Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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el)c Ou tubus Lmiuuvr Last Word In CHATTAHOOCHEE THE WORLD Valiev Events OUNDED KT MIRABEAU U5IA IN 1S2 ull Associated Press Pubt sbed V'mi" rxc pl 4M 4 I 'tPt VOL ixuniucr ji mi Miners Quit As uce Ends a "vfcrM OPERATORS AND INLAND Bergen Leningrad Stockholm Moscow DENMARK RUSSIA Minsk London Warsaw': Atlantic Ocean POLAND v3tnrrf ont Bx as jam wuuj umiuhiuu? i' officer canridale He withand a member of Hie bg Amer icon mb rs without a the 4ti Mffipanv 3rd was the pnnciole spca single loss and only one A Training regiment and exrecis ta er cf the evenin: spcsiunj on plane having been destroyed of graduated in arprximatcly I which he point a grand lota of 300 thrown fc1 A atO tft 1hj ftfuuut I fa 1 in ntwatlfin Brest Kiev Paris RANCE from Odessa SWITZ Milan Bordeaux BUB RUMANIA Bilbao PORTUGAL pay Madrid Toulon Rome SPAIN Lisbon CORSICA ITALY GIBRALTAR SARDIN Bizerte Oran Casablanca Tunis CRETE Mediterranean Sea TUNISIA ALGERIA 'AlexamJrfti Bengasi EGYPT: vvvia XT8CPS 'Aiaise officials of the government hc The llseAbtes on the made mistakes That is tyte ex mtC the senate prob eani and (1 Presided lhc4 Japanese too" He disclosed Galbraith Quits The Weather a North iSea of the not be re a Id should Alt soft coal mines rortt: eastem Kentucky shut down after 150 Yank Planes Bombard Italians Ken West MOROCCO fcHnrvr Lputetiiict 5 th 14C' training Center Scheduled To Be A bo I i SICILY MALTA? voung man of huvins: the oppor tunity if working 3 junior chamber of commerce organisa tion ably on Wednesday But the issue that precipitated the bitterest party battle cf recent are being sunk 000 machine guns since it began to re arm In 1943 first five months 100 fighting ships were finished one every 36 hours Caught Up With Axis have at length caught up with the Axis in our preparations and arc forging rapidly ahead that: The 100000th plane by Ecardslcv Rumi chairman the New York ederal Reserve bank ATLANTA May Rep Robert Hammock chairman the house ch 1 scrv iec commit tee told the Georgia Postmasters Association today that the estab lishment of a world government under the direction of the pres ident should be done insure future of Ameucan youth" "In Washington we feel sure that the United States will lead the way in establishing a world government and under the direc tion of our gieat president feel sure it will be a he said lie stressed the progress made on the production line and added greatest job a way from home is to lick the Japs and not the Germans The Germans will give up when they defeat but the little yellow devils of Japan must be killed wherever we find Vol CXV Number 53 PLANT ENGINEER ATLANTA May A Ramsey of New Orleans hill 1 KrnnoAO utxvirsu Sivuei i putut rumumi iv i the Southern Bell Telephone and Majoi iTclegraph rompany here tomoi suceeccing ii uwiwmu Price Administrator Brown an port of progress in their negoxia ueni lor sezuemeni demands for $2 a day increases portal portal and other concessions Icke Appeal Secretary Ickes who a i administrator has operated BRITISH SISLESS: Gas Shortage To Continue In East TckeS ttr A CU t5r'i 1 AP 1 Secrrtaiy Ickes urging thaUfiaso i inancial Drive 1 i a a 4 Uv asr tine H5 MS lu i AtJ Mil avoviuiv minimum said lontghl the eastern states face a situation for wecki to tome JOHN LEWIS 'AIL TO AGREE Worker Begin Walkout Be fore Deadline In Columbus Geoniu Tuesday Morning June 1 1943 woiiicnt United Slates Keep it am nvivi rm lunior or eommetcr xie lm hwui rn tne nutciv Of the orcin'thd after the pi csent voiln cn