwebcam-0.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libwebp-0.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libwfut-0.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libwiimote-0.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: libwmf- same: local and remote: libwnck-2.31.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libwnck3-3.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libwpd-0.10.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libwpg-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libwps-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libwvstreams-4.6.1-14.fc23 only remote: libx86-1.1-21.fc23same: local and remote: libxc-2.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libxcb-1.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libxdg-basedir-1.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: libxdiff-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libxfce4ui-4.12.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libxfce4util-4.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libxkbcommon-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libxkbfile-1.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libxklavier-5.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libxls-1.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: libxml-1.8.17-35.fc23 same: local and remote: libxml++-2.38.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libxml2-2.9.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libxmp-4.3.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libxnm-0.1.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libxshmfence-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libxslt-1.1.28-11.fc23 same: local and remote: libyahoo2-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libyaml-0.1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libykneomgr-0.1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libytnef-1.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: libyubikey-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libyui-3.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libyui-bindings-1.1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: libyui-gtk-2.44.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libyui-ncurses-2.46.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: libyui-qt-2.46.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libyuv-0-0.24.20121221svn522.fc23 same: local and remote: libzapojit-0.0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: libzdb-3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: libzeitgeist-0.3.18-9.fc23 same: local and remote: libzen-0.4.31-3.fc23 same: local and remote: libzhuyin-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: libzip-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: libzrtpcpp-4.2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: licq-1.8.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: lifeograph-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: liferea-1.10.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: light-locker-1.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: light-themes-14.04-5.20150410bzr434.fc23 same: local and remote: lightcouch-0.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lightdm-1.10.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: lightdm-gtk-1.8.5-19.fc23 same: local and remote: lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lightdm-kde- same: local and remote: lightning-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lightsoff-3.17.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lightsquid-1.8-18.fc23 same: local and remote: lighttpd-1.4.36-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lilv-0.20.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lilypond-2.19.24-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lilypond-doc-2.19.24-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lilyterm- same: local and remote: limph- same: local and remote: linbox-1.3.2-23.fc23 same: local and remote: lincity-ng-2.9-0.7.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: linenoise-0-7.git7946e2c.fc23 same: local and remote: lingot-0.9.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: link-grammar-5.0.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: linkchecker-9.3-3.fc23 newer remote: local: links-2.9-1.fc22 remote: links-2.10-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: linode-cli-1.4.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: linphone-3.6.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: linpsk-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: linsmith-0.99.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: linux-atm-2.5.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: linux-firmware-20150715-54.git69640304.fc23 same: local and remote: linux-igd-1.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: linux-libertine-fonts-5.3.0-7.2012_07_02.fc23 same: local and remote: linux-user-chroot-2013.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: linux_logo-5.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: linuxconsoletools-1.4.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: linuxdoc-tools-0.9.68-9.fc23 same: local and remote: linuxptp-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: liquibase-3.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: liquidwar-5.6.4-21.fc23 same: local and remote: lirc-0.9.2a-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lis-1.5.57-1.fc23 same: local and remote: listen-0.6.5-14.fc22 same: local and remote: litmus-0.13-12.fc23 same: local and remote: littleproxy-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: livecd-tools-23.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: livereload-2.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: livestreamer-1.12.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: liveusb-creator-3.14.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lklug-fonts-0.6-13.20090803cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: lksctp-tools-1.0.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: llconf-0.4.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lldpad-1.0.1-1.git986eb2e.fc23 same: local and remote: llvm-3.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: llvm34-3.4.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lm_sensors-3.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lmarbles-1.0.7-20 same: local and remote: lmdb-0.9.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lmfit-5.1-4.fc23 newer remote: local: lmms-1.0.3-3.fc22 remote: lmms-1.1.3-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: lnav-0.7.0-4.fc22 remote: lnav-0.7.2-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: lnst-8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: localizer-1.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lockdev-1.0.4-0.20.20111007git.fc23 same: local and remote: lockfile-progs-0.1.15-10.fc23 same: local and remote: log4c-1.2.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: log4cplus-1.1.3-0.3.rc3.fc23 same: local and remote: log4cpp-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: log4cxx-0.10.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: log4j-2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: log4j-jboss-logmanager-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: log4j12-1.2.17-10.fc23 newer remote: local: log4net-1.2.13-4.fc23 remote: log4net-1.2.13-5.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: logback-1.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: logcheck-1.3.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: loggerhead-1.18.2-3.fc23 only remote: logiweb-0.2.12-1.fc23same: local and remote: logjam-4.6.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: logrotate-3.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: logserial-0.4.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: logstalgia-1.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: logwatch-7.4.1-3.20140924svn242.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-assamese-fonts-2.91.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-bengali-fonts-2.91.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-devanagari-fonts-2.95.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-gujarati-fonts-2.92.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-gurmukhi-fonts-2.91.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-kannada-fonts-2.5.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-malayalam-fonts-2.92.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-marathi-fonts-2.94.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-nepali-fonts-2.94.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-odia-fonts-2.91.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-tamil-classical-fonts-2.5.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-tamil-fonts-2.91.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lohit-telugu-fonts-2.5.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lokalize-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: loki-lib-0.1.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: londonlaw-0.3.0-0.2.pre2.fc23 same: local and remote: lonote-3.2.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lookat-1.4.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lookup-2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: loook-0.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lorax-23.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lordsawar-0.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lorem-ipsum-generator-0.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: lostirc-0.4.6-21.fc23 same: local and remote: loudmouth-1.4.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: lout-3.40-2.fc23 newer remote: local: love-0.8.0-4.fc19 remote: love-0.9.2-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: lovelock-backgrounds-14.91.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lovelock-kde-theme-14.92.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lpairs-1.0.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: lpf-0.2-2.f1f5dd9.fc23 same: local and remote: lpg-2.0.17-18.fc23 same: local and remote: lpsk31-1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: lpsolve- same: local and remote: lrcalc-1.1.6-6.beta.fc23 only remote: lrmi-0.10-15.fc23same: local and remote: lrslib-5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lrzip-0.621-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lrzsz-0.12.20-38.fc23 same: local and remote: lsdvd-0.16-22.fc23 same: local and remote: lshell-0.9.16-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lshw-B.02.17-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lskat-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lsnipes-0.9.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: lsof-4.88-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lsscsi-0.28-2.fc23 only locally: lsvpd-1.7.5-2.fc23same: local and remote: lsw-0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lsyncd-2.1.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ltl2ba-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ltrace-0.7.91-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ltspfs-0.5.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lttng-tools-2.5.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: lttng-ust-2.6.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lttv-1.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ltunify-0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-5.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-alt-getopt-0.7.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-copas-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-coxpcall-1.15.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-cyrussasl-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-dbi-0.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-event-0.4.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-expat-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-filesystem-1.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-inotify-1.0-0.10.20130510git98822877a9d42.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-json-1.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-ldap-1.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-ldoc-1.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-lgi-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-logging-1.3.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-loop-2.3-0.10.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-lpeg-0.12.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-lunit-0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-markdown-0.32-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-md5-1.1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-moonscript-0.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-penlight-1.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-posix-33.3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-rex-2.7.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-sec-0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-socket-3.0-0.11.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-sql-2.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-term-0.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-wsapi-1.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lua-xmlrpc-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: luabind-0.9.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: luadoc-3.0.1-14.fc23 only remote: luajit-2.0.4-2.fc23same: local and remote: luarocks-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lucene-5.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lucene++-3.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lucene3-3.6.2-5.fc21 same: local and remote: lucidlife-0.9.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: luckybackup-0.4.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: luma-3.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: luminance-hdr-2.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lunatic-python-1.0.1-0.14.20090917bzr.fc23 same: local and remote: lure-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lutok-0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lv-4.51-26.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-1.10.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-EQ10Q-plugins-1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-abGate-1.1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-artyfx-plugins-1.3-0.5.20150506gitff73e5a.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-avw-plugins-0.0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-c++-tools-1.0.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-fabla-1.1-4.3.20131003git5f2cb26.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-fil-plugins-2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-fomp-plugins-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-invada-plugins-1.2.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-kn0ck0ut-1.1-6.0.giteaeb2d90.fc22 same: local and remote: lv2-ll-plugins-0.2.8-17.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-mdaEPiano-0-0.10.git9db45842.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-mdala-plugins-1.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-newtonator-0.6.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-sorcer-1.1-820131104git18e6891.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-swh-plugins-1.0.15-14.20110510.9c9935egit.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-triceratops-0.1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-vocoder-plugins-1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-x42-plugins-0.1.1-0.7.20131005git7db99d5.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2-zynadd-plugins-1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: lv2dynparam-2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lvm2-2.02.125-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lwp-2.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: lwtools-4.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lxappearance-0.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxappearance-obconf-0.2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxc-1.1.2-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: lxde-common-0.99.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxde-icon-theme-0.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxdm-0.5.1-3.D20150726git4dfe7924.fc23 same: local and remote: lxinput-0.3.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxlauncher-0.2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxmenu-data-0.1.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxmusic-0.4.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxpanel-0.8.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxpolkit-0.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-about-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-common-0.9.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-config-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-globalkeys-0.9.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-notificationd-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-openssh-askpass-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-panel-0.9.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-policykit-0.8.0-7.fc22 same: local and remote: lxqt-powermanagement-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-qtplugin-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-runner-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxqt-session-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lxrandr-0.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxsession-0.5.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: lxsession-edit-0.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lxshortcut-0.1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: lxsplit-0.2.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: lxtask-0.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lxterminal-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lynis-2.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lynx-2.8.9-0.8.dev5.fc23 same: local and remote: lyx-2.1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: lz4-r131-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lzip-1.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: lziprecover-1.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: lzma-4.32.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: lzma-sdk-4.6.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: lzma-sdk457-4.57-10.fc23 same: local and remote: lzo-2.08-4.fc23 newer remote: local: lzop-1.03-11.fc22 remote: lzop-1.03-12.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: m17n-db-1.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: m17n-lib-1.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: m2crypto-0.21.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: m4-1.4.17-8.fc23 same: local and remote: m4ri-20140914-4.fc23 same: local and remote: m4rie-20140914-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mISDN-1.1.5-10.fc20 same: local and remote: mMass-5.5.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: maatkit-7540-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mac-robber-1.02-9.fc23 same: local and remote: macchanger-1.7.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mach-1.0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: machineball-1.0-23.fc23 only remote: mactel-boot-0.9-12.fc23same: local and remote: madan-fonts-2.000-16.fc23 same: local and remote: magic-8.0.174-2.fc22 same: local and remote: magicmaze-1.0.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: magicor-1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: mahout-collection-codegen-plugin-1.0-3.fc23 newer remote: local: mail-notification-5.4-75.git.eab5c13.fc20 remote: mail-notification-5.4-84.git.eab5c13.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mailcap-2.1.44-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maildirproc-0.4.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: maildrop-2.8.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mailgraph-1.14-23.fc23 same: local and remote: mailman-2.1.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mailman3-fedmsg-plugin-0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mailnag-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mailx-12.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mairix-0.23-8.fc23 same: local and remote: make-4.0-5.1.fc23 same: local and remote: makebootfat-1.4-20.fc23 same: local and remote: makedepf90-2.8.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: makepasswd-0.5.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: makeself-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: malaga-7.12-18.fc23 same: local and remote: malaga-suomi-voikko-1.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maliit-framework-0.94.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: maliit-plugins-0.94.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: maloc-1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: man-db-2.7.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-4.00-3.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-cs-0.18.20090209-19.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-de-1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-es-1.55-23.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-fr-3.70-2.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-it-3.56-4.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-ja-20140515-2.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-ko-20050219-27.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-pl-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-ru-3.41-5.20120901.fc23 same: local and remote: man-pages-zh-CN-1.5.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: man2html-1.6-16.g.fc23 same: local and remote: manaplus- same: local and remote: manchu-fonts-2.006-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mandelbulber-1.21-6.fc23 same: local and remote: manedit-1.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: maniadrive-1.2-62.fc23 same: local and remote: maniadrive-data-1.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: maniadrive-music-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mantis-1.2.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mapdb-1.0.7-2.fc23 newer remote: local: mapnik-2.2.1-0.1.20150127git0639d54.fc22 remote: mapnik-2.2.1-0.4.20150127git0639d54.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: mapserver-6.2.1-5.fc21 remote: mapserver-6.2.2-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: maradns-2.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: marave-0.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: marble-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: marco-1.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mariadb-10.0.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mariadb-connector-c-2.0.0-3.fc23 newer remote: local: mariadb-galera-5.5.36-10.fc20 remote: mariadb-galera-10.0.17-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: marisa-0.2.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: marked-0.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: marsshooter-0.7.5-10.20140507gitc855d04.fc23 same: local and remote: mash-0.6.18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: masscan-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: massif-visualizer-0.4.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: matchbox-window-manager-1.2-17.20070628svn.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-applet-lockkeys-0.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-applet-softupd-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-applets-1.10.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-backgrounds-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-calc-1.8.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-common-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-control-center-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-desktop-1.10.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-icon-theme-1.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-media-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-menus-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-netspeed-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-notification-daemon-1.10.2-0.3.git20150724.f9aedaf.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-panel-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-polkit-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-power-manager-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-screensaver-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-sensors-applet-1.10.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-session-manager-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-settings-daemon-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-system-monitor-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-terminal-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-themes-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-themes-extras-3.16.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-user-guide-1.10.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mate-utils-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mathex-0.3b-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mathgl-2.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mathjax-2.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mathomatic-16.0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: matio-1.5.2-7.fc23 newer remote: local: matreshka-0.4.0-2.fc20 remote: matreshka-0.7.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: maven-3.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-ant-plugin-2.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-antrun-plugin-1.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-archetype-2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-archiver-2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-artifact-resolver-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-assembly-plugin-2.5.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-changelog-plugin-2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-checkstyle-plugin-2.12-2.fc21 same: local and remote: maven-clean-plugin-2.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-common-artifact-filters-1.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-compiler-plugin-3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-dependency-analyzer-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-dependency-plugin-2.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-dependency-tree-2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-deploy-plugin-2.8.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-docck-plugin-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-downloader-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-doxia-1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-doxia-sitetools-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-doxia-tools-1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-ear-plugin-2.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-eclipse-plugin-2.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-ejb-plugin-2.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-enforcer-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-file-management-1.2.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-filtering-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-gpg-plugin-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-help-plugin-2.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-hpi-plugin-1.113-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-idea-plugin-2.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-indexer-5.1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-injection-plugin-1.0.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-install-plugin-2.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-invoker-2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-invoker-plugin-1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-jar-plugin-2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-jarsigner-plugin-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-javadoc-plugin-2.10.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-jaxb2-plugin-0.12.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-jsf-plugin-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-jxr-2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-license-plugin-1.8.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-mapping-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-native-1.0-0.10.alpha.8.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-osgi-0.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-parent-26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-patch-plugin-1.2-1.fc23 only locally: maven-plugin-annotations-3.1-2.fc19same: local and remote: maven-plugin-build-helper-1.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-plugin-bundle-2.5.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-plugin-testing-3.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-plugin-tools-3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-plugins-pom-27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-pmd-plugin-3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-processor-plugin-2.2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-project-info-reports-plugin-2.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-rar-plugin-2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-release-2.2.1-13.fc21 same: local and remote: maven-remote-resources-plugin-1.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-reporting-api-3.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-reporting-exec-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-reporting-impl-2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-repository-builder-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-repository-plugin-2.3.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-resources-plugin-2.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-scm-1.9.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-script-interpreter-1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shade-plugin-2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-incremental-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-io-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-jar-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-jarsigner-1.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-resources-2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-shared-utils-0.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-site-plugin-3.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-skins-10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-source-plugin-2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-stage-plugin-1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-stapler-plugin-1.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-surefire-2.18.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-toolchains-plugin-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-verifier-1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-verifier-plugin-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-wagon-2.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: maven-war-plugin-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: maven2-2.2.1-52.fc23 same: local and remote: mawk-1.3.4-7.20131226.fc23 newer remote: local: maxima-5.33.0-1.fc21 remote: maxima-5.36.1-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: maxmind-db-java-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mb2md-3.20-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mbedtls-2.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mbox2eml-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mboxgrep-0.7.9-19.fc23 same: local and remote: mbrowse-0.4.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mbuffer-20150412-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mc-4.8.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mcabber-0.10.3-2.fc23 only remote: mcelog-101-2.9bfaad8f92c5.fc23same: local and remote: mchange-commons-0.2.7-1.fc21 same: local and remote: mckoi-1.0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mcollective-2.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mcollective-qpid-plugin-1.3.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mcomix-1.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mcpp-2.7.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: mcrypt-2.6.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: mcstrans-0.3.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mcu8051ide-1.4.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: md5deep-4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mdadm-3.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mdbtools-0.7.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mdds-0.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mdk-1.2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: meanwhile-1.1.0-18.fc23 only remote: meataxe-2.4.24-10.fc23same: local and remote: mecab-0.996-1.fc23.3 same: local and remote: mecab-ipadic- same: local and remote: mecab-java-0.996-2.fc23.3 same: local and remote: mecab-jumandic-5.1.20070304-12.fc23 same: local and remote: med-3.0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: media-explorer-0.4.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: media-player-info-21-1.fc22 same: local and remote: mediainfo-0.7.75-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mediatomb-0.12.1-36.fc23.20120403gitb66dc1 same: local and remote: mediawiki-1.25.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mediawiki-HTTP302Found-2.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mediawiki-LdapAccount-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mediawiki-SpecialInterwiki-0-0.14.20080913svn.fc23 same: local and remote: mediawiki-intersection-37906-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mediawiki-semantic- same: local and remote: mediawiki-validator-0.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mediawiki-wikicalendar-1.16-8.fc23 same: local and remote: medusa-2.2-0.rc1.2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: megaglest-3.11.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: megaglest-data-3.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: megatools-1.9.95-4.fc23 same: local and remote: meiga-0.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: meld-3.14.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: memaker-20100110-9.fc23 same: local and remote: memcached-1.4.17-4.fc23 same: local and remote: memchan-2.3-9.fc23 only remote: memkind-0.2.2-4.20150525git.fc23same: local and remote: memstomp-0.1.4-17.fc23 only remote: memtest86+-5.01-8.fc22same: local and remote: memtester-4.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mencal-2.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: menu-cache-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mercator-0.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mercurial-3.3.3-2.fc23 newer remote: local: merkaartor-0.18.1-3.fc19 remote: merkaartor-0.18.1-14.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mesa-10.7.0-0.devel.4.ea633db.fc23 same: local and remote: mesa-demos-8.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mesa-libGLw-8.0.0-6.fc23 only remote: meshlab-1.3.2-7.fc23same: local and remote: meshmagick-0.6.0-27.svn2898.fc23 same: local and remote: meson-0.25.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: mesos-0.21.0-5.ab8fa65.fc21 remote: mesos-0.22.0-SNAPSHOT.1.c513126.fc22.1 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: metacity-3.12.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: metadata-extractor-2.3.1-13.fc21 same: local and remote: metadata-extractor2-2.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: metainf-services-1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: metamorphose2-0.8.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: meterbridge-0.9.2-13.fc23 newer remote: local: methane-1.5.1-8.fc20 remote: methane-1.5.1-14.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: metis-5.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: metrics-3.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: metromap-0.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: metslib-0.5.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mfiler3-4.4.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mfiler4-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mftrace-1.2.18-5.fc22 same: local and remote: mg-20150323-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mgarepo-1.10.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mgetty-1.1.36-30.fc23 same: local and remote: mgopen-fonts-0.20050515-24.fc23 same: local and remote: mhash- same: local and remote: mhddfs-0.1.39-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mhonarc-2.6.19-1.fc23 only remote: mhwaveedit-1.4.22-8.fc23same: local and remote: microba- only remote: microcode_ctl-2.1-9.1.fc23same: local and remote: midisport-firmware-1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: midori-0.5.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: migemo-0.40-23.fc23 same: local and remote: miglayout-4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: migrationtools-47-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mikmod-3.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: milia-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: milkytracker-0.90.85-11.fc23 same: local and remote: milter-greylist-4.5.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: milter-regex-2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mimedefang-2.78-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mimepull-1.9.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mimetex-1.74-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mimetic-0.9.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: min-cloud-agent-2014.3.13.g2759837-4.fc23 same: local and remote: min-metadata-service-2014.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: min12xxw-0.0.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mindless-1.0.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: mine_detector-6.0-24.fc23 same: local and remote: mined-2013.23-5.fc23 newer remote: local: minetest-0.4.8-2.fc21 remote: minetest-0.4.12-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ming-0.4.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mingetty-1.08-17.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-GConf2-3.2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-LibRaw-0.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-OpenEXR-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-SDL-1.2.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-SDL2-2.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-SDL2_image-2.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-SDL2_mixer-2.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-SDL_image-1.2.12-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-SDL_mixer-1.2.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-admesh-0.98.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-adwaita-icon-theme-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-angleproject-0-0.12.git.30d6c2.20141113.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-antlr-2.7.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-atk-2.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-atkmm-2.22.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-binutils-2.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-boost-1.57.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-bzip2-1.0.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-c-ares-1.10.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-cairo-1.14.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-cairomm-1.10.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-celt051- same: local and remote: mingw-clucene- same: local and remote: mingw-colord-1.2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-colord-gtk-0.1.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-colorhug-client-0.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-cppunit-1.12.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-crossreport-201406-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-crt-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-curl-7.42.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-cximage-600-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-cxxtest-3.10.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-dbus-1.8.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-dbus-glib-0.104-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-dirac-1.0.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-dlfcn-0-0.18.r11.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-eigen3-3.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-enchant-1.6.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-expat-2.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-fftw-3.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-filesystem-100-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-flac-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-fontconfig-2.11.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-freeglut-2.8.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-freeimage-3.15.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-freetype-2.5.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-ftplib-3.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gcc-5.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gdb-7.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gdbm-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gdk-pixbuf-2.31.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gettext-0.19.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-giflib-5.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-glew-1.10.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-glib-networking-2.44.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-glib2-2.45.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-glibmm24-2.44.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gmp-6.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gnutls-3.4.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-goocanvas2-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gsl-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gsm-1.0.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer-0.10.36-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-0.10.23-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.36-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer1-1.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.4.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-base-1.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtk-vnc-0.5.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtk2-2.24.27-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtk3-3.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtkglext-1.2.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtkhtml3-4.6.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtkmm24-2.24.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtkmm30-3.16.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtksourceview3-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtkspell3-3.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-gtkspellmm30-3.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-harfbuzz-0.9.40-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-headers-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-hicolor-icon-theme-0.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-hidapi-0.7.0-5.a88c724.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-hunspell-1.3.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-icu-50.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-id3lib-3.8.3-35.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-ilmbase-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-jasper-1.900.1-27.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-lcms-1.19-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-lcms2-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-leptonica-1.72-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libIDL-0.8.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libarchive-3.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libcroco-0.6.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libepoxy-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libffi-3.0.13-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libgcrypt-1.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libgeotiff-1.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libglade2-2.6.4-18.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libglademm24-2.6.7-19.fc21 same: local and remote: mingw-libgnurx-2.5.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libgovirt-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libgpg-error-1.12-2.fc21 same: local and remote: mingw-libgsf-1.14.31-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libgusb-0.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libid3tag-0.15.1b-19.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libidn-1.28-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libjpeg-turbo-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libltdl-2.4.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libmicrohttpd-0.9.39-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libmng-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libogg-1.3.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-liboil-0.3.16-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libosinfo-0.2.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libpng-1.6.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-librsvg2-2.40.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libsigc++20-2.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libsigsegv-2.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libsoup-2.50.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libsqlite3x-20071018-21.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libssh2-1.4.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libtasn1-4.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libtheora-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libtiff-4.0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libusbx-1.0.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libvirt-1.2.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libvirt-glib-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libvorbis-1.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libwebp-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libxml++-2.38.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libxml2-2.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libxslt-1.1.28-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-libzip-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-llvm-3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-log4c-1.2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-mpfr-3.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-nettle-3.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-nsis-2.46-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-nsiswrapper-10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-openjpeg-1.5.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-openssl-1.0.2a-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-opus-1.1.1-0.2.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-opusfile-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-orc-0.4.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-p11-kit-0.23.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-pango-1.36.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-pangomm-2.36.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-pcre-8.36-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-pdcurses-3.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-physfs-2.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-pixman-0.32.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-pkg-config-0.28-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-plotmm-0.1.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-polyclipping-6.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-poppler-0.34.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-portablexdr-4.9.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-postgresql-9.4.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-proj-4.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qpid-cpp-0.14-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt-4.8.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qt3d-5.0.0-0.13.git20140525.bdb98ba.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtactiveqt-5.4.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtbase-5.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtimageformats-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtjsbackend-5.1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtlocation-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtmultimedia-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtquick1-5.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtscript-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtsensors-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtsvg-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtsystems-5.0.0-0.16.git20140323.44f70d9.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qttools-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qttranslations-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtwebkit-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtwebsockets-5.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtwinextras-5.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qt5-qtxmlpatterns-5.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-qwt-6.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-readline-6.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-rest-0.7.92-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-sane-backends-1.0.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-shapelib-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-sigar-1.6.5-0.14.git58097d9.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-speex-1.2-0.18.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-spice-gtk-0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-spice-protocol-0.12.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-sqlite- same: local and remote: mingw-srvany-1.0-16.20150115gitfd659e77.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-sword-1.7.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-taglib-1.9.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-tcl-8.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-termcap-1.3.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-tesseract-3.03-0.2.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-tk-8.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-usbredir-0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-w64-tools-3.1.999-0.7.trunk.git430863.20140530.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-wavpack-4.70.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-webkitgtk-2.2.8-1.fc22 same: local and remote: mingw-webkitgtk3-2.2.8-1.fc22 same: local and remote: mingw-win-iconv-0.0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-wine-gecko-2.36-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-winpthreads-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-winstorecompat-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-wpcap-4.1.final3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-wxWidgets-2.8.12-18.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-xerces-c-3.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-xz-5.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-zfstream-20041202-19.fc23 same: local and remote: mingw-zlib-1.2.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: minicom-2.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: minicomputer-1.41-15.fc23 same: local and remote: minidns-0.1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: minimal-json-0.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: minimodem-0.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: minion-1.6.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: minipro-0-7.20141215gitd6dee16.fc23 same: local and remote: minisat2-2.2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: minised-1.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: miniupnpc-1.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: miniz-1.15-2.r4.fc23 same: local and remote: minlog-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mintlocale-1.1.6-0.5.gitfb4118d.fc23 same: local and remote: mintmenu-5.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: minutor-2.0.2-0.3.20141209gitce24a81.fc23 same: local and remote: mipv6-daemon-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mirage- same: local and remote: mirall-1.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: miredo-1.2.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mirmon-2.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mirrorbrain-2.18.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mirrormagic-2.0.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: mirrormanager-1.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mitter-0.4.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mj-1.14-7 same: local and remote: mk-files-20140314-3.fc23 only remote: mkbootdisk-1.5.5-14.fc23same: local and remote: mkdocs-0.14.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mkdst-0.12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mkelfimage-2.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mkproject-0.4.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mksh-51-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mktorrent-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mkvtoolnix-8.1.0-1.fc23 newer remote: local: mldonkey-3.1.5-1.fc21 remote: mldonkey-3.1.5-7.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mlmmj- same: local and remote: mlocate-0.26-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mlpack-1.0.11-5.fc23 newer remote: local: mlton-20100608-14.fc20 remote: mlton-20130715-7.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mm-1.4.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: mm-common-0.9.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mm3d-1.3.8a-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mmapper-2.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mmdb2-2.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mmg3d-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mmseq-1.0.8a-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mmv-1.01b-23.fc23 same: local and remote: mnemosyne-2.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mnmlicons-fonts-1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: moarvm-0.2015.07-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mobile-broadband-provider-info-1.20150421git-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mocha-1.18.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mock-1.2.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mockito-1.10.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: moconti-102609-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_annodex-0.2.2-23.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_auth_cas- same: local and remote: mod_auth_gssapi-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_auth_kerb-5.4-31.fc23 newer remote: local: mod_auth_mellon-0.7.0-1.fc21 remote: mod_auth_mellon-0.10.0-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mod_auth_ntlm_winbind-0.0.0-0.19.20070129svn713.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_auth_openid-0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_auth_token-1.0.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_authnz_external-3.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_authnz_pam-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_bw-0.8-16.fc23 newer remote: local: mod_cluster-1.2.6-5.fc22 remote: mod_cluster-1.2.6-6.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mod_dnssd-0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_evasive-1.10.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_fcgid-2.3.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_flvx-0-0.11.20100525git.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_form-0.1-4.20131204svn145.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_geoip-1.2.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_gnutls-0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_intercept_form_submit-0.9.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_limitipconn-0.23-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_log_post-0.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_lookup_identity-0.9.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_nss-1.0.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_perl-2.0.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_qos-11.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_revocator-1.0.3-23.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_ruid2-0.9.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_security-2.9.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_security_crs-2.2.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_selinux-2.4.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_suphp-0.7.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_wsgi-4.4.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mod_xsendfile-0.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: modello-1.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: modem-manager-gui- same: local and remote: modplugtools-0.5.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: moe-1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: moin-1.9.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mojarra-2.1.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mojo-parent-34-3.fc23 same: local and remote: moksha-1.0.0-10.fc23 only remote: mokutil-0.2.0-3.fc23same: local and remote: mom-0.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mon-1.2.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: mona-1.4r15-7.fc23 same: local and remote: monafont-2.90-20.fc22 same: local and remote: mongo-cxx-driver-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mongo-java-driver-2.13.2-5.fc23 only remote: mongo-tools-3.0.4-0.1.gitefe71bf.fc23only remote: mongodb-3.0.2-2.fc23same: local and remote: mongoose-3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: monit-5.6-4.fc23 newer remote: local: monitor-edid-3.0-10.fc22 remote: monitor-edid-3.0-11.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: monitorix-3.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: monkeysphere-0.36-4.fc23 same: local and remote: monkeystudio- same: local and remote: mono-4.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mono-addins-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mono-basic-4.0.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: mono-bouncycastle-1.7-8.fc21 remote: mono-bouncycastle-1.8.0-0.2.rc1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mono-cecil-0.9.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mono-cecil-flowanalysis-0.1-0.24.20110512svn100264.fc23 only remote: mono-debugger-2.10-11.fc23same: local and remote: mono-reflection-0.1-0.11.20110613git304d1d.fc23 newer remote: local: mono-tools-2.10-10.fc21 remote: mono-tools-3.10-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mono-zeroconf-0.9.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: monobristol- same: local and remote: monochrome-icon-theme-0.0.49-5.fc23 newer remote: local: monodevelop- remote: monodevelop-5.9.4-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: monodevelop-debugger-gdb- remote: monodevelop-debugger-gdb- with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: monofett-fonts-1.000-0.4.20140913hg.fc23 same: local and remote: monosim-1.5.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: monotone-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: monotone-viz-1.0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: monsterz-0.7.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: moodbar-0.1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: moodle-2.8.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: moon-buggy-1.0.51-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mopac7-1.15-19.fc22 same: local and remote: moreutils-0.49-5.fc23 same: local and remote: morfologik-stemming-1.8.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: morphia-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: morse2txt-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: moserial-3.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mosh-1.2.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mosquitto-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: most-5.0.0-11.a.1.fc23 same: local and remote: mot-adms-2.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mote-0.2.2b1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: motif-2.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: motoya-lcedar-fonts-1.00-0.11.20110406git.fc23 same: local and remote: motoya-lmaru-fonts-1.00-0.11.20110406git.fc23 same: local and remote: mousepad-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mousetweaks-3.12.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: moyogo-molengo-fonts-0.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mozc-2.17.2077.102-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mozilla-adblockplus-2.6.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mozilla-filesystem-1.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mozilla-fira-fonts-3.111-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mozilla-https-everywhere-4.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mozilla-noscript- same: local and remote: mozilla-requestpolicy-1.0-0.9.20150701gitfe3716.fc23 same: local and remote: mozjs17-17.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mozjs24-24.2.0-5.fc22 same: local and remote: mozjs31-31.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mozldap-6.0.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mozo-1.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mozplugger-2.1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mozvoikko-2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mp-1.3.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mpage-2.5.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mpc-0.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mpdas-0.3.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mpdris2-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mpdscribble-0.22-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mpfi-1.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mpfr-3.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mph-2b-damase-fonts-002.000-4.fc23 newer locally: local: mpi4py-1.3.1-10.fc23 remote: mpi4py-1.3.1-9.fc23same: local and remote: mpich-3.1.4-4.fc23 newer remote: local: mpir-2.6.0-6.fc20 remote: mpir-2.7.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: mplus-fonts-056-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mpop-1.0.29-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mppenc-1.16-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mpqc-2.3.1-31.fc23 same: local and remote: mpssh-1.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mqtt-client-1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mrbs-1.4.10-3.fc23 only remote: mrpt-1.0.2-16.fc23same: local and remote: mrtg-2.17.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mrxvt-0.5.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: mscgen-0.20-14.fc23 same: local and remote: mscore-2.0.1-2.fc23 only remote: msed-0.23-0.6.beta.gite38a16d.fc23same: local and remote: msgpack-0.5.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: msimonson-anonymouspro-fonts-1.002.001-9.fc23 same: local and remote: msitools-0.94-2.fc23 same: local and remote: msktutil-0.5.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: msmtp-1.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: msort-8.53-18.fc23 same: local and remote: msp430-binutils-2.21.1a-9.fc23 newer remote: local: msp430-gcc-4.6.4-1.fc21 remote: msp430-gcc-4.6.4-5.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: msp430-libc-20120224-6.fc23 same: local and remote: msp430mcu-20120406-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mspdebug-0.23-2.fc23 only remote: msr-tools-1.3-2.fc23same: local and remote: mstflint-3.0-0.11.g6961daa.1.fc23 same: local and remote: msv-2013.6.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: msynctool-0.22-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mt-daapd- same: local and remote: mt-st-1.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: mtd-utils-1.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mtdev-1.1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mtn-browse-1.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mtools-4.0.18-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mtpaint-3.40-19.fc23 same: local and remote: mtr-0.85-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mtx-1.3.12-13.fc23 same: local and remote: muParser-2.2.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: muffin-2.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mujs-0-3.20150202gitc1ad1ba.fc23 same: local and remote: multican-0.0.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: multimedia-menus-0.3.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: multisync-0.91.1-0.12.svn384.fc23 same: local and remote: multitail-6.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: multithreadedtc-1.01-19.fc23 same: local and remote: multiverse-0.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: munge-0.5.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: munge-maven-plugin-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: munin-2.0.25-4.fc23 same: local and remote: muon-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mup-6.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mupdf-1.7a-2.fc23 same: local and remote: musca-0.9.24-10.fc23 same: local and remote: muse-2.1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: musique-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mussh-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mustache-java-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mutrace-0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: mutt-1.5.23-10.20150609hg17a4f92e4a95.fc23 same: local and remote: mutter-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mvel-2.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mx4j-3.0.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: mxml-2.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: myanmar3-unicode-fonts-3.00-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mybashburn-1.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mybatis-3.2.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mybatis-generator-1.3.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: mybatis-parent-21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mycila-licenses-1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mydns- same: local and remote: mygui-3.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mylvmbackup-0.15-5.fc23 same: local and remote: mypaint-1.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: myproxy-6.1.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: myrepos-1.20141024-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mysema-commons-lang-0.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql++-3.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-1.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql-connector-python-1.1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql-mmm-2.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql-proxy-0.8.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mysql-utilities-1.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mysqlreport-3.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mysqltuner-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mysqludf_xql-1.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-1.2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-bg-4.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-ca-1.5.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-cs-0.20070926-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-da-0.20100629.15.16-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-de-0.20140309-3.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-el-0.20070412-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-en-3.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-es-0.20150304-2.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-fr-2.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-ga-0.20071001-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-hu-0.20101019-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-it-2.0.9l-12.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-mi-0.20080630-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-ne-1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-nl-0.20130131-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-pl-1.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-pt-0.20060817-13.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-ro-3.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-ru-0.20070613-11.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-sk-0.20130130-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-sl-0.20130130-4.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-sv-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mythes-uk-1.6.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: mytop-1.7-11.b737f60.fc23 same: local and remote: n2n-2.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nacl-20110221-12.fc23 same: local and remote: naev-0.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: naev-data-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-naskh-fonts-2.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-nastaleeq-fonts-1.02-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-pakistani-naskh-fonts-2.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-pakistani-web-naskh-fonts-2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-riqa-fonts-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-tehreer-naskh-fonts-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nafees-web-naskh-fonts-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: naga-3.0-6.82svn.fc23 same: local and remote: nagi-2.06-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-3.5.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-2.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-bdii-1.0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-bonding-1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-check-updates-1.6.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-fts-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-lcgdm-0.9.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-openmanage-3.7.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nagios-plugins-snmp-disk-proc-1.3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nagstamon-0.9.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nailgun-0.9.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: nall-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: nano-2.4.2-1.fc23 newer remote: local: nant-0.92-1.fc23 remote: nant-0.92-4.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: nar-maven-plugin-3.0.0-8.fc22 same: local and remote: narayana-5.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nas-1.9.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nasm-2.11.08-2.fc23 same: local and remote: native-platform-0.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: native2ascii-maven-plugin-1.0-0.11.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: naturette-1.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-image-converter-0.3.1-0.9.git430afce31.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-open-terminal-0.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-pastebin-0.5.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-python-1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-search-tool-0.3.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-sendto-3.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nautilus-terminal-1.0-1.fc23.5 same: local and remote: naver-nanum-fonts-3.020-15.20140930.fc23 same: local and remote: navilu-fonts-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nawk-20121220-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nazghul-0.7.1-14.20120228gitb0a402a.fc23 newer remote: local: nbc-1.2.1.r3-8.fc21 remote: nbc-1.2.1.r3-11.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: nbd-3.8-4.fc23 newer remote: local: nbdkit-1.1.9-2.fc21 remote: nbdkit-1.1.10-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: nbtscan-1.5.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: nc6-1.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: ncbi-blast+-2.2.31-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ncdc-1.19.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ncdu-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ncftp-3.2.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ncid-0.83-9.fc23 newer remote: local: ncl-6.2.1-2.fc22 remote: ncl-6.3.0-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ncmpc-0.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ncmpcpp-0.6.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nco-4.4.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ncompress- same: local and remote: ncrack-0.4-0.9.ALPHA.fc23 same: local and remote: ncurses-5.9-21.20150214.fc23 same: local and remote: ncview-2.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ndesk-dbus-0.6.1a-19.fc23 newer remote: local: ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1-19.fc23 remote: ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1-20.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ndisc6-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ndjbdns-1.06-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ndoutils-2.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: neXtaw-0.15.1-24.fc23 same: local and remote: neap-0.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nebula-0.2.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: nec2c-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nedit-5.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: neethi-3.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nekobee-dssi-0.1.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: nekohtml-1.9.22-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nekovm-2.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nemiver-0.9.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nemo-2.6.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nemo-extensions-2.6.x-5.fc23 same: local and remote: neon-0.30.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: neon-backgrounds-0.0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: nepomuk-core-4.14.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nepomuk-music-kio-slave-0.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nepomuk-widgets-4.14.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nepomukshell-0.8.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nepomuktvnamer-0.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nes_ntsc-0.2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nesc-1.3.5-2.fc22 same: local and remote: neso-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nessus-core-2.2.11-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nessus-libraries-2.2.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nested-1.2.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: net-snmp-5.7.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: net-tools-2.0-0.34.20150715git.fc23 same: local and remote: net6-1.3.14-9.fc23 same: local and remote: netatalk-3.1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: netbeans-javaparser-8.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: netbeans-platform-7.0.1-11.fc22 same: local and remote: netbeans-resolver-6.7.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: netbeans-svnclientadapter-7.3.1- same: local and remote: netbsd-iscsi-20080207-15.fc23 newer locally: local: netcdf- remote: netcdf- local and remote: netcdf-cxx-4.2-13.fc23 only remote: netcdf-cxx4-4.2.1-7.fc23same: local and remote: netcdf-fortran-4.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: netcdf-perl-1.2.4-20.fc23 newer remote: local: netcdf4-python-1.1.0-2.fc22 remote: netcdf4-python-1.1.6-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: netcf-0.2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: netdump-server-0.7.16-40.fc23 same: local and remote: netgen-1.3.7-28.fc23 newer remote: local: netgen-mesher-5.1-9.fc20 remote: netgen-mesher-5.3.1-6.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: nethack-3.4.3-33.fc23 same: local and remote: nethack-vultures-2.1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: nethogs-0.8.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: netlabel_tools-0.21-0.fc23 same: local and remote: netmask-2.3.12-10.fc23 same: local and remote: netmonitor-0.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: netpanzer-0.8.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: netpbm-10.66.02-6.fc23 same: local and remote: netplug- same: local and remote: netsed-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: netsniff-ng-0.5.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: netstat-monitor-1.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: netstat-nat-1.4.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: netsurf-buildsystem-1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nettee- same: local and remote: nettle-3.1.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: netty-4.0.19-2.fc22 remote: netty-4.0.28-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: netty-tcnative-1.1.30-1.fc23 remote: netty-tcnative-1.1.30-2.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: netty-xnio-transport-0.1.1-0.4.CR2.fc21 same: local and remote: netty3-3.9.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: network-manager-applet-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: neverball-1.6.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: newlisp-10.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: newsbeuter-2.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: newscache-1.2-0.23.rc6.fc23 same: local and remote: newsx-1.6-23.fc23 same: local and remote: newt-0.52.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nex-20140621-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nexcontrol-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nf3d-0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nfacct-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nfdump-1.6.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nfft-3.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nfoview-1.15.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nfs-ganesha-2.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nfs-utils-1.3.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nfs4-acl-tools-0.3.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nfsometer-1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nfspy-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nfswatch-4.99.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nftables-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nghttp2-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nginx-1.8.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ngircd-22.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ngrep-1.45-19.git20131221.16ba99a.fc23 same: local and remote: ngspice-23-8.fc21 same: local and remote: nhn-nanum-gothic-coding-fonts-2.000-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nhn-nanum-gothic-light-fonts-1.000-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nickle-2.77-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nicotine+-1.2.16-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nicstat-1.95-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nifticlib-2.0.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nightfall-1.86-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nightview-0.3.3-19.fc23 same: local and remote: nikto-2.1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nilfs-utils-2.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nimbus-0.1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nini-1.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ninja-build-1.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ninja-ide-2.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ninvaders-0.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: nip2-8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nitrogen-1.5.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: njam-1.25-24.fc23 same: local and remote: nkf-2.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nled-2.52-14.fc23 same: local and remote: nload-0.7.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nmap-6.47-2.fc22 same: local and remote: nmbscan-1.2.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nmh-1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nml-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nmon-14i-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nntpgrab-0.7.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: node-0.3.