Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment. (2024)


Adam Sternbergh

Opinion Culture Editor

Ángel Hernández Made Baseball Great


The retirement of Ángel Hernández, long reputed to be the worst umpire in baseball, was greeted by many baseball fans with unfettered glee. In an age when the strike zone is constantly displayed on TV and each pitch can be instantly measured for speed, movement and location, the notion of a human consistently misjudging balls and strikes can seem not just outdated but absurd. The outsize antics of certain umpires — presumably intoxicated by their own power — has long been a subject of fan exasperation, inspiring the derisive phrase “ump show.”

I admit I reacted to the Hernández news by watching a series of his most questionable calls, many of which made me laugh out loud. I’m not here to debate whether he was a good umpire; the data clearly indicates he was one of the least accurate.

But Major League Baseball needs fallible humans like Ángel Hernández. The ump show is as much an essential part of baseball as bone-headed errors, egregious showmanship or players angrily tossing a glove into the stands. The alternative scenario — in which baseball is adjudicated, flawlessly and bloodlessly, by machines — would make the sport less meaningful.

The Automated Balls and Strikes system, or A.B.S., is already in use in Triple-A, and the argument for embracing so-called robo-umps boils down to their accuracy. Yet the element of human judgment, as displayed by human umps, is as intrinsic to baseball as is the element of human skill, as displayed by the players. Players drop balls. They lose fly balls in the lights. They overrun bases or run through stop signals. All of this is part of the game. Blown strike calls, idiosyncratic strike zones and even flamboyantly performative umps are, and should be, a part of the game as well.

You might counter: But bad officiating adversely affects the outcome of the game. Yes, but so does bad playing. Also, it’s a game. The argument that technological proficiency should supersede human fallibility in all arenas is pernicious enough elsewhere in society, but it seems especially wrongheaded when it comes to sports, an entertaining but meaningless forum for human excellence and human foibles. There is a reason the most enduring examination of baseball’s allure ends with a mythically talented player striking out.

Infallible robot brain surgeon? Honestly, I can see the argument. Infallible robot umpires? No, thanks — I’ll take the ump show.

May 30, 2024, 10:59 a.m. ET

May 30, 2024, 10:59 a.m. ET

Paul Krugman

Opinion Columnist

Inflation and the Problem of McMisinformation

The United States, like many other countries, experienced a burst of inflation in 2021-22, which has since largely subsided. But prices haven’t gone down, so almost everything costs more than it did a few years ago.

Wages, however, have risen even more, so most Americans’ purchasing power is higher than before the pandemic. But anyone who points this out gets a huge amount of pushback from people saying “Get out of your office into the real world! The price of food (it’s usually food, although it’s sometimes other stuff) has doubled!”

As it turns out, such claims about the “real world” are almost always false. A few months ago I looked at some independent estimates of grocery prices and found that they closely match the official data. No, inflation isn’t much higher than the deep state wants you to know.

Well, I now have an unexpected ally in this argument. Management at McDonald’s is apparently irked by constant claims that its prices have doubled since before the pandemic. So the company has issued a special news release about what has really happened to its prices, which are up, but not by nearly as much as the inflation truthers claim:


The price of a Big Mac, in particular, is up 21 percent since 2019, not the 100 percent some are claiming. Over the same period average wages of nonsupervisory employees — that is, most workers — rose 28 percent:


So no, McDonald’s hasn’t become unaffordable, whatever your vibes may say.



May 30, 2024, 10:18 a.m. ET

May 30, 2024, 10:18 a.m. ET

Jonathan Alter

Contributing Opinion Writer


The Best Move for the Trump Jury: A Split Decision


With the jury still deliberating, it’s time for those of us who have heard every minute of this trial to place our bets. My prediction is this: Donald Trump will be convicted on nine of 34 counts of falsifying business records. He’ll go down for the nine fraudulent checks he signed in the White House in 2017 — each a piece of a broader effort to falsify business records and, ultimately, to interfere unlawfully in the 2016 election.