The Ames appears jc seTiuj a meeting n' toe Phenix Hvt i mi tnc ical hoiks nd tn hte gamed over the jouthein Javcces labt night at the USU ehcrB of tiic United State' junior Axis Hank an utter air misery Citv jvhamber of lommerm will be unprecedented anywhere in the Mr Hertz i 33 vears old and known ail over the world 'European war Naples and I og s'atmnd ort Bei ling as Tom Starlin Columbus attorney a navmg been beaten by 150 odd 4S S4UjnU mhrrc Ihmi ft econd wt Ih pnt Olftct OvlumbuZ March 3 I KICK HELD OR BOYS CLUB I nnrkfrl their troops had thrust forwardMaUrC JCa 4t ut Aim Kt ffUJUJT 1 By Jaycees And Jooard 2 Aid A kick ofr upper mu uei arvufeuk nwv yhpd lawt: at the me Atianuc seaooarai 7 TJuIUO" vnaiTlPCl vi iidu vvm mv l'kcre rn the campaign and robntwttek 4 'iTnemuers i ciu nrina in directors attenomg The Boys cto a Wl te tvhat wn srr 4' eatr tn 1 i tttJt iV i es address oter the Mutual Net or mar be some consolation to know that the wvrl of our coast stocks wont drop he said It It reached the DCS TRAINING TO BE LONGER him chief of home again' iraiy jn an upciauvur Mussolini's and country were bemg laid open to the giand attack by Allied arms his defences weie almost incredi ive rew members were prcs bly weak Some 60 enemy fiaht ent at the mceimc these bemgcrs rose io challenge Allied planes Tommv Garrett son Murray Head Clay boro ard Perry Parker 11 in my power tn bring about Ait Clash ume mnidjiation of efforts vAfA ZlllvL kvlUoll With Lou Maxon WASHINGTON May ZAP) or theater commanders on his The Mtnv atuiuunced today that it btk and it was assumed would drscontmue its Worn Algiers would oe his Because he ill be here only a mtt ii asked lor and Ael Tortnnrtrft irarhprv and Nazil upf innira imn we ovshu uui 4 7 VrailUV' MC VinCM ivu IV A CI 1 MAV ti (AH4niIHL'nUU i assembly line toaay wnorraiw a 'u mi atia a a mi i a ize 4a i iiuii nv aszv iTkta i xm tAUi "inirinr Lfi ci icaheja tvwxvts4 Iam Gm nf fleet triad ab ad and "it baroes President Roose 120 night smfl men tauea to In the month nf May this year lighting is yet to come Byrnes dcsc before the week ends report the Sany ar times as manvaeviuvu compromise as vu jv withlpicces Of artillery for gioundt We must act wuh Rt eater chs tax measure troops as we ctm in an ni pnicn ana gt win Adaiiaistration spokesmen were of the last wai lever We mut Icaro to wor to to havc bePU assured We are building merchant to sacrifice together Mr will let OhiO AUb ma and Coo ships four times as fast as Ute) that never done before legislation become law It abates "well are bcmg "Your government has no right lQ ion per rent of one year's America has turned out 2225 jjo cau upon jou uork taxes and imposes a 20 per team rt it is not going i withholding levy beginning thevll of government cUiciaist taxable portions 'aide snnoanced sJwrtlx work as a team Mmit nd salaries i wtt rti i 3 2 no announcement to make MA ar ik i lrtdiuu utat ib ax dividual miners whether they re ported for work today Leaves Hotel Lewis left a Washington hotel about 11:30 remarking that he was going home and vvuid WASHINGTON Jun 1 (AP) (Tuesday) Thcusrnds of coal tV miners svere idle today in a vride 1 I 'i spread strike bringing Ii merit noera Uon cf the mmes to an unprecedented crisis 1 Miamgni orvu truce under wh ch the Umted 'Mine Workers have dug coal for'the last 15 days The walkouts i i began as John I Lewis and the i operators failed to agree un a new I wage contract Even before the deadline thou Lanris of miners laid down tttgir loos itucky and batta Irons of the 5 tion's coalmining army Virginia Onio ano croer were ready to stay