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: node-gyp-0.10.6-5.fc23 only remote: nodejs-0.10.36-4.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-JSV-4.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-abbrev-1.0.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-acorn-0.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-agent-base-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-agentkeepalive-0.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ain2-1.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-alter-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-amdefine-0.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ansi-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ansi-regex-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ansi-styles-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ansicolors-0.3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ansidiff-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ansistyles-0.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-archiver-0.14.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-archy-0.0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-argparse-0.1.15-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-as-number-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-asap-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ascii-tree-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-asn1-0.1.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-assert-plus-0.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-assertion-error-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ast-traverse-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ast-types-0.7.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-astral-0.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-astral-angular-annotate-0.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-astral-pass-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-async-0.2.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-async-each-0.1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-async-some-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-aws-sign-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-backbone-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-base64-js-0.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-basic-auth-connect-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-batch-0.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-better-assert-1.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bignumber-js-2.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bindings-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bl-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-block-stream-0.0.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bluebird-2.9.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-boom-0.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-breakable-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-browser-request-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bson-0.4.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-buffer-crc32-0.2.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-buffer-equal-0.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-builtins-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bunker-0.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-burrito-0.2.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-bytes-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-caller-callsite-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-caller-path-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-callsite-1.0.0-3.fc20 same: local and remote: nodejs-callsites-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-camel-case-1.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-caniuse-db-1.0.30000177-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-carrier-0.1.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chai-3.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chai-connect-middleware-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chai-passport-strategy-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chainsaw-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chalk-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-change-case-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-char-spinner-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-character-parser-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-charm-0.1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-child-process-close-0.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chmodr-0.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chownr-0.0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-chrono-1.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-clean-css-3.3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cli-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-clone-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-closure-compiler-0.2.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cls-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cmd-shim-1.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-co-4.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-codemirror-4.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-collections-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-colors-0.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-columnify-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-combined-stream-0.0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-commander-2.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-component-emitter-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-compress-commons-0.2.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-compressible-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-compression-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-concat-stream-1.4.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-config-chain-1.1.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-connect-2.14.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-connect-livereload-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-connect-timeout-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-console-browserify-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-console-dot-log-0.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-constant-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-constantinople-2.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cookie-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cookie-jar-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cookie-parser-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cookie-signature-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cookiejar-1.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-core-util-is-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-couch-login-0.1.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-crc32-stream-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cryptiles-0.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-css-1.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-css-parse-1.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-css-stringify-1.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-csscomb-core-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-csslint-0.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cssom-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-csurf-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ctype-0.5.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-cycle-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-data-uri-to-buffer-0.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-date-now-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dateformat-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-debug-0.8.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-debuglog-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-deep-eql-0.1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-deep-equal-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-deep-extend-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-defaults-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-defined-0.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-defs-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-degenerator-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-delayed-stream-0.0.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dep-graph-1.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dependency-lister-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-detective-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dezalgo-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-diff-1.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-difflet-0.2.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-doctrine-0.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dom-serializer-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-domelementtype-1.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-domhandler-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-domutils-1.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dot-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dryice-0.4.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-dtree-0.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-duplex-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-duplexer-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-duplexify-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-each-async-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-editor-0.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ejs-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-end-of-stream-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-entities-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-errorhandler-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-errs-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-es5-shim-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-escodegen-1.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-esprima-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-esprima-fb-15001.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: nodejs-estraverse-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-esutils-1.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-event-stream-3.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-eventemitter2-0.4.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-events-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-exit-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-expect-dot-js-0.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-express-3.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-express-session-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-extend-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-eyes-0.1.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-faye-websocket-0.7.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fd-slicer-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-file-uri-to-path-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-filed-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-filelist-0.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fileset-0.1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-findup-sync-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-flot-0.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-follow-0.11.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-forever-agent-0.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-form-data-0.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-formidable-1.0.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-freetree-0.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fresh-0.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-from-0.1.3-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-fs-ext-0.4.5-1.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-fs-extra-0.8.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fs-vacuum-1.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fstream-0.1.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fstream-ignore-0.0.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-fstream-npm-0.1.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ftp-0.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-gaze-0.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-generic-pool-2.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-get-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-get-uri-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-getobject-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-github-url-from-git-1.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-github-url-from-username-repo-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-glob-3.2.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-globule-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-gonzales-pe-3.0.0-0.3.9.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-got-3.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-graceful-fs-2.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grip-0.1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-growl-1.7.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-0.4.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-angular-templates-0.5.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-banner-0.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-cli-0.1.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-compare-size-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-connect-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-copy-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-csslint-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-cssmin-0.12.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-htmlmin-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal-0.4.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-less-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-nodeunit-0.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-requirejs-0.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-contrib-watch-0.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-git-authors-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-html-validation-0.1.18-2.fc22 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-init-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-legacy-util-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib-0.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-saucelabs-8.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-sed-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-util-args-0.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-util-options-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-util-process-0.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-grunt-util-property-0.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-gzip-size-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-handlebars-3.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-has-color-0.1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-hash_file-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-hashish-0.0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-hawk-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-highlight-js-8.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-hoek-0.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-hooker-0.2.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-hosted-git-info-2.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-html-minifier-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-htmlparser2-3.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-http-proxy-agent-0.2.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-http-signature-0.10.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-https-proxy-agent-0.3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-i-0.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-i18n-transform-1.1.1-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-i2c-0.1.4-13.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-iconv-lite-0.2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-infinity-agent-2.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-inflight-1.0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-inherits-2.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-inherits1-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ini-1.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-init-package-json-0.0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ip-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-is-lower-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-is-object-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-is-redirect-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-is-stream-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-is-upper-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-isarray-0.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-iso8601-1.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-isodate-0.1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-istanbul-0.3.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jade-1.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jasmine-reporters-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-joose-3.50.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-joosex-namespace-depended-0.18.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-joosex-simplerequest-0.2.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-js-base64-2.1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-js-beautify-1.5.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-js-yaml-2.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jscoverage-0.3.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-json-localizer-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-json-stringify-safe-5.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jsonfile-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jsonify-0.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jsonparse-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jsonstream-0.10.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-jwt-simple-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-keypress-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-langdetect-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lazystream-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-leaflet-0.7.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-leaflet-hash-0.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-less-1.7.5-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-libxmljs-0.9.0-5.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-line-reader-0.2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-linify-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-load-grunt-tasks-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lockfile-0.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lodash-2.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lodash-cli-2.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lodash-node-2.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-log-symbols-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lower-case-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lower-case-first-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lowercase-keys-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-lru-cache-2.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ltx-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-map-stream-0.1.0-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-mapnik-1.4.17-7.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-mapnik-pool-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mapnik-reference-8.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mapnik-vector-tile-0.6.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-markdown-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-maxmin-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mbtiles-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-merge-descriptors-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-method-override-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-methods-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-millstone-0.6.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mime-1.2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mimeparse-0.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-minimatch-0.2.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-minimist-0.0.1-3.fc21 same: local and remote: nodejs-minstache-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mkdirp-0.3.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-moment-2.8.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mongodb-2.0.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mongodb-core-1.2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-monocle-1.1.51-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-morgan-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ms-0.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-muffin-0.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-multimatch-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-multiparty-3.2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mustache-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mute-stream-0.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-mysql-2.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nan-1.8.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nan0-0.8.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nano-6.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-native-or-bluebird-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ncp-0.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-negotiator-0.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nested-error-stacks-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-netmask-1.0.5-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-node-expat-2.1.4-8.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-node-int64-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-node-markdown-0.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-node-print-0.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-node-static-0.7.6-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-node-stringprep-0.2.3-10.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-node-uuid-1.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nomnom-1.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nopt-2.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-noptify-0.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-normalize-git-url-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-normalize-package-data-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-normalize-path-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npm-cache-filename-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npm-install-checks-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npm-package-arg-4.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npm-registry-client-0.2.28-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npm-stats-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npm-user-validate-0.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npmconf-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-npmlog-0.0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nsp-api-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-nsp-audit-shrinkwrap-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-oauth-0.9.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-oauth-sign-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-object-assign-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-object-inspect-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-once-1.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-onetime-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-open-0.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-opener-1.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-optimist-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-options-0.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-opts-1.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-osenv-0.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pac-proxy-agent-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pac-resolver-1.2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-package-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-package-info-2.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-packaging-7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-paperboy-0.0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-param-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-parserlib-0.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-parseurl-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pascal-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-passport-0.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-passport-oauth-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-passport-oauth1-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-passport-oauth2-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-passport-strategy-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-path-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-path-is-inside-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pause-0.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pause-stream-0.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pedding-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pegjs-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pend-1.2.0-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-pg-0.12.3-8.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-pinkie-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pinkie-promise-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pkginfo-0.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-portscanner-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-posix-getopt-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-prepend-http-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pretty-bytes-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-private-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-process-nextick-args-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-promise-4.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-prompt-0.2.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-promzard-0.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-proto-list-1.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-proxy-agent-1.1.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: nodejs-proxyquire-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-pubcontrol-0.3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-q-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-q-io-1.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-qs-0.6.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-rainbowsocks-0.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-range-parser-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-raw-body-1.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-rc-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-read-1.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-read-all-stream-2.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-read-installed-0.2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-read-package-json-1.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-readable-stream-1.1.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-readdirp-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-recast-0.10.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-reduce-component-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-regenerator-0.4.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-registry-url-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-relateurl-0.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-repl-0.1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-replace-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-request-2.25.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-require-all-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-require-cs-0.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-require-inject-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-require-uncached-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-requirejs-2.1.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-resolve-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-resolve-from-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-response-time-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-resumer-0.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-retry-0.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-revalidator-0.1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-rimraf-2.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ronn-0.4.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-runforcover-0.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sauce-tunnel-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-saucelabs-0.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sax-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-scmp-0.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-semver-2.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-send-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sentence-case-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-seq-0.3.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-serve-index-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-serve-static-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-set-immediate-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-set-immediate-shim-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-setimmediate-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sha-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-shelljs-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-should-3.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-showdown-0.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sigmund-1.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-silent-npm-registry-client-0.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-simple-assert-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-simple-fmt-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-simple-is-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-slide-1.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-snake-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-snockets-1.3.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sntp-0.2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-socks-proxy-agent-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-source-map-0.1.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-spdx-license-ids-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-speedometer-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sphericalmercator-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-split-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-sprintf-0.1.5-2.fc23 only remote: nodejs-sqlite3-3.0.9-1.fc23only remote: nodejs-srs-0.4.8-2.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-stable-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stack-trace-0.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-static-favicon-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-statuses-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-step-0.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stream-combiner-0.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stream-counter-0.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stream-equal-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stream-reduce-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stream-spigot-3.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stream-to-array-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-streamsink-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-string-3.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-string_decoder-0.10.31-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stringmap-0.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stringset-0.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-strip-ansi-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-strip-json-comments-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-strip-path-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-strscanner-0.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-stylus-0.44.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-superagent-0.17.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-superagent-proxy-0.3.0-2.fc22 same: local and remote: nodejs-supertest-0.11.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-supervisor-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-supports-color-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-swap-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tap-0.4.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tape-3.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tar-0.1.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tar-stream-1.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-temp-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-temporary-0.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tern-0.7.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tern-cordovajs-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tern-liferay-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-testswarm-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-text-table-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-through-2.3.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-through2-0.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-thunkify-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tilejson-0.13.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tilelive-4.5.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tilelive-mapnik-0.6.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tiletype-0.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-timed-out-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tiny-lr-fork-0.0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tinycolor-0.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-title-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-transformers-3.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-traverse-0.6.5-2.fc21 same: local and remote: nodejs-tryor-0.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ttembed-js-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-tunnel-agent-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-type-detect-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-typeahead.js-0.10.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-typedarray-0.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-typescript-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-uglify-to-browserify-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-uid-number-0.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-uid2-0.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ultron-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-umask-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-underscore-1.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-underscore-dot-logger-0.3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-underscore-dot-string-2.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-unicode-7.0.0-0.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-upper-case-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-upper-case-first-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-uri-js-2.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-url2-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-util-0.10.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-util-deprecate-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-util-extend-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-utile-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-utilities-1.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-utils-merge-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-vhost-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-vow-0.4.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-vow-fs-0.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-vow-queue-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-vows-0.7.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-w3cjs-0.1.25-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-walkdir-0.0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-watchit-0.0.4-7.fc21 same: local and remote: nodejs-wcwidth-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-weak-map-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-websocket-driver-0.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-which-1.0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-window-size-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-winston-0.7.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-with-3.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-wordwrap-0.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-wrappy-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-write-file-atomic-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-ws-0.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-xml2js-0.4.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-xmlbuilder-2.4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-xmldom-0.1.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-xregexp-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-xtend-4.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-yamlish-0.0.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-yargs-3.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-zap-0.2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-zip-stream-0.5.1-3.fc23 only remote: nodejs-zipfile-0.5.7-4.fc23same: local and remote: nodejs-zlib-browserify-0.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodejs-zlibjs-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nodeunit-0.8.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nodoka-theme-gnome-0.3.90-11.fc23 same: local and remote: noggit-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nogravity-2.00-23.fc23 same: local and remote: nogravity-data-2.00-13.fc23 same: local and remote: noip-2.1.9-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nomacs-2.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nomarch-1.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: non-daw-1.2.0-6.git13c3ca8.fc23 same: local and remote: non-ntk-1.3.0-0.7.20130730gitd006352.fc22 same: local and remote: non-session-manager-1.0.0-0.7.gitae6b78cf.fc22 same: local and remote: nordugrid-arc-5.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nordugrid-arc-doc-2.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: normaliz-2.12.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nosync-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: notification-daemon-3.17.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: notification-daemon-engine-nodoka-0.1.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: notify-python-0.1.1-29.fc23 newer remote: local: notify-sharp-0.4.0-0.24.20100411svn.fc23 remote: notify-sharp-0.4.0-0.25.20100411svn.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: notmuch-0.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: novacom-client-1.1.0-0.10.rc1.git.ff7641193a.fc23 same: local and remote: novacom-server-1.1.0-0.13.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: novnc-0.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: novprog-3.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: npm-1.3.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: npth-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: npush-0.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: nqc-3.1.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nqp-0.0.2015.07.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: nrg2iso-0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: nrpe-2.15-4.fc22 same: local and remote: ns-bola-fonts-20080203-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ns-tiza-chalk-fonts-20080210-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nsca-2.9.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: nsd-3.2.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nsnake-2.0.5-4.fc23 newer remote: local: nspluginwrapper-1.4.4-19.fc20 remote: nspluginwrapper-1.4.4-22.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: nspr-4.10.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-3.19.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-altfiles-2.18.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-gui-0.3.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-mdns-0.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-pam-ldapd-0.8.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-softokn-3.19.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nss-util-3.19.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nss_updatedb-10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: nss_wrapper-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ntfs-3g-2015.3.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ntl-9.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ntop-5.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ntp-4.2.6p5-31.fc23 same: local and remote: nuget-2.8.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nullmodem-0.0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: numactl-2.0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: numad-0.5-20.20150602git.fc23 only remote: numatop-1.0.3-2.fc23same: local and remote: numlockx-1.2-8.fc23 newer remote: local: numptyphysics-0.4-0.6.20120726gita22cde2.fc22 remote: numptyphysics-0.4-0.8.20140108git4837e29.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: numpy-1.9.2-2.fc23 only remote: nunit-2.6.4-8.fc23same: local and remote: nuntius-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: nut-2.7.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: nut-nutrition-19.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: nuttcp-6.1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: nuvolaplayer-2.5-1.fc22 same: local and remote: nuxwdog-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nvi-1.81.6-13.fc23 newer remote: local: nvidia-texture-tools-2.0.8-9.fc22 remote: nvidia-texture-tools-2.0.8-11.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingonly remote: nwchem-6.5.26243-16.fc23same: local and remote: nwipe-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: nwsclient-1.6.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nwsserver-2.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: nx-libs- same: local and remote: nxt_python-0.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: nxtrc-2.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: nxtvepg-2.8.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: nyquist-3.09-1.fc23 same: local and remote: o3read-0.0.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: oat-1.6.0-16.fc22 same: local and remote: oath-toolkit-2.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: obby-0.4.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: obconf-2.0.4-7.20150213git63ec47.fc23 same: local and remote: obexd-0.46-9.fc23 same: local and remote: obexftp-0.24-9.fc23 same: local and remote: objectweb-anttask-1.3.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: objectweb-asm-5.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: objectweb-asm3-3.3.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: objectweb-pom-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: objenesis-2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: obmenu-1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: obnam-1.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: obs-signd-2.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-4.02.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-SDL-0.9.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-ancient-0.9.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-augeas-0.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-autoconf-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-base64-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-bin-prot-2.0.9-19.fc23 newer remote: local: ocaml-biniou-1.0.9-5.fc21 remote: ocaml-biniou-1.0.9-15.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ocaml-bisect-1.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-bitstring-2.0.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-cairo-0.4.7-0.6.git5c1df15.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-calendar-2.03.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-camlidl-1.05-31.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-camlimages-4.1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-camlp4-4.02.2-0.2.git1e8965ea.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-camlp5-6.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-camomile-0.8.5-10.fc23 only remote: ocaml-cil-1.7.3-21.fc23same: local and remote: ocaml-config-file-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-cppo-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-cryptokit-1.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-csv-1.3.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-curl-0.5.3-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-curses-1.0.3-29.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-dbus-0.29-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-deriving-0.1.1a-30.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-easy-format-1.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-expat-0.9.1-36.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-extlib-1.6.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-facile-1.1-34.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-fileutils-0.4.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-findlib-1.5.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-gettext-0.3.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-gsl-1.18.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-json-static-0.9.8-21.fc23 only remote: ocaml-json-wheel-1.0.6-23.fc23same: local and remote: ocaml-lablgl-1.05-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-lablgtk-2.18.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-labltk-8.06.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-lacaml-7.1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-libvirt- same: local and remote: ocaml-lwt-2.4.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-menhir-20141215-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-mikmatch-1.0.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-mlgmpidl-1.2.1-0.15.20120830.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-mysql-1.1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-newt-0.9-27.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-ocamlgraph-1.8.6-3.fc23 only remote: ocaml-ocamlnet-4.0.3-4.fc23same: local and remote: ocaml-omake- same: local and remote: ocaml-openin-20070524-30.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-ounit-2.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-p3l-2.03-25.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-pa-monad-6.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-pcre-7.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-perl4caml-0.9.5-41.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-pgocaml-1.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-postgresql-2.0.7-9.fc23 only remote: ocaml-preludeml-0.1-0.35.20100314.fc23only remote: ocaml-pxp-1.2.7-3.fc23same: local and remote: ocaml-react-0.9.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-reins-0.1a-26.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-res-4.0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-sexplib-7.0.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-sqlite-2.0.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-srpm-macros-2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-ssl-0.4.7-8.fc23 newer remote: local: ocaml-tplib-1.3-15.fc23 remote: ocaml-tplib-1.3-18.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ocaml-type-conv-3.0.5-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-ulex-1.1-28.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-xml-light-2.3-0.15.svn234.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-xmlm-1.2.0-14.fc23 only remote: ocaml-xmlrpc-light-0.6.1-28.fc23newer remote: local: ocaml-yojson-1.1.8-5.fc21 remote: ocaml-yojson-1.1.8-13.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ocaml-zarith-1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ocaml-zip-1.05-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ocamldsort-0.15.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ochusha- same: local and remote: ocl-icd-2.2.7-2.git20150606.ebbc4c1.fc23 same: local and remote: ocp-0.1.22-0.6.20150224gita07bf5d.fc23 same: local and remote: ocrad-0.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ocserv-0.10.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ocsinventory-2.1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ocsinventory-agent-2.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ocsinventory-ipdiscover-2.0.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ocspd-1.9.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: oct2spec-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-4.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-audio-1.1.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-communications-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-control-2.8.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-dicom-0.1.1-13.20150707hg45.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-general-2.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-gsl-1.0.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-image-2.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-io-2.2.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-miscellaneous-1.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-ncarray-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-netcdf-1.0.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-nnet-0.1.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-octcdf-1.1.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-odepkg-0.8.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-optim-1.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-parallel-2.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-quaternion-2.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-signal-1.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-specfun-1.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-statistics-1.2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-struct-1.0.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octave-symbolic-2.2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: octomap-1.6.8-3.fc23 newer remote: local: odb-2.3.0-8.fc22 remote: odb-2.4.0-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: oddjob-0.34.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ode-0.13.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: odfpy-0.9.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: odt2txt-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: office-runner-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: offlineimap-6.5.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-asana-math-fonts-0.954-2.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-brett-fonts-20080506-15.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-dignas-handwriting-fonts-20031109-10.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-goudy-bookletter-1911-fonts-20080206-11.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-icelandic-fonts-1.001-17.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-notcouriersans-fonts-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-prociono-fonts-20141125-3.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-riordonfancy-fonts-4-11 same: local and remote: oflb-roadstencil-fonts-1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-smonohand-fonts-20090423-10.fc23 same: local and remote: oflb-sportrop-fonts-0.9-16.fc23 only remote: ofono-1.14-4.fc23same: local and remote: ogdi-3.2.0-0.25.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: oggconvert-0.3.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: oggify-2.0.7-5.20150615git4412e37.fc23 same: local and remote: oggvideotools-0.8-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ogmtools-1.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: ogre-1.9.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ogre-pagedgeometry-1.1.4-5.20131226hg3ad14141c027.fc23 same: local and remote: oidentd-2.0.8-15.fc22 same: local and remote: ois-1.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: okhttp-2.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: okio-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: okteta-15.04.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: okteta4-4.14.3-54.fc23 same: local and remote: okular-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: oldstandard-sfd-fonts-2.0.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: olfs-1.11.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: olpc-contents-2.6-10.fc23 only remote: olpc-kbdshim-29-7.fc23same: local and remote: olpc-netutils-0.8.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: olpc-os-builder-7.0.1-4.fc23 only remote: olpc-powerd-110-6.fc23same: local and remote: olpc-switch-desktop-0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: olpc-update-2.29-4.fc23 same: local and remote: olpc-utils-5.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: omniORB-4.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: omniORBpy-4.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: omping-0.0.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ompl-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: oneko-1.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: onesixtyone-0.3.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: oniguruma-5.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: onionshare-0.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ooo2txt-0.0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: oorexx-4.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: oozie-4.0.1-5.fc22 same: local and remote: opal-3.10.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: opari2-1.1.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: open-cobol-1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: open-mtools-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: open-sans-fonts-1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: open-sendmail-0-0.5.20090107cvs.fc23 only remote: open-vm-tools-9.10.2-1.fc23same: local and remote: openCOLLADA-0-24.git3335ac1.fc23 same: local and remote: openal-soft-1.16.0-7.fc23 newer remote: local: openalchemist-0.4-14.fc21 remote: openalchemist-0.4-18.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: openambit-0.3-9.git5f2b784.fc23 same: local and remote: openarena-0.8.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: openav-luppp-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openbabel-2.3.90-0.6.20150402gita345105.fc23 same: local and remote: openbios-1.1.svn1340-1.fc23 only remote: openblas-0.2.14-3.fc23same: local and remote: openbox-3.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: opencc-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: opencfu-3.8.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openchange-2.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: opencl-filesystem-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: opencl-headers-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: opencl-utils-0-15.svn16.fc23 same: local and remote: openclipart-2.0-4.fc23 newer remote: local: openconnect-7.06-1.fc23 remote: openconnect-7.06-2.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: opencryptoki-3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: opencsg-1.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: opencsv-2.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: openct-0.6.20-12.fc23 same: local and remote: opencv-2.4.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: opendbx-1.4.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: opendchub-0.8.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: opendkim-2.10.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: opendmarc-1.3.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: opendnssec-1.4.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: opendyslexic-fonts-0.600-6.fc23 same: local and remote: openerp-6.1-9.20131111_004905.fc23 same: local and remote: openerp-client-6.1-7.20130126_002033.fc23 same: local and remote: openerp7-7.0-7.20140109_002644.fc23 same: local and remote: openeuclide-0.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: openfst-1.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: opengl-games-utils-0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: opengrm-ngram-1.2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: openhpi-3.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openhpi-subagent-2.3.4-25.fc23 same: local and remote: openid-selector-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openid4java-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openid4java-team-1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openjade-1.3.2-48.fc23 same: local and remote: openjpa-2.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openjpeg-1.5.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: openjpeg2-2.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openlayers-2.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: openldap-2.4.40-14.fc23 only remote: openlibm-0.4.1-2.fc23same: local and remote: openlierox-0.58-0.5.rc3.fc23 same: local and remote: openlmi-networking-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openlmi-providers-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openlmi-scripts-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openlmi-storage-0.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openlmi-tools-0.10.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openmpi-1.8.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openms-2.0.0-17.20150529git88dc25.fc23 same: local and remote: openmsx-0.11.0-4.fc23 only remote: openni- remote: openni-primesense- local and remote: openobex-1.7.1-6.fc23 newer remote: local: openocd-0.8.0-2.fc21 remote: openocd-0.9.0-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: openoffice-lv-1.0.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: remote: with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: same: local and remote: openpgm-5.2.122-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openpgpkey-milter-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openprops-0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: openpts-0.2.6-12.fc23 same: local and remote: openrdate-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: opensaml-2.4.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: opensaml-java-2.5.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: opensaml-java-openws-1.5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: opensaml-java-parent-4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: opensaml-java-xmltooling-1.3.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: opensc-0.15.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openscad-2015.03.1-2.fc23 only remote: openscada-0.7.1-16.fc23same: local and remote: openscap-1.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openshift-java-client-2.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: opensips-1.10.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openslide-3.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openslide-python-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openslp-2.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: opensm-3.3.17-5.fc23 same: local and remote: opensmtpd-5.7.1p1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: opensp-1.5.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: openspecfun-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openssh-6.9p1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openssl-1.0.2d-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-ceilometer-2015.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-cinder-2015.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-designate-2015.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-glance-2015.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-gnocchi-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-heat-2015.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-heat-gbp-2014.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-heat-templates-0-0.3.20141111git.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-ironic-2014.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-ironic-discoverd-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-java-sdk-3.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-keystone-2015.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-manila-2015.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-manila-ui-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-marconi-2014.1-3.fc23.2 same: local and remote: openstack-neutron-2015.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-neutron-gbp-2014.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-nova-2015.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-packstack-2015.1-0.9.dev1608.g6447ff7.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-puppet-modules-2015.1.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-sahara-2015.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-swift-2.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-swift-plugin-swift3-1.7-6.20150601git69f94393.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-tempest-kilo-20150708.2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-tripleo-0.0.5-3c3fb309727671130a32b4c19de48ec22c8530aa1.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-0.7.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-tripleo-image-elements-0.8.10-20.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-trove-2015.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-tuskar-0.4.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: openstack-tuskar-ui-0.2.0-5.fc22 same: local and remote: openstack-utils-2014.2-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: openstack-zaqar-2015.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openstv-1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: openteacher-3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: opentracker-0-0.10.20101114cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: openttd-1.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openttd-opengfx-0.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openuniverse-1.0-0.15.beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: openvas-cli-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openvas-gsa-6.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openvas-libraries-8.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openvas-manager-6.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openvas-scanner-5.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: openvpn-2.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: openvpn-auth-ldap-2.0.3-17.fc23 newer remote: local: openvswitch-2.3.1-2.git20150113.fc22 remote: openvswitch-2.3.2-1.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: openwebbeans-1.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: openwsman-2.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: openxcap-2.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ophcrack-3.6.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: oprofile-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ops4j-base-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ops4j-master-4.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: opticalraytracer-2.7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: options-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: optipng-0.7.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: opus-1.1.1-0.3.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: opus-tools-0.1.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: opusfile-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: orafce-3.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: orage-4.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: orange-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: orbited-0.7.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: orc-0.4.24-1.fc23 same: local and remote: orca-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: orocos-kdl-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: orsa-0.7.0-31.fc23 same: local and remote: orthanc-0.8.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ortp-0.23.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: os-apply-config-0.1.30-3.fc23 same: local and remote: os-cloud-config-0.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: os-collect-config-0.1.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: os-maven-plugin-1.2.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: os-net-config-0.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: os-prober-1.65-3.fc23 same: local and remote: os-refresh-config-0.1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: osbs-0.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: osc-0.151.1-164.2.1.fc23 same: local and remote: osc-source_validator-0.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: oscap-anaconda-addon-0.7-1.fc22 same: local and remote: osgearth-2.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: osgi-annotation-6.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: osgi-resource-locator-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: osm-gps-map-1.0.1-9.fc23 newer remote: local: osm2pgsql-0.86.0-1.fc21 remote: osm2pgsql-0.87.2-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: osmo-0.2.12-0.8.svn924.fc23.1 same: local and remote: osmpbf-1.3.3-6.20150712git17fd0cc.fc23 same: local and remote: osslsigncode-1.5.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ostree-2015.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: otf2-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: otf2bdf-3.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ots-0.5.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: otter-browser-0.9.06-0.2.beta6gitaf837be.fc23 same: local and remote: ovaldi-5.9.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: overgod-1.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: overpass-fonts-1.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ovirt-engine-cli- same: local and remote: ovirt-engine-sdk-java- same: local and remote: ovirt-engine-sdk-python- same: local and remote: ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ovm-2.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: owasp-esapi-java-2.1.0-2.fc22 same: local and remote: owasp-java-html-sanitizer-20150501.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: owfs-3.1p0-2.fc23 only remote: owl-lisp-0.1.7-3.fc23same: local and remote: owncloud-8.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: oxygen-fonts-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: oxygen-gtk2-1.4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: oxygen-icon-theme-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: oyranos-0.9.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: oz-0.14.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: p0f-3.08b-2.fc23 same: local and remote: p*rn-comfort-0.0.4-23.fc23 same: local and remote: p11-kit-0.23.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: p7zip-9.20.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pacemaker-1.1.12-2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: pachi-1.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: packETH-1.7.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: packagedb-cli-2.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: packmol-13.243-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pacman-4.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pacrunner-0.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pads-1.2-16.fc22 only locally: paflib-0.1.4-1.fc21same: local and remote: pagekite-0.5.6d-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pagul-fonts-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pagure-0.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pairs-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pakchois-0.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pakiti-3.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: paktype-ajrak-fonts-4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: paktype-naqsh-fonts-4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: paktype-naskh-basic-fonts-4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: paktype-tehreer-fonts-4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pal-0.4.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: palapeli-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: palp-2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pam-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pam-kwallet-0-0.8.20140508git49a5bc0.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_abl-0.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_afs_session-2.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_ccreds-10-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_krb5-2.4.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_mount-2.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_mysql-0.7-0.20.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_pkcs11-0.6.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_radius-1.4.0-2.fc22 same: local and remote: pam_script-1.1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_shield-0.9.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_ssh-1.98-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_url-0.3.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pam_yubico-2.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: paman-0.9.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pamtester-0.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pan-0.139-10.fc23 newer remote: local: pandoc- remote: pandoc-1.13.2-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: pandoc-citeproc-0.3.1-2.fc21 remote: pandoc-citeproc-0.5-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: pango-1.37.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pangomm-2.36.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pangox-compat-0.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: panoglview-0.2.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: papaki-1.0.0-0.7.Beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: paperkey-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: papi-5.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: paprefs-0.9.10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: paps-0.6.8-35.fc23 same: local and remote: papyon-0.5.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: par-1.52-17.fc23 same: local and remote: par2cmdline-0.4.tbb.20100203-17.fc20 same: local and remote: parallel-20141122-2.fc23 same: local and remote: paranamer-2.4.1-9.fc21 same: local and remote: paratype-pt-mono-fonts-20141121-2.fc23 same: local and remote: paratype-pt-sans-fonts-20141121-2.fc23 same: local and remote: paratype-pt-serif-fonts-20141121-2.fc23 newer remote: local: paraview-4.0.1-3.fc21 remote: paraview-4.3.1-2.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: parboiled-1.1.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: parcellite-1.1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pari-2.7.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pari-elldata-20140113-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pari-galdata-20080411-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pari-galpol-20140218-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pari-seadata-20090618-8.fc23 same: local and remote: paris-traceroute-0.92-8.fc23 same: local and remote: parley-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: parole-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: parprouted-0.70-13.fc23 same: local and remote: parquet-1.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: parquet-format-2.1.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: parrot-6.10.0-2.fc22 remote: parrot-7.5.0-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: parsero-0.81-3.fc23 same: local and remote: parted-3.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: partimage-0.6.9-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pass-1.6.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: passenger-4.0.59-2.fc23 same: local and remote: passivetex-1.25-19.fc23 same: local and remote: passwd-0.79-6.fc23 same: local and remote: passwdqc-1.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pastebinit-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: patch-2.7.5-2.fc23 only remote: patchelf-0.8-4.fc23same: local and remote: patcher-0.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: patchutils-0.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: patricia-trie-0.2-10.20091116svn.fc23 same: local and remote: paulstretch-2.2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pavucontrol-3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pavumeter-0.9.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pax-3.4-22.fc23 same: local and remote: pax-logging-1.6.9-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pax-utils-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pbuilder-0.215-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pbzip2-1.1.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pcapdiff-0.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pcapfix-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pcapy-0.10.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pcaro-hermit-fonts-1.21-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pcb-0.20140316-7.fc23 only remote: pcc-1.1.0-1.0.20141210cvs.fc23.1same: local and remote: pcfi-2010.08.09-9.20111103gitbd245c9.fc23 same: local and remote: pciutils-3.3.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: pcl-1.7.2-3.fc22 remote: pcl-1.7.2-6.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: pcllib-1.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pcmanfm-1.2.3-2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: pcmanfm-qt-0.9.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pcmanx-gtk2-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pcmciautils-018-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pcp-3.10.5-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: pcp2pdf-0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pcre-8.37-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pcre2-10.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pcs-0.9.141-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pcsc-cyberjack-3.99.5final.SP07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pcsc-lite-1.8.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pcsc-lite-asekey-3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pcsc-lite-ccid-1.4.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pcsc-perl-1.4.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pcsc-tools-1.4.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pdf-renderer-0-0.15.128svn.20110310.fc21 same: local and remote: pdf2djvu-0.7.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pdf2svg-0.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfbox-1.8.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfcrack-0.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfedit-0.4.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfgrep-1.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfmerge-1.0.5-3.fc23 newer remote: local: pdfmod-0.9.1-9.fc23 remote: pdfmod-0.9.1-11.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: pdfpc-4.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfposter-0.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pdfresurrect-0.12-5.fc22 same: local and remote: pdfshuffler-0.6.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pdns-3.4.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pdns-recursor-3.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pdsh-2.31-4.fc23 same: local and remote: peervpn-0.042-2.fc23 same: local and remote: peg-solitaire-2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pegdown-1.4.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pekwm-0.1.17-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pem-0.7.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pen-0.29.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pencil-2.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: penguin-command-1.6.11-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pengupop-2.2.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pentaho-libxml-1.1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pentaho-reporting-flow-engine-0.9.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: peppy-0.16.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: percolator-2.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perdition-2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perftest-2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-5.22.0-349.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AI-Categorizer-0.09-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AI-DecisionTree-0.11-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Ace-1.92-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Acme-Damn-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Acme-PlayCode-0.12-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix-0.03-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-C3-0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits-1.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.27-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Cron-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-CurveFit-1.05-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Dependency-1.110-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Diff-1.1903-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-FastPermute-0.999-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude-0.01-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-LUHN-1.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Merge-0.08-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-NaiveBayes-0.04-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-Permute-0.12-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Algorithm-SVM-0.13-12.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-Alien-ROOT- remote: perl-Alien-ROOT- with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-Alien-SDL-1.446-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Alien-wxWidgets-0.67-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Any-Moose-0.26-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Any-URI-Escape-0.01-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyData-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-7.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-AIO-1.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-BDB-1.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-CacheDNS-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-DBus-0.31-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.22-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-Handle-UDP-0.043-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-I3-0.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AnyEvent-XMPP-0.55-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-DBI-1.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-DBI-Cache-0.08-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-Htpasswd-1.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.32-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-LogRegex-1.70-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-Session-1.93-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-Session-Browseable-1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-Session-LDAP-0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-Session-NoSQL-0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper-0.34-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Apache2-SOAP-0.73-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-Asciio-1.51.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-CLI-0.313-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-CSV-0.08-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-Cache-0.37-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-Cmd-0.327-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-Daemon-0.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-DuckDuckGo-0.008-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-FatPacker-0.010004-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-GitHooks-1.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-Nopaste-1.004-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-SVN-Bisect-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-a2p-1.009-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-cpanminus-1.7039-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-find2perl-1.003-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-grindperl-0.003-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-mymeta_requires-0.005-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-p-0.0304-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-App-s2p-1.002-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AppConfig-1.71-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AppConfig-Std-1.