I could easily be wrong, of course, but here’s my reasoning. To resolve differences with a split-the-baby approach, the jury might decide that Trump’s fingerprints are literally on those checks, while the 11 false invoices, 12 false ledger entries and two false checks signed by Donald Jr. and Eric are not as closely connected to Trump, though he was the one who caused the falsification of all of them.

Jurors are showing commendable signs of diligence. It would have hurt the credibility of their verdict had they returned with one too soon on Wednesday, the day they began deliberating. On Thursday morning they reheard portions of the judge’s instructions and many pages of important trial testimony. No one has any idea if they will ask to hear more.

I think Trump deserves to be convicted on all 34 counts. But reasonable jurors could legitimately conclude that they are more comfortable with nine.

And if they reach that outcome, it could have a political effect. A conviction on fewer counts would be the best possible outcome for the country, demonstrating that the jury was unbiased and carefully considered each count, dismissing most of them.

If convicted, Trump is unlikely to win on appeal. Justice Juan Merchan has dotted his i’s and crossed his t’s, making an immediate reversal a long shot. Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, probably won’t want to get involved, and if they did, it wouldn’t be until months or years after the election.

So Trump will spend the rest of his life attacking the verdict, the judge, the prosecutors and the fair-minded residents of his hometown who determined his fate.

But at least it will be a little harder for him to spew his venom if the jury thoughtfully studies the evidence and clears him on 25 counts. His base won’t care, but I have faith that at least some swing voters who respect our jury system will conclude that this man is a criminal who should not be returned to power. Will that be enough at the margins to tip the election? No one knows for sure.

But we do know that this would probably be the only conviction of Trump before November. A careful jury verdict could help build a constituency to keep a felon out of the White House.

May 30, 2024, 6:44 a.m. ET

May 30, 2024, 6:44 a.m. ET

Mara Gay

Editorial Board Member

Time to Examine Why New York Fared Poorly Early in the Pandemic


In the coming days, House Republicans in Washington will hammer Andrew Cuomo, New York’s former governor, over his botched pandemic response, after issuing him a subpoena to appear.

That may be a political stunt, but it’s more than the Democrats who run New York State’s government have done to examine the deaths of approximately 23,000 New York City residents from Covid-19 in the first three months of the pandemic. According to an analysis by the Empire Center, a nonpartisan think tank, New York City had a higher population-adjusted Covid death rate than any state in 2020, and a rate that was 132 percent higher than the national death rate from the coronavirus.

But New York State has yet to conduct a thorough review of the actions by state, city and local officials that may have contributed to the deaths. An important bill under consideration in Albany would finally change this by creating a commission to study New York’s pandemic response. The legislation is sponsored by State Senator Julia Salazar of Brooklyn and Assemblywoman Jessica González-Rojas of Queens, whose districts were hard hit by the virus.

The commission they propose would have the authority to hold public hearings, review confidential state records and correspondence related to the pandemic, and, importantly, issue subpoenas. A review ordered by Gov. Kathy Hochul in 2022 is being conducted by a private firm, is delayed and has no such powers.

In the years since 2020, the disastrous handling of the pandemic by former President Donald Trump has been the dominant story on the issue. But New York’s early response to the virus is also worthy of scrutiny. Most widely known is a directive issued by the Cuomo administration in March 2020 ordering nursing homes to accept residents who had tested positive for the virus, leading the virus to spread even more rapidly among a vulnerable population. In 2022, a report from State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli found that Cuomo’s administration had underreported deaths in nursing homes related to Covid-19 by more than 4,000 people. Cuomo also directed state health officials that March to give his family members special access to Covid-19 tests.

New York officials made other critical missteps. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which is run by the state, barred workers until early March from wearing face coverings. Former Mayor Bill de Blasio waited too long to close the city’s school system, as cities such as San Francisco had lower case counts but shuttered their schools earlier. On March 5, de Blasio discouraged the use of masks among the general public, language that was similar to guidance then from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and downplayed the threat posed by the virus.