away ttrAvV Inriav Lewis and the operators met fuel the mines for a month in behalf of the government appealed to the negoe tiator yesterday afternoon So an agreement speedily Ithat "the uncertainty which I interfering with the maximum production of coal hirh this na ilion requires for war purposes may be promptly orris brought to i response frem the regntia i tors who have been seeking a I common meeting ground on the basis of War Labor Board rulings in the long standing dispute io labor board turned down the miners' S2 a day demand1 but lefttne war'onen for an agreement Itm'wteJ ryn maf tens Which might net the miners much as SI a day more than their present S7 a day basic wage President told a press conference May 7 that the turners who number aoctit were government employes Asked if i they could strike against the gov Icrnment Mr Hooeve't said that he had been in the government a great many years and could net recollect any strike by govem ment employes against tr gov emment Want Contract 1 contract no signs I invi? pOSvtTx Kill TJuHW a I tn 1 aw Bvrnes Says' Entering AY Ab HIlkMJ DAQQArC PPM I auditor for the UMW i th 1 LLl AuuAuEi jECilX sae rante ad We cannot GritiCciI a eriotl i 15 a tic House To Vote On Tax BiU jSarig A A Lly ti 4AV 4 XVAV? i 'm Today asked for and There nn our war 1 Japanese treachery and Nazi! were similar indications from rrsrncnnc rif LrrriuHxln rrociam came off thelTyrauny aie blasted from the On Many ronts Japanese held position of SPARTANBURG 31 we proaucea 1 th ie vs Ki ieT I in rf 4 U1J Upd'flHViULl lt IH tpcnll ViiCtuuA mu irmament nrodUCUOD I rlocrxifk tv i 5rni4 lnlt llCa ULWftiVU 4Wew of the European theater Many attacks on many fronts nc i The sense of sharp improve and arc just entergingment of Allied prospects in the the critical period of the war" was supported by the con The director of War Mobiliza jsolidntion of the American vie tion making his first address tuiy on Atlu island in the Aleu since President Roosevelt named I 1 A wa 1 Ml 4 A A IM 09 rX nitt 3i tidily vvnvic wic ok 1 J1 DI rn CiWL zWiiivt IVO jnesc handful was being rounded front pledged himself to do all iup It was supported also by the possible "to bring about the same i sciosure tnat oenerai ouiweit i ziiTiei comnianGtr in niurt To 17 Weeks fxf 1 1 tl 4 tX officer candidate school'1 will cxtn Cd tn a muitr 'uin ou iwi I tie War am' 'uncr' Toe penning ixh A i tn tnjr'ip ill be dccHv' ed The i cdicto'i in classes 'will vary with the indi idurfi tcnni according to armyj Zdri fIVTT data which aim states that whiiejl fM II I I I the de ii ability of longer courses Vlall kz 1 111 fl AuljJu instruetion and additional! training has always been present I7ICIT0 I A ATA AWT many I'f the best officers yJ I fl BiMI i today me poducts of the officer: I U1 i JUVA 1 Wl I 1 1 1 mi 1 0991 1 zS Whichc ssTTT commander in China kI konicrs wim ueveri taker unoia Burma nan conierrea i And Others frcnl nctier instruction At trci rr titre it wi'l move some LONDON May 3J (API the pres wur fin "tudents and: Moving fast on a brief stopover make nie thorough route from the Allied war KaniSpCCK OTeSCCS assim of the instruction fcrem esin Washington to his post If 7 CifOcr candidate iiools lav in China Lieut Gen Joscnh Wl 011(1 ItOLCi lllflLllL given the aim inmc than 1 RJOOfi 1 Sul well confcired today with: ofjicers "ho arc now Muni! uLLeut Gen Jacob Drvcis! grade from lieutenant colonel United States commander in the! i i i i 1 1 urarsrsi 1ronini 7 liivuivi Vk UptTdlBHU Maj Gen Ira Raker rnm i manner oi tne night zVrmy air force and vanmis British Jeadcisj Stilwell cornm