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Any-0.0942-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Any-Create-0.03-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Any-Lite-0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Extract-0.76-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Peek-0.35-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-RPM-0.07-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Tar-2.04-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Archive-Zip-1.48-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Array-Base-0.005-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Array-Compare-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Array-Diff-0.07-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Array-RefElem-1.00-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Array-Unique-0.08-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Array-Utils-0.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO-1.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Async-MergePoint-0.04-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Audio-Beep-0.11-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AuthCAS-1.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-CAS-Client-0.06-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Captcha-1.024-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Credential-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-DigestMD5-0.04-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Krb5-1.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Krb5-Admin-0.17-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-OATH-1.0.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-PAM-0.16-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Radius-0.24-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-SASL-2.16-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-SASL-SASLprep-1.01.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-SCRAM-0.005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Simple-0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Authen-Simple-Passwd-0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AutoClass-1_01-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-AutoXS-Header-1.02-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Compiling-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Debug-1.23-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Generate-1.53-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation-0.44-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.19-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV-0.09-10.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange-0.06-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr-0.03-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Keywords-1.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Lint-1.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-B-Utils-0.27-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-BDB-1.91-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-BSD-Resource-1.290.700-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-BSSolv-0.01-9.git1e18c32.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-BZ-Client-1.061-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-BackPAN-Index-0.42-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Barcode-Code128-2.01-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Beanstalk-Client-1.07-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Bencode-1.402-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-BerkeleyDB-0.55-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Best-0.15-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Biblio-EndnoteStyle-0.05-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Bisect-Perl-UsingGit-0.33-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Bit-Vector-7.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Boost-Geometry-Utils-0.15-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Bot-BasicBot-0.89-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Boulder-1.30-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Browser-Open-0.04-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-CreditCard-0.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-Hours-0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-ISBN-2.09-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-ISBN-Data-20140910.002-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-ISMN-1.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-ISSN-0.91-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-PayPal-API-0.70-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Business-Stripe-0.04-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Bytes-Random-Secure-0.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CAD-Format-STL-0.2.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CDB_File-0.98-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CDDB-1.220-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CDDB_get-2.28-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-4.21-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Ajax-0.707-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-4.50-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch-3.12-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-FastCGI-0.02-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-PSGI-1.00-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ActionDispatch-0.99-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication-0.20-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode-0.18-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-CAPTCHA-0.04-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Simple-1.01-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto-1.33-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH-4.04-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIC-Schema-0.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIProfile-0.07-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIx-Class-1.000101-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DebugScreen-1.00-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup-1.08-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ErrorPage-1.21-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-FillInForm-1.15-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-FormState-0.12-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward-1.06-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-JSON-1.02-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-LinkIntegrity-0.06-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch-1.02-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack-0.34-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RateLimit-1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect-1.00-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RequireSSL-0.04-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session-1.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream-2.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-SuperForm-0.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT-1.05-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ViewCode-1.02-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Server-0.063-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Standard-Config-1.01-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Structured-0.007-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Application-Structured-Tools-0.015-7.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Compile-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Deurl-XS-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Emulate-PSGI-0.20-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Ex-2.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Fast-2.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-FastTemplate-1.09-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-FormBuilder-3.0800-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-PSGI-0.15-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Prototype-0.9054-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Session-4.48-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached-0.04-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Simple-1.115-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.22-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Struct-1.21-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Untaint-1.26-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Untaint-date-1.00-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CGI-Untaint-email-0.03-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CHI-0.60-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CLASS-1.00-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-2.11-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Changes-0.400002-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Checksums-2.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-FindDependencies-2.43-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Inject-1.14-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Meta-2.150005-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.012-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.133-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.016-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Mini-1.111016-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-ParseDistribution-1.52-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases-2.26-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Reporter-1.2014-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPAN-Uploader-0.103009-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPANPLUS-0.91.54-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build-0.78-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Fedora-0.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Changes-0.02-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Diff-0.01-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-RT-0.01-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CPS-0.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CSS-1.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CSS-DOM-0.15-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CSS-Minifier-0.01-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.09-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CSS-Squish-0.10-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CSS-Tiny-1.19-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cache-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cache-Cache-1.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cache-FastMmap-1.40-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cache-Memcached-1.30-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cache-Mmap-0.11-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cairo-1.105-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cairo-GObject-1.001-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Calendar-Simple-1.21-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Callback-1.07-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Canary-Stability-2006-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.97-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Capture-Tiny-0.30-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-1.36-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-Always-0.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-Assert-0.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-Assert-More-1.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-Clan-6.04-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-Clan-Share-0.013-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-Fix-1_25-1.000001-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Carp-REPL-0.18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Action-REST-1.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.16-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL-0.07-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-1.016-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class-0.1505-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.001001-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder-0.06-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-1.00-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Devel-1.39-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache-1.16-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Helper-FastCGI-ExternalServer-0.05-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Manual-5.9009-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.65-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP-0.16-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Model-XMLRPC-0.04-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.10023-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL-0.15-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles-0.09-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CGI-Untaint-0.05-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-0.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-0.006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.34-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CustomErrorMessage-0.06-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Email-0.08-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.31-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Redirect-0.02-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.40-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie-0.17-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI-0.15-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache-0.01-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC-0.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate-0.06-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap-0.16-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File-0.18-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv-0.03-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace-0.10-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest-0.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-0.93-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-Runtime-5.90093-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude-0.10-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-Email-0.35-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template-0.03-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-JSON-0.30-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-Mason-0.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-PDF-Reuse-0.04-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Catalyst-View-TT-0.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CatalystX-InjectComponent-0.025-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker-0.06-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CatalystX-Profile-0.02-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-CatalystX-REPL-0.04-10.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-CatalystX-SimpleLogin-0.18-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cflow-1.053-29.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Chart-2.4.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Chatbot-Eliza-1.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Check-ISA-0.04-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Child-0.012-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ClamAV-Client-0.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Accessor-0.34-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Accessor-Classy-0.9.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10012-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Adapter-1.08-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Autouse-2.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Base-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-C3-0.28-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-C3-XS-0.13-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-CSV-1.03-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Can-0.01-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Container-0.12-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-3.0.17-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch-0.07-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-AsForm-2.42-28.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-FromCGI-1.00-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Loader-0.34-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship-1.3-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Pager-0.08-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Pg-0.09-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-0.03-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch-0.08-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll-1.04-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.11-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-DBI-mysql-1.00-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Data-Accessor-0.04004-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Date-1.1.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-ErrorHandler-0.04-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Exporter-0.03-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Factory-1.06-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Factory-Util-1.7-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Field-0.23-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Forward-0.100006-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-ISA-0.36-1016.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Inner-0.200001-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Inspector-1.28-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Iterator-0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Load-0.23-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Load-XS-0.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Loader-2.03-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-MakeMethods-1.009-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-MethodMaker-2.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Mix-0.005-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Observable-1.04-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Prototyped-1.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-ReturnValue-0.55-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Singleton-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Std-0.011-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Throwable-0.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Tiny-1.001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Trigger-0.14-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Unload-0.09-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Virtual-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-Whitehole-0.04-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Class-XSAccessor-1.19-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Clipboard-0.13-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Clone-0.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Clone-PP-1.06-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Color-Calc-1.074-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Color-Library-0.021-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Compress-Bzip2-2.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Compress-LZ4-0.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Compress-LZF-3.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.068-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma-2.068-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.068-347.fc23 only remote: perl-Compress-Snappy-0.23-3.fc23same: local and remote: perl-Config-Any-0.26-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-ApacheFormat-1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Augeas-1.000-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Auto-0.44-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-AutoConf-0.311-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Extend-MySQL-0.05-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-General-2.56-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Generator-0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-GitLike-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Grammar-1.10-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-INI-0.025-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-IniFiles-2.88-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-IniHash-3.01.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-JFDI-0.065-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-MVP-2.200010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI-2.101463-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Model-2.071-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Model-CursesUI-1.104-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Model-Itself-1.245-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Model-Tester-2.051-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Model-TkUI-1.347-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Perl-V-0.24-348.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Properties-1.77-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Record-1.1.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Simple-4.59-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Tiny-2.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Config-Validator-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ConfigReader-0.5-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Const-Fast-0.014-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Context-Preserve-0.01-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Contextual-Return-0.004007-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-ASN1-0.27-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-Age-0.04-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-BER-1.32-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-Bencode-1.03-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-Bencode_XS-0.06-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-BinHex-1.123-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-Binary-C-0.76-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-Color-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT-0.05-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-PEM-0.08-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-TNEF-0.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-UU-0.5201-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Convert-UUlib-1.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Coro-6.47-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS-3.0115-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Blowfish-2.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.04-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-CBC-2.33-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-CipherSaber-1.00-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Cracklib-1.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-DES-2.07-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.01-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-DH-0.07-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-DH-GMP-0.00012-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-DSA-1.17-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-ECB-1.45-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-GPG-1.64-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword-0.04-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC-1.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS10-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.28-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509-1.806-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.150900-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-PWSafe3-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Primes-0.50-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-RC4-2.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-RC4-XS-0.02-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-RSA-1.99-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Random-1.25-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Random-Seed-0.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Random-Source-0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Random-TESHA2-0.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Rijndael-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-SMIME-0.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-SaltedHash-0.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Simple-0.06-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-SmbHash-0.12-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-Twofish-2.17-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-URandom-0.36-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Crypt-X509-0.51-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Curses-1.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Curses-UI-0.9607-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cwd-Guard-0.04-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Cwd-utf8-0.007-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-CSV-0.48-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-Firebird-1.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-Mock-1.45-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-Multi-0.18-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-MySQL-4.032-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-ODBC-1.52-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-Pg-3.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-SQLite-1.48-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-SQLite2-0.36-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBD-XBase-1.05-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBI-1.633-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBI-Dumper-2.01-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBICx-TestDatabase-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-0.082820-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached-1.001002-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch-0.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault-0.04-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn-0.00013-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M-0.001002-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config-0.001011-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Diff-1.03-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07043-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Connector-0.53-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-DBSchema-0.45-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-POS-0.03-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-RunSQL-0.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Safe-1.2.5-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.66-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBIx-Simple-1.35-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DBM-Deep-2.0012-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DB_File-1.835-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DB_File-Lock-0.05-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Daemon-Control-0.001006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Daemon-Generic-0.84-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dancer-1.3140-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dancer-Session-Cookie-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dancer2-0.160000-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Danga-Socket-1.61-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-AMF-0.09-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Alias-1.18-4.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-Data-AsObject-0.07-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Buffer-0.04-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Clone-0.004-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Compare-1.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Denter-0.15-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Dump-1.22-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Dump-Color-0.23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Dump-Streamer-2.38-3.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Dumper-2.158-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.022-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Dumper-Names-0.03-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Faker-0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Float-0.012-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Flow-1.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-FormValidator-4.81-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime-1.11-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-GUID-0.048-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-HexDump-0.02-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-HexDump-XXD-0.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Hexify-1.00-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Hierarchy-0.34-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-ICal-0.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-JavaScript-1.13-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-MessagePack-0.48-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Munge-0.095-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-ObjectDriver-0.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-OptList-0.109-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Page-2.02-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Password-1.07-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Peek-0.44-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Perl-0.002009-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Pond-0.004-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Printer-0.35-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Properties-0.02-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Random-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Record-0.02-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Report-0.10-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Rmap-0.64-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Section-0.200006-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Section-Simple-0.07-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Serializer-0.60-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Stag-0.11-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Structure-Util-0.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Taxi-0.96-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-TreeDumper-0.40-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK-0.02-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Tumbler-0.010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Types-0.09-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-UUID-1.220-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Uniqid-0.12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Validate-Domain-0.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Validate-IP-0.18-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Validate-Type-1.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Data-Visitor-0.30-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Database-DumpTruck-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Calc-6.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Calc-XS-6.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Easter-1.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Extract-0.05-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Handler-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-HolidayParser-0.41-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Holidays-DE-1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-ICal-2.678-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-ISO8601-0.004-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-JD-0.005-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Leapyear-1.72-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Manip-6.50-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Pcalc-6.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Simple-3.03-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Date-Tiny-1.04-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-1.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.0601-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence-0.16-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Atom-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Builder-0.8100-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-DB2-0.05-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-DBI-0.041-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-DateManip-0.04-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse-0.05-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Duration-1.03-7.a.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Epoch-0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Excel-0.31-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.26-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-IBeat-0.161-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.09-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.08-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Mail-0.402.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Natural-1.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16011-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-RFC3339-1.0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.5600-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.06-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Format-XSD-0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Incomplete-0.07-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Locale-0.46-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Precise-1.05-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Set-0.3400-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-TimeZone-1.92-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-TimeZone-SystemV-0.009-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-TimeZone-Tzfile-0.010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTime-Tiny-1.04-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DateTimeX-Easy-0.089-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Debug-Client-0.29-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DepGen-Perl-Tests-0.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-ArgNames-0.03-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Autoflush-0.06-5.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-Devel-BeginLift-0.001003-8.fc21 remote: perl-Devel-BeginLift-0.001003-9.fc22 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-Devel-CallChecker-0.007-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-CallParser-0.002-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Caller-2.06-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces-1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-CheckBin-0.04-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-CheckCompiler-0.06-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-CheckLib-1.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-CheckOS-1.76-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Comments-1.1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Cover-1.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Cycle-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-DProf-20110802.00-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Declare-0.006018-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Declare-Parser-0.020-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Dumpvar-1.06-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-EnforceEncapsulation-0.51-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-FastProf-0.08-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-FindPerl-0.014-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-FindRef-1.44-3.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS-0.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Hexdump-0.02-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Hide-0.0009-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Leak-0.03-28.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object-0.06-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-LexAlias-0.05-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-NYTProf-6.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-OverloadInfo-0.002-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-PPPort-3.31-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-PartialDump-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-PatchPerl-1.38-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Pragma-0.60-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Profiler-0.04-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-REPL-1.003026-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Refactor-0.05-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Refcount-0.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Size-0.80-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-SmallProf-2.02-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-StackTrace-2.00-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals-2.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-StringInfo-0.04-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Symdump-2.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Timer-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Devel-Trace-0.12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Device-SerialPort-1.04-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-1.17-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-Bcrypt-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-CRC-0.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-HMAC-1.03-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-JHash-0.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-MD2-2.04-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-MD4-1.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-MD5-2.54-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-MD5-File-0.08-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06-30.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-PBKDF2-0.010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-SHA-5.95-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-SHA1-2.13-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Digest-SHA3-0.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dir-Self-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Directory-Queue-1.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Directory-Scratch-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Directory-Scratch-Structured-0.04-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dist-Metadata-0.926-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dist-Zilla-5.037-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GithubMeta-0.54-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod-0.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile-2.053-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DublinCore-Record-0.03-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Dumbbench-0.09-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-DynaLoader-Functions-0.002-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-EBook-EPUB-0.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-EV-4.18-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ElasticSearch-SearchBuilder-0.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Abstract-3.008-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Address-1.907-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Address-List-0.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Date-1.104-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Date-Format-1.005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Find-0.10-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-MIME-1.933-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.317-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.018-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.315-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-MessageID-1.405-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Received-1.00-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Reply-1.203-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Send-2.201-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Sender-1.300018-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Simple-2.206-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Email-Valid-1.196-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-2.75-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-Detect-1.01-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-DoubleEncodedUTF8-0.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII-0.03-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-HanExtra-0.23-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-ISO2022-0.04-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-JIS2K-0.02-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-JISX0213-0.03-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-JP-Mobile-0.30-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Encode-Locale-1.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-End-2009110401-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Env-1.04-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Env-C-0.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Env-Path-0.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Env-Sanctify-1.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Error-0.17024-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Eval-Closure-0.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Eval-Context-0.09.11-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Eval-LineNumbers-0.34-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Event-1.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Event-ExecFlow-0.64-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Event-Lib-1.03-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Event-RPC-1.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Excel-Template-0.34-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Excel-Template-Plus-0.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Excel-Writer-XLSX-0.84-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exception-Base-0.2500-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exception-Class-1.39-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exception-Class-TryCatch-1.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exception-Tiny-0.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Expect-1.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Expect-Simple-0.04-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exporter-5.72-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exporter-Declare-0.114-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exporter-Lite-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exporter-Tidy-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Exporter-Tiny-0.042-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.63-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280223-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-CChecker-0.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Command-1.20-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Config-0.008-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-CppGuess-0.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Depends-0.404-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-F77-1.18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-H2PM-0.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.022-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-InferConfig-1.04-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Install-2.04-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-InstallPAR-0.03-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.011-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder-0.06-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.04-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.06-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage-0.05-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.70-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.28-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-TBone-1.124-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Typemap-1.00-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default-1.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ExtUtils-XSpp-0.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-FCGI-0.77-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-FCGI-Client-0.08-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-FCGI-ProcManager-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.12.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Feed-Find-0.07-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Fennec-2.017-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Fennec-Lite-0.004-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-BOM-0.14-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-BaseDir-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ChangeNotify-0.24-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-CheckTree-4.42-295.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Comments-0.08-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ConfigDir-0.017-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Copy-Recursive-0.38-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-DesktopEntry-0.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-DirCompare-0.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ExtAttr-1.09-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-FcntlLock-0.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Fetch-0.48-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Iterator-0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Object-0.2.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Object-Rule-0.0305-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Rule-0.33-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Rule-PPI-1.06-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.08-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Find-utf8-0.009-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-FindLib-0.001004-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Finder-0.53-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Flat-1.04-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Flock-2014.01-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-FnMatch-0.02-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-HomeDir-1.00-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Inplace-0.20-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-KeePass-2.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-LibMagic-1.00-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Listing-6.04-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-MMagic-1.30-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-MMagic-XS-0.09008-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Map-0.63-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-MimeInfo-0.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Modified-0.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-NCopy-0.36-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-NFSLock-1.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Next-1.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Path-2.09-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Path-Tiny-0.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-PathList-1.04-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Pid-1.01-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Read-0.0801-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ReadBackwards-1.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Remove-1.52-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-RsyncP-0.74-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-SearchPath-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Share-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ShareDir-1.102-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ShareDir-Install-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ShareDir-PAR-0.06-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir-1.000008-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Slurp-9999.19-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Slurp-Tiny-0.004-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Spec-Native-1.003-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Sync-0.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Tail-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Tee-0.07-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Temp-0.23.04-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Touch-0.09-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Type-0.22-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Type-WebImages-1.01-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-Which-1.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-chdir-0.1010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-chmod-0.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-File-pushd-1.009-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-FileHandle-Fmode-0.09-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-FileHandle-Unget-0.1628-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Filesys-Df-0.92-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Filesys-SmbClient-3.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Filter-1.55-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Filter-Simple-0.92-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Finance-Quote-1.37-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Finance-YahooQuote-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Flickr-API-1.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Flickr-Upload-1.32-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Font-AFM-1.20-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Font-TTF-1.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Font-TTFMetrics-0.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Format-Human-Bytes-0.06-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-FreezeThaw-0.5001-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Frontier-RPC-0.07b4p1-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Fsdb-2.58-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Future-0.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GD-2.56-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GD-Barcode-1.15-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GD-SVG-0.33-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GD-SecurityImage-1.73-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GDGraph-1.49-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GDGraph3d-0.63-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GDTextUtil-0.86-29.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GO-TermFinder-0.82-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GPS-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GPS-OID-0.07-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GSSAPI-0.28-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GStreamer-0.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GStreamer-Interfaces-0.06-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GStreamer1-0.003-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GTop-0.18-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gearman-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gearman-Client-Async-0.94-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gearman-Server-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-Constants-0.06-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-Ellipsoids-0.16-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-Forward-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-Functions-0.07-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-IP-1.45-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-IPfree- same: local and remote: perl-Geo-Inverse-0.05-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-METAR-1.15-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geo-ShapeFile-2.60-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Geography-Countries-2009041301-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Euclid-0.4.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-GUI-Long-0.93-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Long-2.47-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.099-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Lucid-1.05-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Simple-1.49-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Tabular-0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Getopt-Usaginator-0.0012-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Git-CPAN-Patch-2.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Git-PurePerl-0.51-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Git-Repository-1.314-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Git-Repository-Plugin-AUTOLOAD-1.001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Glib-1.312-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Glib-Object-Introspection-0.029-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gnome2-1.046-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gnome2-Canvas-1.002-29.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gnome2-GConf-1.044-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gnome2-VFS-1.082-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gnome2-Vte-0.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gnome2-Wnck-0.16-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GnuPG-Interface-0.52-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Goo-Canvas-0.06-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Graph-0.96-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Graph-Easy-0.75-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-GraphViz-2.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Graphics-ColorNames-2.11-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW-1.13-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gravatar-URL-1.06-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Growl-GNTP-0.20-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-1.2495-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-AppIndicator-0.15-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-CalendarButton-0.01-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-Carp-0.01-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-Dialogs-0.11-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.67-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer-0.18-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-Ex-Utils-0.09-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007-21.fc23 same: local and remote: 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remote: perl-HTTP-Cookies-6.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-DAV-0.48-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Daemon-6.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL-1.04-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Date-6.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Exception-0.04006-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Lite-2.44-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Message-6.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-OAI-3.27-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Parser-0.06-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Parser-XS-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Proxy-0.304-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-ProxyAutoConfig-0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Recorder-0.07-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI-1.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Request-Form-0.952-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Request-Params-1.01-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding-0.06-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.50-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen-0.04-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI-0.16-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static-0.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Soup-0.01-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Ham-Reference-QRZ-0.03-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hardware-Verilog-Parser-0.13-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Lexer-1.00-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Parser-0.12-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hardware-Vhdl-Tidy-0.8-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hash-Case-1.20.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hash-Diff-0.006-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Hash-FieldHash-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: 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perl-IPC-Shareable-0.61-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IPC-SharedCache-1.3-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IPC-Signal-1.00-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IPC-System-Simple-1.25-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IPTables-ChainMgr-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IPTables-Parse-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IPTables-libiptc-0.52-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-IRC-Utils-0.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Ima-DBI-0.35-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Base-1.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Dot-1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-ExifTool-9.90-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Info-1.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Math-Constrain-1.02-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Size-3.300-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-SubImageFind-0.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Xbm-1.08-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Image-Xpm-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Imager-1.003-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Import-Into-1.002004-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-0.80-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-C-0.76-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-Files-0.69-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-Filters-0.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-Module-0.34-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-Python-0.49-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Inline-Struct-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-2.90-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-Any-1.39-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-MaybeXS-1.003005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-PP-2.27300-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-Path-0.205-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-Pointer-0.06-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-RPC-1.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-RPC-Common-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-Tiny-0.53-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-Util-0.05-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JSON-XS-3.01-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JavaScript-Beautifier-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JavaScript-Minifier-1.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-JavaScript-Minifier-XS-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Jcode-2.07-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Jemplate-0.300-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-KinoSearch1-1.01-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-0.39-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs-0.16-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-Attachments-0.21-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-Diff-0.03-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-ModPerl-0.09-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-NewPage-0.12-29.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-Raw-0.02-28.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges-0.14-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-Revisions-0.15-29.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-Search-0.12-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Kwiki-UserName-0.14-29.fc23 same: 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remote: perl-Language-Prolog-Yaswi-0.21-29.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lexical-Persistence-1.023-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.009-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lexical-Var-0.009-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Library-CallNumber-LC-0.22-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-License-Syntax-0.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Alphabet-Shaw-0.64-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom-1.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-FindNumber-1.31-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.899-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number-1.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal-0.05-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-2.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy-2014120401-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.04-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Sentence-0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Flags-0.07-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Identify-0.56-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-KO-Hangul-Util-0.27-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.01-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Stem-0.84-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Stem-Fr-0.02-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Stem-It-0.02-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.01-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-0.952-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da-1.01-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lingua-StopWords-0.09-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Linux-Inotify2-1.22-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Linux-Pid-0.04-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-List-AllUtils-0.09-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-List-Compare-0.53-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-List-MoreUtils-0.413-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-List-Pairwise-1.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-List-UtilsBy-0.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Codes-3.35-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Currency-Format-1.30-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Maketext-1.26-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext-1.27-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-Msgfmt-0.15-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-PO-0.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-SubCountry-1.64-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Locale-US-2.112150-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-LockFile-Simple-0.208-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Agent-1.000-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Any-1.032-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback-0.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch-0.06-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Contextual-0.006005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatch-2.44-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatch-Array-1.003-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatch-Config-1.04-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-Any-1.122640-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate-1.19-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatch-Perl-0.04-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Dispatchouli-2.012-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Handler-0.84-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Log4perl-1.46-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-LogLite-0.82-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Message-0.08-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Message-Simple-0.10-296.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Report-1.07-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Report-Optional-1.01-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Trace-1.070-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-TraceMessages-1.4-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Log-Trivial-0.40-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Lucy-0.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MARC-Charset-1.35-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MARC-Record-2.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MARC-XML-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MCE-1.608-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MD5-2.03-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MDV-Packdrakeng-1.13-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MIME-Base32-1.02a-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-348.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MIME-Charset-1.012-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MIME-EncWords-1.014.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MIME-Lite-3.030-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24-12.fc23 same: local and remote: 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perl-Mail-Sender-0.8.23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mail-Sendmail-0.79-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mail-Transport-Dbx-0.07-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MailTools-2.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Makefile-DOM-0.008-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Makefile-Parser-0.211-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Marpa-XS-1.008000-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks-1.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession-0.30-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Base-Convert-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Base36-0.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Base85-0.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-BaseCnv-1.8.B59BrZX-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Calc-Units-1.07-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-ConvexHull-1.04-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-ConvexHull-MonotoneChain-0.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Curve-Hilbert-0.04-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Derivative-0.01-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Expression-Evaluator-0.3.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-FFT-1.32-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Factor-XS-0.40-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-GMP-2.07-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Geometry-Voronoi-1.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Int64-0.52-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Libm-1.00-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-MatrixReal-2.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-NumSeq-71-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Pari-2.010808-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-PlanePath-119-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Prime-XS-0.26-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS-1.004-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Random-MT-Auto-6.22-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Random-Secure-0.06-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Round-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Spline-0.01-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Symbolic-0.612-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Math-Vec-1.01-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Maypole-2.13-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.55-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Messaging-Message-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Meta-Builder-0.003-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MetaCPAN-API-0.50-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MetaCPAN-API-Tiny-1.150270-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MetaCPAN-Client-1.013000-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Method-Signatures-20141021-1.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-Method-Signatures-Simple-1.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mixin-ExtraFields-0.140002-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mixin-Linewise-0.108-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mo-0.39-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mock-Quick-1.108-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ModelSim-List-0.06-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Modern-Perl-1.20150127-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Build-0.42.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Build-Deprecated-0.4210-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Build-Tiny-0.039-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Build-WithXSpp-0.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Build-XSUtil-0.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.96-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-CPANfile-1.1000-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Compile-0.35-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-CoreList-5.20150720-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Data-0.007-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Depends-0.15-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Extract-0.01-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Extract-Namespaces-1.02-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Extract-VERSION-1.01-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-ExtractUse-0.33-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Faker-0.017-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Find-0.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Implementation-0.09-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Info-0.35-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Inspector-1.05-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-1.16-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-AuthorRequires-0.02-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-AuthorTests-0.002-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-Authority-0.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-AutoLicense-0.08-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-AutoManifest-0.003-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-CheckLib-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests-0.008-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-GithubMeta-0.30-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-ManifestSkip-0.24-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod-0.22-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-ReadmeMarkdownFromPod-0.03-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-Repository-0.06-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-TestBase-0.86-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-TestML-0.02-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-TestTarget-0.19-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Install-XSUtil-0.45-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Load-0.32-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Load-Conditional-0.64-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Locate-1.79-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Manifest-1.08-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Manifest-Skip-0.23-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Mask-0.06-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Math-Depends-0.02-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Metadata-1.000027-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Metadata-Changes-2.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Package-0.30-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Package-Au-2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Path-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Pluggable-5.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Pluggable-Ordered-1.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Reader-0.002003-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Refresh-0.17-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Runtime-0.014-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts-0.002-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-ScanDeps-1.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Signature-0.79-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Starter-1.71-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Starter-PBP-0.000003-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Starter-Plugin-CGIApp-0.42-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Used-1.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Util-1.09-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Module-Versions-Report-1.06-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MogileFS-Client-1.17-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MogileFS-Utils-2.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MojoX-JSON-RPC-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mojolicious-6.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-CHI-0.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-RenderFile-0.09-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mon-0.11-19.fc23 only remote: perl-MongoDB-0.702.2-5.fc22same: local and remote: perl-Monitoring-Plugin-0.39-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Monotone-AutomateStdio-1.03-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Moo-2.000001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-0.101-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-Cmd-0.011-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-ConfigFromFile-0.005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-File-ConfigDir-0.005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-HandlesVia-0.001008-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-HasEnv-0.004-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-Log-Any-0.004002-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-Options-4.015-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.27-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric-1.02-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooX-late-0.015-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Moose-2.1405-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Moose-Autobox-0.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Aliases-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-App-1.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-App-Cmd-0.31-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Async-0.07-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers-0.23-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-AttributeShortcuts-0.028-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-CascadeClearing-0.05-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute-0.27-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Clone-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-CoercePerAttribute-1.001-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile-0.13-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Configuration-0.02-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Daemonize-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Declare-0.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast-0.00903-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Getopt-0.68-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-GlobRef-0.0701-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Has-Options-0.003-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Has-Sugar-1.000004-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-InsideOut-0.106-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Iterator-0.11-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-LazyLogDispatch-0.02-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-LazyRequire-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl-0.46-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-LogDispatch-1.2002-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-MarkAsMethods-0.15-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion-0.01-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish-0.001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.48-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-MultiInitArg-0.02-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-MultiMethods-0.10-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-NonMoose-0.26-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable-0.0014-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-OneArgNew-0.004-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-POE-0.215-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Param-0.02-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Params-Validate-0.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles-0.004-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-Cmd-0.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-Matcher-0.05-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.08-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-Tempdir-0.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-TraitConstructor-0.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading-0.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Role-XMLRPC-Client-0.07-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-SetOnce-0.200002-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Singleton-0.29-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Storage-0.50-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.19-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Traits-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-0.45-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Common-0.001013-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained-0.16-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions-0.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX-0.10-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-JSON-1.00-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass-0.013-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class-0.07-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny-0.011-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Perl-0.101343-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Set-Object-0.04-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Stringlike-0.003-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-Structured-0.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-URI-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Types-VariantTable-0.04-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MooseX-Workers-0.24-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mouse-2.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-App-Cmd-0.30-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-ConfigFromFile-0.05-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-Getopt-0.36-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-NativeTraits-1.09-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-SimpleConfig-0.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-StrictConstructor-0.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-Types-0.06-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-MouseX-Types-Path-Class-0.07-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mozilla-CA-20141217-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mozilla-LDAP-1.5.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Mozilla-PublicSuffix-0.1.19-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-NTLM-1.09-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Nagios-NSCA-0.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Nagios-Plugin-0.37-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Nagios-Plugin-WWW-Mechanize-0.13-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-ARP-1.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Amazon-0.62-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Amazon-EC2-0.30-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Amazon-EC2-Metadata-0.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Amazon-S3-0.80-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Appliance-Session-4.131260-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-CIDR-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.21-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-CLI-Interact-2.131260-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-CUPS-0.61-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-DBus-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-DBus-GLib-0.33.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-DHCP-0.693-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-DNS-0.83-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.003-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-DNS-SEC-0.