New Yorkers deserve as full an accounting as possible of how and why these decisions were made.



May 29, 2024, 5:48 p.m. ET

May 29, 2024, 5:48 p.m. ET

Michelle Cottle

Opinion Writer

Team Biden’s Urgent Pitch to Black Voters in Philadelphia

At the rollout of the Black Voters for Biden-Harris effort in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Team Biden’s basic message — what it desperately needed to convey — was summed up by Vice President Kamala Harris near the end of her brief remarks: “Who sits in the White House matters. It matters!”

This may seem obvious. But as Democratic strategists and officials will tell you, a lack of urgency about, or even interest in, the outcome of this year’s presidential election — especially among younger Black voters — is one of the scariest threats the party is facing.

At this rare joint appearance, in a city where they desperately need to do well in November, both Harris and President Biden spotlighted numerous “promises made, promises kept” that they figured would be of particular interest to Black Americans.

Harris ticked through specifics, such as capping the price of insulin, forgiving billions in student loan debt, making it so medical debt doesn’t affect a person’s credit score and strengthening background checks for gun purchases.

Biden ran through even more wins — pardoning people incarcerated on charges of marijuana possession, investing in historically Black colleges, appointing the first Black woman to the Supreme Court — along with some promises about what he would do with a second term.

And both leaders brought up some of the darker moments of the Trump years, from Donald Trump’s efforts to kill Obamacare to his musings about injecting bleach as a way to cure Covid-19.

The president was not playing around. He asserted that, after Trump lost in 2020, “something snapped” in the guy, who is now “clearly unhinged.” Noting the former president’s vow to pardon the Jan. 6 rioters, Biden asked: “What do you think would have happened if Black Americans had stormed the Capitol?”

Wrapping things up, the president urged the crowd to go forth and spread the word about the urgency of this race. “Talk to your families,” he pleaded.

Biden and his team are well aware of how hard it is to break through to people who have decided to tune out an election. All of us had best hope they find a way.

May 29, 2024, 4:42 p.m. ET

May 29, 2024, 4:42 p.m. ET

Jonathan Alter

Contributing Opinion Writer

Is Trump Starting to Worry About a Conviction?


Donald Trump dozed on Wednesday through a good chunk of the judge’s all-important instructions to the jury, rousing himself once to ask one of his attorneys for a bottle of Poland Spring. (His favorite drink, Diet co*ke, is not allowed in the courtroom.) After Justice Juan Merchan sent the jury to deliberate, Trump chatted with Don Jr. and Alina Habba, an incompetent lawyer from an earlier trial. Then he did a quick, lip-pursed intake of breath that indicated some anxiety.

In the hallway outside, he told reporters that “Mother Teresa could not beat the charges” because of the way the judge, whom he called “corrupt,” instructed the jury. He seemed to be hinting that he believes a conviction is likely.

In fact, Merchan’s hourlong charge to the jury was standard issue in New York State and incorporated unsurprising rulings that went back to pretrial motions in March. One difference is that he read the more complicated parts twice.

The judge sided with the defense by telling the jury that if it focuses on tax offenses, it must find that Trump “willfully” intended to commit unlawful acts. But if it finds that campaign finance violations are the underlying crime, he twice mentioned that corporate contributions are banned altogether and the maximum allowable individual donation is $2,700 — a lot less than the $130,000 in hush-money that Michael Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels with Trump’s approval.

Merchan essentially instructed the jury that it can think Cohen lied about many things but find him credible on other things. And he told the jurors, “You need not be unanimous on whether the defendant committed crimes personally, by acting in concert with another, or both.” Unanimity is required only for overall conviction on each of the 34 counts.

The state law on falsifying business records requires intent to commit other crimes, so the judge spent lots of time defining that term.