mder of Ameri can forces in China India and Burma is expected to call (n TN POSSIBLE ROADS TO BERLIN OR ALLIED ORCES rWs hdi 10 el route fur a great anmuer cunuunj rt Vi del Journal bv Lol I on ran ranza return aiiuy um i herald io heavy ground Aari cnntioMed Europe as outline 'T rntlte tie discussed were 1) Xnrwav 2i Denmark and Il mnci noted ntiH'arv 51 unnii hi im I 3 1 a vt irt i lm iii 1 1 inn iinmirics xium vi nw Even trwn vnina 4ud uw (errmanv aii incvamuh kuuh gardening and group meetings are area of shadow in the Allied pic ur tl aad Bnttinv U'l western iance south of the Loire river southern vraucc among the activities in which the dure there was victory mms The I it Xr is and (nrlicf d'O the Virtue and south Italy (10) the Aegean sea area 0 nnriavea onfrmv hlDS i JI 1 With I 3 tD I 3 rt ia A MUja uww zUliU LIIBIULVUI I' (7i nn'fl Armv Atixilia: train 1 3 1 fl tt tn c''tii'i 'HHiiii iiiiir i Lf This center )i headquarters at Camp Jlustr La and facilities rt Camp Polk La and Camp Monticello Aik Additional fi riiitics at the first four WAAC training eentriH make it vpu: ilie now Inc army said tn redistri bute the petsonne! from the futli Daytona' Beach la oil' Ogle lieved he wa acting as the hearer thorpe Ga and ort Devens of detailed oiders from Washing ton Stilwell was accompanied on his flight here by Maj Gen ii Old5: chief of staff of the Tenth air force ami Col rank Mcrill COLUMBUS: Cnnlinutd assistant thief of start rr i in rharre nr nnornlinns i 1 9 a f' rm i ta i nr si 1 I'hvArdw Tuesday yraitmed thundershowers: of the European ihraicr and icp lwho becomes Alabama pant thc appointment mirth rn'ai ct ni in hini army iiinui nnrii snn )(1I 1(1V ALABAMA: Little temperaliuejand fh RA met them al thciyrais experience in tei pitonei If latiwirf i 'fUMMIR Ikrlli I' 1 fUi1 that will be no work to 13Mf0 Speak West Virginia The 130 009 union miners wire work West Vir ginia's 60Q coal mines indicated their detfiminaUon to lay (own their tools at midnight Indiana Unofficial reports were that the 7000 miners would not show up for tW cfTirials csiH ii was their understanding the nvui I Liiiut niw iu I nine weeii rio' to h's arrival ed out aovantage to me at Benmnc be was ftatiqned at Camp Roberts Cabf His iwme is in Rtliings Mun where i ivilum life he was em ployed si a pains cnttinicr Th is his serene! term as national tee pres dent ytr Hertz said that ganizaUOn was founded in St Louts but the rirrt World war Bimort killed it in infancy tak in i 1 1 i 'i 1 1 iltv i i The 10 pcr cent of the remam thc prmupal speaker of the even irg men worked dilirentlv hard 'mg 3op STATUTE MtLES Byrnes aid the creation oi inc a compromise uas iiww ic Hl An rrtmnQ Office ol War Mobilization iparH features they und object iablci JWU XAWVA Begin Today In Columbus The Red Crass mobile uiiil to receive blood donations for the armed services with 15 workers indttdinja doctor nurses and staff assistants arrived iu Columbus last nikbt the ditnax to a campaign in which over lW local citizens have registered to give their blood beginning today With (100 appointments for the three period hegm tiing this morning Lawrence Blau chairman of tic ocu committee urged that donors come the basem*nt ot Luke's Methodist church time and that they use the Hurd avenue entrance nw vuuivh Airs George Gaiter 101a Sc vent ecnthxst reef who wailed 30 niinntrs tor the appointment: booth to open that she might be the first sign tip ill be the first donorovn her Llood Mrs tarlcr has live suns a son in law and 1 nephews in the seniic I)omf received cards yesterday reminding them lime their appointments