Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (2025)

Last updated on May 14, 2024 at 11:20by Blueprint28 comments

On this page, you will learn the best Gems to use for your Devastation Evoker in Mists of Pandaria: Remix,as well as the best leveling talents and rotation, whether you are leveling in the open world, or through raids and dungeons.

If you were looking for our normal Dragonflight Leveling Guide for Devastation Evoker, please check out our Leveling page.


Remix: Mists of Pandaria Guide for Devastation Evoker

Welcome to our MoP Remix Guide for Devastation Evoker! This page contains everything you need to know about getting the most out of your Devastation Evoker in the Patch 10.2.7 special feature, Mists of Pandaria: Remix.

This page is focused only on Devastation Evoker in MoP Remix. If you want to know more about MoP Remix in general, such as its rewards, check out our dedicated page below.

Mists of Pandaria: Remix

Below, you will find our recommended leveling build and talent pickup orderfor your Devastation Evoker in MoP Remix. There are various ways ofleveling in MoP Remix, and we offer some builds for the most relevant ways.

Note that this Leveling section is specific to MoP Remix. For ourDragonflight Leveling Guide for Devastation Evoker, please checkour dedicated Leveling page.

Devastation Evoker Leveling Guide


Best MoP Remix Leveling Build for Devastation Evoker

Dungeon and Raid Leveling BuildOpen-World Leveling Build


Dungeon and Raid Leveling Build

This build assumes you are spending a lot of time in Raids and Dungeons


Open-World Leveling Build

This build is intended for speed-leveling and sacrifices single-targetdamage to maximize your ability to make huge pulls and AoE damage.


Best Gems for Devastation Evoker in MoP Remix

Gems are one of the unique ways to augment your character in MoP Remix, offering offensive, defensive, and utility benefits. On this page, we list the best gems for each type. To learn more about Gems in MoP Remix in general, check out our dedicated page below.

MoP Remix Gems Guide

These recommendations are done with preliminary testing and it is quite likely thatmore optimization will be possible to reach minor gains in specific situations, these will serveas a solid foundation to build upon and then minor tweaking can be done as needed.

  • Meta Gem: Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (1) Oblivion Sphere
  • Cogwheel Gem: Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (2) Blink
  • Prismatic Gems:

    You will have a tremendous amount of stats as you start unlocking all Gemslots, and there is no single best stat to stack. Generally speaking, you will want to avoidMastery (since most Tinker Gem effects do not scale with it) and chase for Critical Strike, Versatility, and Haste Gems in a healthybalance.

    These gems are almost exclusively for damage gain, there are a significant amount of others which provide defensive benefits that you may end upchoosing to use situationally, but for greater output this is the best place to start.

  • Tinker Gems:
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (3) Enkindle
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (4) Windweaver
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (5) Incendiary Terror
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (6) Lightning Rod
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (7) Sunstrider's Flourish
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (8) Hailstorm
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (9) Slay
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (10) Storm Overload
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (11) Brittle — Mainly for dungeons.
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (12) Explosive Barrage
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (13) Meteor Storm
    • Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (14) Wildfire


Level by Level Rotation

To keep things simple while leveling and learning the spec, use the sliderto select your level, and watch as the leveling rotation grows with eachlevel!

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 10


Leveling Rotation for Devastation Evoker

When using our slider, note that some talents may appear sooner than youexpect them to in the rotation. This is because we have two recommended buildsabove, each taking talents at slightly different times, and sometimes entirelydifferent talents.


Single Target

Cast Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (15) Dragonrage on cooldown followed by rank 1 empowered Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (16) Fire Breath and Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (17) Eternity Surge on cooldown and spend your Essence on Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (18) Disintegrate using Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (19) Living Flameas a filler spell to build your essence, cast Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (20) Shattering Star to give yourself an increased damage window as well as a free Essence spender cast.



You will want to group multiple enemies up before casting Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (21) Dragonrage as you want all of its instant Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (22) Pyre casts to cleave, uprank your Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (23) Fire Breath to max rank and yourDevastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (24) Eternity Surge to hit the maximum amount of targets, rank 2 for 3-4 targets, rank 3 for 5-6 targets. Use Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (25) Pyre as your Essence spender and Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (26) Azure Strike as yourfiller spell, use Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (27) Living Flame as a filler after you have cast Fire Breath to utilize the charges of Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (28) Leaping Flames, cast Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (29) Shattering Star to give yourself an increased damage window as well as a free Essence spender cast



  • 14 May 2024: Page added.

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Devastation Evoker Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.7 (2025)


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Devastation is the Evoker spec to play for leveling, and it is very strong for questing.

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Augmentation Evoker is highly viable option for leveling, with many tools to control enemies and survive difficult encounters.

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Best Leveling Professions for Evokers in Dragonflight

Tailoring profession. Skinning. Again, it's probably best to concentrate on leveling these once you've reached maximum level.

Why is Aug Evoker so good? ›

The core way this is done is through the new core ability Ebon Might, which both provides a flat 10% damage boost to the Evoker but also a 10% primary stat buff to their four nearest allies, with smart logic in the spell designed to prefer damage dealers over tanks or healers.

Why is augmentation evoker dps so low? ›

It's clear that numbers displayed on DPS meters carry significant weight for many players. Blizzard's choice of categorizing Augmentation as a DPS spec doesn't help the situation one bit. And adding fuel to the fire, the damage tracking addons have yet to be fully optimized for Augmentation Evokers.

Is Evoker squishy? ›

Squishy - Evoker is weak in the defensive department compared to other ranged DPS classes. We only have 1 real defensive, which is Obsidian Scales. Besides that, we also have the ability Renewing Blaze, which can provide great self healing for damage over time but won't prevent you from getting oneshot by big hits.

Which Evoker spec is better? ›

In World of Warcraft, the Evoker class has two DPS specializations: Devastation & Augmentation, and one Healer specialization, Preservation. Even if the Devastation Evoker playstyle seems a bit complicated, it has a high AoE and Priority damage output, making the spec stand out, especially in multi-target encounters.

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The Devastation Specialization is the best spec for evoker leveling.

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Out of all three Rogue specs, we recommend Subtlety as the best choice for leveling. It offers the best single-target burst damage and allows you to dispatch enemies within only a few seconds, jumping from enemy to enemy in quick succession.

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Fury and Arms are both solid in solo content and can deal out a lot of damage with their various abilities. They both also have plenty of sustain to get through their enemies without having to slow down.

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Dragonflight Hunter Leveling

Talking about pets… They do the same damage, but they have different utility and special abilities. For Leveling, the best choice is a Ferocity pet. They can heal themselves upon inflicting damage.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.