In the afternoon, after nearly five hours of deliberation, the jury sent notes to the judge asking to rehear at least some of the judge’s complex instructions, which is likely to happen on Thursday. Jurors would also like another look at testimony from five weeks ago by David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer, about one particular 2016 phone call with Trump (highlighted Tuesday by a prosecution lawyer, Joshua Steinglass, in his closing argument). And jurors want to hear again why Pecker backed out of the Karen McDougal deal and how Pecker and Cohen depicted the Trump Tower meeting in August of 2015 that prosecutors argue was the birth of the conspiracy.

Trump’s defense team also focused on that meeting, insisting that it was commonplace for candidates to “work with the media” to squelch sex stories, as Pecker said he did with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rahm Emanuel. (It is not commonplace.)

Because the jurors are now practiced at poker faces, we aren’t learning which way they are moving, only that they are diligently examining the evidence.



May 29, 2024, 3:36 p.m. ET

May 29, 2024, 3:36 p.m. ET

David Firestone

Deputy Editor, the Editorial Board

Nikki Haley’s Valentine to Civilian Death

It was a sweet little heart, the kind you might draw on a Valentine’s Day card. “America 💜 Israel Always,” the author wrote, above her handwritten signature: “Nikki Haley.” How lovely.

Except it wasn’t written on a greeting card. Haley drew the heart in purple ink on a 155-millimeter artillery shell, the kind that the Israeli Army has routinely loaded into howitzers and fired on Gaza in the hopes of eradicating Hamas but resulting in the mass deaths of civilians. Tens of thousands of these shells have rained down on Gaza since the Oct. 7 massacre, and when they explode they send countless metal fragments in every direction, with a casualty range of between 100 and 300 meters. A coalition of human rights groups say that this particular artillery weapon is so indiscriminate that its use in heavily populated areas like Gaza violates international humanitarian law.

But that wasn’t all that Haley wrote. Above the little heart was a message of savage revenge: “Finish them!”

“Finish Them, America ♥️ Israel Always!”

Message from @NikkiHaley, written on an Israeli missile intended for Hamas. pic.twitter.com/DgPQYNvkWM

— Team Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaleyHQ) May 28, 2024

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, made it clear on social media that both the inscription and the shells were intended for Hamas. But her scrawled fondness for bloodshed — with little apparent concern for whose blood will actually be shed — sends a more important message to American voters.

A huge number of progressive voters are furious at President Biden for not doing more to stop Israel’s assault on Gaza. And it’s true that many of those artillery shells were supplied by the United States. But if those voters think that the situation in Gaza will change if they sit out the election and allow Donald Trump and other Republicans to be elected, they don’t really understand what’s coming. Because it would be a lot worse.

Haley lost her bid to become the Republican nominee for president because she was seen as too moderate for a party that still prefers Trump’s recklessness. When it comes to issues like Israel, most of the party is further to the right than the author of “Finish them!”

Biden should have done much more to use American leverage on Israel to reduce the civilian toll in Gaza. But Republicans pound him every day for withholding an arms shipment to Israel to prevent it from being used to attack Rafah, in the Gaza Strip. He has never signed his name on a lethal explosive device and expressed a hope that it would kill. There’s a big difference.

May 29, 2024, 12:50 p.m. ET

May 29, 2024, 12:50 p.m. ET

Neel V. Patel

Opinion Staff Editor

The Stalled Pandemic Accords Offer an Opportunity for Vaccine Equity

For more than two years, the member states of the World Health Organization have been meeting to iron out an agreement on how to prevent and respond to future pandemics. The text of the accord was supposed to be finalized last Friday, for nations to formally approve it this week during the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

That deadline came and went, and negotiations on the accord have stalled because of disagreements about global vaccine availability. Countries cannot agree on whether to prioritize making new treatments more available to poor countries or allowing certain intellectual property rights to vaccine manufacturers in wealthy countries instead. There’s a stark division between the haves and the have-nots of the global stage.