hey also were icquested ry products oi tut lc than lovr nouro A Mt It hr I onir has stmiHuur thrr reason cannot keep his appointment he must work as a team even as thejou rselves not for a single attack aJj rr Az j4z front tiiit for manj' ailiieii iviwe UV His address to a home town audience was packed bad news for the man Mr Churchill cans veiwiu muv the Bie Sandy ar rlottj with extraordimsry lack of suc Hurtt 'cess and ten of them were shot id own Louie Bulks president of the The conditions for another chamber pre tied the session at the Axis in theMcdtterran and Vivien Raglev introduced the can were fallinjt Into placetby the now uic vontitbutimr up in Al gies ahewEoienibig body foe rance under the joint presidency of General': De Gaulle andGuuud Gnd coincident Iheappoaeh inf errod Aenti'rin that theater there were new rcMcauoiis wwii storm aiMJiu 1 A tiaam i sr i The German broidcasf that 11 9t tn tr tnr sun ii mi 1 1 is ivmi i the line on a fairly large tvav between the supper officially baze rf Velikie Luki and the Ger ornnin hae rl bir urK cxncecurgru hffavv Ruii tniesisUnce but? Iheid "liM niht at the TMCA a general advance thalli had seen msmurmct tx autt: rl TbAv 3 bhh nifinCiiL tn uie AUiifi uni i ntan'i told of light but far spread Z' rt 999 tv 5i? orran zaiion iir ui tifi ui it i iccru ci utu tui vivtuinu Youth's is located at Twenty ninth tacks on sectors Of the front run rU 9999909 Ml ifnv rlmvr cji'T aiMi iiMirsfrtiir atvtciiuv ik iHitc cxix a it nnj 9 ri 1 9 i St rr has oecn the jaycees oaoy inrMnmn norunmt the pat lour year? wun jayceesi me unneis meifi'nu riftlcrflarv i UU1UOL UilV AWA I ti Wood work crafts shop li ialso was reported rt er vtvxva ta ei trrt fMlfrirwni" 1 the activities in which the ture therertvas victory news an £air ptev according toknensive hvthe border region Director Parks Hupeh and Hunan provinces had The supper was served by the i been turned and broken by aladies auxiliary of the YMCAi Chinese counter offensive which wit Mrs Cooper Campbell in reoccupied several points andh said to have cut off five Japa Period Is Extended rom 14 Besides the Jayece workers ofinese divisions with the prospect wv 1 xf I I 1 14 rt i tn TV! wnoiTi Li zi is viiair 1 iman the following members ofj Moreowr a ffpeciul communi oiithe board of directors were pres Jgue of the Chinese command an az! i if a i fine i 1 fvtliit CTT1 kilrtv atif WUptHWfi' 1 rtiz il hbfl PtTht At inC nvsiooni uoruan or OauMuw'u not Ihan Joe Juhtu vice presKfont: Louis n4J ocen Qeim)cu 'ultuid treasurer: Parks and Allied pilots the secretary and director and greatest single such victory ever Xz 1 i Ml 990 iW ort ACamS i ZVJlin Mr HiH Hl" increase' its treinin'w ings Jr Dr Hinn Bryan in addition tn punching attack 1 A TirioHler Enhankt by the 1 tih Air force on jrnnr 10 rvxk riit 1y Rssv' if fiarst't Trs nt inc icpoi ico 0 9 I 1 rvt lx L4 ri I mm the dumber 'of M'ller IL Rogers Maurice recent indications thatt he hard figures of overwhelm i 1 1 i i i Irt LUU 1 1 nf i fnt tvoTrt Vi at tvrnd i mt tnrt rt fflPK zti rtzm! milBth i tuUDSCnliU A ifioma? AA1' Ml Umile ni iviH Ilt i 1 0 9 nnt rvx sioeriTfi i tVkPtiK iklKt krttuina itnsiri i ai ii'sv auhl uuiluaiu uvapnv the size of pvooarufL Jr and Young Sirte LIBYA maae nuMoitca peeled of human have a right to expect government officials to sacrifice all pride of opinion wni not pass without last cooperate just as officers ol tne and opponents of any tax army auti imvv cooperate Be coordination of tn civilian government exists on tne Onirnilitarv rtl nl z4 ITIC Government ormiais nc 3rtv bvrnes saia oc mv nw a single