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Daemon-0.48-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Domain-TLD-1.73-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Dropbox-API-1.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect-0.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-FTP-RetrHandle-0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-FTPSSL-0.29-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-FTPServer-1.125-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-GPSD-0.39-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-GitHub-0.77-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Google-AuthSub-0.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-HTTP-6.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IDN-Encode-2.202-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IDN-Nameprep-1.102-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IMAP-Simple-1.1916-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IMAP-Simple-SSL-1.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-INET6Glue-0.603-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IP-1.26-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IP-CMatch-0.02-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp-1.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IP-Minimal-0.06-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IPv4Addr-0.10-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IPv6Addr-0.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-IRC-0.79-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Jabber-2.0-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-LibIDN-0.12-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Lite-FTP-0.61-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-NBName-0.26-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Netmask-1.9022-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-OAuth-0.28-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-OpenID-Common-1.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-OpenID-Consumer-1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-OpenID-Server-1.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-OpenSSH-0.64-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-POP3S-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Patricia-1.22-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Pcap-0.17-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Pcap-Easy-1.4210-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Ping-External-0.15-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Random-2.31-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-RawIP-0.25-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SCP-0.08-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SFTP-0.10-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.75-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.03-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SMTPS-0.04-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SNMP-6.0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SNPP-1.17-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SSH-0.09-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SSH-Expect-1.09-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SSH-Perl-1.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SSH2-0.53-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SSLGlue-1.054-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-SSLeay-1.70-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-STOMP-Client-2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Server-2.008-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Server-Coro-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Statsd-0.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Statsd-Server-0.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Stomp-0.55-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Telnet-3.03-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Telnet-Cisco-1.10-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Twitter-4.01010-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Twitter-Lite-0.12006-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-UPnP-1.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Whois-1.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Whois-IP-1.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-Whois-Raw-2.82-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-XMPP-1.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Net-eBay-0.61-1.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-NetAddr-IP-4.075-4.fc23 remote: perl-NetAddr-IP-4.075-5.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-NetPacket-1.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-NetPacket-LLC-0.01-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-NetPacket-SpanningTree-0.01-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Newt-1.08-42.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Nmap-Parser-1.31-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-No-Worries-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Number-Bytes-Human-0.09-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Number-Compare-0.03-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Number-Format-1.73-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Number-Tolerant-1.707-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Number-WithError-1.01-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ORLite-1.98-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ORLite-Migrate-1.10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ORLite-Mirror-1.24-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ORLite-Statistics-0.03-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Accessor-0.48-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Deadly-0.09-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Event-1.23-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-ID-0.1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-InsideOut-3.98-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-MultiType-0.05-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Pluggable-1.29-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Realize-Later-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Signature-1.07-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Object-Tiny-1.08-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Olson-Abbreviations-0.04-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-OpenFrame-3.05-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-OpenGL-0.6704-3.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-OpenOffice-UNO-0.07-11.fc20 remote: perl-OpenOffice-UNO-0.07-17.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-Ouch-0.0409-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PAR-1.010-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PAR-Dist-0.49-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PAR-Packer-1.025-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PBKDF2-Tiny-0.005-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PDF-API2-2.023-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PDF-Create-1.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PDF-Haru-1.00-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36-3.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-PDL-2.7.0-5.fc21 remote: perl-PDL-2.12.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingonly remote: perl-PDL-Graphics-PLplot-0.67-8.fc23same: local and remote: perl-PHP-Serialization-0.34-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POD2-Base-0.043-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-1.367-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-API-Peek-2.20-8.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Child-1.39-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.053-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-HTTP-0.949-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-Ident-1.16-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive-0.2720-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-LDAP-0.04-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-Ping-1.174-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Client-SMTP-0.22-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-DBIAgent-0.26-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-IRC-6.88-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-JobQueue-0.571-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Log4perl-0.03-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Logger-1.10-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Pluggable-1.26-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Resolver-0.921-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-SNMP-1.1006-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-SSLify-1.012-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Server-Bayeux-0.04-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP-0.09-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Server-SOAP-1.14-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-2.18-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC-0.05-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-SimpleDBI-1.31-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-SimpleLog-1.05-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.06-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Filter-IRCD-2.44-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Filter-Transparent-SMTP-0.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Filter-Zlib-2.02-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Test-Loops-1.360-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-Wheel-Null-0.01-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POSIX-AtFork-0.02-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.41-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-POSIX-strptime-0.10-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPI-1.220-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPI-HTML-1.08-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPI-PowerToys-0.14-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPI-Tester-0.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPI-XS-0.902-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPIx-EditorTools-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPIx-Regexp-0.041-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PPIx-Utilities-1.001000-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PSGI-1.102-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Anon-0.05-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Constants-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-DeprecationManager-0.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Generator-1.106-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-New-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Pkg-0.0020-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Stash-0.37-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Stash-XS-0.28-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Package-Variant-1.002002-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PadWalker-2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Padre-0.90-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Palm-1.400-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Palm-PDB-1.400-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pango-1.226-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Panotools-Script-0.28-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Paper-Specs-0.10-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parallel-ForkManager-1.15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parallel-Iterator-1.00-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parallel-Prefork-0.17-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parallel-Runner-0.013-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parallel-Scoreboard-0.07-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Params-CallbackRequest-1.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Params-Check-0.38-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Params-Classify-0.013-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Params-Coerce-0.14-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Params-Util-1.07-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Params-Validate-1.21-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-CPAN-Distributions-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4417-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages-2.40-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast-0.08-3.fc23 only remote: perl-Parse-DMIDecode-0.03-7.fc23same: local and remote: perl-Parse-DebControl-2.005-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-Debian-Packages-0.03-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-EDID-1.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl-0.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-ExuberantCTags-1.02-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-Method-Signatures-1.003016-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-PMFile-0.36-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-RecDescent-1.967009-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Parse-Yapp-1.05-57.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ParseLex-2.19-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ParseTemplate-3.08-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ParseUtil-Domain-2.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PatchReader-0.9.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Path-Class-0.35-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Path-FindDev-0.5.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Path-IsDev-1.001002-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Path-ScanINC-1.000002-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Path-Tiny-0.072-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PathTools-3.56-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pegex-0.60-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-1.125-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Bangs-1.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Compatibility-1.001-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Deprecated-1.119-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Dynamic-0.05-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Itch-0.07-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Lax-0.011-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Moose-1.03-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-More-1.003-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Nits-1.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-PetPeeves-JTRAMMELL-0.04-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-90-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Storable-0.01-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-StricterSubs-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Swift-1.0.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Critic-Tics-0.009-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Destruct-Level-0.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Metrics-Simple-0.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-MinimumVersion-1.38-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-OSType-1.008-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.023-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Stripper-0.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Tags-0.32-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl-Version-1.013-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl4-CoreLibs-0.003-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl6-Caller-0.100-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl6-Export-Attrs-0.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl6-Junction-1.60000-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Perl6-Slurp-0.051005-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-Layers-0.011-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-buffersize-0.001-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-eol-0.14-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-gzip-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-locale-0.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint-0.08-348.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.29-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.14-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05-22.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders-0.20-16.fc23 remote: perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders-0.20-18.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-Perlilog-0.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pinto-0.09999-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pipeline-3.12-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-1.0034-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-Deflater-0.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-ForceEnv-0.02-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy-0.15-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings-0.08-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Plack-Test-ExternalServer-0.02-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Abstract-0.20-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Checker-1.71-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Coverage-0.23-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose-0.02-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod-0.100003-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Elemental-0.103004-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-348.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Eventual-0.094001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-LaTeX-0.61-296.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Markdown-2.002-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-MinimumVersion-50-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-POM-0.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Parser-1.63-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Plainer-1.03-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-PseudoPod-0.18-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-PseudoPod-LaTeX-1.20110710-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Readme-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Simple-3.30-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Simple-Wiki-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Snippets-0.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Spell-1.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes-1.002-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Strip-1.02-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Tests-1.19-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Wordlist-hanekomu-1.132680-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Pod-Xhtml-1.61-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-PostScript-0.06-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Prima-1.43-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Probe-Perl-0.03-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Daemon-0.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Fork-0.804-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Guard-0.07-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-PID-File-1.27-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-ProcessTable-0.50-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Queue-1.23-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Simple-1.26-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-SyncExec-1.01-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Terminator-0.05-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-Wait3-0.04-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Proc-WaitStat-1.00-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Promises-0.93-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Protocol-WebSocket-0.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-QWizard-3.15-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Qt-0.96.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Queue-DBI-2.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-REST-Client-272-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-RPC-XML-0.79-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-RPM-Specfile-1.51-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-RPM-VersionCompare-0.1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-RPM2-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-RRD-Simple-1.44-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-RT-Client-REST-0.49-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Razor-Agent-2.85-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Readonly-2.00-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Readonly-XS-1.05-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Reaper-1.00-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Redis-1.978-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-Assemble-0.35-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-Assemble-Compressed-0.02-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-Common-2013031301-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.03-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-Grammars-1.041-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-IPv6-0.03-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Regexp-Shellish-0.93-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Retry-1.01-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Return-MultiLevel-0.04-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Return-Value-1.666004-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Role-Basic-0.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Role-HasMessage-0.006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Role-Identifiable-0.007-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Role-Tiny-2.000001-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Rose-DB-0.777-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Rose-DB-Object-0.815-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Rose-DateTime-0.540-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Rose-Object-0.860-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Router-Simple-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SDL-2.546-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SGML-Parser-OpenSP-0.994-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SGMLSpm-1.03ii-36.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SNMP-Info-3.28-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SNMP-Simple-0.02-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SNMP_Session-1.13-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SOAP-Lite-1.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SOCKS-0.03-4.fc23 only remote: perl-SOOT-0.17-9.fc23same: local and remote: perl-SQL-Abstract-1.81-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.141-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SQL-Library-0.0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SQL-ReservedWords-0.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SQL-Shell-1.14-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SQL-Statement-1.407-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SQL-Translator-0.11021-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-STD-20101111-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SUPER-1.20141117-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SVG-2.49-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SVG-Graph-0.02-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SVG-Parser-1.03-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SVG-TT-Graph-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SVK-2.2.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SVN-Simple-0.28-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Safe-Isa-1.000005-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sane-0.05-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Satcon-2.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scalar-Construct-0.000-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scalar-Properties-1.100860-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scalar-Util-LooksLikeNumber-1.39.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Schedule-Cron-Events-1.93-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Schedule-RateLimiter-0.01-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scope-Guard-0.21-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scope-Upper-0.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Scriptalicious-1.17-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Search-Elasticsearch-1.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Search-Xapian- same: local and remote: perl-Sendmail-PMilter-1.00-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sentinel-0.05-5.fc23 only remote: perl-Sereal-Decoder-3.005-4.fc23only remote: perl-Sereal-Encoder-3.005-4.fc23same: local and remote: perl-Server-Starter-0.31-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ServiceNow-API-1.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Session-Storage-Secure-0.010-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-Array-0.30-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-Crontab-1.03-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-Infinite-0.65-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-IntSpan-1.19-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-Object-1.31-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-Scalar-1.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Set-Tiny-0.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Shell-0.72-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Shipwright-2.4.41-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Signal-Mask-0.008-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Smart-Comments-1.000005-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Snowball-Norwegian-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Snowball-Swedish-1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Socket-2.020-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo-0.22-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Socket-MsgHdr-0.04-9.fc23 only remote: perl-Socket-Netlink-0.04-14.fc23same: local and remote: perl-Socket-Netlink-Route-0.05-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Socket6-0.25-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Software-License-0.103010-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Software-License-CCpack-1.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sort-Key-1.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sort-Maker-0.06-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sort-Naturally-1.03-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sort-Versions-1.61-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spellunker-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spiffy-0.46-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spoon-0.24-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.6500-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple-1.04-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Simple-1.04-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.13-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Starlet-0.25-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Starman-0.4014-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Statistics-Basic-1.6611-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Statistics-Contingency-0.09-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0608-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Storable-2.53-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Storm-0.240-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Stream-Buffered-0.03-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Approx-3.27-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Base-0.001-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-CRC32-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-CamelCase-0.02-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Compare-ConstantTime-0.310-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Diff-0.06-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Errf-0.007-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Escape-2010.002-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Flogger-1.101245-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Format-1.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Formatter-0.102084-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Print-0.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Random-0.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-RewritePrefix-0.007-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-ShellQuote-1.04-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Similarity-1.04-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-ToIdentifier-EN-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-String-Truncate-1.100602-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Struct-Dumb-0.03-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Exporter-0.987-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100051-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter-0.004-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001011-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Identify-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Install-0.928-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Name-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Override-0.09-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Prototype-0.02-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-Uplevel-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sub-WrapPackages-2.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Switch-2.17-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Symbol-Global-Name-0.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Symbol-Util-0.0203-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Syntax-Feature-Loop-1.6.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate-0.09-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved-1.01-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl6-0.88-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Syntax-Keyword-Junction-0.003008-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-CPU-0.61-7.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-Sys-Detect-Virtualization-0.107-3.fc22 remote: perl-Sys-Detect-Virtualization-0.107-5.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Info-Base-0.7804-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-MemInfo-0.98-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Mmap-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Path-0.10-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-SigAction-0.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Statistics-Linux-0.66-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Syscall-0.25-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Syslog-0.33-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Virt-1.2.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sys-Virt-TCK-0.1.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Sysadm-Install-0.46-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-System-Command-1.111-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-SystemC-Vregs-1.470-8.fc23 newer remote: local: perl-SystemPerl-1.336-6.fc18 remote: perl-SystemPerl-1.336-14.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: perl-TAP-Formatter-HTML-0.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TAP-Formatter-JUnit-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TAP-Harness-Archive-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TAP-Harness-JUnit-0.42-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TAP-Harness-Multiple-0.07-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TAP-SimpleOutput-0.003-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Taint-Runtime-0.03-25.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Taint-Util-0.08-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tangerine-0.18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tapper-4.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Catalyst-4.02-8.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Kensho-Exceptions-0.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Kensho-Logging-0.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Kensho-OOP-0.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Kensho-Testing-0.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Kensho-Toolchain-0.38-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Moose-0.03-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Perl-Critic-1.008-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Task-Weaken-1.04-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TeX-Hyphen-1.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Alloy-1.020-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-GD-2.66-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Plugin-Class-0.14-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Plugin-Cycle-1.06-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Plugin-JavaScript-0.02-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Provider-Encoding-0.10-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Timer-1.00-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Tiny-1.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Toolkit-2.26-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Template-Toolkit-Simple-0.31-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.03-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Animation-2.6-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Cap-1.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Clui-1.70-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Completion-1.00-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-EditorEdit-0.0016-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Encoding-0.02-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ProgressBar-2.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ProgressBar-Quiet-0.31-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ProgressBar-Simple-0.03-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Prompt-1.04-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.26-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0303-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ReadPassword-0.11-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Shell-0.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-ShellUI-0.92-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Size-0.207-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Size-Any-0.002-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-Size-Perl-0.029-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Term-UI-0.46-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TermReadKey-2.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-API-0.005-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Able-0.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Able-Runner-1.002-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Aggregate-0.372-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Apocalypse-1.006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Assert-0.0504-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Assertions-1.054-18.fc23 newer locally: local: perl-Test-AutoBuild-1.2.4-15.fc23 remote: perl-Test-AutoBuild-1.2.4-15.fc22same: local and remote: perl-Test-AutoLoader-0.03-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Base-0.88-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Block-0.13-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON-0.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Carp-0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CheckChanges-0.14-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CheckDeps-0.010-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CheckManifest-1.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Class-0.50-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-ClassAPI-1.06-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-CleanNamespaces-0.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Cmd-1.08-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Command-0.08-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Compile-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-ConsistentVersion-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-DBICSchemaLoaderDigest-0.04-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Database-1.113-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Deep-0.117-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Deep-JSON-0.03-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Deep-Type-0.006-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Dependencies-0.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Differences-0.6300-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Dir-1.014-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Dist-VersionSync-1.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-DistManifest-1.014-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Distribution-2.00-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-EOL-1.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Email-0.07-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Exception-0.40-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Expect-0.33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-FailWarnings-0.008-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Fatal-0.014-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-File-1.44-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-File-Contents-0.21-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-File-ShareDir-1.001001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Fixme-0.04-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.11-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings-0.04-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Harness-3.35-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Harness-Straps-0.30-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-HasVersion-0.012-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-HexString-0.03-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Identity-0.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Image-GD-0.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Inline-2.213-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Inter-1.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-JSON-0.11-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Kwalitee-1.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Kwalitee-Extra-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-LWP-UserAgent-0.029-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-LeakTrace-0.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-LectroTest-0.5001-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-LoadAllModules-0.022-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Log-Dispatch-0.03-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-LongString-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Manifest-2.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Memory-Cycle-1.04-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-MinimumVersion-0.101081-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Mock-LWP-0.08-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-MockModule-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-MockObject-1.20150527-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-MockTime-0.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Modern-0.013-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Module-Used-0.2.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Mojibake-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Moose-More-0.032-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Most-0.34-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Name-FromLine-0.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-NeedsDisplay-1.07-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-NoBreakpoints-0.15-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-NoPlan-0.0.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-NoTabs-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-NoWarnings-1.04-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Number-Delta-1.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Object-0.07-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Output-1.03-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-POE-Client-TCP-1.12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.18-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Perl-Critic-1.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Perl-Critic-Progressive-0.03-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Pod-1.51-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Pod-Content-0.0.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Pod-LinkCheck-0.008-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Pod-No404s-0.02-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Pod-Spelling-CommonMistakes-1.001-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Portability-Files-0.06-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-PostgreSQL-1.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Prereq-1.038-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Refcount-0.08-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Regression-0.07-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Reporter-1.62-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Requires-0.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Routine-0.020-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Run-0.0303-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Run-CmdLine-0.0128-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Script-1.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Script-Run-0.04-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-SharedFork-0.33-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Signature-1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Simple-1.001014-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Smoke-1.60-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Spec-0.51-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Spelling-0.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Strict-0.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-SubCalls-1.09-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Synopsis-0.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-TCP-2.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Taint-1.06-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-TempDir-0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-TinyMocker-0.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-TrailingSpace-0.0204-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Trap-0.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Type-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Unit-0.25-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Unit-Lite-0.12-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Unit-Runner-Xml-0.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-UseAllModules-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Valgrind-1.14-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Vars-0.005-6.fc22 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Version-2.03-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.44-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp-0.05-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.60-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI-0.35-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-WWW-Selenium-1.36-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Warn-0.30-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Warnings-0.021-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-Without-Module-0.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-XML-0.08-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-YAML-1.06-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-YAML-Meta-0.22-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-YAML-Valid-0.04-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Test-utf8-1.01-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TestML-0.52-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-ASCIITable-0.20-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Affixes-0.07-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Aligner-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Aspell-0.09-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Autoformat-1.720000-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Balanced-2.03-348.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-BibTeX-0.71-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-CHM-0.01-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-CSV-1.33-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-CSV-Separator-0.20-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-CharWidth-0.04-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Clip-0.0014-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Context-3.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Context-EitherSide-1.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Diff-1.41-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Diff-HTML-0.07-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Diff-Parser-0.1001-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Emoticon-0.04-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Emoticon-MSN-0.04-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-ExtractWords-0.08-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-FindIndent-0.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Format-0.59-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-FormatTable-1.03-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-German-0.06-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Glob-0.09-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Haml-0.990116-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Hunspell-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Iconv-1.7-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Kakasi-2.04-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Levenshtein-0.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Markdown-1.000031-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-MultiMarkdown-1.000035-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Ngram-0.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-PDF-0.29a-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Patch-1.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Quoted-2.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-RecordParser-1.6.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Reflow-1.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Reform-1.20-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Shellwords-1.08-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-SimpleTable-2.03-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Smart-1.0.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Smart-Plugin-1.0.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Soundex-3.04-296.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-SpellChecker-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Sprintf-Named-0.0402-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Table-1.130-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Table-Tiny-0.03-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-TabularDisplay-1.38-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Template-1.46-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Template-Simple-0.86-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Textile-2.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Tree-1.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Unidecode-1.23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-VimColor-0.26-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-WagnerFischer-0.04-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-WikiFormat-0.81-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-WordDiff-0.08-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-WrapI18N-0.06-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Wrapper-1.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-Xslate-3.3.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-vCard-2.07-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Text-vFile-asData-0.08-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TheSchwartz-1.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Thread-Queue-3.05-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Thread-SigMask-0.004-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Throwable-0.200013-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-Cache-0.21-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-Cycle-1.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-DBI-1.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-Function-0.02-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-IxHash-1.23-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-RefHash-Weak-0.09-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-Simple-1.03-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tie-ToObject-0.03-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Clock-1.03-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Duration-1.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Duration-Parse-0.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-HiRes-1.9726-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Interval-1.232-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Local-1.2300-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Mock-0.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-OlsonTZ-Download-0.004-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Out-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-ParseDate-2013.1113-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Period-1.23-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Piece-MySQL-0.05-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Progress-1.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-TAI64-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-Warp-0.52-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-timegm-0.01-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Time-y2038-20100403-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TimeDate-2.30-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Titanium-1.04-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-804.033-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-Canvas-GradientColor-1.06-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-ColoredButton-1.05-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-CursorControl-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-DirSelect-1.12-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-EntryCheck-0.04-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-Getopt-0.50-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-GraphViz-1.01-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-ObjScanner-2.016-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-Pod-0.9942-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-ProgressBar-Mac-1.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-Stderr-1.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-TableMatrix-1.23-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-Text-SuperText-0.9.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tk-ToolBar-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tree-DAG_Node-1.27-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tree-R-0.06-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tree-Simple-1.25-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Tree-XPathEngine-0.05-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Try-Tiny-0.22-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-TryCatch-1.003002-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Twiggy-0.1025-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Type-Tiny-1.000005-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Types-Serialiser-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UDDI-Lite-0.718-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UNIVERSAL-can-1.20140328-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UNIVERSAL-exports-0.05-22.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20150614-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.08-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UNIVERSAL-ref-0.14-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UNIVERSAL-require-0.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-1.69-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-Encode-0.09-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-Escape-XS-0.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-Fetch-0.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-Find-20140709-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-Find-Simple-1.06-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-FromHash-0.04-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-Title-1.900-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URI-ws-0.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-URL-Encode-XS-0.03-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-UUID-Tiny-1.04-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-CaseFold-1.00-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-Casing-0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-CheckUTF8-1.03-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-Collate-1.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.33-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-LineBreak-2013.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-Map-0.112-35.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-Map8-0.13-19.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.11-27.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-String-2.09-35.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-Stringprep-1.105-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unicode-UTF8-0.60-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unix-Statgrab-0.04-25.1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Unix-Syslog-1.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-User-1.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-User-Identity-0.93-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-User-Utmp-1.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-V-0.13-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-VM-EC2-1.28-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-VM-EC2-Security-CredentialCache-0.23-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-VMware-LabManager-0.01-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-VOMS-Lite-0.20-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Variable-Magic-0.57-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Verilog-CodeGen-0.9.4-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Verilog-Perl-3.412-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Verilog-Readmem-0.04-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Version-Requirements-0.101023-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Babelfish-0.16-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Bugzilla-1.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Curl-4.17-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-DuckDuckGo-0.016-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-GoodData-1.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Google-Contacts-0.38-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Mechanize-1.75-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.12-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder-1.20000-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-OrangeHRM-Client-0.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create-1.003-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-RobotRules-6.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Salesforce-0.22-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Search-2.514-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Shorten-3.06-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WWW-Splunk-2.05-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Want-0.26-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Web-Scraper-0.38-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WebService-Dropbox-1.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WebService-Linode-0.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WebService-Rajce-1.13.0930-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C-0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-WebService-Validator-HTML-W3C-0.28-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Workflow-1.41-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Wx-0.9927-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Wx-GLCanvas-0.09-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Wx-Perl-DataWalker-0.02-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream-0.32-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-X11-GUITest-0.28-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-X11-Protocol-0.56-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-X11-Protocol-Other-29-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Atom-0.41-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed-0.861-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Bare-0.53-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Catalog-1.03-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-DOM-1.44-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-DOM-XPath-0.14-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-DTDParser-2.01-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-DifferenceMarkup-1.05-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Dumper-0.81-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Entities-1.0001-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Feed-0.52-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-FeedPP-0.41-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Filter-XInclude-1.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Generator-1.04-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Generator-DBI-1.00-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Grove-0.46alpha-58.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter-0.23-24.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Hash-LX-0.06.03-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-LibXML-2.0121-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-LibXML-Simple-0.95-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-LibXSLT-1.94-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Merge-1.2.565EgGd-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.11-16.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Parser-2.44-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Parser-Lite-0.721-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree-0.14-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree-XPath-0.24-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-RSS-1.56-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-RSS-LibXML-0.3105-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-RegExp-0.04-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Rules-1.16-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-SAX-0.99-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-SAX-Base-1.08-14.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.33-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-SAX-Writer-0.53-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0004-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Simple-2.20-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Simple-DTDReader-0.04-20.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Smart-1.79-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Stream-1.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Tidy-1.12.B55J2qn-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Tiny-2.06-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-TokeParser-0.05-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-TreeBuilder-5.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-TreePP-0.43-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Twig-3.49-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Validator-Schema-1.10-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Writer-0.625-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Writer-String-0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-XPath-1.13-28.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-XPathEngine-0.14-6.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-XQL-0.68-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XML-Xerces-2.7.0_0-32.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XMLRPC-Lite-0.717-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-XXX-0.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YAML-1.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.59-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YAML-Parser-Syck-0.01-31.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YAML-Syck-1.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YAML-Tiny-1.69-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YAPE-Regex-4.00-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-YUM-RepoQuery-0.002-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ZMQ-Constants-1.04-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ZMQ-LibZMQ2-1.09-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ZMQ-LibZMQ3-1.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ZeroMQ-0.23-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-accessors-1.01-18.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-aliased-0.34-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-asa-1.03-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autobox-2.83-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autobox-Core-1.28-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autobox-Junctions-0.001-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autobox-List-Util-20090629-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autobox-dump-20090426.1746-11.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autodie-2.29-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-autovivification-0.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-bareword-filehandles-0.003-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-boolean-0.45-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-capitalization-0.03-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-ccom-1.4.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-common-sense-3.7.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-constant-1.33-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-constant-boolean-0.02-15.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-constant-defer-6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-constant-tiny-1.01-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-criticism-1.02-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-enum-1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-eperl-2.2.14-31.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-experimental-0.013-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-forks-0.34-15.fc23 same: local and remote: 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remote: perl-opts-0.070-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-parent-0.234-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-perl5i-2.13.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-perlfaq-5.021010-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-perlindex-1.606-5.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-perlmenu-4.0-26.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-pgsql_perl5-1.9.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-pip-1.19-13.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-pmtools-2.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-pod2pdf-0.42-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-podlinkcheck-12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-prefork-1.04-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-qooxdoo-compat-0.7.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-re-engine-PCRE-0.17-9.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-re-engine-RE2-0.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-rpm-build-perl-0.82-12.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-smartmatch-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-srpm-macros-1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-strictures-2.000001-1.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-syntax-0.004-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-threads-2.02-2.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-threads-lite-0.034-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-threads-shared-1.48-346.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-true-0.18-7.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-utf8-all-0.016-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-v6-0.045-10.fc23 same: local and remote: perl-version-0.99.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: perlbrew-0.73-3.fc23 same: local and remote: perltidy-20140711-4.fc23 same: local and remote: permlib-0.2.8-11.fc23 only remote: pesign-0.108-4.fc22only remote: pesign-test-app-0.4-15.fc23same: local and remote: pessulus-2.30.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: petit-1.1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pfstools-2.0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pg-semver-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pgRouting-2.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pg_journal-0.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pg_top-3.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pg_view-1.2.0-3.20141118git11c942e.fc23 same: local and remote: pgadmin3-1.20.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pgbouncer-1.5.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pgfouine-1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pgp-tools-1.1.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pgpdump-0.29-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pgsphere-1.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pgtoolkit-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pgtune-0.9.3-13.da57e00.fc23 same: local and remote: pharosc-8.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: phasex-0.12.0-3.12.m1.fc23 same: local and remote: phat-0.4.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: phatch-0.2.7-22.fc23 same: local and remote: phetsarath-fonts-1.01-5.fc23 same: local and remote: phodav-2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: phonon-4.8.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.8.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: phoronix-test-suite-5.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: photocollage-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: photoml-0.28-8.fc23 newer remote: local: photoprint-0.4.2-0.15.pre2.fc23 remote: photoprint-0.4.2-0.16.pre2.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: php-5.6.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Analog-1.0.0-6.git9ab4c9e.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Assetic-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-EasyRdf-0.9.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Faker-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-IDNA_Convert-0.8.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-JMSParser-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-JsonSchema-1.4.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Kohana-2.4-1.rc2.fc23.7 same: local and remote: php-LightweightPicasaAPI-3.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Metadata-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Monolog-1.15.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-PHP-CSS-Parser-6.0.0-2.20141009giteb29754.fc23 same: local and remote: php-PHPMailer-5.2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-PHPParser-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-PhpCollection-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-PhpOption-1.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Pimple-3.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-PsrLog-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Raven-0.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Slim-2.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Smarty-3.1.21-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-Smarty2-2.6.27-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-SymfonyCmfRouting-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ZendFramework-1.12.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ZendFramework2-2.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-adodb-5.15-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-andrewsville-php-token-reflection-1.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-aws-sdk-2.8.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-bantu-ini-get-wrapper-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-bartlett-PHP-CompatInfo-4.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-bartlett-PHP-Reflect-3.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-bartlett-umlwriter-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-captchaphp-2.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-deepend-1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-digitalsandwich-1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-dropbox-php-1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-drush-1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-ezc-1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-horde-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-htmlpurifier-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-nrk-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-pdepend-1.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-pearplex-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-phing-1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-phpdoc-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-phpmd-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-phpqatools-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-phpseclib-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-pirum-1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-sabredav-1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-swift-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-symfony-1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-channel-symfony2-1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-composer-spdx-licenses-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-d11wtq-boris-1.0.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-deepend-Mockery-0.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-digitalsandwich-Phake-1.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-annotations-1.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-cache-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-collections-1.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-common-2.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-datafixtures-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-dbal-2.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-inflector-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-instantiator-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-lexer-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-doctrine-orm-2.4.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-domxml-php4-php5-1.21.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-dropbox-php-Dropbox-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-drush-drush-6.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-egulias-email-validator-1.2.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-email-address-validation-0-0.10.20090910svn.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Archive-1.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Authentication-1.3.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-AuthenticationDatabaseTiein-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Base-1.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Cache-1.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Configuration-1.3.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-ConsoleTools-1.6.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Database-1.4.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-DatabaseSchema-1.4.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-EventLog-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-EventLogDatabaseTiein-1.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Feed-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-File-1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Graph-1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Mail-1.7.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-PersistentObject-1.7.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-SystemInformation-1.0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Template-1.4.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ezc-Webdav-1.1.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-facedetect-1.0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-feedcreator-1.7.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-fpdf-1.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-geshi- same: local and remote: php-getid3-1.9.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-gitter-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-gliph-0.1.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-google-apiclient-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-goutte-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-guzzle-Guzzle-3.9.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-guzzlehttp-guzzle-5.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-guzzlehttp-promises-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-guzzlehttp-psr7-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-guzzlehttp-ringphp-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-guzzlehttp-streams-3.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-hkit-0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Alarm-2.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Argv-2.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Auth-2.1.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Autoloader-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Browser-2.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Cache-2.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Cli-2.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Compress-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Compress-Fast-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Constraint-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Controller-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Core-2.20.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Crypt-2.5.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Crypt-Blowfish-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Css-Parser-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-CssMinify-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Data-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Date-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Date-Parser-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Dav-1.1.2-2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Db-2.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Editor-2.0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-ElasticSearch-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Exception-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Feed-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Form-2.0.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Group-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-HashTable-1.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-History-2.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Http-2.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Icalendar-2.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Idna-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Image-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Imap-Client-2.29.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Imsp-2.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Injector-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Itip-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-JavascriptMinify-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Kolab-Format-2.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Kolab-Server-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Kolab-Session-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Kolab-Storage-2.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Ldap-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-ListHeaders-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Lock-2.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Log-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-LoginTasks-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Mail-2.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Mail-Autoconfig-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Mapi-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Memcache-2.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Mime-2.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Mime-Viewer-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Mongo-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Nls-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Notification-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Oauth-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-OpenXchange-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Pack-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Pdf-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Perms-2.1.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Prefs-2.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Queue-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Rdo-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Role-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Routes-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Rpc-2.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Scribe-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Secret-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Serialize-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Service-Gravatar-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Service-Weather-2.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-SessionHandler-2.2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Share-2.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Smtp-1.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Socket-Client-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-SpellChecker-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Stream-1.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Stream-Filter-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Stream-Wrapper-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Stringprep-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Support-2.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-SyncMl-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Template-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Test-2.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Text-Diff-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Text-Filter-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Text-Filter-Csstidy-2.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Text-Flowed-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Thrift-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Timezone-1.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Token-2.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Translation-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Tree-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Url-2.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Util-2.5.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Vfs-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-View-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Xml-Element-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-Horde-Xml-Wbxml-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-content-2.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-horde-5.2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-horde-lz4-1.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-imp-6.2.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-ingo-3.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-kronolith-4.2.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-mnemo-4.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-nag-4.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-passwd-5.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-turba-4.2.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-horde-wicked-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-htmLawed-1.1.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-htmlpurifier-htmlpurifier-4.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-idn-1.2c-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ircmaxell-random-lib-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ircmaxell-security-lib-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-irodsphp-3.3.0-0.5.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-jdorn-sql-formatter-1.2.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-jsonlint-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-kolab-net-ldap3-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-layers-menu-3.2.0-0.9.rc.fc23 same: local and remote: php-lessphp-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-libvirt-0.4.