front but'? for many attack on many fronts both in the European theater 6twr and in the Pacific attack will proceed when and where the enemy least (hnrrt lid Will liOt manulac cease until the lart vesuge or aemonstratea oy uw 1 National Jaycee Official No American Tells Phenix Of History Crait T' Eroest Herts Honal sperit many extra horns to s5irnj WH1TE Pres War Editor yy AROES next stop i lew cays and I ically haven't anything to be said no press conference or interviews would be scheduled While it was considered likely that he would acquaint Devers with variott aspects of the Wash ington conferences and the de enter to ort De Moines Iowa risiuns aimed it was not be thc rpe GaMass Hit rrgfvtncp XTstr th cam tn aT! abate other quesitnns Lewis had spert mads an nn nn nf th a tsnnrr flnnrs nartmz shots at lhe hotel but whom he visited compremhe They ccmtend the or conferred vdth was not dis AAm rxmn4ici hst virtually all the f'tncwl Ivrie nrj tn nw in the sklp a year plan oninated ators were scheduled to resume I A i 00 I 93 1A5A iL llflUvUA lUuu 4LL The situation by states: soft coal mine in northeastern Kentucky were forced to shut down when 12000 miners of the Bia Sandy area failed to report at the pus for tb night shift Earlier today mor than 800 miners walked out of four southeastern Kentucky dig gings Pennsylvania Miners began WASHINGTON May (AP) quietly checking in their tools ai uiurn kxercr uivu saivriiv rezurw nounced today the resignation of midnight from district headquar Galbraith as deputy admin ters nt the United Mine Workers istrator charge oi ine price ue partment of the Office of Price Administration Galbraith ha been with OPA and its predecessor the Office of Supply since May 1941 abatement in Jkprcniatnes Cooper Ten De at office in the morning TH li V'" of 2nd' lo'czwS natyzv must be just There have DingcU of Michigan three of the interior department officials the been controversies in government democratic leaders who aided muMW chief replied a AriiiKh 1 it But that tnese controversies ana vnnee Dealing uvhu ee a a 11 nv rvismi their effect upon ine xvr envt have been exaggerated is clearly ment plan in the house by tne statement react io me paiung juvp 1 bare made of our progress zsvfix itirttv rf Ikif' nyrnt miu wiu kvuv lof the presideoV and reso flute action to unify and aolidify our war efforts here on the home front He said he could make no statement of plans by the War Mobilization Committee until it meets later this week but pledge you that I shall do a i the same coordnatlon of efforts anion? 'civilian agencies that exists arv Byrnes declared striker in War is almost as rare as the stacker in the aimy" Speaking on a program built around the theme that go to war" the OWM chief saifl textile workers few excep tions have patriotically refused Lho i irht to strike in time of and added: Price Administration and Civilian have had esne stoppages Supply since May 1941 of work in industries producing! No immediate action was taken weapons of war They have just 1 on a successor Brown said He ly aroused criticism But whenfemphisizcd any personnel on condemn the few who strike changes at this iiirc in no way rlrt ir4 fArrrt Hint thr iTrx'At mazsfaffrct thr buaSir OPA ncdlVV 1 mfk i' 4 kt a Ixma a art VVMJkVlC vni ieiV( ssvsu usstf (Bvmw Tare 2 Col 2) (Galbraith Tare 2 Col ET LA SB NORWAY SWEDEN Trondheim 1 it Vs SMI Ittirv a finr 4M sflk 1 i I O''WvkT' 0 XqGERMAN 6) L'y (A TJwv uumo i jr ir ens A 0 9 1 1 S' taLWrV WB a i rt REECE i s'x a I a i a IX rtZW i ritjui! si 4 1 SE EN sstat ww1.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.