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-lightopenid-0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-liuggio-statsd-php-client-1.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-magickwand- same: local and remote: php-manual-en-20140725-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-markdown-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-masterminds-html5-2.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-mikey179-vfsstream-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-mtdowling-jmespath-php-2.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-mtdowling-transducers-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-myclabs-deep-copy-1.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-natxet-cssmin-3.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-nrk-Predis-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-nusoap-0.9.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-oauth-1.0-0.15.svn1271.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ocramius-code-generator-utils-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ocramius-generated-hydrator-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ocramius-instantiator-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ocramius-lazy-map-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-ocramius-proxy-manager-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-oojs-oojs-ui-0.11.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-opencloud-1.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-password-compat-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-patchwork-jsqueeze-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pclzip-2.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pdb-1.3.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pdepend-PHP-Depend-2.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-1.9.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Auth-1.6.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Auth-OpenID-2.2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Auth-RADIUS-1.0.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Auth-SASL-1.0.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Auth-Yubico-2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Auth_HTTP-2.1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Benchmark-1.2.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-CAS-1.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Cache-1.5.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Cache-Lite-1.7.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-CodeGen-1.0.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-CodeGen-PECL-1.1.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Console-Color-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Console-CommandLine-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Console-Getargs-1.3.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Console-ProgressBar-0.5.2-0.15.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Console-Table-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Crypt-Blowfish-1.1.0-0.13.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Crypt-CHAP-1.5.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-DB-1.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-DB-DataObject-1.11.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder-1.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-DB-QueryTool-1.1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Date-1.4.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Date-Holidays-0.21.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Date-Holidays-USA-0.1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Event-Dispatcher-1.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-1.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-Bittorrent2-1.3.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-CSV-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-Find-1.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-Fstab-2.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-Passwd-1.1.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-SMBPasswd-1.0.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-File-Util-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML-Common-1.2.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-3.2.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid-0.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect-1.5.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML-Table-1.8.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML-Template-IT-1.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML_Javascript-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB-1.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTTP-1.4.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTTP-Client-1.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTTP-OAuth-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTTP-Request-1.4.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTTP-Request2-2.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-HTTP-Upload-0.9.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Image-Canvas-0.3.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Image-Color-1.0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Image-Graph-0.8.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Image-GraphViz-1.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Image-Text-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Log-1.12.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-MDB2-2.5.0-0.12.b5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql-1.5.0-0.11.b4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysqli-1.5.0-0.11.b4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql-1.5.0-0.11.b4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-MDB2-Schema-0.8.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Mail-1.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Mail-Mime-1.8.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode-1.5.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Math-Stats-0.9.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-Curl-1.2.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-DIME-1.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-DNS-1.0.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-DNS2-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-FTP-1.3.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-IDNA2-0.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-IMAP-1.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-IPv4-1.3.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-LDAP2-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-POP3-1.3.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-Ping-2.4.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-SMTP-1.6.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-Sieve-1.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-Socket-1.0.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-Traceroute-0.21.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-URL-1.0.15-13.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-URL-Mapper-0.9.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-URL2-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect-2.5.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Numbers-Roman-1.0.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Numbers-Words-0.18.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-OLE-1.0.0-0.12.RC2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging-0.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer-2.3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-PHP-Compat-1.5.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo-1.9.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Pager-2.4.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Payment-Process-0.6.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-PhpDocumentor-1.4.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-SOAP-0.13.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Services-Twitter-0.6.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Services-Weather-1.4.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Spreadsheet-Excel-Writer-0.9.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-0.9.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-Array-0.2.0-0.2.dev1.fc23.3 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-DataObject-0.2.2-0.2.dev1.fc23.3 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-MDB2-0.1.11-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-RSS-0.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Pager-0.1.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Smarty-0.1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Text-CAPTCHA-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Text-Diff-1.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Text-Figlet-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Text-Password-1.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Validate-0.8.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Validate-Finance-CreditCard-0.5.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-Var-Dump-1.0.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-Beautifier-1.2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-Parser-1.3.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-RPC-1.5.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-RPC2-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-RSS-1.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-SVG-1.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-XML-Serializer-0.20.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-console-color2-0.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-phing-2.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pear-text-wiki-1.2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-amqp-1.6.0-0.2.beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-apcu-4.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-apfd-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-cairo-0.3.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-event-1.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-fann-1.0.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-gearman-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-geoip-1.0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-gmagick-1.1.7-0.3.RC2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-http-2.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-igbinary-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-imagick-3.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-json-post-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-jsonc-1.3.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-judy-1.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-krb5-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-lzf-1.6.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-mailparse-2.1.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-memcache-3.0.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-memcached-2.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-memprof-1.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-mongo-1.6.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-msgpack-0.5.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-mysqlnd-ms-1.6.0-3.svn333506.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-mysqlnd-qc-1.2.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-ncurses-1.0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-oauth-1.2.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-parsekit-1.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-propro-1.0.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-radius-1.2.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-raphf-1.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-redis-2.2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-rrd-1.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-runkit-1.0.4-0.8.git5e179e9.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-selinux-0.3.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-solr-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-solr2-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-sphinx-1.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-ssdeep-1.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-ssh2-0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-uuid-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-xdebug-2.3.3-1.fc23 only remote: php-pecl-xhprof-0.9.4-7.fc23same: local and remote: php-pecl-xmldiff-0.9.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-yac-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-yaml-1.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pecl-zip-1.12.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-php-gettext-1.0.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpSmug-2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpass-0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpmd-PHP-PMD-2.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-aes-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-base-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-blowfish-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-des-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-hash-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-random-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-rc4-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-rijndael-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-rsa-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-tripledes-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-crypt-twofish-0.3.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-file-asn1-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-math-biginteger-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-net-sftp-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpseclib-net-ssh2-0.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpspec-2.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpspec-php-diff-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpspec-prophecy-1.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-DbUnit-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-File-Iterator-1.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-FinderFacade-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage-2.1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHP-Invoker-1.1.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHP-Timer-1.0.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHP-TokenStream-1.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-4.7.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-MockObject-2.3.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-SkeletonGenerator-2.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Story-1.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-Text-Template-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-Version-1.0.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-bytekit-1.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-comparator-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-diff-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-environment-1.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-exporter-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-git-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-phpcov-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-phpcpd-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-phpdcd-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-phpunit-phploc-2.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pimple1-1.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pirum-Pirum-1.1.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-pluf-1.0-7.gitb1fed2e.fc23 same: local and remote: php-psr-http-message-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-react-promise-2.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabre-dav-1.8.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabre-event-2.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabre-http-3.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabre-vobject-3.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre_CalDAV-1.7.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre_CardDAV-1.7.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre_DAV-1.7.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre_DAVACL-1.7.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre_HTTP-1.7.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sabredav-Sabre_VObject-2.1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-scssphp-0.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sebastian-global-state-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-sebastian-recursion-context-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-seld-cli-prompt-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-seld-phar-utils-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-shout-0.9.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: php-silex-1.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-simplepie-1.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-solarium-3.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-stack-builder-1.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-swift-Swift-5.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-symfony-2.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-symfony-YAML-1.0.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-tcpdf-6.2.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-theseer-autoload-1.20.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-theseer-directoryscanner-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-theseer-fDOMDocument-1.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-true-punycode-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-twig-1.18.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-twig-extensions-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-voms-admin-0.6.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-when-0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: php-whitehat101-apr1-md5-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-wikimedia-cdb-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-wikimedia-utfnormal-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-xcache-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-xmlseclibs-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: php-xmpphp-0.1-0.14.rc2.r77.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zendframework-zend-diactoros-1.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zetacomponents-base-1.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zetacomponents-console-tools-1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zetacomponents-graph-1.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zetacomponents-unit-test-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zipstream-0.2.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: php-zmq-1.0.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: php-znerol-php-stringprep-0-0.2.20150519git804b0d5.fc23 same: local and remote: phpFlickr- same: local and remote: phpMemcachedAdmin-1.2.2-10.svn262.fc23 same: local and remote: phpMyAdmin-4.4.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: phpPgAdmin-5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: phpesp-2.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: phpldapadmin-1.2.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: phplogcon-2.1.6-13.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: phpwapmail-0.9.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: phrel-1.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: physfs-2.0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pianobooster-0.6.4b-12.fc23 same: local and remote: picard-1.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: picketbox-4.0.21-0.2.Beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: picketbox-commons-1.0.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: picketbox-xacml-2.0.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: picmi-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: picocom-1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: picocontainer-2.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: picojson-1.1.1-3.05f8f10.fc23 same: local and remote: picosat-960-2.fc23 only remote: picprog-1.9.1-11.fc23same: local and remote: pidgin-2.10.11-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-birthday-reminder-1.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-guifications-2.16-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-libnotify-0.14-16.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-logviewer-0.2-17.20110228svn15.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-musictracker-0.4.22-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-otr-4.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-privacy-please-0.7.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pidgin-sipe-1.19.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pig-0.13.0-1.fc21 same: local and remote: piglit-1-0.24.20150206GITi9c8b329.fc23 same: local and remote: pigz-2.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pikdev-0.9.2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: piklab-0.16.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pikloops-0.2.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pilot-link-0.12.5-25.fc23 same: local and remote: pinball-0.3.1-25.fc22 same: local and remote: pinentry-0.9.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pinfo-0.6.10-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pingus-0.7.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pinpoint-0.1.6-1.fc23 newer remote: local: pinta-1.4-2.fc19 remote: pinta-1.6-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: pion-net-4.0.9-18.fc23 same: local and remote: pioneers-15.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pipebench-0.40-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pipenightdreams-0.10.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: pipepanic-0.1.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pipestat-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pipviewer-0.3.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pisg-0.73-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pitivi-0.94-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pius-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pixman-0.32.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pjproject-2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pkcs11-dump-0.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pkcs11-helper-1.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pkgconfig-0.28-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pkgdiff-1.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pkgwat-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pki-console-10.2.6-1.fc23 newer remote: local: pki-core-10.2.4-2.fc23 remote: pki-core-10.2.6-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: pkpgcounter-3.50-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pl-7.2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plague- same: local and remote: planet-2.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: planets-0.1.13-16.fc23 same: local and remote: plank-0.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: planner-0.14.6-20.fc23 same: local and remote: planner2html-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: plantuml-8027-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plasma-breeze-5.3.2-1.fc23 only remote: plasma-desktop-5.3.2-3.fc23same: local and remote: plasma-mediacenter-1.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: plasma-milou-5.3.2-1.fc23 newer remote: local: plasma-mobile-0.4-12.fc23 remote: plasma-mobile-0.4-13.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: plasma-nm-5.2.0-3.fc22 remote: plasma-nm-5.3.2-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: plasma-oxygen-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plasma-pk-updates-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: plasma-sdk-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plasma-systemsettings-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plasma-widget-menubar-0.2.0-5.fc23 newer remote: local: plasma-workspace-5.3.2-2.fc23 remote: plasma-workspace-5.3.2-3.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plasmate-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: player-3.0.2-43.fc23 same: local and remote: plee-the-bear-0.6.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-active-collections-1.0-0.18.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-ant-factory-1.0-0.16.a2.2.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-archiver-3.0.1-0.2.gitdc873a4.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-bsh-factory-1.0-0.15.a7.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-build-api-0.0.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-cipher-1.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-classworlds-2.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-cli-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-compiler-2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-component-api-1.0-0.19.alpha15.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-component-factories-pom-1.0-0.10.alpha11.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-components-pom-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-containers-1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-digest-1.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-i18n-1.0-0.7.b10.4.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-interactivity-1.0-0.21.alpha6.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-interpolation-1.22-4.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-io-2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-pom-3.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-resources-1.0-0.19.a7.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4-20.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-utils-3.0.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: plexus-velocity-1.1.8-19.fc23 same: local and remote: plib-1.8.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: plotdrop-0.5.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: plotmm-0.1.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: plotnetcfg-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: plotutils-2.6-14.fc23 same: local and remote: plowshare-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: plplot-5.11.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: plug-1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pluma-1.10.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: plymouth-0.8.9-10.2013.08.14.fc23 same: local and remote: plymouth-theme-hot-dog-0.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pmars-0.9.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pmd-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pmd-build-tools-0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pmount-0.9.23-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pmpu-0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pngcrush-1.7.82-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pnglite-0.1.17-1.fc23.11 same: local and remote: pngnq-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pngquant-2.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pnm2ppa-1.04-30.fc23 same: local and remote: pnmixer-0.5.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pnp4nagios-0.6.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: po-debconf-1.0.16-5.nmu2.fc23 same: local and remote: po4a-0.45-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pocketsphinx-0.8-10.fc23 only remote: pocl-0.11-2.fc23same: local and remote: poco-1.4.2p1-2.fc23.10 same: local and remote: podofo-0.9.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: poedit-1.8.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: poezio-0.9-0.2.dfd6042.fc23 same: local and remote: pogo-0.8.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pokerth-1.1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: polari-3.17.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: policycoreutils-2.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: polipo-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: polkit-0.113-4.fc23 same: local and remote: polkit-gnome-0.105-8.fc23 same: local and remote: polkit-kde-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: polkit-qt-0.112.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: polkit-qt5-1-0.103.0-6.20130415gitbac771e.fc23 same: local and remote: poly2tri-0.0-10.20130501hg26242d0aa7b8.fc23 same: local and remote: polybori-0.8.3-19.fc23 same: local and remote: polyclipping-6.2.0-3.fc23 only remote: polymake-2.13-22.git20141013.fc23newer remote: local: polyml-5.5.1-2.fc21 remote: polyml-5.5.2-8.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: pondus-0.8.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pony-0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: popfile-1.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: poppler-0.34.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: poppler-data-0.4.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: poppler-sharp-0.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: popt-1.16-6.fc23 same: local and remote: port-allocator-maven-plugin-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: portals-pom-1.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: portaudio-19-22.fc23 same: local and remote: portecle-1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: portlet-2.0-api-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: portmidi-217-13.fc23 same: local and remote: portreserve-0.0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: postal-0.70-15.fc23 same: local and remote: postbooks-4.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: poster-20060221-17.fc23 same: local and remote: posterazor-1.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: postfix-3.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: postgis-2.1.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-9.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-dbi-link-2.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-ip4r-2.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-jdbc-9.4.1200-2.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-odbc-09.03.0400-4.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-pgpool-II-3.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-pgpoolAdmin-3.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql-plruby-0.5.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: postgresql_autodoc-1.41-5.fc23 same: local and remote: postgrey-1.34-17.fc23 same: local and remote: postproof-0-0.4.20150331git65bcbbb9.fc23 same: local and remote: postscriptbarcode-20141229-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pothana2000-fonts-1.3.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: potrace-1.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: povray-3.7-0.9.20131116git39ce8a2.fc23 same: local and remote: poweradmin-2.1.6-7.fc23 newer remote: local: powerdevil-5.3.1-1.fc23 remote: powerdevil-5.3.2-1.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: powerline-2.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: powerman-2.3.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: powermanga-0.90-15.fc22 same: local and remote: powermock-1.6.2-2.fc23 only locally: powerpc-utils-1.2.24-1.fc22only locally: powerpc-utils-papr-1.1.7-2.fc21same: local and remote: powerpc-utils-python-1.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: powertop-2.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: powwow-1.2.17-5.fc23 same: local and remote: poxml-15.04.2-2.fc23 only locally: ppc64-diag-2.6.7-2.fc21only locally: ppc64-utils-0.14-17.fc21same: local and remote: ppl-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ppp-2.4.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pps-tools-0-0.11.20120407git0deb9c.fc23 same: local and remote: pptp-1.8.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pptpd-1.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pragha- same: local and remote: prboom-2.5.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: prboom-plus- same: local and remote: preferences-menus-1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: preload-0.6.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: premake-4.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: prepaid-manager-applet- same: local and remote: presence-0.4.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: preupgrade-assistant-0.11.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: primer3-2.3.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: printrun-2015.03.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: prison-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: privoxy-3.0.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: procServ-2.6.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: procinfo-18-36.fc23 same: local and remote: procinfo-ng-2.0.304-12.fc23 same: local and remote: procmail-3.22-38.fc23 same: local and remote: procps-ng-3.3.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: professor-is-missing-0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: profile-sync-daemon-5.68-2.fc23 same: local and remote: proftpd-1.3.5a-2.fc23 same: local and remote: proguard-5.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: proj-4.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: projectM-jack-2.0.1-12.fc23 newer remote: local: projectM-libvisual-2.0.1-9.fc20 remote: projectM-libvisual-2.0.1-10.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: projectM-pulseaudio-2.0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: properties-maven-plugin-1.0-0.10.alpha2.fc23 same: local and remote: prosody-0.9.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: protobuf-2.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: protobuf-c-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: protostream-1.0.0-0.6.Alpha7.fc22 same: local and remote: prototype- same: local and remote: prover9-200911a-10.fc23 same: local and remote: proxool-0.9.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: proxychains-ng-4.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: proxyfuzz-20110923-6.fc23 same: local and remote: proxytoys-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: proxytunnel-1.9.0-11.fc22 same: local and remote: prozilla-2.0.4-18.fc22 same: local and remote: prwd-1.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ps_mem-3.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: psacct-6.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: psad-2.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pscan-1.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: psfex-3.17.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: psgml-1.2.5-19.fc23 same: local and remote: psi-0.15-8.fc23 newer remote: local: psi4-4.0-0.13.0c7ea92git.fc21 remote: psi4-4.0-0.18.c7deee9git.1.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: psiconv-0.9.8-18.fc23 same: local and remote: psimedia-1.0.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pslib-0.4.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: psmisc-22.21-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pspp-0.8.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pss-1.40-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pssh-2.3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pstoedit-3.70-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pstreams-devel-0.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: psutils-1.23-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pth-2.0.7-26.fc23 same: local and remote: pthsem-2.0.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ptlib-2.10.10-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ptouch-driver-1.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ptpd-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ptpd-phc-2.1.0-0.5.20120921gitecca20.fc21 same: local and remote: ptrash-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: publican-4.1.3-3.fc22 same: local and remote: publican-fedora-4.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: publican-genome-1.0-9.fc21 same: local and remote: publican-icaro-0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: publican-jboss-2.6-6.fc21 same: local and remote: publicsuffix-list-20150506-2.fc23 same: local and remote: puddletag-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pugixml-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pulseaudio-6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pulseaudio-equalizer-2.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pulsecaster-0.1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pulseview-0.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pungi-4.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: puppet-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: puppet-firewalld-0.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: puppet-gluster-0.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: puppetlabs-stdlib-4.5.1-3.20150121git7a91f20.fc23 only remote: pure-0.62-2.fc22same: local and remote: pure-ftpd-1.0.40-2.fc23 only remote: pure-glpk-0.5-1.fc23same: local and remote: purple-line-20150426git9b7b019-1.fc23 same: local and remote: purple-msn-pecan-0.1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: purple-plugin_pack-2.6.3-10.fc23 newer remote: local: putty-0.63-3.fc21 remote: putty-0.65-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: puzzle-master-2.0.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: puzzles-9023-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pv-1.6.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: pvm-3.4.6-7.fc21 remote: pvm-3.4.6-10.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingonly remote: pvs-sbcl-6.0-28.fc23same: local and remote: pwauth-2.3.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pwgen-2.07-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pwmd-3.0.7-1.fc22 same: local and remote: pwsafe-0.2.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: pxz-4.999.9-9.beta.20120930git.fc23 same: local and remote: py-bcrypt-0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: py-radix-0.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: py3status-2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: py4j-0.9-0.5.pre.20150720git1cda77a.fc23 same: local and remote: pyOpenSSL-0.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pyPdf-1.13-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyatspi-2.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pyaudio-0.2.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pybliographer-1.2.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pybluez-0.21-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pybox2d-2.0.2b2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pybugz-0.11-2.git3459d.fc23 same: local and remote: pycairo-1.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pycam-0.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pycanberra-0-0.7.git65c3b3f.fc23 same: local and remote: pycdio-0.19-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pychart-1.39-18.fc23 same: local and remote: pychecker-0.8.19-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pychess-0.10.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pycmd-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pycolumnize-0.3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pycryptopp- same: local and remote: pycscope-1.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pydb-1.26-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pydf-9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pydot-1.0.28-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pyelftools-0.22-0.6.git20130619.a1d9681.fc23 same: local and remote: pyephem- same: local and remote: pyexiv2-0.3.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pyfits-3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pyflakes-0.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pyflowtools- same: local and remote: pyfribidi-0.11.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyftpdlib-1.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pygame-1.9.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pygobject2-2.28.6-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pygobject3-3.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pygoocanvas-0.14.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pygpgme-0.3-12.fc22 same: local and remote: pygrace-0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pygrib-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pygsl-0.9.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pygtk2-2.24.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pygtkchart-0-0.8.gitg8a56364.fc23 same: local and remote: pygtkglext-1.1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: pygtksourceview-2.10.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pyhoca-cli- same: local and remote: pyhoca-gui- same: local and remote: pyhunspell-0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pyicq-t- same: local and remote: pyicu-1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pyifp-0.2.2-10.fc22 same: local and remote: pyip-0.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pyjamas-0.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pyjigdo- same: local and remote: pykde4-4.14.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pyke-1.1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pykickstart-2.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pykka-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pylast-0.5.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pylibacl-0.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyliblo-0.9.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pyliblzma-0.5.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pylibpcap-0.6.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pylint-1.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pymetar-0.14-13.fc23 same: local and remote: pymilia-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pymodbus-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pymol-1.7.6-1.20150610svn4121.fc23 same: local and remote: pymunk-1.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pynac-0.3.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pynag-0.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pynetsnmp-0.28.14-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pyobd- same: local and remote: pyodbc-3.0.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pyode-1.2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: pyotherside-1.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pyp2rpm-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pypar-2.1.5_108-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyparsing-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pyparted-3.10.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pypolicyd-spf-1.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pypop-0.7.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pypoppler-0.12.1-28.fc23 same: local and remote: pyppd-0.4.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pyproj-1.9.4-2.fc23 newer remote: local: pypy-2.0.2-5.fc20 remote: pypy-2.5.0-1.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingonly remote: pypy3-2.4.0-2.fc23same: local and remote: pyqt-mail-checker-2.1.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pyqtrailer-0.6.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyrasite-2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyrenamer-0.6.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: pyrit-0.4.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pyroom-0.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: pyrrd-0.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyscard-1.6.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pyscript-0.6.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: pysdm-0.4.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pysendfile-2.0.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pyserial-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pyshp-1.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pyside-tools-0.2.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: pysnmp-4.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pystache-0.5.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pystatgrab-0.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: pysubnettree-0.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: pysvn-1.7.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: pysysbot-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pytest-2.7.2-1.fc23 newer remote: local: pythia8-8.1.86-2.fc22 remote: pythia8-8.1.86-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: python-2.7.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-4Suite-XML-1.0.2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: python-AppTools-4.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-BTrees-4.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Bottleneck-0.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-CDDB-1.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-CacheControl-0.11.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Coherence- only remote: python-Fiona-1.5.1-2.fc23same: local and remote: python-GeoIP-1.2.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-GnuPGInterface-0.3.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-GridDataFormats-0.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-HTMLgen-2.2.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: python-IPy-0.81-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Levenshtein-0.10.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Lightbox-2.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-MultipartPostHandler2-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-OWSLib-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-PSI-0.3-0.11.b2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-PyGithub-1.25.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-PyRSS2Gen-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Rtree-0.7.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Scriptaculous-1.8.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-SecretStorage-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-SimpleCV-1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-SocksiPy-1.00-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-TornadIO2-0.0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-Traits-4.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-TurboMail-3.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-WSGIProxy2-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-XStatic-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Angular- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Angular-Cookies- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Angular-Mock- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-D3- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Font-Awesome- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Hogan- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-JSEncrypt- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Jasmine- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Magic-Search- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-QUnit- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Rickshaw- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-Spin- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-jQuery- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-jquery-ui- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-smart-table- same: local and remote: python-XStatic-termjs- same: local and remote: python-ZConfig-3.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ZEO-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ZODB-4.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ZODB3-3.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ZSI-2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-achoo-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-acoustid-0.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-actdiag-0.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-admesh-0.98.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-adns-1.2.1-15.fc23 newer remote: local: python-afl-0.2-1.fc23 remote: python-afl-0.2-2.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: python-aiohttp-0.16.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-akismet-0.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-alchimia-0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-alembic-0.7.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-alsa-1.0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-alsaaudio-0.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-altgraph-0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-amara- same: local and remote: python-amqp-1.4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-amqpclt-0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-amqplib-1.0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-anfft-0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-aniso8601-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ansi-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ansi2html-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-anyjson-0.3.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-anykeystore-0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-anymarkup-0.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-anyvc- same: local and remote: python-apipkg-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-appdirs-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-application-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-apsw- same: local and remote: python-arc-0.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-argcomplete-0.8.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-argh-0.23.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-arrow-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-asciitable-0.8.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ase- same: local and remote: python-assertEquals-0.4.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-astroML-0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-astroML-addons-0.2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-astroid-1.3.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-astropy-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-atfork-0.1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-atomicwrites-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-audioread-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-augeas-0.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-auth-credential-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-autopep8-1.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-babel-BabelGladeExtractor-0.2-0.9.r288.fc23 same: local and remote: python-backlash-0.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-backports-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-backports-lzma-0.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname- same: local and remote: python-barbicanclient-3.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-basemap-1.0.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-basemap-data-1.0.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-batchhttp-1.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bcdoc-0.12.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-beaker-1.5.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-beanstalkc-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-beautifulsoup4-4.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-behave-1.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bibtex-1.2.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-billiard- same: local and remote: python-bintrees-2.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-biopython-1.65-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bitarray-0.3.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bitlyapi-0.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bitmath-1.2.3-3.fc23.1 same: local and remote: python-bleach-1.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-blessings-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-blinker-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-blist-1.3.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-blivet-1.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-blockdiag-1.3.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bloom-0.5.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-blosc-1.2.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bna-3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-boto-2.38.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-botocore-0.79.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bottle-0.12.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bottle-sqlite-0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bucky-2.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bugzilla-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bugzilla2fedmsg-0.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-bunch-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cached_property-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cachetools-1.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cagraph-1.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cairocffi-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cairosvg-1.0.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-caja-1.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-carbon-0.9.13-0.2.pre1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-carddav-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-carrot-0.10.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cassandra-driver-1.1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-catkin-sphinx-0.2.1-6.20130602gitc00d68b.fc23 same: local and remote: python-catkin_lint-1.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-catkin_pkg-0.2.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-catkin_tools-0.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-catwalk-2.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cclib-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cdb-0.34-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ceilometerclient-1.0.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ceilometermiddleware-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-celery-3.1.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cement-2.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cerealizer-0.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-certifi-2015.04.28-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cffi-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-chai-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-chameleon-2.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-characteristic-14.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-chardet-2.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cheetah-2.4.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cherrypy-3.5.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: python-cherrypy2-2.3.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cherrytemplate-1.0.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: python-chm-0.8.4-18.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cinderclient-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cjson-1.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cli-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cliapp-1.20150701-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-click-4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-clientform-0.2.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cliff-1.13.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cliff-tablib-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cligj-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cloud-sptheme-1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cloudfiles-1.7.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cloudservers-1.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cltk- same: local and remote: python-cmd2-0.6.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cmdln-1.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-colander-1.0b1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-collada-0.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-colorama-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-colour-runner-0.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-compositor-0.2b-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-concurrentloghandler-0.8.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-configobj-5.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-configparser-3.5.0b2-0.2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-configshell-1.1.fb18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-confparser-1.0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-construct-2.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-contextlib2-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-copr-1.57-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cornice-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-couchdb-0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-couchdbkit-0.6.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cov-core-1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-coverage-4.0-0.9.a6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-coverage-test-runner-1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cpio-0.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cpopen-1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cpuinfo-0.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-crank-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-croniter-0.3.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-crypto-2.6.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cryptography-0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cryptography-vectors-0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cssmin-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cssselect-0.9.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cssutils-0.9.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ctags-1.0.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ctrldaemon-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ctypesgen-0-0.5.20130214svn.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cups-1.9.72-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-curtsies-0.1.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-cvxopt-1.1.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-d2to1-0.2.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-daap-0.7.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-daemon-1.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dapp-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-datanommer-consumer-0.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-datanommer-models-0.6.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dateutil-2.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dateutil15-1.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dbusmock-0.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ddt-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-debian-0.1.26-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-debtcollector-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-decorator-3.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-decoratortools-1.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-defusedxml-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-deltasigma-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-demjson-2.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-designateclient-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-di-0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dialog-2.7-20.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dictclient-1.0.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-diff-cover-0.7.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dill-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dingus-0.3.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dirq-1.6.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-distlib-0.1.9-1.fc21 same: local and remote: python-distutils-extra-2.38-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-1.8.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-admin-honeypot-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-ajax-selects-1.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-angular-0.7.15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-annoying-0.7.6-8.20120609hga0de8b.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-appconf-0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-authenticator-0.1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-authority-0.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-avatar-2.0a1-7.20120609git097ed8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-bootstrap-toolkit-2.15.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-celery-3.1.9-2.fc21 same: local and remote: python-django-ckeditor-4.4.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-classy-tags-0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-compressor-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-contact-form-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-countries-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-dajax-0.9.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-dajaxice-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-database-url-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-debug-toolbar-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-devserver-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-discover-runner-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-dpaste-0.2.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-dynamite-0.4.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-extensions-1.3.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-extra-form-fields-0.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-fas-1.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-federated-login-1.0.0-6.fc21 same: local and remote: python-django-filter-0.10.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-flash-1.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-followit-0.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-haystack-2.3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-helpdesk-0.1.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-horizon-2015.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-horizon-gbp-2014.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-keyedcache-1.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-kombu-0.9.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-mako-0.1.5-0.5.pre.fc21 same: local and remote: python-django-markdown2-0.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-mptt-0.7.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-nose-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-notification-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-openid-auth-0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-openstack-auth-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-pagination-1.0.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-pipeline-1.3.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-post_office-0.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-profile-0.6-0.6.20110216svnr458.fc23.2 same: local and remote: python-django-profiles-0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-pylibmc-0.2.3-7.20120609git28874f.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-pyscss-2.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-pytest-0.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-recaptcha-works-0.3.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-registration-0.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-rest-framework-3.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-reversion-1.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-roa-1.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-robots-0.8.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-sahara-2014.2-0.3.b2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-secure-1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-sekizai-0.8.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-select2-4.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-setuptest-0.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-simple-captcha-0.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-socialregistration-0.5.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-sorting-0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-south-0.8.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-staticfiles-1.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-stopforumspam-1.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-tables2-0.10.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-tagging-0.3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-tastypie-0.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-threaded-multihost-1.4.0-8.20120717hg80ee24.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-threadedcomments-0.9.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-tinymce-1.5.2-2.fc21 same: local and remote: python-django-tracking-0.3.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-django-typepadapp-1.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-djvulibre-0.3.9-4.fc22 same: local and remote: python-dmidecode-3.12.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dns-1.12.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docker-py-1.3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docker-registry-core-2.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docker-scripts-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dockerfile-parse-0.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dockerpty-0.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docopt-0.6.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docs-2.7.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docutils-0.12-0.3.20140510svn7747.fc23 same: local and remote: python-docx-0.8.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dogpile-cache-0.5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dogpile-core-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-doit-0.28.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dopy-0.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dotconf-0.2.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dpath-1.2-0.5.70.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dpkt-1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-drat-0.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dropbox-2.2.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: python-dslib-3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dtopt-0.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dulwich-0.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-dumptruck-0.1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-durus-3.9-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-easygui-0.96-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ecdsa-0.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-editdist-0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-egenix-mx-base-3.2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-elasticsearch-1.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-elements-0.13-10.20100110svn.fc23 same: local and remote: python-elfdata-0.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-elixir-0.7.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-email_reply_parser-0.3.0-20140523git76e9481.fc23.1 same: local and remote: python-emcee-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-empy-3.3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-enchant-1.6.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-enum-0.4.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-enum34-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-envisage-4.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-epdb-0.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-espeak-0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ethtool-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-eventlet-0.17.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-execnet-1.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-exif-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-extras-0.0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-eyed3-0.7.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fabulous-0.1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-factory-boy-2.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-falcon-0.1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fastcache-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fasteners-0.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fastimport-0.9.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fdb-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fedbadges-0.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fedimg-0.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fedmsg-genacls-0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fedmsg-meta-debian-0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure-0.5.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fedora-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-feedcache-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-feedparser-5.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ferari-0.2.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fiat-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-firehose-0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-firkin-0.02-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fixtures-0.3.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flake8-2.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-0.10.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-admin-1.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-assets-0.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-autoindex-0.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-babel-0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-cache-0.13.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-classy-0.6.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-debugtoolbar-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-images-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-lastuser-0.2-7.20110722git3bf2a0.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-login-0.2.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-mako-0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-mongoengine-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-oauth-0.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-openid-1.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-principal-0.4.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-restless-0.12.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: python-flask-rstpages-0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-script-2.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-silk-0.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-sqlalchemy-2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-testing-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-whooshalchemy-0.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-whooshee-0.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-wtf-0.10.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flask-xml-rpc-0.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flatland-0.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flexmock-0.9.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flickrapi-1.4.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flock-0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fluidity-sm-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-flup-1.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fmn-consumer-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fmn-lib-0.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fmn-rules-0.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fmn-web-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fn-0.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fontMath-0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fontname-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-foolscap-0.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-formencode-1.2.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fpconst-0.7.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-frappe-5.1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-frappe-bench-0.92-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-freetype-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-freezegun-0.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-frozen-flask-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fsmonitor-0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-f*ckit-4.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fudge-1.0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-funcparserlib-0.3.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-functest-0.8.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-futures-3.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-fuzzywuzzy-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gasp-0.3.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gbpclient-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gccinvocation-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gd-0.56-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gdata-2.0.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gear-0.5.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gearbox-0.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gencpp-0.3.4-6.20130623git403d067.fc23 same: local and remote: python-genlisp-0.3.3-6.20130623git8790a17.fc23 same: local and remote: python-genmsg-0.3.10-8.20130617git95ca00d.fc23 same: local and remote: python-genpy-0.3.7-8.20130623giteddf66e.fc23 same: local and remote: python-genshi-0.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gensim-0.10.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-geoclue-0.1.0-8.fc21 same: local and remote: python-geoip-geolite2-2015.0303-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-geojson-1.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gerrit-0.0.1-6.gita7ffd76.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gerrit-view-0.3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gerritlib-0.3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gertty-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gevent-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gevent-socketio-0.3.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gevent-websocket-0.3.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gflags-2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gitapi-1.1.0-0.a2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gitdb-0.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-glance-store-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-glanceclient-0.17.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-glob2-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-glue-0.11.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gmpy2-2.0.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gntp-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gnupg-0.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gnutls-1.2.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-google-apputils-0.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-googlevoice-0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-grabserial-1.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-grapefruit-0.1a3-8.20110710svn31.fc23 newer remote: local: python-greenlet-0.4.5-2.fc23 remote: python-greenlet-0.4.7-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: python-grokmirror-0.3.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gssapi-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gstreamer1-1.4.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: python-gtkextra-1.1.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gudev-147.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gunicorn-19.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-guppy-0.1.9-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-gzipstream-2.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hacking-0.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-halite-0.1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hardware-0.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hcs_utils-1.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-heatclient-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hgapi-1.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hgdistver-0.21-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hghooks-0.6.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hglib-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hl7-0.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-honcho-0.5.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-html2text-2015.6.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-html5lib-0.999-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-http-parser-0.8.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-httplib2-0.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-httpretty-0.8.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-humanize-0.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-husl-4.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-hwdata-1.10.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-icalendar-3.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-idna-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-igraph-0.6.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-imdb-4.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-impacket-0.9.11-2.fc22 same: local and remote: python-import-utils-0.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-importmagic-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-inflect-0.2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-iniparse-0.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-inlinestyler-0.1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-inotify-0.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-instant-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-invoke-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ipaddr-2.1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ipaddress-1.0.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ipdb-0.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ipgetter-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-iptables-0.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-iptools-0.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ipython_genutils-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-irawadi-user-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-irclib-0.4.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ironicclient-0.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-iso8601-0.1.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-isodate-0.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-isprelink-0.1.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: python-itsdangerous-0.24-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jabberbot-0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-javaobj-0-0.6.20131228gitb8ae821.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jedi-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jellyfish-0.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jenkins-0.4.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jenkins-job-builder-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jenkinsapi-0.2.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jinja2-2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jinja2_pluralize-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jira-0.13-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jmespath-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-joblib-0.8.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jsonpatch-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jsonpath-rw-1.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jsonpickle-0.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jsonpointer-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jsonrpclib-0.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jsonschema-2.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-junitxml-0.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jupyter_core-4.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jwcrypto-0.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-jwt-1.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kaa-base-0.6.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kaa-display-0.1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kaa-imlib2-0.2.3-18.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kaa-metadata-0.7.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kajiki-0.4.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kazoo-2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kdcproxy-0.3.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kerberos-1.1-17.fc23 same: local and remote: python-keyczar-0.71c-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-keyring-5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-keystoneclient-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-keystoneclient-kerberos-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-keystonemiddleware-1.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kgb-0.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kid-0.9.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kinterbasdb-3.3.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kitchen-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kiwi-1.9.38-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kmod-0.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-kombu-3.0.26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-krbV-1.0.90-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ladon-0.9.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-landslide-1.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-larch-1.20131130-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lazy-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lazyarray-0.2.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ldap-2.4.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ldaphelper-1.0.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ldappool-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ldaptor-0.0.44-6.20140909gitc30f30d9.fc22 same: local and remote: python-lesscpy-0.10.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lettuce-0.2.20-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lexicon-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-libarchive- same: local and remote: python-libasyncns-0.7.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-libcloud-0.17.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-libdiscid-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-liblarch-2.1.0-6.fc23 only locally: python-liblarch_gtk-0.1.0-3.fc19same: local and remote: python-libqutrub-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-libturpial-1.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-linecache2-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-linux-procfs-0.4.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lirc-0.0.5-19.fc23 same: local and remote: python-listquote-1.4.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-llfuse-0.40-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lmiwbem-0.7.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lockfile-0.10.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-logbook-0.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-logging-tree-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-logilab-common-0.63.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-logutils-0.3.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-louie-1.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lxml-3.3.6-1.fc22 same: local and remote: python-ly-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lyricwiki-0.1.35-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lz4-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-lzo-1.08-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-m2ext-0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mailer-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mako-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mandrill-1.0.51-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-manilaclient-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-manuel-1.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-markdown-2.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-markdown2-2.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-markups-0.5.2-4.fc22 same: local and remote: python-markupsafe-0.23-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-martian-0.14-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-matplotlib-1.4.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mccabe-0.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mecab-0.996-1.fc23.5 same: local and remote: python-mechanize-0.2.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-meh-0.40-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-meld3-0.6.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-meliae-0.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-memcached-1.53-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-messaging-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-metar-1.3.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mglob-0.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-migrate-0.9.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mimeparse-0.1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-minimock-1.2.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mistune-0.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mock-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-modargs-1.7-4.20130606gitc69060.fc23 same: local and remote: python-modernize-0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-modestmaps-1.4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-moksha-common-1.2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-moksha-hub-1.4.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-moksha-wsgi-1.2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mongoengine-0.8.4-1.fc21 same: local and remote: python-monotonic-0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-morbid- same: local and remote: python-mox-0.5.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mozbase-0-0.8.gitb077641.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mpd-0.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mpmath-0.19-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-msgpack-0.4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mtTkinter-0.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-multi-registry-0.0.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-munch-2.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-munkres-1.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-musicbrainz2-0.7.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-musicbrainzngs-0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mutagen-1.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mwclient-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mwlib-0.15.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mwlib-docbook-0.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mwlib-xhtml-0.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-myghty-1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mygpoclient-1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-myhdl-0.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-mysql-1.3.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-naftawayh-0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-narcissus-app-0.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-narcissus-common- same: local and remote: python-narcissus-hub- same: local and remote: python-natsort-3.5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nbformat-4.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nbxmpp-0.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ncclient-0.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ndg_httpsclient-0.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-netaddr-0.7.15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-netifaces-0.10.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-netlib-0.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-networkx-1.9.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-neutronclient-2.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nevow-0.10.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-newt_syrup-0.2.0-6.1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ngram-3.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nikola-7.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nine-0.3.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nitrate-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nltk-3.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nmap-0.3.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-1.3.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-cov-1.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-cover3-0.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-exclude-0.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-parameterized-0.3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-progressive-1.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-testconfig-0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nose-xcover-1.0.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-novaclient-2.23.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nss-0.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ntplib-0.3.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-num2words-0.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-numdisplay-1.5.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-numeric-24.2-24.fc23 same: local and remote: python-numexpr-2.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-numpydoc-0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-nwdiag-1.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oasa-0.13.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oauth-1.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oauth2-1.5.211-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oauth2client-1.4.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oauthlib-0.7.2-3.20150520git514cad7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-odict-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-offtrac-0.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ofxparse-0.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ogg-1.3-23.fc23 same: local and remote: python-okaara-1.0.32-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-olpcgames-1.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openhpi-1.2-0.11.20120322svn7120.fc22 same: local and remote: python-openid-2.2.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openid-cla-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openid-teams-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openoffice-0.1-0.16.20110209.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openopt-0.5602-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openstack-nose-plugin-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-openstackclient-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-optcomplete-1.2-0.7.20130428hg9583af7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-cache-0.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-concurrency-1.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-config-1.9.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-context-0.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-db-1.7.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-i18n-1.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-log-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-messaging-1.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-middleware-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-policy-0.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-rootwrap-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-serialization-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-sphinx-2.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-utils-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-versionedobjects-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslo-vmware-0.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-oslotest-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-osprofiler-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-paho-mqtt-1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-paida-3.2.1_2.10.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pam-1.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pandas-0.16.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pandocfilters-1.2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-paramiko-1.15.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-parse-1.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-parse_type-0.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-parsedatetime-1.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-parsley-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-passlib-1.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-paste- same: local and remote: python-paste-deploy-1.5.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-paste-script-1.7.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-path-5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pathlib-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pathtools-0.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-patsy-0.3.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: python-pbr-0.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pdfkit-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pdfminer-20140328-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pdfrw-0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: same: local and remote: python-peak-util-addons-0.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-peak-util-assembler-0.6-9.20100803svn2646.fc23 same: local and remote: python-peak-util-extremes-1.1.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-peak-util-symbols-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pebl-1.0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pecan-0.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-peewee-2.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pefile-1.2.10_139-2.fc21 same: local and remote: python-pelican-3.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pep8-1.5.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-persistent-4.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pexpect-3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pgpdump-1.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pgu-0.12.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-phacter-0.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-photutils-0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-phyghtmap-1.71-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pika-0.9.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pillow-2.9.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pint-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pip-7.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pivy-0.5.0-11.hg609.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pkgconfig-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pkgwat-api-0.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-plumbum-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ply-3.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-plyvel-0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pmw-1.3.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: python-polib-1.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-poppler-qt4-0.18.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-posix_ipc-0.9.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-postman-0.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pottymouth-2.2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-power-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pp-1.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-praw-2.1.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pretend-1.0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pretty-0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-prettytable-0.7.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-prioritized-methods-0.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-proboscis- same: local and remote: python-productmd-1.0-5.fc23.gitec8c627 same: local and remote: python-profilehooks-1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-progress-1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-progressbar-2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-proliantutils-2.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-proteus-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-protocols-1.0-0.22.a0dev_r2302.fc23 same: local and remote: python-psphere-0.5.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-psutil-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-psycopg2-2.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pthreading-0.1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ptrace-0.6.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ptyprocess-0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pudb-2014.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-py-1.4.30-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-py2neo-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-py2pack-0.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-py9p-1.0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyarabic-0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyasn1-0.1.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyblock-0.53-8.fc22 same: local and remote: python-pybloomfiltermmap-0.3.14-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pycadf-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pycallgraph-0.5.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pycha-0.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pycparser-2.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pycurl- same: local and remote: python-pycxx-6.2.4-10.20130805svn280.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pydns-2.3.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyface-4.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pygal-1.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pygeoip-0.2.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyghmi-0.5.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pygit2-0.22.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyglet-1.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pygments-1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pygraphviz-1.3-2.rc2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: python-pykalman-0.9.5-4.20140827git2aeb4ad.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pylcdsysinfo-0-0.12.20131014git.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pylibmc-1.2.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pylibravatar-1.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pylons-1.0.1-3.fc21 same: local and remote: python-pymemcache-1.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pymilter-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pymongo-2.5.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pymtp-0.0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyngus-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyo-0.6.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyotp-1.3.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyphen-0.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pypng-0.0.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyprintr-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pypump-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyquery-1.2.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyrad-2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyramid-1.5.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyramid-chameleon-0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyramid-fas-openid-0.3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyramid-mako-1.0a3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyramid-tm-0.7-5.fc21 same: local and remote: python-pyrax-1.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyro-4.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyroute2-0.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pysaml2-3.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pysb-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pysctp-0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyside-1.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pysmell-0.7.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyspf-2.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytest-cache-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytest-capturelog-0.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytest-cov-1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytest-flakes-0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytest-multihost-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytest-pep8-1.0.6-1.fc21 same: local and remote: python-pytest-sourceorder-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytimeparse-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pytools-8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyudev-0.16.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyvfs-0.2.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyvmomi- same: local and remote: python-pyzabbix-0.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-pyzolib-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-q-2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-qalsadi-0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-qrcode-5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-qserve-0.2.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-qt5-5.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-quantities-0.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-queuelib-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-random2-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rarfile-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rauth-0.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-raven-4.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rdflib-4.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-re2-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-recaptcha-client-1.0.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-redis-2.10.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-regex-2015.07.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-relatorio-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-remoteobjects-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-remoto-0.0.25-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rencode-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-reportlab-3.1.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-lru-0.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-sphinx-autointerface-0.7.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-tm2-1.0-0.16.b1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-what-1.0.9-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-what-plugins-sql-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-what-pylons-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-what-quickstart-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-who-2.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-who-friendlyform-1.0.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-who-plugins-sa-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-repoze-who-testutil-1.0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requestbuilder-0.3.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-2.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-cache-0.4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-file-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-ftp-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-kerberos-0.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-mock-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-oauthlib-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-requests-toolbelt-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rest-client-0.3-7gitf898f0.fc23 same: local and remote: python-restauth-0.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-restauth-common-0.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-restkit-4.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-restsh-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-retask-0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-retrying-1.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rfc3986-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rfc6266-0.0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rhev-1.0-15.rc1.fc21.5 same: local and remote: python-rhsm-1.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-robofab-1.2.0-10.svn599.fc23 same: local and remote: python-roman-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rope-0.10.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ropemacs-0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ropemode-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rosdep-0.11.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rosdistro-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rosinstall-0.7.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rosinstall_generator-0.1.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rospkg-1.0.35-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-routes-1.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rpi-gpio-0.5.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rply-0.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rpmfluff-0.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rpyc-3.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rsa-3.1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rsslib-0-5.20130310.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rtkit-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rtslib-2.1.fb57-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ruledispatch-0.5a1-0.28.svnr2618.fc23 same: local and remote: python-rxjson-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-saharaclient-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-salttesting-2015.7.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sanction-0.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sane-2.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scales-1.0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scandir-1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-schedutils-0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scikit-image-0.11.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scikit-learn-0.16.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scp-0.7.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scrapy-0.24.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scripttest-1.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-scss-1.3.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-seaborn-0.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-selenium-2.45.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-semantic_version-2.4.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sendgrid-0.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sep-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-seqdiag-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-service-identity-14.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-setproctitle-1.1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-setuptools-18.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-setuptools_git-0.4.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-setuptools_hg-0.2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sexy-0.1.9-21.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sgutils-0.2.1-6.fc22 same: local and remote: python-sh-1.08-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-shadowsocks-2.4.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-shapely-1.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-shout-0.2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-shove-0.3.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sieve-0.1.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sievelib-0.8-5.20150629gite34fb54.fc23 same: local and remote: python-signalfd-0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simplegeneric-0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simplejson-3.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simplemediawiki-1.2.0-0.4.b2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simpleparse-2.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simpletal-4.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simplevisor-1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-simpy-2.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-singledispatch- same: local and remote: python-sippy-1.0.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-six-1.9.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sleekxmpp-1.2.0-0.8.git08a0fd5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-slimit-0.8.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-slip-0.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-slugify-0.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-smbc-1.0.13-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-smbpasswd-1.0.1-27.fc23 same: local and remote: python-smmap-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-snpp-1.1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-soaplib-0.8.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-social-auth-0.2.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-socketpool-0.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-socksipychain-2.0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sparklines-0.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-speaklater-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-spec-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinx-1.2.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinx-theme-better-0.1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinx-theme-flask-git20130715.1cc4468-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinx_rtd_theme-0.1.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinxcontrib-adadomain-0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop-0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker-0.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sphinxcontrib-napoleon-0.2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-spiffgtkwidgets-0.2.0-8.59a713f.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sprox-0.8.3-2.fc20 same: local and remote: python-sqlalchemy-1.0.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sqlalchemy-traversal-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sqlalchemy-utils-0.30.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sqlite3dbm-0.1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sqlobject-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sqlparse-0.1.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-squaremap-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-statsd-2.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-statsmodels-0.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-stem-1.4.1b-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-stevedore-1.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-stomper-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-storm-0.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-straight-plugin-1.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-strainer-0.1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-structlog-15.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-subprocess32-3.2.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-subvertpy-0.9.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-suds-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sudsds-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-summershum-0.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sure-1.2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-svg-0.2.2b-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-svg-path-1.0b1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-svgwrite-1.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-swiftclient-2.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sybase-0.39-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-systemd-230-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-sysv_ipc-0.4.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tables-3.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tablib- same: local and remote: python-taboot-0.4.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tag-2013.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tahrir-0.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tahrir-api-0.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tambo-0.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tashaphyne-0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-taskflow-0.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-taskw-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tbgrep-0.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-telepathy-0.15.19-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tempest-lib-0.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tempita-0.5.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-termcolor-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-testify-0.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-testing.postgresql-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-testrepository-0.0.20-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-testresources-0.2.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-testscenarios-0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-testtools-1.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-textile-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-texttable-0.8.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tftpy-0.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tg-devtools-2.3.0-0.6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgcaptcha-0.11-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgcaptcha2-0.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgexpandingformwidget-0.1.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgext-admin-0.5.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgext-crud-0.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgfastdata-0.9a7-0.7.a7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgmochikit-1.4.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tgscheduler-1.6.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-theano-0.7.0-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: python-tidy-0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tilestache-1.49.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tinycss-0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tlslite-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-toml-0.9.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tooz-0.13.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tornado-4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-toscawidgets-0.9.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tox-1.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tpg-3.1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-traceback2-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tracing-0.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-traitlets-4.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-traitsui-4.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-transaction-1.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-translationstring-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-trml2pdf12-1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-trollius-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-trollius-redis-0.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-troveclient-1.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ttystatus-0.23-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-turbocheetah-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-turboflot-0.7.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-turbojson-1.3.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-turbokid-1.0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tuskarclient-0.1.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw-forms-0.9.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw-jquery-0.9.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-core-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-d3-0.0.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-dynforms-2.0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-excanvas-2.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-forms- same: local and remote: python-tw2-jit-2.0.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-jqplugins-flot-2.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-jqplugins-gritter-2.0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-jqplugins-jqplot-2.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-jqplugins-ui-2.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-jquery-2.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-polymaps-0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-slideymenu-2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tw2-sqla-2.0.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-twiggy-0.4.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-twill-0.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-twisted-15.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-twisted-conch-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-core-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-lore-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-mail-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-names-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-news-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-runner-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-web2-8.1.0-14.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twisted-words-12.2.0-4.fc21 same: local and remote: python-twitter-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-txamqp-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-txrequests-0.9.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-txsocksx- same: local and remote: python-txws-0.9.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-txzmq-0.7.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-typepad-2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-tzlocal-1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ufc-2.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ufl-1.4.0-2.fc22 same: local and remote: python-ufo2fdk-0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-uinput-0.10.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-ujson-1.23-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-unicodenazi-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-unidecode-0.04.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-unipath-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-unittest2-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-upoints-0.12.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-uri-templates-0.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-urlgrabber-3.10.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-urllib2_kerberos-0.1.6-17.fc23 same: local and remote: python-urllib3-1.10.4-4.20150503gita91975b.fc23 same: local and remote: python-urwid-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-utmp-0.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: python-vatnumber-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-vcrpy-1.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-vcstools-0.1.36-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-velruse-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-venusian-1.0-0.11.a7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-versiontools-1.9.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-virtkey-0.50-17.fc23 same: local and remote: python-virtualenv-12.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-virtualenv-clone-0.2.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-virtualenvcontext-0.1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-virtualenvwrapper-4.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-visual-5.74-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-vkontakte-1.3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-vobject-0.8.1c-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python-volatility-2.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-voluptuous-0.8.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-vorbis-1.5-0.17.a.fc23 same: local and remote: python-w3lib-1.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-waitress-0.8.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-walkdir-0.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-warlock-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-watchdog-0.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webassets-0.10.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webcolors-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-weberror-0.10.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webflash-0.1-0.12.a9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webhelpers-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webm-0.2.2-6.fc21 same: local and remote: python-webob-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webob1.1-1.1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webpy-0.37-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-websocket-client-0.32.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-websockify-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webtest-2.0.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-webtest1.3-1.3.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-werkzeug-0.9.6-1.fc22 same: local and remote: python-wheel-0.24.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-which-1.1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-whisper-0.9.13-0.2.pre1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-whoosh-2.5.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wifi-0.5.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wikimarkup-1.01-14.005svn.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wikitools-1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-windmill-1.7-0.7.git4304ee7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wokkel-0.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wordpress-xmlrpc-2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-workerpool-0.9.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wrapt-1.10.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wsgi-jsonrpc-0.2.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wsgilog-0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wsgiproxy-0.2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wsgiref-0.1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wsme-0.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wstool-0.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wtf-peewee-0.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-wtforms-2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-x2go- same: local and remote: python-xappy-0.6.0-0.8.svn624.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xcffib-0.1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xdot-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xgoogle-1.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xhtml2pdf-0.0.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xklavier-0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xlib-0.15-0.11.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xlrd-0.9.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xlwt-0.7.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xml2rfc-2.4.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xmlbuilder-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xmltodict-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xmltramp-2.17-15.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xmpp-0.5.0-0.11.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xpyb-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-xtermcolor-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-yapsy-1.11.223-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-yenc-0.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-yolk-0.4.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-yourls-0.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-yubico-1.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zaqarclient-0.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zbase32-1.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zc-buildout-2.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zc-customdoctests-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zc-lockfile-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zdaemon-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zmq-14.7.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zodbpickle-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-component-4.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-configuration-4.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-contenttype-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-datetime-3.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-deprecation-4.1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-dottedname-3.4.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-event-4.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-exceptions-4.0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-filerepresentation-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-i18n-4.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-i18nmessageid-4.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-interface-4.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-interface4-4.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-processlifetime-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-proxy-4.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-schema-4.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-sequencesort-3.4.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-sqlalchemy-0.7.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-structuredtext-3.5.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python-zope-testing-4.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-3.4.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-bsddb3-6.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-cairo-1.10.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-cangjie-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-cherrypy-3.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-docs-3.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-dugong-3.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-iep-3.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-memcached-1.51-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-openid-3.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-pkgversion-macros-1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-pocketlint-0.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-postgresql-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-py3dns-3.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-script-1.7.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-simplepam-0.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: python3-zope-fixers-1.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pythonqt-2.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pytorctl-0-0.17.20130920git4fdd203.fc23 same: local and remote: pytrailer-0.6.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyttsx-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pytz-2012d-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyusb-1.0.0-0.12.b2.fc23 same: local and remote: pyutil-1.9.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pyvcs-0.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyvnc2swf-0.9.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: pywbem-0.7.0-28.20131121svn626.fc23 same: local and remote: pywebdav-0.9.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: pywebkitgtk-1.1.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: pyxattr-0.5.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: pyxdg-0.25-6.fc23 same: local and remote: pyxmlsec-0.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: pyxtrlock-0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: pyzor-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: pyzy-0.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: q-7.11-23.fc23 only remote: q4wine-1.1-8.r2.fc23same: local and remote: qaccessibilityclient-0.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qalculate-gtk-0.9.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: qalculate-kde- same: local and remote: qascade-0.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: qastools-0.17.2-5.fc23 newer remote: local: qbittorrent-3.1.9-3.fc21 remote: qbittorrent-3.2.1-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: qbrew-0.4.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: qca-2.1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: qca-cyrus-sasl-2.0.0-0.10.beta3.fc23 same: local and remote: qca-pkcs11-2.0.0-0.9.fc23.beta2 same: local and remote: qca2-2.0.3-9.fc22 same: local and remote: qcodeedit-2.2.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: qcomicbook-0.9.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: qcommandline-0.3.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: qconf-1.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qct-1.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: qcustomplot-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qd-2.3.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qdbm-1.8.78-20.fc23 same: local and remote: qdevelop-0.29-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qdigidoc-3.10.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qdox-2.0-0.4.M3.fc23 same: local and remote: qelectrotech-0.40-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qemu-2.4.0-0.1.rc0.fc23 same: local and remote: qemu-sanity-check-1.1.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qepcad-B-1.69-10.fc23 same: local and remote: qesteidutil-3.10.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qextserialport-1.2-0.9.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: qfaxreader-0.3.2-5.fc23 newer remote: local: qgis-2.0.1-7.fc20 remote: qgis-2.10.1-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: qgit-2.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qhexedit2-0.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qhull-2003.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: qimageblitz-0.0.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: qiv-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qjackctl-0.3.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qjson-0.8.1-10.fc23 newer remote: local: qlandkartegt-1.7.7-2.fc21 remote: qlandkartegt-1.8.1-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: qle-0.0.18-11.fc23 same: local and remote: qlipper-2.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qm-dsp-1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qm-vamp-plugins-1.7-4.fc23 only remote: qmapshack-1.3.0-1.fc23same: local and remote: qmforge-2.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qmidiarp-0.6.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qmmp-0.8.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qmmp-plugin-pack-0.8.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qmpdclient-1.2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: qmtest-2.4.1-12.fc23.1 same: local and remote: qoauth-1.0.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: qodem-0.3.2-10.fc23 newer remote: local: qof-0.8.7-4.fc22 remote: qof-0.8.7-5.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: qpdf-5.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qpdfview-0.4.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qperf-0.4.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qpid-cpp-0.32-6.fc23 same: local and remote: qpid-dispatch-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qpid-proton-0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qpid-proton-java-0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qpid-qmf-0.28-30.fc23 same: local and remote: qqwing-1.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qrencode-3.4.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qroneko-0.5.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: qrq-0.3.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: qrupdate-1.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qscintilla-2.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qsf-1.2.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: qsstv-8.2.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qstardict-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: qstars-0.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: qstat-2.15-1.20150619gita60436.fc23 same: local and remote: qsynth-0.3.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-4.8.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-assistant-adp-4.6.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-at-spi-0.3.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-creator-3.5.0-0.3.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-gstreamer-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-mobility-1.2.2-0.21.20140317git169da60c.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-qsa-1.1.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: qt-recordmydesktop-0.3.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: qt3-3.3.8b-65.fc23 same: local and remote: qt4-theme-quarticurve-0.0-0.24.beta8.fc23 same: local and remote: qt4pas-2.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtaccountsservice-0.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtbase-5.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtconfiguration-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtconnectivity-5.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtdeclarative-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtdoc-5.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-5.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtimageformats-5.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtlocation-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtmultimedia-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtquick1-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtquickcontrols-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtscript-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtsensors-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtserialport-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtsvg-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qttools-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qttranslations-5.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtwayland-5.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtwebchannel-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtwebkit-5.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtwebsockets-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtx11extras-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qt5-qtxmlpatterns-5.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qtbrowserplugin-2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qtchooser-39-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qtcurve-gtk2-1.8.16-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qtcurve-kde4-1.8.14-9.fc23 same: local and remote: qterm-0.5.12-11.fc23 same: local and remote: qterminal-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qtermwidget-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qtgpsc-0.3.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: qtile-0.9.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: qtiocompressor-2.3.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: qtkeychain-0.3.90-6.20140405git.fc23 same: local and remote: qtlockedfile-2.4-18.20150629git5a07df5.fc23 same: local and remote: qtoctave-0.10.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: qtractor-0.6.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: qtscriptgenerator-0.2.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: qtsingleapplication-2.6.1-23.fc23 same: local and remote: qtsoap-2.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: qtspell-0.7.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: qtwebkit-2.3.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: qtweetlib-0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: quadrapassel-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: quagga- same: local and remote: quake3-1.36-24.svn2102.fc23 same: local and remote: quarry-0.2.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: quartz-2.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: quassel-0.11.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: quazip-0.7.1-3.fc23 newer remote: local: qucs-0.0.18-2.fc22 remote: qucs-0.0.18-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: quearcode-0.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: querydsl-4.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: querydsl3-3.6.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: quesa-1.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: quesoglc-0.7.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: queuegraph-1.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: quick-usb-formatter-0.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: quicksynergy-0.8.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: quilt-0.64-2.fc23 same: local and remote: quitcount-3.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: quiterss-0.17.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: quodlibet-3.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: quota-4.02-4.fc23 same: local and remote: quotatool-1.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qupzilla-1.8.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: qutim-0.3.2-5.git.6f3a98a.fc23 same: local and remote: quvi-0.9.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qwt-6.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qwt5-5.2.2-28.fc23 same: local and remote: qwtplot3d-0.2.7-19.fc23 same: local and remote: qwtpolar-1.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: qxkb-0.4.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qxmpp-0.7.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: qyoto-4.14.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rOCCI-server-1.1.6-3.20150217git73409ea.fc23 same: local and remote: rabbitmq-java-client-3.5.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rabbitmq-server-3.5.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rabbitvcs-0.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rachota-2.3-8.20130104cvs.fc21 same: local and remote: racoon2-20100526a-31.fc23 only remote: radamsa-0.4-3.fc23same: local and remote: raddump-0.3.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: radeontool-1.6.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: radial-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: radicale-0.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: radiotray-0.7.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: radium-compressor-0.5.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: radius-engine-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: radiusclient-ng-0.5.6-14.fc23 same: local and remote: radvd-2.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rafkill-1.2.3-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ragel-6.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: raidem-0.3.1-27.fc23 same: local and remote: raidem-music-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rakarrack-0.6.2-0.8.20140723git7dba0c4.fc23 newer remote: local: rakudo-star-0.0.2013.05_5.2.0-4.fc20 remote: rakudo-star-0.0.2015.06-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ramond-0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rancid-3.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: randomizedtesting-2.1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ranger-1.6.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rapid-photo-downloader-0.4.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rapidjson-0.12-0.3.git20140801.67143c2.fc23 same: local and remote: rapidsvn-0.12.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rapidxml-1.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: raptor-1.4.21-21.fc23 same: local and remote: raptor2-2.0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rarian-0.8.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rarpd-ss981107-45.fc23 same: local and remote: rasdaemon-0.5.6-1.fc23 only remote: rasmol- local and remote: rasqal-0.9.32-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rasterview-1.3-12.fc23 newer remote: local: ratbox-services-1.2.1-10.fc20 remote: ratbox-services-1.2.1-11.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ratools-0.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ratpoints-2.1.3-10.fc22 same: local and remote: ratpoison-1.4.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ratproxy-1.58-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rats-2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: raw-thumbnailer-3.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rawdog-2.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rawstudio-2.1-0.4.20150511git983bda1.fc23 same: local and remote: rawtherapee-4.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: razorqt-0.5.2-23.fc23 same: local and remote: rb_libtorrent-1.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rblcheck-1.5-25.fc23 same: local and remote: rbldnsd-0.997a-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rc-1.7.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rcrpanel-3.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rcs-5.9.4-3.fc23 newer remote: local: rcsslogplayer-15.1.1-2.fc21 remote: rcsslogplayer-15.1.1-7.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rcssmonitor-15.1.1-9.fc23 newer remote: local: rcssserver-15.2.2-3.fc20 remote: rcssserver-15.2.2-12.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rcssserver3d-0.6.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rdesktop-1.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rdiff-backup-1.2.8-16.fc23 same: local and remote: rdist-6.1.5-61.fc23 same: local and remote: rdma-2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: re2-20131024-5.fc23 same: local and remote: re2c-0.13.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: readline-6.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: readosm-1.0.0e-1.fc23 same: local and remote: realTimeConfigQuickScan-0-0.16.20120506hg.fc23 same: local and remote: realmd-0.16.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rear-1.17.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: reaver-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rebase-helper-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: recode-3.6-41.fc23 same: local and remote: recoll-1.20.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: recordmydesktop- same: local and remote: recoverjpeg-2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: recutils-1.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: redeclipse-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: redet-8.26-12.fc23 same: local and remote: redhat-lsb-4.1-30.fc23 same: local and remote: redhat-menus-12.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: redhat-rpm-config-36-1.fc23 same: local and remote: redir-2.2.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: redis-3.0.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: redis-protocol-0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: redland-1.0.17-4.fc23 same: local and remote: redland-bindings- same: local and remote: redmode-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rednotebook-1.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: redshift-1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: reeniebeanie-fonts-1.000-0.5.20140913hg.fc23 same: local and remote: reflectasm-1.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: reflections-0.9.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: refmac-dictionary-5.41-4.fc23 same: local and remote: regexp-1.5-20.fc23 same: local and remote: regexxer-0.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: regionset-0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: reinteract-0.5.9-11 same: local and remote: reiserfs-utils-3.6.21-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rekall-2.4.6-29.fc22 same: local and remote: rekollect-0.3.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rekonq-2.4.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: relaxngDatatype-2011.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: relaxngcc-1.12-9.fc23 same: local and remote: relevation-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: remake-0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: remctl-3.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: remind-03.01.13-8.fc23 same: local and remote: remmina-1.2.0-0.8.git.b3237e8.fc23 same: local and remote: remoot-0.9-24.fc23 same: local and remote: remotetea-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ren-1.0-22.fc23.2.1 same: local and remote: renameutils-0.12.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rendercheck-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: renrot-1.1-3.fc23.11 same: local and remote: rep-gtk- same: local and remote: replacer-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: repo_manager-0.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: reposurgeon-3.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: repoview-0.6.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: repsnapper-2.3.2-0.7.a5.fc23 only remote: reptyr-0.6.2-2.fc23same: local and remote: resapplet-0.1.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rescene-1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: resiprocate-1.9.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: resolv_wrapper-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: resource-agents-3.9.6-2.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rest-0.7.93-2.fc23 same: local and remote: restauth-0.6.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: resteasy-3.0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: restlet-jse-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: retext-5.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: retrace-server-1.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: revelation-0.4.14-10.fc23 same: local and remote: revisor-2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rf-0.4.18-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rfcdiff-1.41-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rfdump-1.6-18.fc23 same: local and remote: rfkill-0.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rhdb-utils-9.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rhino-1.7.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rhn-client-tools-2.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rhn-custom-info-5.4.27-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rhncfg-5.10.83-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rhnlib-2.5.75-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rhnmd-5.3.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rhnsd-5.0.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rho-0.0.20-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rhq-plugin-annotations-3.0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rhythmbox-3.2.1-3.fc23 newer remote: local: riak-1.2.1-1.fc19 remote: riak-1.3.2-5.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: richacl-1.7-0.fc23 same: local and remote: riemann-c-client-1.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rinetd-0.62-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ripmime- same: local and remote: ripright-0.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ris-linux-0.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ristretto-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ritopt-0.2.1-12.fc21 same: local and remote: rkhunter-1.4.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rktime-0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rkward-0.6.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rlog-1.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: rlwrap-0.42-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rmanage-0.1.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rmap-1.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: rmic-maven-plugin-1.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rmol-1.00.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rnetclient-2015.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rng-tools-5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rngom-201103-0.12.20120119svn.fc23 same: local and remote: rnv-1.7.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: robodoc-4.99.41-9.fc23 same: local and remote: roboptim-core-0.5-13.fc22 same: local and remote: roboptim-trajectory-0.5-12.fc22 same: local and remote: robotfindskitten-1.7320508.406-11.fc23 same: local and remote: robust-http-client-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rocksndiamonds- same: local and remote: rocoto-6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rocs-14.12.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rodent-5.3.16-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rodent-icon-theme-5.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rogue-5.4.5-18.fc23 same: local and remote: rolekit-0.4.0-2.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: rome-0.9-19.fc23 newer remote: local: root-5.34.09-5.fc20 remote: root-5.34.32-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: root-tail-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rootfiles-8.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: rootfs-resize-2.0-6.fc23 newer remote: local: rootplot-2.2.1-7.fc19 remote: rootplot-2.2.1-12.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rootsh-1.5.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ros-release-5.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rosegarden4-14.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rospack-2.0.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rott-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: roundcubemail-1.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: roundup-1.4.21-5.fc23 same: local and remote: routino-2.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: roxterm-2.9.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rp-pppoe-3.11-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rpc2-2.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rpcbind-0.2.3-0.2.fc23 same: local and remote: rpkg-1.36-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rpl-1.5.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rpld-1.8-0.21.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: rply-1.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rpm- same: local and remote: rpm-compare-req-0.1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rpm-mpi-hooks-2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rpm-ostree-2015.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rpm-ostree-toolbox-2015.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmconf-1.0.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmdepsize-1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmdevtools-8.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmgrill-0.27-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmlint-1.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmlint-scl-config-0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmorphan-1.12-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmreaper-0.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rpmrebuild-2.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rpy-2.6.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rrdtool-1.5.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rsh-0.17-79.fc23 same: local and remote: rsibreak-0.11-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rsnapshot-1.3.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rss-glx-0.9.1.p-25.fc23 same: local and remote: rss2email-2.71-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rssdler-0.4.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rssh-2.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rst2pdf-0.93-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rstp-04012009git-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rsvndump-0.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rsync-3.1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rsyslog-8.10.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rt-4.2.11-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rtaudio-4.0.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rtirq-20130402-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rtkit-0.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rtl-sdr-0.5.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rtmidi-2.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rtorrent-0.9.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rtpproxy-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubber-1.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: rubberband-1.8.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-2.2.2-43.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-RRDtool-0.6.0-20.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-augeas-0.5.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-aws-0.8.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-bsearch-1.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-gnome2-0.90.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-icon-artist-0.1.92-11.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-korundum-4.14.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-ldap-0.9.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-mecab-0.996-5.fc23.2 same: local and remote: ruby-ncurses-1.3.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-qt-4.14.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-romkan-0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-shadow-1.4.1-27.fc23 same: local and remote: ruby-taglib-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-Ascii85-1.0.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-CFPropertyList-2.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-POpen4-0.1.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-Platform-0.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-RedCloth-4.2.9-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-RubyInline-3.11.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ZenTest-4.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-abrt-0.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-abstract-1.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-actionmailer-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-actionpack-4.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-actionview-4.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activejob-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activeldap-4.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activemodel-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activerecord-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activerecord-deprecated_finders-1.0.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activerecord-nulldb-adapter-0.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activeresource-4.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-activesupport-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-acts-as-taggable-on-3.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-acts_as_list-0.4.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-addressable-2.3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-afm-0.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-allison-2.0.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-amazon-ec2-0.9.15-11.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ammeter-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ancestry-2.1.0-1.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ansi-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-apipie-bindings-0.0.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-apipie-rails-0.3.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-appraisal-0.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-arel-6.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-arrayfields-4.7.4-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-aruba-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-asciidoctor-1.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-atk-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-atomic-1.1.16-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-attributes-5.0.1-14.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-audited-4.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-audited-activerecord-4.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-authlogic-3.4.2-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-awesome_print-1.0.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-awesome_spawn-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-aws-2.9.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-aws-sdk-1.60.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-aws-sdk-core-2.0.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-axiom-types-0.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-backports-3.6.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bacon-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bcrypt-3.1.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-binding_of_caller-0.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bogus-0.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bootstrap-sass- same: local and remote: rubygem-bourne-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bson-1.10.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bson_ext-1.10.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-builder-3.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bundler-1.7.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bundler_ext-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-bunny-0.7.9-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-byebug-5.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cairo-1.14.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cairo-gobject-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-capillary-1.0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-capybara-2.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-capybara_minitest_spec-1.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-celluloid-0.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-charlock_holmes-0.7.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-chef-zero-2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-childprocess-0.5.3-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-chronic-0.10.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-chunky_png-1.2.7-3.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ci_reporter-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cinch-2.2.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-climate_control-0.0.3-5.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-cliver-0.3.2-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-clockwork-0.7.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-clutter-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-clutter-gstreamer-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-clutter-gtk-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cocaine-0.5.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cocoon-1.2.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-codemirror-rails-4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-coderay-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-coercible-1.0.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-coffee-rails-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-coffee-script-2.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-coffee-script-source-1.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-color-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-colored-1.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-columnize-0.8.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-commander-4.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-comp_tree-1.1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-compass-1.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-compass-960-plugin-0.10.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-compass-core-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-compass-import-once-1.0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-compass-rails-2.0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-configuration-1.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cookiejar-0.3.2-5.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-coveralls-0.8.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-crack-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-creole-0.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cri-1.0.1-11.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-cucumber-1.3.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-cucumber-rails-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-curb-0.8.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-daemon_controller-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-daemons-1.1.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-dalli-2.7.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-database_cleaner-1.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-debug_inspector-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-debugger-linecache-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-declarative_authorization-0.5.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-deep_merge-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-delayed_job-4.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-delayed_job_active_record-4.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-delorean-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-deltacloud-client-1.1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-dependor-1.0.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-descendants_tracker-0.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-diff-lcs-1.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ditz-0.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-dnsruby-1.53-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-docile-1.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-domain_name-0.5.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-dotenv-0.8.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-drake- same: local and remote: rubygem-dynect_rest-0.4.3-6.fc20 same: local and remote: rubygem-echoe-4.3.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ejs-1.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-elasticsearch-transport-1.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-em-socksify-0.3.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-em-worker-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ensure_valid_encoding-0.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-equalizer-0.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-erubis-2.7.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-escape-0.0.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-escape_utils-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ethon-0.7.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-eventmachine-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-exception_notification-4.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-excon-0.45.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-execjs-2.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-expression_parser-0.9.0-5.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-facade-1.0.5-3.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-facets-2.8.0-9.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-facon-0.5.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-factory_girl-2.3.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-factory_girl_rails-1.4.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fake_ftp-0.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fakefs-0.6.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fakeweb-1.3.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-faraday-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fast_gettext-0.9.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fast_xs-0.8.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fattr-2.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ferret- newer remote: local: rubygem-ffi-1.4.0-4.fc21 remote: rubygem-ffi-1.9.3-6.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rubygem-file-tail-1.0.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fission-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-flexmock-1.3.3-3.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-1.28.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-atmos-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-aws-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-brightbox-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-core-1.29.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-ecloud-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-json-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-libvirt-0.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-profitbricks-0.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-radosgw-0.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-riakcs-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-sakuracloud-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-serverlove-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-softlayer-0.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-storm_on_demand-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-terremark-0.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-vmfusion-0.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-voxel-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fog-xml-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-font-awesome-rails- same: local and remote: rubygem-foreigner-1.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-foreman_api-0.1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-formatador-0.2.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-formtastic-3.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-fssm-0.2.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gdk3-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gem-nice-install-0.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gem-patch-0.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gem2rpm-0.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gemcutter-0.3.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gemnasium-parser-0.1.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-geoip-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gettext-3.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails-1.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gherkin-2.12.2-4.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-ghost-0.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gio2-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-git-1.2.5-9.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-git-up-0.5.12-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-glib2-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-globalid-0.3.3-2.fc23 newer remote: local: rubygem-glu-8.2.1-2.fc21 remote: rubygem-glu-8.2.1-6.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rubygem-glut-8.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gobject-introspection-2.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-goocanvas-2.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-goocanvas1-1.2.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-grit-2.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gruff-0.3.6-8.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-gssapi-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gstreamer-2.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gtk2-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gtk3-2.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gtksourceview2-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-gtksourceview3-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-haml-4.0.5-4.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-haml-rails-0.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hashery-2.1.0-5.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-hashicorp-checkpoint-0.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hashie-2.0.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hashr-0.0.22-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hawler-0.3-13.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-heroku-3.30.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-heroku-api-0.3.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-highline-1.6.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hike-1.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hikidoc-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hipchat-1.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hitimes-1.2.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hoe-3.13.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hoptoad_notifier-2.4.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hpricot-0.8.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-htmlentities-4.3.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-http-cookie-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-http_connection-1.4.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-httparty-0.13.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-httpclient-2.5.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-hydra-0.24.0-6.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-i18n-0.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-i18n_data-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-icaro-1.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ice_nine-0.11.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-idn-0.0.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-imagesize-0.1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-inflecto-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-innertube-1.1.0-4.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-introspection-0.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ipaddress-0.8.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-isolate-3.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jbuilder-2.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jgrep-1.3.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jmespath-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jnunemaker-matchy-0.4.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-joiner-0.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-journey-1.0.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jquery-datatables-rails-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jquery-rails-4.0.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-jquery-ui-rails-5.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-json-1.8.2-101.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-json_pure-1.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-json_spec-1.1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-just_paginate-0.2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-kaminari-0.16.1-2.fc23 newer remote: local: rubygem-kgio-2.8.0-6.fc21 remote: rubygem-kgio-2.9.3-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rubygem-kramdown-1.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-krb5-auth-0.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-kwalify-0.7.2-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-launchy-0.4.0-8.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ldap_fluff-0.3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-levenshtein-0.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-linode-0.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-liquid-3.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-listen-2.7.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-literati-0.0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-little-plugger-1.1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-locale-2.1.1-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rubygem-lockfile-1.4.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-log4r-1.1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-logging-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-logstash-event-1.2.02-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-logstasher-0.6.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-loofah-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-macaddr-1.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mail-2.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-main-6.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-map-6.5.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-marc-1.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-markaby-0.5-12.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-maruku-0.6.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mechanize-2.7.3-3.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rubygem-memcache-client-1.8.5-10.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-metaclass-0.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-method_source-0.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-middleware-0.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mime-types-1.25.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mini_portile-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-minitest-5.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-minitest-stub-const-0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-minitest4-4.7.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mixlib-authentication-1.3.0-6.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-mixlib-cli-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mixlib-config-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mixlib-log-1.6.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-mixlib-shellout-2.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mizuho-0.9.20-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mkrf-0.2.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mobileesp_converted-0.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mocha-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mongo-1.10.2-1.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-mongoid-4.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mono_logger-1.1.0-3.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-moped-1.5.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-more_core_extensions-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-morph-cli-0.2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-multi_json-1.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-multi_test-0.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-multi_xml-0.5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-multipart-0.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-multipart-post-2.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mustache-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-mysql2-0.3.16-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-narray- same: local and remote: rubygem-nenv-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-http-digest_auth-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-http-persistent-2.9.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-irc-0.0.9-7.D20121021git4cf339fa69.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-ldap-0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-ping-1.7.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-scp-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-sftp-2.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-ssh-2.9.1-1.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-ssh-gateway-1.2.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-net-ssh-multi-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-netrc-0.10.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-nokogiri- same: local and remote: rubygem-oauth-0.4.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-occi-api-4.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-occi-cli-4.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-occi-core-4.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-omniauth-1.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-open4-1.3.4-2.fc23 newer remote: local: rubygem-opengl-0.8.0-5.fc22 remote: rubygem-opengl-0.9.2-6.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rubygem-opennebula-4.12.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-openscap-0.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-openssl_cms-0.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-openstack-1.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-openstack-quantum-client-0.1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-org-ruby-0.9.12-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-origin-2.1.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-orm_adapter-0.5.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ox-2.1.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-paint-1.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pam-1.5.4-22.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pango-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-parallel-1.3.3-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-paranoia-2.0.2-3.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-parse-cron-0.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-parseconfig-1.0.4-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-pathname2-1.7.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pathspec-0.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pdf-core-0.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pdf-inspector-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pdf-reader-1.3.3-6.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-pervasives-1.1.0-13.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-pg-0.18.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-picnic-0.8.1-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-pkg-config-1.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pkgwat-0.1.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-plist-3.1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-polyglot-0.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-poppler-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-posix-spawn-0.3.9-2.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-power_assert-0.2.4-100.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pr_geohash-1.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-prawn-2.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-progressbar-0.21.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-protected_attributes-1.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pry-0.10.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-pundit-0.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-puppet-lint-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-qpid_messaging-0.32.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-qpid_proton-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rabbit-2.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rabl-0.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-1.6.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-accept-0.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-cache-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-cors-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-mount-0.8.3-4.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-openid-1.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-protection-1.5.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-restful_submit-1.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-ssl-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rack-test-0.6.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails-api-0.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails-deprecated_sanitizer-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails-dom-testing-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails-html-sanitizer-1.0.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails-observers-0.1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails_autolink-1.1.6-1.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rails_warden-0.5.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-railties-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rainbow-2.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-raindrops-0.13.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rake-10.0.4-1.fc21.2 same: local and remote: rubygem-rake-compiler-0.9.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rb-inotify-0.9.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rb-readline-0.5.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rbovirt-0.0.35-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rbvmomi-1.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rdiscount- same: local and remote: rubygem-rdoc-4.1.1-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rdtool-0.6.38-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-recaptcha-0.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-redcarpet-3.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-redis-3.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-redis-namespace-1.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ref-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-regin-0.3.8-8.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-request_store-1.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-require_all-1.3.2-4.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-rerun-0.10.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-responders-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-resque-1.25.2-4.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-resque-cleaner-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rest-client-1.6.7-4.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-restr-0.5.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-reststop-0.4.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rgen-0.7.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rhc-1.36.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-riddle-1.5.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-right_aws-2.0.0-9.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-riot-0.12.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rkerberos-0.1.3-8.fc23 newer remote: local: rubygem-rmagick-2.13.4-2.fc22 remote: rubygem-rmagick-2.15.3-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: rubygem-rmail-1.0.0-11.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rmail-sup-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-robotex-1.0.0-14.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ronn-0.7.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rots-0.2.1-5.20131106gitbabb555.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rr-1.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rsolr-1.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-core-3.2.3-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.2.1-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-its-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-longrun-0.1.2-4.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-mocks-3.2.1-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-rails-3.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec-support-3.2.2-1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec2-2.14.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec2-core-2.14.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec2-expectations-2.14.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rspec2-mocks-2.14.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rsvg2-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rttool- same: local and remote: rubygem-rubeyond-0.1-4.1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-dbus-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-hmac-0.4.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-libvirt-0.5.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-ntlm-0.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-ole- same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-opengl-0.61.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-openid-2.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby-rc4-0.1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby2ruby-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-ruby_parser-3.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rubyforge-2.0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rubypants-0.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rubyzip-1.1.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-rufus-scheduler-2.0.4-9.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-rugged-0.22.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-safe_yaml-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sanitize-2.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sass-3.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sass-rails-5.0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sass-twitter-bootstrap-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-scoped_search-3.2.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-scrub_rb-1.0.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-scruffy-0.3.0-8.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sdoc-0.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-selenium-webdriver-2.45.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-semantic-1.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sequel-4.23.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-serialport-1.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-session-3.1.0-9.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-settingslogic-2.0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sexp_processor-4.4.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-shindo-0.3.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-shotgun-0.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-shoulda-3.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-shoulda-context-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-shoulda-matchers-2.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-simple-navigation-3.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-simple-rss-1.2.3-9.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-simple_form-3.1.0-0.2.rc2.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-simplecov-0.10.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-simplecov-html-0.10.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sinatra-1.4.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sinatra-rabbit-1.1.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-single_test-0.6.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-slim-2.0.2-1.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-slop-3.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-snmp-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-spring-1.3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sprite-factory-1.6.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-sprockets-3.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sprockets-rails-2.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sqlite3-1.3.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sshkey-1.7.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-state_machine-1.1.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-stomp-1.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-sup-0.21.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-syck-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-syntax-1.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-systemu-2.6.4-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-taskjuggler-3.5.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-temple-0.6.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-term-ansicolor-1.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-test-spec-0.10.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-test-unit-3.1.3-100.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-test-unit-notify-1.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-test-unit-rr-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-test_declarative-0.0.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-text-1.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-text-format-1.0.0-13.fc22 only remote: rubygem-therubyracer-0.11.0-11.fc23same: local and remote: rubygem-thin-1.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-thinking-sphinx-3.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-thor-0.19.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-thread_safe-0.3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-tilt-1.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-tiltout-1.4.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-timecop-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-timers-4.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-tins-1.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-transaction-simple- same: local and remote: rubygem-treetop-1.6.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-trollop-2.0-6.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-ttfunk-1.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-turbolinks-2.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-typhoeus-0.7.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-tzinfo-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-uglifier-2.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-unf-0.1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-unf_ext- same: local and remote: rubygem-unicode- same: local and remote: rubygem-unicode-display_width-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-uuid-2.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-uuidtools-2.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-vcr-2.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-vegas-0.1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-virtus-1.0.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-vte-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-vte3-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-warden-1.2.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-web-console-2.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-webkit-gtk-2.2.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-webmock-1.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-webrat-0.7.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-webrobots-0.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-websocket-1.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-websocket-driver-0.3.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-whiskey_disk-0.6.24-9.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-wikicloth-0.8.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-will_paginate-3.0.7-1.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-wirb-2.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-xml-simple-1.1.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-xmlhash-1.3.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygem-xmlparser- same: local and remote: rubygem-xmpp4r-0.5-11.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-xmpp4r-simple-0.8.8-11.fc21 same: local and remote: rubygem-xpath-2.0.0-1.fc22 same: local and remote: rubygem-yard- same: local and remote: rubygem-zoom-0.4.1-25.fc23 same: local and remote: rubygems-2.2.2-101.fc21 same: local and remote: rubypick-1.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: rudesocket-1.3.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: rumor-1.0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: rundoc-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: rurple-1.0-0.12.rc3.fc23 same: local and remote: rusers-0.17-81.fc23 same: local and remote: rvm-1.17-12.fc23 same: local and remote: rwall-0.17-44.fc23 same: local and remote: rwho-0.17-55.fc23 same: local and remote: rwhoisd- same: local and remote: rxjava-1.0.11-2.fc23 only remote: rxtx-2.2-0.14.20100211.fc23.1same: local and remote: rxvt-2.7.10-28.fc23 same: local and remote: rxvt-unicode-9.21-6.fc23 same: local and remote: rygel-0.27.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: rzip-2.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: s3cmd- same: local and remote: s3ql-2.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sK1-0.9.1-0.12.pre_rev730.fc23 same: local and remote: saab-fonts-0.91-12.fc23 same: local and remote: sablecc-3.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sac-1.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: saclib-2.2.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: safecopy-1.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: safekeep-1.4.2-5.fc23.1 same: local and remote: safelease-1.0-5.fc23 newer remote: local: saga-2.1.4-1.fc21 remote: saga-2.2.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: sagator-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sage-0.2.0-13.fc23 only remote: sagemath-6.5-5.fc23same: local and remote: sahana-0.6.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sailcut-1.3.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sakura-3.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: salt-2015.5.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: salt-api-0.8.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: salt-cloud-0.8.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: samba-4.2.3-0.fc23 same: local and remote: samcoupe-rom-3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: samdump2-3.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: samefile-2.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: samplv1-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: samtools-0.1.19-8.fc23 same: local and remote: samyak-fonts-1.2.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sandbox-runner-data-0.3.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sane-backends-1.0.24-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sane-frontends-1.0.14-22.fc23 same: local and remote: sanlock-3.2.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: saoimage-1.35.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: sap-0.5.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: saphire-3.6.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sar2-2.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sarai-fonts-1.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: saslwrapper-0.16-11.fc23 same: local and remote: sat4j-2.3.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: satyr-0.19-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sawfish-1.11-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sawfish-pager-0.90.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: saxon- same: local and remote: saxpath-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sayonara-0.6.6-5.svn80.fc23 same: local and remote: sazanami-fonts-0.20040629-23.fc22 same: local and remote: sbc-1.3-3.fc23 newer remote: local: sbcl-1.1.16-1.fc21 remote: sbcl-1.2.12-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: sbd-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sbinary-0.4.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cim-client- same: local and remote: sblim-cim-client2-2.2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-base-1.6.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-fsvol-1.5.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-network-1.4.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-nfsv3-1.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-nfsv4-1.1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-params-1.3.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-rpm-1.0.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-sysfs-1.2.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-cmpi-syslog-0.9.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-gather-2.2.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-indication_helper-0.4.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-sfcCommon-1.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-sfcb-1.4.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-sfcc-2.2.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-smis-hba-1.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-testsuite-1.3.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: sblim-wbemcli-1.6.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sbt-0.13.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sc-7.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: scala-2.10.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: scala-stm-0.7-2.fc21 same: local and remote: scalacheck-1.11.3-3.fc21 same: local and remote: scalapack-2.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: scalaz-7.0.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: scalpel-2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: scamp-2.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: scamper-0-0.10.20140530.fc23 same: local and remote: scanmem-0.15.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: scannotation-1.0.3-0.10.r12.fc22 same: local and remote: scanssh-2.1.1-5.fc22 same: local and remote: scantailor- same: local and remote: scap-security-guide-0.1.24-1.fc23 same: local and remote: scap-workbench-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: scapy-2.2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: schedtool-1.3.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: schismtracker-20120105-8.fc23 same: local and remote: scholarsfonts-cardo-fonts-1.045-10.fc23 same: local and remote: schroedinger-1.0.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: schroedinger-cat-backgrounds-18.91.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: schroedinger-cat-kde-theme-18.91.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: schroot-1.6.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: scidavis-1.D8-10.fc23 only remote: scilab-5.5.2-1.fc23same: local and remote: scim-1.4.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-anthy-1.2.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-array-1.0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-bridge-0.4.16-21.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-chewing-0.3.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-fcitx-3.1.1-21.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-hangul-0.3.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-m17n-0.2.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-pinyin-0.5.92-7.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-sayura-0.3.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-tables-0.5.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: scim-thai-0.1.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: scipy-0.14.1-1.fc22 same: local and remote: scirenderer-1.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: scite-3.5.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: scitools-0.9.0-7.20150601git14e67654.fc23 same: local and remote: scl-utils-2.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: scmxx-0.9.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: scons-2.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: scorched3d-44-5.fc23 same: local and remote: scorchwentbonkers-1.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: scorep-1.4.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: scotch-6.0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: scout-0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: scponly-4.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: scratch- same: local and remote: screen-4.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: screenfetch-3.6.5-1.20140929git0fb57330.fc23 same: local and remote: screengrab-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: screenie-20120406-2.fc23 same: local and remote: screenie-composer-1.0.0-0.11.20110805git49c2630.fc23 same: local and remote: screenruler-0.96-5.fc23 same: local and remote: scribus-1.4.4-6.fc22 same: local and remote: scriptaculous-1.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: scrot-0.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: scrub-2.5.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: scsi-target-utils-1.0.55-3.fc23 same: local and remote: scummvm-1.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: scummvm-tools-1.7.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: scythia-0.9.3-15.fc23 newer remote: local: sdcc-3.3.0-0.fc21 remote: sdcc-3.5.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: sdcv-0.4.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: sddm-0.10.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sddm-kcm-5.3.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sdformat-2.3.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sdlhack-1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sdljava-0.9.1-29.fc23 same: local and remote: sdparm-1.09-2.fc23 same: local and remote: se-sandbox-runner-1.6.13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: seabios-1.8.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: seahorse-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: seahorse-adventures-1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: seahorse-nautilus-3.11.92-3.fc22 same: local and remote: seahorse-sharing-3.8.0-5.fc22 newer remote: local: seamonkey-2.21-1.fc21 remote: seamonkey-2.33.1-4.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: seaview- same: local and remote: sec-2.7.7-1.fc23 only remote: secilc-2.4-5.fc23same: local and remote: secstate-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sectool-0.9.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: security-menus-1.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sed-4.2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: sediment-0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: seed-3.8.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: seeker-3.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: seekwatcher-0.12-12.fc23 same: local and remote: seivot-1.18-4.fc23 same: local and remote: selinux-policy-3.13.1-138.fc23 same: local and remote: sems-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: senamirmir-washra-fonts-4.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sendKindle-2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sendmail-8.15.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sendxmpp-1.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sensible-utils-0.0.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: seq24-0.9.3-0.9.r131.fc23 same: local and remote: seqan-1.4.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: sequence-library-1.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ser-0.9.6-28.fc23 same: local and remote: ser2net-2.9.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: serafettin-cartoon-fonts-0.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: serd-0.20.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: serdisplib-1.97.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: seren-0.0.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sergueis-destiny-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: serp-1.15.2-0.2.20150412cvs.fc23 only locally: servicelog-1.1.13-1.fc21same: local and remote: setools-3.3.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: setroubleshoot-3.2.24-3.fc23 same: local and remote: setroubleshoot-plugins-3.0.61-2.fc23 same: local and remote: setserial-2.17-37.fc23 same: local and remote: setup-2.9.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: setuptool-1.19.11-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sevmgr-1.00.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sextractor-2.19.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sezpoz-1.10-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sfact-0.0-7.20130128gitbc56c68.fc23 same: local and remote: sfbm-0.7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sfk-1.7.5-1.fc23 only remote: sflphone-1.4.1-14.fc23same: local and remote: sfntly-0-0.10.r214.fc23 same: local and remote: sfxr-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sg3_utils-1.41-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sgabios-0.20110622svn-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sgml-common-0.6.3-43.fc23 same: local and remote: sgpio- same: local and remote: sha-1.0.4b-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sha2-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: shadow-utils-4.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: shadowsintolight-fonts-1.000-0.5.20140913hg.fc23 newer remote: local: shake-0.11.4-5.fc21 remote: shake-0.13.4-2.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: shapelib-1.3.0f-8.fc23 same: local and remote: share-like-connect-0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: shared-color-targets-0.1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: shared-mime-info-1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sharutils-4.15.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: shcov-5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: shed-1.15-13.fc23 same: local and remote: shedskin-0.9.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sheepdog-0.3.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: shellinabox-2.14-29.git88822c1.fc23 same: local and remote: shflags-1.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: shiboken-1.2.2-2.fc22 same: local and remote: shigofumi-0.6-2.fc23 only remote: shim-0.8-1.fc22only remote: shim-signed-0.8-8same: local and remote: shinken-2.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: shiny-0.3-11.git411ac43.fc23 same: local and remote: shippy- same: local and remote: shntool-3.0.10-11.fc23 only remote: shogun- local and remote: shogun-data-0.9.1-0.5.git20150619.7e6bd50.fc23 same: local and remote: shorewall- same: local and remote: shortrpm-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: shotwell-0.22.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: shrinkwrap-1.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: shrinkwrap-descriptors-2.0.0-0.11.alpha2.fc23 same: local and remote: shtool-2.0.8-16.fc23 same: local and remote: shunit2-2.1.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: shutter-0.93-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sidc-1.8-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sidc-gui-0.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sidplayfp-1.4.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: siege-3.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sigar-1.6.5-0.15.git58097d9.fc23 same: local and remote: sigil-0.8.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: signon-8.57-7.fc23 same: local and remote: signon-kwallet-extension-15.04.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: signon-plugin-oauth2-0.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: signon-ui-0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: signpost-core- same: local and remote: sigrok-cli-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sigrok-firmware-0.1.0-6.20130426git83e0802.fc23 same: local and remote: sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw-0.1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sigscheme-0.8.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sigul-0.100-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-abyssinica-fonts-1.200-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-andika-fonts-1.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-charis-compact-fonts-4.106-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-charis-fonts-5.000-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-doulos-fonts-4.104-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-gentium-basic-fonts-1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-gentium-fonts-1.02-18.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-lateef-fonts-1.001-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-mingzat-fonts-0.100-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-nuosu-fonts-2.1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-padauk-fonts-2.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sil-scheherazade-fonts-2.020-4.fc23 same: local and remote: silkscreen-fonts-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: silvia-0.2.2-0.10.9324db2git.fc23 same: local and remote: sim-0.9.5-0.40.20091129svn3078rev.fc23 same: local and remote: simarrange-0.0-7.20140729git9500190.fc23 same: local and remote: simcoupe-1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: simcrs-1.01.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: simdock-1.2.6-6.20130128git.fc23 same: local and remote: simfqt-1.00.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: simh-3.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: simon-0.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: simple-6.0.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: simple-jndi- same: local and remote: simple-mtpfs-0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: simple-scan-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: simple-xml-2.7.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: simplevalidation-1.0-0.4.SNAPSHOT.fc23 same: local and remote: simspark-0.2.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: simsu-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: since-1.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: sinfo-0.0.48-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sing-1.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sip-4.16.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sip-redirect-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sipcalc-1.1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sipp-3.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sipsak-0.9.6-18.fc22 same: local and remote: sipwitch-1.9.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sir-2.5.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: siril-0.8-20.fc23 same: local and remote: sirius-0.8.0-29.fc23 same: local and remote: sispmctl-3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sisu-0.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sisu-mojos-0.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sitecopy-0.16.6-15.fc23 same: local and remote: six-0.5.3-25.fc23 same: local and remote: sj-fonts-2.0.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sjasm-0.39-0.18.g1.fc23 same: local and remote: sjinn-1.01-11.fc23 same: local and remote: sk2py-0.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: skanlite-1.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: skeinforge-12.03.14-18.fc23 same: local and remote: sketch-0.3.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: skf-2.00.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ski-1.3.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: skinlf-6.7-19.cvs20091205.fc23 same: local and remote: skipfish-2.10-0.8.b.fc23 same: local and remote: skkdic-20150508-2.T1030.fc23 same: local and remote: skrooge-1.11.0-2.fc23.1 newer locally: local: sks-1.1.5-7.fc21 remote: sks-1.1.5-5.fc22same: local and remote: skstream-0.3.9-8.fc23 newer remote: local: skychart-3.8-7.fc20 remote: skychart-3.10-6.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: skylable-sx-1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: skyviewer-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sl-5.02-2.fc23 same: local and remote: slang-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: slapi-nis-0.54.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: slashem-0.0.8-0.18.E0F1.fc23 same: local and remote: sleuthkit-4.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: slf4j-1.7.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: slf4j-jboss-logmanager-1.0.0-9.fc22 same: local and remote: slib-3b5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: slic3r-1.2.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: slim-1.3.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: slimdata-2.6.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: slingshot-0.8.1p-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sloccount-2.26-19.fc23 same: local and remote: slock-1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: slowhttptest-1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: slrn-1.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: slv2-0.6.6-18.fc23 same: local and remote: smack-4.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: smartmontools-6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: smartsim-1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: smb4k-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: smbldap-tools-0.9.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: smc-fonts-6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: smem-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: smemstat-0.01.13-1.fc23 newer remote: local: smesh- remote: smesh- with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: smokegen-4.14.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: smokekde-4.14.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: smokeping-2.6.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: smokeqt-4.14.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: smooks-1.5.1-8.fc21 same: local and remote: smp_utils-0.98-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sms_ntsc-0.2.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: smstools-3.1.15-13.fc23 only remote: smuxi-1.0-1.fc23same: local and remote: snake-0.11.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: snakeyaml-1.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: snap-0.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: snapper-0.2.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: snappy-1.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: snappy-java-1.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: snappy-player-1.0-5.20150622git8f239a.fc23 same: local and remote: snapraid-8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: snes_ntsc-0.2.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sni-qt-0.2.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: snifflib-1.9.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: snip-0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sniproxy-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: snmp++-3.2.25-9.fc23 same: local and remote: snmp4j-2.2.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: snmpcheck-1.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: snmptt-1.4-0.11.beta2.fc23 same: local and remote: snobol-4.1.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: snoopy-2.2.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: snotes-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: snowball-java-0-0.5.20130902.fc23 same: local and remote: snownews-1.5.12-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sobby-0.4.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: socat- same: local and remote: soci-3.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: socket_wrapper-1.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sockperf-2.5.244-2.fc22 same: local and remote: sofia-sip-1.12.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: softhsm-2.0.0rc1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: solaar-0.9.2-4.20150528gitcf27328.fc23.1 same: local and remote: solar-backgrounds-0.92.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: solar-kde-theme-0.1.19-8.fc23 same: local and remote: solarwolf-1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: solfege-3.22.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: solr-4.10.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: solr3-3.6.2-8.fc21 same: local and remote: sombok-2.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sonar-3.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sonar-plugins-parent-16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sonar-runner-2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sonar-update-center-1.12.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sonata- same: local and remote: sonatype-gossip-1.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sonatype-oss-parent-7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sonatype-plugins-parent-8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sonic-visualiser-2.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sooperlooper-1.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: soprano-2.9.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sopwith-1.8.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sord-0.12.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sos-3.2-0.3.a.fc23 same: local and remote: soscleaner-0.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sound-juicer-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sound-theme-acoustic-1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: soundconverter-2.1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: soundkonverter-2.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: soundmodem-0.18-3.fc22 same: local and remote: soundtouch-1.4.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: soundtracker-0.6.8-21.fc23 same: local and remote: source-highlight-3.1.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: source-highlight-qt-0.2.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: sox-14.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: soxr-0.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: spacechart-0.9.5-14.fc22 same: local and remote: spacecmd-2.2.11-1.fc22 same: local and remote: spacefm-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spacenavd-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spacewalk-config-2.3.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spacewalk-koan-2.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spacewalk-proxy-docs-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spacewalk-proxy-html-2.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spacewalk-pylint-2.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spamass-milter-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: spamassassin-3.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: spamassassin-FuzzyOcr-3.6.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: spamassassin-iXhash2-2.05-8.fc23 same: local and remote: spampd-2.30-22.fc23 same: local and remote: spamprobe-1.4d-9.fc23 same: local and remote: spandsp-0.0.6-0.14.pre21.fc23 same: local and remote: sparcy-0.1-9.fc23 newer remote: local: spark-0.9.0-0.3.fc21 remote: spark-0.9.1-0.3.rc3.fc21 with 1 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: sparkleshare-1.2.0-1.fc21 remote: sparkleshare-1.2.0-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: sparse-0.5.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sparsehash-2.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: spatial4j-0.4.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: spatialindex-1.8.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: spatialite-gui-1.7.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: spatialite-tools-4.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spawn-0.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: spawn-fcgi-1.6.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: spdlog-0-5.20150410git211ce99.fc23 same: local and remote: spe-0.8.4.h-15.fc23 same: local and remote: spec-version-maven-plugin-1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: spec2scl-1.1.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: specialelite-fonts-1.000-0.3.20140913hg.fc23 same: local and remote: specto-0.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: spectrwm-2.7.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: speech-dispatcher-0.8.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: speed-dreams-2.1.0-0.24.20140627svn5799.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: speedcrunch-0.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: speedtest-cli-0.3.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: speex-1.2-0.24.rc2.fc23 same: local and remote: speexdsp-1.2-0.6.rc3.fc23 same: local and remote: spew-1.0.8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: spherical-cow-backgrounds-18.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: spherical-cow-kde-theme-18.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sphinx-2.2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sphinx-webtools-0.2.1-20120531.hg86a2eac02afe.fc23 same: local and remote: sphinxbase-0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sphinxtrain-1.0.8-20.fc23 only remote: spicctrl-1.9-17.fc23only remote: spice-0.12.5-8.fc23same: local and remote: spice-gtk-0.29-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spice-html5-0.1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spice-parent-26-4.fc23 same: local and remote: spice-protocol-0.12.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: spice-vdagent-0.16.0-1.fc23 only remote: spice-xpi-2.8.90-9.fc23same: local and remote: spill-0.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: spim-20111122-0.10.svn.fc23 same: local and remote: spin-1.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: spin-kickstarts-0.23.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: spindown-0.4.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: splat-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: splint-3.1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: splix-2.0.1-0.26.20130902svn.fc23 same: local and remote: spnavcfg-0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: spock-0.7-0.9.groovy.2.0.fc23 same: local and remote: spooky-c-1.0.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: spor-1.0-12.fc23 only remote: spring-98.0-5.fc23same: local and remote: spring-ldap-1.3.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-3.2.14-2.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-batch-2.1.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-data-commons-1.8.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-data-mongodb-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-hateoas-0.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-plugin-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-retry-1.1.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-security-3.1.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: springframework-ws-2.1.2-2.fc23 only remote: springlobby-0.195-4.fc23same: local and remote: spyder-2.2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: spymemcached-2.11.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sqlcli-3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sqlgrey-1.8.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sqlite-3.8.11-1.fc23 only remote: sqlite-jdbc- local and remote: sqlite2-2.8.17-18.fc23 same: local and remote: sqlite3-dbf-2011.01.24-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sqlitebrowser-3.7.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sqliteman-1.2.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: sqljet-1.1.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sqlninja-0.2.999-0.4.alpha1.fc23 same: local and remote: squashfs-tools-4.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: squeak-image-4.5.13680-3.fc23 same: local and remote: squeak-vm- same: local and remote: squeal-0.4.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: squid-3.5.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: squidGuard-1.4-23.fc23 same: local and remote: squirrel-2.2.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: squirrelmail-1.4.22-16.fc23 same: local and remote: sratom-0.4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: srcpd-2.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: srecord-1.64-5.fc23 same: local and remote: srm-1.2.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: srm-ifce-1.23.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: srptools-1.0.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ssbd-0.10-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sscep-0.5.0-7.20140820git5669006.fc23 same: local and remote: sscg-0.4.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ssdeep-2.13-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sselp-0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: ssh-contact-0.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: ssh-installkeys-1.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sshj-0.8.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sshmenu-3.18-16.fc23 same: local and remote: sshpass-1.05-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sshuttle-0-11.20120810git9ce2fa0.fc23 same: local and remote: ssldump-0.9-0.12.b3.fc23 same: local and remote: sslext-1.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sslh-1.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sslogger-0.96-13.fc22 same: local and remote: sslscan-1.10.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sslsplit-0.4.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sslstrip-0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ssm-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ssmtp-2.64-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sssd-1.13.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ssss-0.5-14.fc23.2 same: local and remote: sstp-client-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: st-0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: staden-io_lib-1.12.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: stage-4.1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: stalonetray-0.8.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: stapler-1.237-1.fc23 same: local and remote: stapler-adjunct-timeline-1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: star-1.5.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: starcal-2.4.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-3.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-cs_CZ-20150213-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-en-2.4.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-hi-3.0.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-ja-2.4.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-ru-2.4.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-zh_CN-2.4.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-dic-zh_TW-2.4.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: stardict-xmllittre-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: starplot-0.95.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: starplot-contrib-3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: starplot-gliese3-0.95-11.fc23 same: local and remote: starplot-yale5-0.95-11.fc23 same: local and remote: startactive-0.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: startup-notification-0.12-10.fc23 same: local and remote: statsd-0.7.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: statserial-1.1-51.fc23 same: local and remote: stax-ex-1.7.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stax-utils-0-0.9.20110309svn238.fc23 same: local and remote: stax2-api-3.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: staxmapper-1.1.0-10.fc21 same: local and remote: staxmate-2.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stbi-1.33-5.fc23 same: local and remote: stdair-1.00.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: steadyflow-0.2.0-4.fc22 same: local and remote: steghide-0.5.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: stellarium-0.13.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: step-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: stfl-0.22-14.fc23 same: local and remote: stgit-0.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stichwort-0.0.3-0.5.git20131001.818fd25.fc23 same: local and remote: sticky-notes-0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: stix-fonts-1.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: stjerm-0.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: stk-4.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: stockfish-7-0.5.20150716git4095ff0.fc23 same: local and remote: stoken-0.81-5.fc23 same: local and remote: stompclt-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stomppy-4.0.16-2.fc23 same: local and remote: stonevpn-0.4.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: storaged-2.1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: stormbaancoureur-2.1.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: stow-2.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: stp-0.1-28.20140619git.44de620.fc23 same: local and remote: strace-4.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: stratagus-2.2.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: stream-lib-2.6.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: streamtuner-2.1.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: stress-1.0.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: strigi-0.7.8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: stringtemplate-3.2.1-11.fc23 same: local and remote: stringtemplate4-4.0.8-2.fc23 only remote: stripesnoop-1.5-19.fc23.4same: local and remote: strongswan-5.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: struts-1.3.10-15.fc23 same: local and remote: stud-0.3-7.20120814git.fc23 same: local and remote: stun-0.97-4.fc23 same: local and remote: stunnel-5.18-1.fc23 same: local and remote: stxxl-1.3.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: stylus-toolbox-0.2.7-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sub2srt-0.5.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: subdownloader-2.0.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: subethasmtp-3.1.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: subnetcalc-2.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: subscription-manager-1.16.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: subsurface-4.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: subtitleeditor-0.41.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: subunit-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: subversion-1.8.13-7.fc23 same: local and remote: subversion-api-docs-1.8.13-1.fc23 same: local and remote: suck-4.3.2-48.fc23 same: local and remote: sucrack-1.2.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sudo-1.8.14p3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sudoku-savant-1.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-0.106.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-abacus-57-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-analyze-8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-artwork-0.106.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-base-0.98.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-browse-157.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-calculator-42-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-calendario-4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-castle-23-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-chat-81-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-clock-15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-colordeducto-7-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-connect-22-16.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-countries-33-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-datastore-0.106.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-deducto-9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-distance-35-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-finance-10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-flip-9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-flipsticks-13-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-fototoon-22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-fractionbounce-22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-getiabooks-15-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-hello-world-6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-help-19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-imageviewer-62-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-implode-15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-infoslicer-24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-jukebox-32-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-kuku-5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-labyrinth-16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-locosugar-11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-log-37-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-logos-3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-maze-26-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-measure-51-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-memorize-49-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-moon-17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-nutrition-13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-paint-64-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-physics-26-1.fc22 same: local and remote: sugar-pippy-66-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-playgo-5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-portfolio-46-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-presence-service-0.90.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-pukllanapac-11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-read-115-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-recall-4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-record-100-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-ruler-33-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-runner-0.106.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-settings-manager-0.87.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-speak-51-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-srilanka-3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-starchart-16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-stopwatch-18-6.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-story-12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-terminal-44-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-toolkit-0.98.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-toolkit-gtk3-0.106.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-turtleart-210-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-typing-turtle-31-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-view-slides-8-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-visualmatch-49-4.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-words-21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-write-96-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-xoeditor-13-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-xoirc-12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-xomail-0-0.12.20090128.fc23 same: local and remote: sugar-yupana-17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: suil-0.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: suitesparse-4.4.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: summain-0.19-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sumwars-0.5.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sundials-2.6.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: sunpinyin-2.0.4-0.14.fc23 same: local and remote: sunwait-0.1-0.4.20041208.fc23 same: local and remote: sunxi-tools-1.1-5.20140131git271130b.fc23 same: local and remote: superkaramba-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: superkb-0.22-8.fc23 same: local and remote: supermin-5.1.13-2.fc23 newer remote: local: supertux-0.3.4-2.fc22 remote: supertux-0.3.5a-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingnewer remote: local: supertuxkart-0.8.1-9.fc22 remote: supertuxkart-0.9-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: supervisor-3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot- same: local and remote: supybot-fedmsg-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot-fedora-0.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot-git-0-4.116c5e2.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot-gribble- same: local and remote: supybot-irccat-0-5.45803b0.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot-koji-0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot-meetbot-0.1.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: supybot-notify-0.2.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: surf-0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: surf-geometry-1.0.6-13.fc23 same: local and remote: surfraw-2.2.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: suricata-2.0.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: surl- same: local and remote: sushi-3.17.4-1.fc23 only remote: svgalib-1.9.25-16.fc22same: local and remote: svgpart-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: svgsalamander-0.1.33-2.fc23 same: local and remote: svn2cl-0.14-3.fc23 same: local and remote: svni-0.36.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: svnkit-1.8.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: svnmailer-1.0.9-5.fc23 same: local and remote: svrcore-4.0.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: svxlink-11.11.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: swaks-20130209.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: swami-2.0.0-10.20110806svn386.fc23 same: local and remote: swarp-2.38.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: swatch-3.2.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sweep-0.9.3-17.fc23 same: local and remote: sweeper-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: swell-foop-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: swift-2.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: swig-3.0.6-4.fc23 newer remote: local: swig2-2.0.12-3.fc23 remote: swig2-2.0.12-4.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: swing-layout-1.0.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: swingx- same: local and remote: switchdesk-4.0.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: swizzle-1.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sword-1.7.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: swt-chart-0.9.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: sx-2.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sxiv-1.3.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: syck-0.70-6.20130402.fc23 same: local and remote: sylpheed-3.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: symlinks-1.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: symmetrica-2.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: sympol-0.1.8-20.fc23 same: local and remote: sympow-1.019-12.fc23 same: local and remote: sympy-0.7.6-3.fc23 newer remote: local: synaptic-0.57.2-34.fc20 remote: synaptic-0.57.2-38.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: synce-connector-0.15.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: synce-gnome-0.11-11.fc23 same: local and remote: synce-gnomevfs-0.13-11.fc23 same: local and remote: synce-kpm-0.15.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: synce-software-manager-0.9.0-24.fc23 same: local and remote: synce-sync-engine-0.15.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: synce-trayicon-0.15.2-0.11.20110523svn.fc23 same: local and remote: syncevolution-1.5.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: synergy-1.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: synfig-0.64.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: synfigstudio-0.64.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: synopsis-0.12-14.fc23.1 same: local and remote: syntaxhighlighter-3.0.83-5.fc23 same: local and remote: synthv1-0.6.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sys_basher-2.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: sysbench-0.4.12-13.fc23 same: local and remote: sysconftool-0.17-3.fc23 same: local and remote: sysfsutils-2.1.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: sysklogd-1.5-19.fc23 only remote: syslinux-6.03-5.fc23same: local and remote: syslog-ng-3.6.2-3.fc23 only remote: sysprof-1.2.0-7.fc23same: local and remote: sysstat-11.1.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: system-autodeath-0.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-audit-0.4.21-6.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-bind-4.0.15-10.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-date-1.10.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-date-docs-1.0.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-firewall-1.2.29-12.fc21 same: local and remote: system-config-httpd-1.5.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-kdump-2.0.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-keyboard-1.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-kickstart-2.9.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-language-3.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-network-1.6.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-nfs-1.4.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-nfs-docs-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-printer-1.5.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-repo-0-8.20140518gitae3eff1.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-rootpassword-1.99.6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-samba-1.2.100-4.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-samba-docs-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-services-0.111.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-services-docs-1.1.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-users-1.3.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: system-config-users-docs-1.0.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: system-storage-manager-0.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: system-switch-displaymanager-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: system-switch-java-1.1.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: system-switch-mail-1.0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: systemd-222-2.fc23 same: local and remote: systemtap-2.9-0.20150713git9d0b65f.fc23 same: local and remote: sysusage-5.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: t-digest-3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: t-prot-3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: t1lib-5.1.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: t1utils-1.39-2.fc23 same: local and remote: t4k_common-0.1.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: taarich-1.20051120-20.fc23 same: local and remote: tabbed-0.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tabish-eeyek-fonts-1.0-8.fc23 only remote: tabled-0.5.2-4.fc21same: local and remote: tachyon-0.99-0.13.b6.fc23 same: local and remote: tack-1.07-11.20130713.fc23 same: local and remote: tagainijisho-1.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: taggle-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: taginfo-1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: taglib-1.9.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: taglib-extras-1.0.1-11.fc23 newer remote: local: taglib-sharp- remote: taglib-sharp- with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: tagsoup-1.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tagtool-0.12.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: tailor-0.9.35-18.fc23 same: local and remote: taipeifonts-1.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-archiver-0.1.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-filemanager-0.8.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-incrementalbuild-0.20.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-lifecycle-1.11.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-local-repository-0.11.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-plugin-testing-2.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-pom-16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: takari-tycho-support-0.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tali-3.16.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: talk-0.17-49.fc23 same: local and remote: tangerine-0.22-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tangerine-fonts-1.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tanglet-1.3.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tango-icon-theme-0.8.90-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tango-icon-theme-extras-0.1.0-12.fc23 newer remote: local: tapkee-1.0-3.fc22 remote: tapkee-1.0-5.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: tar-1.28-6.fc23 same: local and remote: targetcli-2.1.fb41-1.fc23 same: local and remote: targetd-0.8.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: task-2.4.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: taskcoach-1.4.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: taskd-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: taskjuggler-2.4.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: taxipilot-0.9.2-20.fc23 same: local and remote: tbb-4.3-3.20141204.fc23 only remote: tboot-1.8.2-3.fc23same: local and remote: tcalc-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tcd-utils-20120115-7.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-8.6.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-html-8.5.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-mysqltcl-3.05-20.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-pgtcl-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-signal-1.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-snack-2.2.10-26.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tclreadline-2.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tcludp-1.0.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tclvfs-20080503-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tclxml-3.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tileqt-0.4-0.17.b1.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tkpng-0.9-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-tktreectrl-2.4.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-togl-1.7-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-trf-2.1.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tcl-zlib-2.0.1-0.15.svn40.fc23 same: local and remote: tclabc-1.3.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tclap-1.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tcllib-1.17-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tcltls-1.6-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tclx-8.4.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: tcp_wrappers-7.6-81.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpcopy-0.9.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpcrypt-0.4-0.4.bb990b1b.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpdump-4.7.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpflow-1.4.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpick-0.2.1-26.fc23 same: local and remote: tcping-1.3.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpjunk-2.9.03-10.fc22 same: local and remote: tcplay-2.0-5.fc22 same: local and remote: tcpreen-1.4.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpreplay-4.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tcptrack-1.4.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tcputils-0.6.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: tcpxtract-1.0.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: tcsh-6.19.00-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tdom-0.8.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: teal-1_40b-14.fc23 same: local and remote: teamgit-0.0.12-10.20130626.fc23 same: local and remote: techne-0.2.3-15.fc23 same: local and remote: techtalk-pse-1.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: teckit-2.5.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tecnoballz-0.92-22.fc23 same: local and remote: teeworlds-0.6.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: teg-0.11.2-35.fc23 same: local and remote: tegrarcm-1.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: telegram-cli-1.3.1-3.20150710gitcf6cb9.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-farstream-0.6.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-filesystem-0.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-gabble-0.18.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-glib-0.24.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-haze-0.8.0-3.fc22 same: local and remote: telepathy-idle-0.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-logger-0.8.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-logger-qt-15.04.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-mission-control-5.16.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-qt- same: local and remote: telepathy-rakia-0.8.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: telepathy-salut-0.8.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: telescope-server-0-0.16.20070315.fc23 same: local and remote: tellico-2.3.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: telnet-0.17-61.fc23 same: local and remote: tempest-0-0.19.20081027.fc23 newer remote: local: templates_parser-11.6.0-7.fc20 remote: templates_parser-11.8.0-9.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: tennix-1.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tepache-1.1.2-7.fc23 same: local and remote: tepsonic-0.98.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: terminator-0.97-8.fc23 same: local and remote: terminology-0.8.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: terminus-fonts-4.39-2.fc23 same: local and remote: termit-2.9.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: teseq-1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tesla-polyglot-0.1.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tesseract-3.03-0.6.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: tesseract-langpack-3.02-9.fc23 same: local and remote: test-interface-1.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: testdisk-7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: testng-6.8.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: testoob-1.13-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tetex-dvipost-1.1-20.fc23 same: local and remote: tetex-elsevier-0.1.20090917-13.fc23 same: local and remote: tetgen-1.5.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tetrinetx-1.13.16-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tex-fonts-hebrew-0.1-23.fc23 same: local and remote: tex-zfuzz-3.4.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: texi2html-5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: texinfo-6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: texlive-2014-12.20140525_r34255.fc23.1 same: local and remote: texmaker-4.4.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: texstudio-2.9.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: textcat-1.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: texworks-0.4.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tfdocgen-20150202git-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tftp-5.2-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tgif-4.2.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: thai-arundina-fonts-0.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: thai-scalable-fonts-0.5.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tharlon-fonts-1.002-5.fc23 same: local and remote: thc-ipv6-2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: the_silver_searcher-0.30.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: thebridge-1.06-13.fc23 same: local and remote: themonospot-base-0.8.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: themonospot-console-0.1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: themonospot-gui-gtk-0.2.2-15.fc23 newer remote: local: themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-16.fc21 remote: themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-18.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: themonospot-plugin-avi-0.1.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: themonospot-plugin-mkv-0.1.1-14.fc23 newer remote: local: thermostat-1.0.6-1.fc21 remote: thermostat-1.2.4-7.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: thibault-fonts-0.1-24.fc23 same: local and remote: thinkfan-0.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: thredds-4.6.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: thrift-0.9.1-16.fc23.2 same: local and remote: throttle-1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: thttpd-2.25b-34.fc23 same: local and remote: thunar-archive-plugin-0.3.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: thunar-media-tags-plugin-0.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: thunar-sendto-clamtk-0.05-3.fc23 same: local and remote: thunar-vcs-plugin-0.1.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: thunar-vfs-1.2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: thunar-volman-0.8.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: thunarx-python-0.2.3-12.fc23 same: local and remote: thunderbird-38.1.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: thunderbird-enigmail-1.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: thymeleaf-2.1.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ti-uim-0-0.2.c21061f.fc23 same: local and remote: tibetan-machine-uni-fonts-1.901-15.fc23 same: local and remote: tideEditor-1.4.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tidy-0.99.0-34.20091203.fc23 same: local and remote: tidyp-1.02-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tig-2.1.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tiger-types-1.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: tigervnc-1.4.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: tika-1.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tilda-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tiled-0.12.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tiles-2.2.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: time-1.7-48.fc23 same: local and remote: time-api-0.6.4-7.fc23 same: local and remote: timedatex-0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: timeline-1.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: timespan-2.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: timidity++-2.14.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tin-2.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tinc-1.0.24-7.fc23 same: local and remote: tint2-0.12-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tintii-2.9.0-3.fc22 same: local and remote: tintin-2.01.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tinyca2-0.7.6-0.18.20070611.fc23 same: local and remote: tinycdb-0.78-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tinyfugue-5.0-0.23.b8.fc23 same: local and remote: tinymce-3.5.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tinymce-spellchecker- same: local and remote: tinyproxy-1.8.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tinyxml-2.6.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tinyxml2-2.2.0-3.20140914git5321a0e.fc23 same: local and remote: tipcutils-2.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tiptop-2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tiquit- same: local and remote: tiresias-fonts-1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tito-0.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tix-8.4.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tk-8.6.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tkabber-1.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tkabber-plugins-1.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tkcvs-8.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tkdnd-2.6-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tkgate-2.0-22.beta10.fc23 same: local and remote: tkimg-1.4-21.fc23 same: local and remote: tklib-0.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: tktray-1.3.9-11.fc23 same: local and remote: tlock-1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: tlomt-junction-fonts-2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tlomt-league-gothic-fonts-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tlomt-orbitron-fonts-1.000-11.fc23 same: local and remote: tlomt-sniglet-fonts-1.000-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tlp-0.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tlssled-1.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tmate-1.8.9-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tmda-1.1.12-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tmispell-voikko-0.7.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: tmpwatch-2.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: tmux-2.0-2.fc23 only remote: tmux-top-0.0.1-3.fc23same: local and remote: tmuxinator-0.6.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tmw-20130201-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tmw-music-0.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tn5250-0.17.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: tncfhh-0.8.3-21.fc23 same: local and remote: tnef-1.4.12-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tnftp-20141104-2.fc23 only remote: tntnet-2.3rc1-1.fc23same: local and remote: todocli-0.1-20140709gitf50c240.fc23.3 same: local and remote: tofrodos-1.7.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tog-pegasus-2.14.1-28.fc23 same: local and remote: tokyocabinet-1.4.48-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tolua++-1.0.93-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tomahawk-0.8.4-3.fc23 newer remote: local: tomboy-1.15.4-3.fc21 remote: tomboy-1.15.4-9.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: tomcat-8.0.24-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tomcat-native-1.1.33-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tomcat-taglibs-parent-3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tomcat-taglibs-standard-1.2.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tomcatjss-7.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tomoe-0.6.0-31.fc23 same: local and remote: tomoe-gtk-0.6.0-21.fc22 same: local and remote: tong-1.3-3.fc23 only remote: tonto-1.44-4.20150312gitbe1657a.fc23same: local and remote: toolshed-20150416hg6f0dcb7087fe-2.fc23 same: local and remote: toothchart-0.02.0-0.7beta.fc23 same: local and remote: toped-0.9.81-10.svn2211.fc23 same: local and remote: topgit-0.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: toppler-1.1.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tor- same: local and remote: tor-arm- same: local and remote: torbrowser-launcher-0.2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: torch-3.1-10.fc22 same: local and remote: torcs-1.3.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: torcs-data-1.3.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: torque-4.2.10-5.fc23 same: local and remote: torrent-file-editor-0.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: torsmo-0.18-20.fc23 same: local and remote: torsocks-2.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tortoisehg-3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: totem-3.16.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: totem-pl-parser-3.10.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: totpcgi-0.5.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: touchcal-0.60-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tpm-quote-tools-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tpm-tools-1.3.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tpp-1.3.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: tqsllib-2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: trabajo-fonts-2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-1.0.2-2.fc22 same: local and remote: trac-CGit-plugin-1.0.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-accountmanager-plugin-0.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-advancedticketworkflow-plugin-0.11-6.20120227svn9962.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-authopenid-plugin-0.4.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-batchmodify-plugin-0.8.0-20120116svn11133.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-bazaar-plugin-0.4.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-blackmagictickettweaks-plugin-0.12.2-4.20140425svn9962.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-code-comments-plugin-1.2.0-0.6.20120601gitb260714.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin-0.2-3.svn13364.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-customfieldadmin-plugin-0.2.5-0.8.svn9652.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-defaultcc-plugin-0.3-0.6.svn13449.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-doxygen-plugin- same: local and remote: trac-fedmsg-plugin-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-git-plugin- same: local and remote: trac-iniadmin-plugin-0.2-8.20120808svn11914.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-mastertickets-plugin-3.0.3-4.20130209.git4c461fe.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-mercurial-plugin- same: local and remote: trac-monotone-plugin-0.0.14-13.20100327mtnda420c80.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-navadd-plugin- same: local and remote: trac-peerreview-plugin-0.11-11.svn11062.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-privateticketsplugin-2.0.2-0.11.svn5073.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-sensitivetickets-plugin-0.21-6.20121220svn.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-spamfilter-plugin-1.0.6-0.21.20150328svn13942.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-sphinx-plugin-0.2.1-20120520.hge021e691af84.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-sumfields-plugin-1.0.1-6.20120227svn10482.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-themeengine-plugin-2.0.1-20120319svn11382.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-ticketdelete-plugin-2.0-8.20101209svn6926.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-tickettemplate-plugin-0.7-0.8.svn8364.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-tocmacro-plugin- same: local and remote: trac-tracnav-plugin-4.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-vatar-plugin-1.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-watchlist-plugin-0.5-0.8.svn11062.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-workflowadmin-plugin-0.12-20120635svn11062.fc23 same: local and remote: trac-xmlrpc-plugin-1.2.0-0.8.20140122svn13203.fc23 same: local and remote: trace-cmd-2.2.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: trace-summary-0.84-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tracer-0.5.9-3.fc23 same: local and remote: traceroute-2.0.20-4.fc23 same: local and remote: trackballs-1.1.4-25.fc23 same: local and remote: trackballs-music-1.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tracker-1.5.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: trademgen-1.00.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: trafficserver-5.3.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: trafshow-5.2.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tralics-2.15.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: transfig-3.2.5d-16.fc23 newer remote: local: transgui-4.1-2.fc20 remote: transgui-5.0.1-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: transifex-client-0.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: translate-toolkit-1.9.0-5.fc20 same: local and remote: translation-filter-1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: transmageddon-1.5-1.fc22 same: local and remote: transmission-2.84-8.fc23 same: local and remote: transmission-remote-cli-1.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: transmission-remote-gtk-1.1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trash-cli- same: local and remote: travelccm-1.00.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tre-0.8.0-14.20140228gitc2f5d13.fc23 same: local and remote: tree-1.7.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: treecc-0.3.8-16.fc23 same: local and remote: treelayout-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tremulous-1.2.0-0.12.beta1.fc22 same: local and remote: tremulous-data-1.2.0-0.8.beta1.fc23 same: local and remote: trickle-1.07-20.fc23 same: local and remote: trilead-putty-extension-1.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: trilead-ssh2-217-6.jenkins8.fc23 same: local and remote: trinity-1.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tripwire- same: local and remote: tritonus-0.3.7-0.23.20101108cvs.fc22 same: local and remote: trojita-0.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: trophy-2.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: trousers-0.3.13-5.fc23 same: local and remote: truecommons-2.3.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: truecommons-parent-67-7.fc23 same: local and remote: truezip-7.7.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: trustedqsl-2.0.3-9.fc23.1 same: local and remote: truth-0.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tryton-2.6.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-2.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-2.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-be-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-de-skr03-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-invoice-2.6.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-invoice-history-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-product-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-statement-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-account-stock-continental-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-analytic-account-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-analytic-invoice-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-analytic-purchase-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-analytic-sale-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-calendar-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-calendar-classification-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-calendar-scheduling-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-calendar-todo-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-company-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-company-work-time-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-country-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-currency-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-dashboard-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-google-maps-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-ldap-authentication-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-ldap-connection-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-party-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-party-siret-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-party-vcarddav-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-product-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-product-cost-fifo-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-product-cost-history-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-product-price-list-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-project-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-project-plan-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-project-revenue-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-purchase-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-sale-2.6.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-sale-opportunity-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-sale-price-list-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-forecast-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-inventory-location-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-location-sequence-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-product-location-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-supply-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-stock-supply-day-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: trytond-timesheet-2.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tse3-0.3.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tslib-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: tsocks-1.8-0.15.beta5.fc23 same: local and remote: tsung-1.5.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ttcp-1.12-32.fc23 same: local and remote: ttembed-1.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ttf2pt1-3.4.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: ttfautohint-1.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: ttmkfdir-3.0.9-46.fc23 same: local and remote: ttname-1-3.fc21 same: local and remote: ttywatch-0.14-22.fc23 same: local and remote: tubo-5.0.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tucnak2-2.31-11.fc23 same: local and remote: tudu-0.9.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tuladha-jejeg-fonts-2.01-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tulrich-tuffy-fonts-1.28-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tumbler-0.1.31-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tuna-0.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tunctl-1.5-13.fc23 same: local and remote: tuned-2.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: tunir-0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tunneler-1.1.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: turpial-3.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: tuscany-parent-2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: tuscany-sdo-java-1.1.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tuxanci-0.21.0-2.fc23 newer remote: local: tuxcmd-0.6.70-12.fc21 remote: tuxcmd-0.6.70-17.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: tuxcut-5.1-3.fc23 newer remote: local: tuxguitar-1.2-16.fc21 remote: tuxguitar-1.2-21.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: tuxmath-2.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: tuxpaint-0.9.21-16.fc23 same: local and remote: tuxpaint-stamps-2009.06.28-8.fc23 same: local and remote: tuxpuck-0.8.2-21.fc23 same: local and remote: tuxtype2-1.8.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: tvtime-1.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: tw-0.9.16-8.fc23 same: local and remote: tweak-3.01-6.fc23 same: local and remote: tweepy-2.3.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: twirssi-2.6.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: twlog-2.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: twms-0.05-4.fc23 same: local and remote: txt2man-1.5.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: txt2regex-0.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: txt2rss-0.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: txt2tags-2.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: txw2-20110809-13.fc23 same: local and remote: tycho-0.23.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: tycho-extras-0.23.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: tycho-pomless-0.0.1-0.2.git91b0b65.fc23 same: local and remote: typemade-josefinsansstd-light-fonts-1.000-12.fc23 same: local and remote: typesafe-config-1.2.0-2.fc21 same: local and remote: typespeed-0.6.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: tzclock-3.0.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: tzdata-2015e-1.fc23 newer remote: local: uClibc- remote: uClibc- with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: ua-parser-java-1.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: uberftp-2.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: uboot-tools-2015.07-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ubu-keyring-2012.05.19-4.fc23 same: local and remote: ubuntu-title-fonts-002.000-10.fc23 same: local and remote: ucarp-1.5.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ucblogo-6.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ucl-1.03-18.fc23 same: local and remote: ucommon-6.1.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ucpp-1.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ucs-miscfixed-fonts-0.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ucview-0.33-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ucviewer-0.1-0.12.20101019svn4.fc23 same: local and remote: uddi4j-2.0.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: udev-browse-0.3-5.fc22 same: local and remote: udftools-1.0.0b3-30.fc23 same: local and remote: udis86-1.7.2-5.56ff6c8.fc23 same: local and remote: udiskie-1.2.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: udisks-1.0.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: udisks2-2.1.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: udns-0.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: udpcast-20120424-9.fc23 same: local and remote: udpxy-1.0.23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: udt-4.11-6.fc23 same: local and remote: udunits2-2.2.19-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ufiformat-0.9.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: ufraw-0.21-3.fc23 newer remote: local: ugene-1.11.5-2.fc19 remote: ugene-1.17.0-1.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: uget-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: uglify-js-2.4.13-7.fc23 same: local and remote: uglify-js1-1.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: uhd-3.8.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: uhttpmock-0.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: uid_wrapper-1.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: uim-1.8.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: uima-addons-2.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: uima-parent-pom-8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: uimaj-2.5.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: uisp-20050207-17.fc23 same: local and remote: ukij-tuz-fonts-3.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: ularn-1.5p4-23.fc23 same: local and remote: ulogd-2.0.4-2.fc21 same: local and remote: ultimatestunts-0.7.7-8.fc23 same: local and remote: umbrello-15.04.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: umit-1.0-3.fc21 same: local and remote: uml_utilities-20070815-15.fc23 only remote: umockdev-0.8.8-4.fc23same: local and remote: umph-0.2.5-6.fc23 same: local and remote: un-core-fonts-1.0.2-0.25.080608.fc23 same: local and remote: un-extra-fonts-1.0.2-0.20.080608.fc23 same: local and remote: unar-1.8.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: unbescape-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: unbound-1.5.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: unboundid-ldapsdk-3.0.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: unclutter-8-11.fc23 same: local and remote: uncommons-maths-1.2.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: uncrustify-0.60-9.fc23 same: local and remote: undbx-0.21-5.fc23 newer remote: local: undertaker-1.2-14.fc21 remote: undertaker-1.6.1-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: undertow-1.1.0-2.fc23 only remote: unetbootin-608-5.fc23same: local and remote: unhide-20130526-4.fc23 same: local and remote: unicode-ucd-8.0.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: uniconvertor-2.0-0.8.svn362.fc23 same: local and remote: unicornscan-0.4.7-11.fc23 same: local and remote: unifdef-2.10-4.fc23 same: local and remote: unifont-7.0.06-2.fc23 same: local and remote: unifrakturmaguntia-fonts-0-0.3.20140706.fc23 same: local and remote: unifying-receiver-udev-0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: unique-1.1.6-14.fc23 same: local and remote: unique3-3.0.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: unison213-2.13.16-26.fc23 same: local and remote: unison227-2.27.157-2.fc23 same: local and remote: unison240-2.40.128-2.fc23 same: local and remote: units-2.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: unittest-cpp-1.4-18.20130823gite76d25a.fc23 same: local and remote: unixODBC-2.3.2-6.fc22 same: local and remote: unixODBC-gui-qt-0-0.12.20120105svn98.fc23 same: local and remote: unixcw-3.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: unlambda-0.1.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: unoconv-0.7-1.fc23 same: local and remote: unp-0.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: unpaper-0.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: unrtf-0.21.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: unshield-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: unuran-1.8.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: unzip-6.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: unzix-0.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: unzoo-4.4-17.fc23 same: local and remote: up-imapproxy-1.2.8-0.6.20130726svn14389.fc23 same: local and remote: uperf-1.0.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: upnp-inspector-0.2.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: upower-0.99.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: uprof-0.3-0.10.20110115gita6832f7a.fc23 same: local and remote: upslug2-0.0-0.14.20071107.svn39.fc23 same: local and remote: uptimed-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: upx-3.91-6.fc23 same: local and remote: uqm-0.7.0-10.fc23 only remote: urbanlightscape-1.3.3-3.fc23same: local and remote: urdfdom-0.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: urdfdom-headers-0.3.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: uread-0-0.13.20081006.fc23 same: local and remote: urg-0.8.18-9.fc23 same: local and remote: uriparser-0.8.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: urjtag-0.10-10.fc23.20111215gite1a4227 same: local and remote: urlview-0.9-18.20131022git08767a.fc23 same: local and remote: urlwatch-1.18-2.fc23 same: local and remote: uronode-2.3.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: urw-fonts-2.4-21.fc23 same: local and remote: usb_modeswitch-2.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: usb_modeswitch-data-20150115-2.fc23 same: local and remote: usbguard-0.3p3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: usbip-3.18-5.fc23 same: local and remote: usbmon-6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: usbmuxd-1.1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: usbredir-0.7-4.fc23 same: local and remote: usbsniff-0-3.20141209git079747e.fc23 same: local and remote: usbsoftrock-1.0.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: usbutils-008-4.fc23 same: local and remote: usbview-2.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: usermode-1.111-7.fc23 same: local and remote: userspace-rcu-0.8.6-2.fc23 only remote: ustl-2.1-4.fc22same: local and remote: ustr-1.0.4-18.fc22 same: local and remote: utf8cpp-2.3.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: utf8proc-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: uthash-1.9.9-9.fc23 same: local and remote: util-linux-2.26.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: utrac-0.3.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: uucp-1.07-45.fc23 same: local and remote: uudeview-0.5.20-34.fc23 same: local and remote: uuid-1.6.2-31.fc23 same: local and remote: uw-imap-2007f-10.fc23 newer remote: local: uwsgi-1.9.19-5.fc21 remote: uwsgi- with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: uzbl-0-0.38.20120514git228bc38cbd.fc23 same: local and remote: v4l-utils-1.6.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: v4l2ucp-2.0.1-14.fc23 only remote: v8- local and remote: vacation- same: local and remote: vagrant-1.7.2-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vagrant-atomic-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vagrant-cachier-1.2.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vagrant-libvirt-0.0.30-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vagrant-lxc-1.1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: vagrant-registration-0.0.16-1.fc23 same: local and remote: vala-0.29.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: vala-compat-0.18.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: valgrind-3.10.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: validns-0.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: valknut-0.4.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: valkyrie-2.0.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: valyriatear-1.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: vamp-plugin-sdk-2.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vanessa_adt-0.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vanessa_logger-0.0.10-6.fc23 same: local and remote: vanessa_socket-0.0.12-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vanityhash-1.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: varconf-1.0.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: varnish-4.0.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: varnish-agent-4.0.0-0.5.RC2.fc23 same: local and remote: vaspview-1.05-11.fc22 same: local and remote: vavoom-1.33-13.fc23 same: local and remote: vbindiff-3.0-0.14.beta4.fc23 only remote: vboot-utils-20130222gite6cf2c2-8.fc23same: local and remote: vcftools-0.1.11-8.fc23 same: local and remote: vconfig-1.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: vcsh-1.20141026-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vdirsyncer-0.5.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vdpauinfo-1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-2.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-epg-daemon-0.2.2-3.20150202git7927905.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-epg2vdr-0.1.12-4.20150203git5776628.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-epgsearch-1.0.1-0.13.beta5.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-femon-2.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-iptv-2.2.1-3.fc23 only remote: vdr-live-0.3.0-21.20150213git6ea279a.fc23same: local and remote: vdr-osdteletext-0.9.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-remote-0.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-scraper2vdr-0.1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-screenshot-0.0.16-4.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-skinenigmang-0.1.2-27.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-skinnopacity-1.1.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-skinsoppalusikka-2.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-streamdev-0.6.1-0.12.git84c6f6b6.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-sudoku-0.3.5-32.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-ttxtsubs-0.3.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-tvguide-1.2.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-tvonscreen-1.0.141-35.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-vnsiserver-1.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: vdr-weatherforecast-0.0.3-4.fc23 newer remote: local: vdrift-20120722-16.fc23 remote: vdrift-20141020-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: vdrsymbol-fonts-20100612-10.fc23 same: local and remote: vdsm-4.17.0-0.2.git8f8b927.fc23 same: local and remote: vecmath-1.6.0-0.4.20130710git41fddda.fc23 same: local and remote: vecmath1.2-1.14-14.fc23 same: local and remote: vegastrike-0.5.1-22.r1.fc23 same: local and remote: vegastrike-data-0.5.1-8.r1.fc23 same: local and remote: vegastrike-music-0.5.1-7.r1.fc23 same: local and remote: velocity-1.7-18.fc23 same: local and remote: velocity-tools-2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: vemana2000-fonts-1.1.3-9.fc23 same: local and remote: verbiste-0.1.41-4.fc23 newer remote: local: verilator-3.845-1.fc19 remote: verilator-3.874-2.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: verne-backgrounds-15.92.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: verne-kde-theme-15.91.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vertica-python-0.5.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: veusz-1.23-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vfrnav-20141211-1.fc22 same: local and remote: vhd2vl-2.4-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vhostmd-0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: vhybridize-0.5.9-13.fc23 same: local and remote: vicious-2.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vidalia-0.2.20-7.fc23 same: local and remote: viewmtn-0.10-13.20100308mtn0030ad67.fc23 same: local and remote: viewnior-1.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: viewvc-1.1.23-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vifir-0.9-32.fc23 same: local and remote: vifm-0.8-1.fc23 same: local and remote: vigra-1.10.0-12.fc23 newer remote: local: viking-1.5.1-3.fc22 remote: viking-1.6-1.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: vile-9.8p-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-7.4.769-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-command-t-1.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-fugitive-2.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-go-1.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-gtk-syntax-20130716-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-javabrowser-2.03-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-jedi-0.7.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-latex-1.8.23-15.20141116.812.gitd0f31c9.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-nerdtree-4.2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-omnicppcomplete-0.41-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-perl-support-5.3.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-taglist-4.6-10.fc23 same: local and remote: vim-vimoutliner-0.3.7-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vimpal-1.5.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vinagre-3.17.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vinci-1.0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: vino-3.16.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vips-8.0.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: virglrenderer-0.0.1-0.20150420gitc4fb40201.fc23.2 same: local and remote: virt-dmesg-0.3.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: virt-manager-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: virt-top-1.0.8-16.fc23 same: local and remote: virt-viewer-2.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: virt-what-1.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: virt-who-0.8-12.fc23 same: local and remote: virtaal-0.7.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: virtme-0.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: virtuoso-opensource-6.1.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vit-1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vkeybd-0.1.18d-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vldocking-2.1.5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vlgothic-fonts-20141206-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vmmlib-1.6.2-3.20140319git925a709b.fc23 same: local and remote: vmpk-0.6.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: vmpsd-1.4.05-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vmtouch-0.8.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: vnc-ltsp-config-4.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: vnc-reflector-1.2.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: vnstat-1.11-23.fc23 same: local and remote: vodovod-1.10r22-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vollkorn-fonts-3.005-2.fc23 same: local and remote: volpack-1.0c7-12.fc23 same: local and remote: volume_key-0.3.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: volumeicon-0.4.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: voms-2.0.12-6.fc23 same: local and remote: voms-api-java-3.0.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: voms-clients-java-3.0.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: voms-mysql-plugin-3.1.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vorbis-java-0.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vorbis-tools-1.4.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: vorbisgain-0.36-16.fc23 same: local and remote: vorbisspi-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: voro++-0.4.6-9.fc23 newer remote: local: votca-csg-1.2.4-3.fc22 remote: votca-csg-1.2.4-5.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: votca-tools-1.2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: vpnc-0.5.3-26.svn550.fc23 same: local and remote: vpnc-script-20140805-3.gitdf5808b.fc23 only remote: vrq-1.0.107-1.fc23same: local and remote: vsftpd-3.0.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: vsqlite++-0.3.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: vt323-fonts-1.002-0.2.20140916hg.fc23 same: local and remote: vte-0.28.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: vte291-0.40.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vte3-0.36.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: vtk-6.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: vttest-20140305-4.fc23 same: local and remote: vtun-3.0.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: vxl-1.17.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: vym-2.4.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: vzctl-4.8-1.fc23.2 same: local and remote: w3c-libwww-5.4.1-0.26.20060206cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: w3c-markup-validator-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: w3m-0.5.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: w_scan-20140727-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wadofstuff-django-serializers-1.1.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: waf-1.8.12-1.fc23 same: local and remote: waffle-1.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wallpapoz-0.6.2-7.fc23.2 same: local and remote: wallpoet-fonts-1.000-0.2.20140916hg.fc23 same: local and remote: wammu-0.38-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wannier90-2.0.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: warmux-11.04.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: warzone2100-3.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wastesedge-0.3.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: watchdog-5.13-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wavbreaker-0.10-14.fc23 same: local and remote: wavemon-0.7.6-4.fc22 same: local and remote: wavextract-1.0.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wavpack-4.70.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: wayland-1.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: wb_builder-1.0.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: wbfs-manager-0.1.12-10.fc23 same: local and remote: wbox-5-9.fc23 same: local and remote: wcd-5.2.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wcslib-4.25.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wdfs-1.4.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: wdiff-1.2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: weasyprint-0.22-2.fc23 same: local and remote: web-assets-5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: webacula-5.0.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: webalizer-2.23_08-2.fc23 same: local and remote: webcpp-0.8.4-14.fc23 same: local and remote: webkit-sharp-0.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: webkitgtk-2.4.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: webkitgtk3-2.4.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: webkitgtk4-2.9.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: webrtc-audio-processing-0.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: websec-1.9.0-18.fc23 same: local and remote: websocketpp-0.4.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: websvn-2.3.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: weechat-1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: weka-3.6.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: weld-api-2.2-2.SP3.fc23 same: local and remote: weld-core-2.2.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: weld-parent-31-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wemux-3.2.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: weplab-0.1.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: werken-xpath-0.9.4-14.beta.12.6.fc23 same: local and remote: wesnoth-1.12.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: weston-1.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: wf-0.41-12.fc23 same: local and remote: wfmath-1.0.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: wget-1.16.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wgrib- same: local and remote: wgrib2-2.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: whaawmp-0.2.14-8.fc23 same: local and remote: whatmask-1.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: whatsup-1.14-13.fc23 same: local and remote: whereami-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: which-2.20-12.fc23 same: local and remote: whohas-0.29.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: whois-5.2.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: whowatch-1.8.5-4.fc23 only remote: why-2.35-7.fc23only remote: why3-0.86.1-2.fc23same: local and remote: whysynth-dssi-20120729-6.fc23 same: local and remote: wicd-1.7.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wicd-kde-0.3.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: wide-dhcpv6-20080615-13.1.fc23.1 same: local and remote: widelands-0-0.47.build18.fc23 same: local and remote: wifi-radar-2.0.s10-1.fc23 newer remote: local: wiggle-0.8-8.fc21 remote: wiggle-1.0-4.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: wiiuse-0.12-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wiki2beamer-0.9.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: wildfly-8.1.0-3.fc22 same: local and remote: wildfly-security-manager-1.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wildmagic5-5.13-10.fc23 same: local and remote: wildmidi-0.3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: will-crash-0.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: willie-4.5.0-2.fc23 only remote: wine-1.7.47-1.fc23same: local and remote: wine-docs-1.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: wine-mono-4.5.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wings-1.5.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: winpdb-1.4.8-10.fc23 same: local and remote: wipe-0.21-12.fc23 only remote: wiredtiger-2.6.1-2.fc23same: local and remote: wireless-tools-29-13.1.fc23 same: local and remote: wireshark-1.12.6-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wise-2.0.3-4.fc21 same: local and remote: wise2-2.2.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: wkhtmltopdf- same: local and remote: wklej-0.1.7-9.fc23 same: local and remote: wlassistant-0.5.7-22.fc23 same: local and remote: wmCalClock-1.25-21.fc23 same: local and remote: wmMatrix-0.2-6.20120814git97216606.fc23 same: local and remote: wmacpi-2.2-0.15.rc5.fc23 same: local and remote: wmapmload-0.3.4-18.fc23 same: local and remote: wmclock-1.0.14-7.fc23 same: local and remote: wmctrl-1.07-18.fc23 same: local and remote: wmdocker-1.5-16.fc23 same: local and remote: wmfrog-0.3.1-14.fc23 same: local and remote: wmmon-1.2-0.1.b1.20150615.20150615gitaf4ea98.fc23.1 same: local and remote: wmname-0.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: wmnd-0.4.17-8.fc23 same: local and remote: wmpager-1.2-5.20130401git88ece7e5.fc23 same: local and remote: wmsystemtray-1.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wmudmount-2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wmvolman-2.0.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: wmweather+-2.15-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wmx-8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: woden-1.0-0.11.M9.fc23 same: local and remote: woff-0.20091126-10.fc23 same: local and remote: woffTools-0.1-0.9.684svn.fc23 same: local and remote: wol-0.7.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wondershaper-1.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: woodardworks-laconic-fonts-001.001-12.fc23 same: local and remote: woodstox-core-5.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wordgroupz-0.3.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: wordnet-3.0-26.fc23 same: local and remote: wordpress-4.2.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: wordpress-plugin-bad-behavior-2.2.13-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wordpress-plugin-defaults-2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: words-3.0-24.fc23 same: local and remote: wordwarvi-0.25-12.fc23 same: local and remote: wordxtr-0.1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: worker-3.3.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: workrave-1.10-9.fc23 same: local and remote: worminator-3.0R2.1-22.fc23 same: local and remote: worminator-data-3.0R2.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wpa_supplicant-2.4-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wpan-tools-0.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wput-0.6.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: wqy-bitmap-fonts-1.0.0-0.9.rc1.fc23 same: local and remote: wqy-microhei-fonts-0.2.0-0.16.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: wqy-unibit-fonts-1.1.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: wqy-zenhei-fonts-0.9.46-14.fc23 only remote: wraplinux-1.7-8.fc23newer remote: local: writer2latex-1.0.2-11.fc20 remote: writer2latex-1.0.2-17.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: writerperfect-0.9.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: writetype-1.2.130-13.fc23 same: local and remote: ws-commons-util-1.0.1-32.fc23 same: local and remote: ws-jaxme-0.5.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ws-xmlschema-2.0.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: wsdl4j-1.6.3-6.fc23 same: local and remote: wsdlpull-1.23-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wsil4j-1.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: wsl-0.2.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: wsmancli-2.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: wso2-wsf-cpp-2.1.0-22.fc23 same: local and remote: wss4j-1.6.18-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wt-3.3.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: wtop-0.6.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: wuja-0.0.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: wv-1.2.9-12.fc23 same: local and remote: wvdial-1.61-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wvs-data-0.0.20020219-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wxGTK-2.8.12-19.fc23 same: local and remote: wxGTK3-3.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: wxGlade-0.6.8-2.fc21 same: local and remote: wxMaxima-15.04.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: wxPython- same: local and remote: wxapt-1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: wxmacmolplt-7.5-7.fc23 same: local and remote: wxpdfdoc-0.9.3-5.fc22 same: local and remote: wxpropgrid-1.4.15-8.fc23 same: local and remote: wxsqlite3-3.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: wyrd-1.4.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: x-tile-2.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: x11-ssh-askpass- same: local and remote: x11trace-1.3.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: x11vnc-0.9.13-14.fc23 same: local and remote: x2goclient- same: local and remote: x2godesktopsharing- same: local and remote: x2goserver- same: local and remote: x3270-3.3.15ga9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: x509watch-0.6.0-3.fc23 only remote: x86info-1.30-8.fc23same: local and remote: xa-2.3.7-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xalan-c-1.11.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xalan-j2-2.7.1-27.fc23 same: local and remote: xaos-3.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xapian-bindings-1.2.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xapian-core-1.2.21-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xapool-1.5.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xar-1.5.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: xarchiver-0.5.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xarchon-0.50-20.fc23 newer remote: local: xastir-2.0.6-1.fc23 remote: xastir-2.0.6-2.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: xautolock-2.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: xautomation-1.07-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xawtv-3.103-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xbacklight-1.2.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xbae-4.60.4-20.fc23 same: local and remote: xbase-3.1.2-11.fc23 same: local and remote: xbean-4.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xbindkeys-1.8.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xbiso-0.6.1-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xblas-1.0.248-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xblast-2.10.4-18.fc23 same: local and remote: xblast-data-2.10.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xboard-4.8.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xboxdrv-0.8.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xbsql-0.11-24.fc23 same: local and remote: xca-1.1.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xcalc-1.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xcalib-0.8-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xcat-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-proto-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-util-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-util-cursor-0.1.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-util-image-0.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xcb-util-wm-0.4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xcdroast-0.98-0.17.alpha16.fc23 same: local and remote: xcf-pixbuf-loader-0.0.1-15.8af913d1.fc23 same: local and remote: xcftools-1.0.7-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xchat-2.8.8-30.fc23 same: local and remote: xchat-gnome-0.26.2-20.git40c5bf988.fc23 same: local and remote: xchat-ruby-1.2-22.fc23 same: local and remote: xchm-1.23-6.fc23 newer remote: local: xcircuit-3.7.44-9.fc21 remote: xcircuit-3.7.57-1.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: xclip-0.12-10.20140209svn.fc23 same: local and remote: xcm-0.5.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xcompmgr-1.1.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xconvers-0.8.3-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xcowsay-1.3-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xdaliclock-2.25-12.fc22 same: local and remote: xdelta-3.0.9-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xdemorse-2.7-4.fc22 same: local and remote: xdesktopwaves-1.3-20.fc23 only remote: xdg-app-0.3.6-1.fc23same: local and remote: xdg-user-dirs-0.15-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xdg-utils-1.1.0-0.41.20150715git.fc23 same: local and remote: xdialog-2.3.1-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xdms-1.3.2-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xdotool-2.20110530.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xdrawchem-1.9.9-29.fc23 same: local and remote: xdrfile-1.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xedit-1.2.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xemacs-21.5.34-11.20150420hg23178aa71f8b.fc23 same: local and remote: xemacs-packages-base-20150413-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xemacs-packages-extra-20150413-2.fc23 only remote: xen-4.5.1-3.fc23same: local and remote: xenserverjava- same: local and remote: xerces-c-3.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xerces-c27-2.7.0-19.fc23 same: local and remote: xerces-j2-2.11.0-23.fc23 same: local and remote: xfbib-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfburn-0.5.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce-theme-manager-0.3.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-battery-plugin-1.0.5-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-cellmodem-plugin-0.0.5-17.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-clipman-plugin-1.2.6-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-1.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-1.0.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.6.2-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-dev-tools-4.12.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-dict-0.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-diskperf-plugin-2.5.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-embed-plugin-1.6.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-equake-plugin-1.3.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-eyes-plugin-4.4.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-hamster-plugin-1.6.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-kbdleds-plugin-0.0.6-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.2.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-mixer-4.10.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-mount-plugin-0.6.7-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-mpc-plugin-0.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-netload-plugin-1.2.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-notes-plugin-1.8.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-notifyd-0.2.4-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-panel-4.12.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-places-plugin-1.7.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-power-manager-1.5.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-screenshooter-1.8.2-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-session-4.12.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-settings-4.12.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.4.6-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-systemload-plugin-1.1.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-taskmanager-1.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-terminal-0.6.3-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.0.1-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-timer-plugin-1.6.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-vala-4.10.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-verve-plugin-1.0.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-volumed-0.1.13-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-wavelan-plugin-0.5.12-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.6-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-1.5.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfce4-xkb-plugin-0.7.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfconf-4.12.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfdashboard-0.5.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfdesktop-4.12.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xfe-1.40.1-0.4.fc23 same: local and remote: xfhell-1.9-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xfig-3.2.5-46.c.fc23 same: local and remote: xflr5-6.10.04-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfmpc-0.2.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xfoil-6.97-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xforms-1.2.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xfsdump-3.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xfsprogs-3.2.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfwm4-4.12.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xfwm4-theme-nodoka-0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xfwm4-themes-4.10.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xgalaxy-2.0.34-22.fc23 same: local and remote: xgap-4.23-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xgrav-1.2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xgrep-0.08-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xgridfit-2.2-12.a.20100725cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: xgridloc-0.9-20.fc23 same: local and remote: xguest-1.0.10-32.fc23 same: local and remote: xhotkeys- same: local and remote: xhtml1-dtds-1.0-20020801.13.fc23 same: local and remote: xhtml2fo-style-xsl-20051222-11.fc23 same: local and remote: xinetd-2.3.15-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xinput_calibrator-0.7.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xiphos-4.0.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xjparse-1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xkbset-0.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xkeyboard-config-2.15-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xkeycaps-2.46-17.fc23 same: local and remote: xl2tpd-1.3.6-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xlcrack-1.2-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xloadimage-4.1-19.fc23 same: local and remote: xlockmore-5.46-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xlog-2.0.11-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xls2csv-1.07-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xmbdfed-4.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xmedcon-0.10.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xml-commons-apis-1.4.01-19.fc23 same: local and remote: xml-commons-resolver-1.2-18.fc23 same: local and remote: xml-maven-plugin-1.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xml-security-2.0.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xml-security-c-1.6.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xml-stylebook-1.0-0.17.b3_xalan2.svn313293.fc23 same: local and remote: xml2-0.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xml2dict-0-0.8.2008.6.1 newer remote: local: xmlada-2013-12.fc23 remote: xmlada-2015-7.fc23 with 2 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: xmlbeans-2.6.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlbeans-maven-plugin-2.3.3-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlcopyeditor- same: local and remote: xmlenc-0.53-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlfy-1.5.6-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlgraphics-commons-2.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlindent-0.2.17-20.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlrpc-3.1.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlrpc-c-1.32.5-1908.svn2451.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlrpc-epi-0.54.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlsec1-1.2.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlstarlet-1.6.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlstreambuffer-1.5.4-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlto-0.0.26-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xmltoman-0.4-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xmltool-3.3-14.fc23 same: local and remote: xmltooling-1.4.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xmlunit-1.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-1.2.11-24.20071117cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-acme-0.4.3-20.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-adplug-1.2-19.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-arts-0.7.1-18.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-crossfade-0.3.14-11.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-flac-1.2.1-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-lirc-1.4-23.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-musepack-1.2-17.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-pulse-0.9.4-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-scrobbler-0.4.0-17.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-skins-1.2.10-30.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms-speex-0.9.1-24.fc23 same: local and remote: xmms2-0.8-27.fc23 same: local and remote: xmobar-0.23.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xmonad-0.11.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xmonad-log-applet-2.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xmoto-0.5.11-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xmount-0.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xmountains-2.8-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xmp-4.0.10-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xmp-plugin-audacious-4.0.0-0.12.20141214git7a354bb.fc23 same: local and remote: xmpcore-5.1.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xmvn-2.4.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xnec2c-3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xneur-0.17.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xnio-3.3.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xom-1.2.10-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xonotic-0.8.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xonotic-data-0.8.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xoo-0.8-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-sgml-doctools-1.11-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-apps-7.7-14.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-docs-1.7.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drivers-7.7-15.fc23 only remote: xorg-x11-drv-armsoc-1.3.0-3.20150531.fc23same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-ati-7.6.0-0.1.20150709git95f5d09.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-dummy-0.3.6-23.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-evdev-2.9.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-fbdev-0.4.3-22.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-fbturbo-0.5.1-0.4.20150221.fc23 only remote: xorg-x11-drv-freedreno-1.3.0-4.fc23only remote: xorg-x11-drv-geode-2.11.17-3.fc23only remote: xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.99.917-13.20150615.fc23same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-ivtv-1.2.0-0.19.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-libinput-0.12.0-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-1.0.11-4.fc23 only remote: xorg-x11-drv-omap-0.4.3-21.20140501.fc23only remote: xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.3.3-16.fc23only remote: xorg-x11-drv-opentegra-0.7.0-5.fc23same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-qxl-0.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-sisusb-0.9.6-21.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-1.8.2-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-v4l-0.2.0-44.fc23 newer remote: local: xorg-x11-drv-vesa-2.3.2-2.fc18 remote: xorg-x11-drv-vesa-2.3.2-22.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingonly remote: xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-13.1.0-1.fc23only remote: xorg-x11-drv-vmware-13.0.2-9.20150211git8f0cf7c.fc23same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-voodoo-1.2.5-22.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-drv-wacom-0.30.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-font-utils-7.5-29.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-fonts-7.5-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-resutils-7.5-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-server-1.17.2-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-server-utils-7.7-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-twm-1.0.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-util-macros-1.19.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-utils-7.5-20.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xauth-1.0.9-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xbitmaps-1.1.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xdm-1.1.11-9.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xfs-1.1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xfwp-1.0.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xinit-1.3.4-10.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xkb-utils-7.7-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xsm-1.0.2-25.fc23 same: local and remote: xorg-x11-xtrans-devel-1.3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xosd-2.2.14-22.fc23 same: local and remote: xosview-1.16-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xournal-0.4.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xpa-2.1.15-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xpad-4.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xpaint- same: local and remote: xpdf-3.04-11.fc23 same: local and remote: xpenguins-2.2-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xpilot-ng-4.7.3-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xplanet-1.3.0-11.fc23 same: local and remote: xpp2-2.1.10-22.fc23 same: local and remote: xpp3-1.1.4-7.c.fc23 same: local and remote: xpra-0.15.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: xpsk31-1.2-14.fc23 same: local and remote: xqc-1.0-0.9.20101120svn7.fc23 same: local and remote: xqilla-2.3.0-6.fc23 same: local and remote: xrdp-0.9.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xrestop-0.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xrootd-4.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xrotor-7.55-7.fc23 same: local and remote: xs-0.1-13.git9c19777.fc22 same: local and remote: xsane-0.999-19.fc23 same: local and remote: xsc-1.5-14.fc23 same: local and remote: xscope-1.4.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xscorch-0.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xscreensaver-5.33-2.retake1.fc23 same: local and remote: xsd-4.0.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xsel-1.2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: xsensors-0.73-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xsettings-kde-0.12.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: xsettingsd-0-0.10.20091208git7804894.fc23 same: local and remote: xskat-4.0.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: xsom-0-14.20110809svn.fc23 same: local and remote: xsp-3.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xssstate-1.1-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xstar-2.2.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: xstream-1.4.8-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xsupplicant-2.2.0-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xsynth-dssi-0.9.4-12.fc23 same: local and remote: xteddy-2.2-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xterm-318-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xtide-2.14-3.fc23.1 same: local and remote: xtuple-csvimp-0.5.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xtuple-openrpt-3.3.9-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xu4-1.1-0.25.20150221svn3087.fc23 newer remote: local: xulrunner-38.0-2.fc23 remote: xulrunner-39.0-3.fc23 with 1 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: xvarstar-0.9-15.fc23 same: local and remote: xvattr-1.3-29.fc23 same: local and remote: xvkbd-3.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: xwax-1.5-5.fc23 same: local and remote: xword-1.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xwota-0.4-19.fc23 same: local and remote: xwrits-2.26-8.fc23 same: local and remote: xwxapt-2.0-10.beta.fc23 same: local and remote: xxdiff-3.2-25.fc23 same: local and remote: xylib-1.4-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xyzsh-1.5.8-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xz-5.2.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: xz-java-1.5-4.fc23 same: local and remote: xzgv-0.9.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: yacpi-3.0.1-23.fc23 same: local and remote: yad-0.28.1-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yadex-1.7.0-33.fc23 same: local and remote: yadifa-2.0.6-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yafc-1.3.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yagf-0.9.5-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yajl-2.1.0-4.fc23 same: local and remote: yakuake-2.9.9-10.fc23 same: local and remote: yaml-cpp-0.5.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: yaml-cpp03-0.3.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: yanone-kaffeesatz-fonts-20100514-9.fc23 same: local and remote: yanone-tagesschrift-fonts-20050524-11.fc23 only remote: yap-6.2.2-15.fc23same: local and remote: yapet-1.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: yarock-0.9.67-5.fc23 same: local and remote: yash-2.38-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yasm-1.2.0-8.fc23 same: local and remote: yast2-devtools-3.1.36-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yast2-filesystem-0.1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yawn-0-0.19.20140318svn632.fc23 same: local and remote: yaws-1.98-7.fc23 same: local and remote: yaz-5.13.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ycssmin-1.0.1-7.fc23 same: local and remote: yecht-1.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yelp-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yelp-tools-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yelp-xsl-3.17.4-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yersinia-0.7.3-3.fc22 same: local and remote: ykclient-2.14-1.fc23 same: local and remote: ykpers-1.17.1-3.fc23 same: local and remote: yokadi-0.14.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yoshimi- same: local and remote: yourls-1.7-4.20150410gitabc7d6c.fc23 same: local and remote: youtube-dl-2015.07.04-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yp-tools-2.14-5.fc23 same: local and remote: ypbind-1.38-2.fc23 same: local and remote: ypserv-2.32.1-6.fc23 same: local and remote: ytalk-3.3.0-25.fc23 same: local and remote: ytnef-2.6-14.fc23 same: local and remote: ytree-1.97-8.fc23 same: local and remote: yubico-piv-tool-1.0.1-1.fc23 same: local and remote: yubikey-ksm-1.5-11.fc23 same: local and remote: yubikey-personalization-gui-3.1.20-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yubikey-val-2.10-7.fc23 same: local and remote: yum-3.4.3-507.fc23 same: local and remote: yum-axelget- only locally: yum-cron-0.9.2-6.fc19same: local and remote: yum-langpacks-0.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4-15.fc23 same: local and remote: yum-rhn-plugin-2.3.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yum-updatesd-0.9-17.fc23 same: local and remote: yum-utils-1.1.31-506.fc23 same: local and remote: yumdaemon-0.9.2-8.fc23 same: local and remote: yumex-3.0.17-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yumex-dnf-4.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: yydebug-1.1.0-13.fc23 same: local and remote: z3-4.4.0-3.fc23 same: local and remote: z80asm-1.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: z80dasm-1.1.3-2.fc23 same: local and remote: z88dk-1.10.1-8.20150709cvs.fc23 same: local and remote: zabbix-2.4.5-2.fc23 same: local and remote: zaf-0-0.11.20080714svn.fc23 same: local and remote: zanata-api-3.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: zanata-client-3.7.3-1.fc23 same: local and remote: zanata-common-3.7.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: zanata-parent-24-1.fc23 same: local and remote: zanata-python-client-1.3.22-1.fc23 same: local and remote: zanata-util-0.2.9-8.fc23 same: local and remote: zanshin-0.2.1-8.fc23 same: local and remote: zapplet-0.1-15.fc23 same: local and remote: zasx-1.30-19.fc23 same: local and remote: zathura-0.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: zathura-cb-0.1.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: zathura-djvu-0.2.4-5.fc23 same: local and remote: zathura-pdf-mupdf-0.2.8-3.fc23 same: local and remote: zathura-pdf-poppler-0.2.5-8.fc23 same: local and remote: zathura-ps-0.2.2-10.fc23 same: local and remote: zaz-1.0.0-14.fc23 newer remote: local: zbackup-1.4.1-1.fc21 remote: zbackup-1.4.1-3.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: zbar-0.10-24.fc23 same: local and remote: zd1211-firmware-1.4-11.fc23 same: local and remote: zeitgeist-0.9.16-0.5.20140808.git.ce9affa.fc23 same: local and remote: zenity-3.16.3-1.fc23 only remote: zenon-0.8.0-5.fc23same: local and remote: zerofree-1.0.3-4.fc23 same: local and remote: zeroinstall-injector-2.3.3-3.fc23 same: local and remote: zeromq-4.1.2-1.fc23 same: local and remote: zeromq-ada-2.1.0-19.24032011git.fc23 same: local and remote: zeromq2-2.2.0-14.fc23 same: local and remote: zeromq3-3.2.5-3.fc23 same: local and remote: zfs-fuse-0.7.0-21.fc23 same: local and remote: zfstream-20041202-16.fc23 same: local and remote: zhcon-0.2.6-28.fc23 only remote: zhu3d-4.2.6-6.fc23same: local and remote: zidrav-1.2.0-16.fc23 same: local and remote: zile-2.4.11-4.fc23 same: local and remote: zimlib-1.0-10.fc23 same: local and remote: zinnia-0.06-26.fc23 same: local and remote: zint-2.4.3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: zip-3.0-15.fc23 same: local and remote: zipios++- same: local and remote: zisofs-tools-1.0.8-14.fc23 same: local and remote: zita-at1-0.2.3-13.fc23 same: local and remote: zita-convolver-3.1.0-9.fc23 same: local and remote: zita-resampler-1.3.0-7.fc23 same: local and remote: zita-rev1-0.2.1-12.fc23 same: local and remote: zlib-1.2.8-8.fc23 same: local and remote: zlib-ada-1.4-0.11.20120830CVS.fc23 same: local and remote: zmap-1.2.1-4.fc23 same: local and remote: zn_poly-0.9-12.fc23.2 same: local and remote: znc-1.6.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: znerd-oss-parent-3-11.fc23 same: local and remote: zoneminder-1.28.1-4.fc23 newer remote: local: zookeeper-3.4.5-17.fc21 remote: zookeeper-3.4.6-5.fc23 with 3 build(s) missingsame: local and remote: zopfli-1.0.0-5.fc23 same: local and remote: zorba-3.0.0-14.20140621git152f8964c.fc23 same: local and remote: zsh-5.0.8-5.fc23 same: local and remote: zsh-lovers-0.9.0-2.fc23 same: local and remote: zukitwo-20141022-9.fc23 same: local and remote: zvbi-0.2.33-19.fc23 same: local and remote: zynaddsubfx-2.4.4-6.fc23 same: local and remote: zynjacku-6-11.fc23 same: local and remote: zziplib-0.13.62-6.fc23 same: local and remote: zzuf-0.13-9.20100215.fc22 statistics: {'older': 317, 'local_only': 18, 'remote_only': 263, 'same': 16344, 'newer': 6, 'total_missing_builds': 682}date +%k: 12++ date +%k+ '[' 12 -lt 6 ']'+ /bin/cp -f /home/karsten/compare-f23.20150731 /mnt/koji/reports/compare-f23.txt


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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5869

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.