On the surface, the breakdown in talks is a familiar story of international diplomacy. But it also presents an opportunity. Wealthier nations could use this moment to reverse course on the agreement’s more rushed, toothless measures, and instead turn it into something consequential and lifesaving.

Not even three years ago, richer countries like the United States bought enough Covid-19 vaccine stock for twice its population; Canada, for five times its population. Poorer countries came last, relying on donated vaccines and Covax, the global vaccine-sharing scheme. Vaccine hoarding among wealthy nations probably led to more than a million deaths in 2021 alone. Many countries on the African continent suffered an especially slow rollout, causing their economic recoveries to lag behind those of the rest of the world.

Besides the moral argument that developed countries should do more to help developing ones, there’s a practical argument to make: Pandemics don’t care about nation-state borders. If an infectious disease is allowed to thrive in one region, travel and migration ensure that it will inevitably threaten surrounding regions as well, putting the globe at further risk.

If our leaders want to avoid a fate similar to 2020, they need to ensure that essential vaccines and treatments are available wherever they are needed.



May 28, 2024, 10:15 p.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 10:15 p.m. ET

Jonathan Alter

Contributing Opinion Writer

Prosecutors Leave the Jury With a Mountain of Evidence Against Trump


Humor helps, especially if you are delivering a five-hour speech.

Joshua Steinglass of the prosecution team knew he was taking a risk by “trading brevity for thoroughness” in his closing argument in the Donald Trump felony trial in Manhattan; besides being exhausted after an 11-hour day, jurors might conclude “the people” (the formal name for the prosecution) were not sure enough about their case to avoid piling on.

So Steinglass copped to “beating a dead horse” and helped neutralize the defense’s best point with a little playacting.

In the morning Trump’s lead attorney, Todd Blanche, again called Michael Cohen a liar for claiming he phoned Trump on Oct. 24, 2016, to talk to him about hush money for Stormy Daniels when text chains showed he wanted to ask Keith Schiller, Trump’s bodyguard, about a 14-year-old prank caller who was harassing him.

To explain that Cohen could have talked about both, Steinglass assumed Cohen’s voice and cradled an imaginary phone:

“Hey, Keith, how’s it going?” he asked, imitating Cohen. “Hey, is the boss near you? Can you pass him the phone for a minute?”

Then Steinglass turned self-effacing — “Sorry if I didn’t do a good job” — before proving that was only one of about 20 times in October alone that Cohen updated Trump about his progress in hushing Daniels, thereby helping to save Trump’s sagging campaign.

Steinglass went to great lengths to show that his case did not rely entirely on Cohen. Steinglass returned again and again to the first-week testimony of David Pecker, a former publisher of The National Enquirer, who implicated Trump directly in a conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 election. And Steinglass assembled, disassembled and all but cleaned what he called “the smoking gun” — the handwritten notes detailing Trump’s scheme to disguise his reimbursem*nt of Cohen as legal expenses.

The long faces in the Trump guest section reflected the sense in the courtroom that Trump’s story that the $420,000 he paid to Cohen was really a legal retainer will not fly. Steinglass showed that Trump himself admitted in court documents and other records that it was a reimbursem*nt.

Steinglass also proved that “Michael Cohen is no rogue actor” and that in 2018 Trump, Rudy Giuliani and the lawyer Robert Costello treated Cohen like a mob rat as part of the cover-up. This was La Casa Blanca meets La Cosa Nostra.

The defense has a better shot at creating doubt that Trump intended to commit a crime, but even here, Steinglass had a heap of evidence to shovel in the jury’s direction.

The judge allowed most of it until the prosecutor overreached by urging jurors not to let Trump get away with shooting someone on Fifth Avenue, evoking his famous line about what he could get away with.

Just after the objection to that was sustained by the judge, Steinglass finally stood down, and we all dragged off to bed. The case finally goes to the jury on Wednesday.

May 28, 2024, 6:17 p.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 6:17 p.m. ET

Farah Stockman

Editorial Board Member

Netanyahu Is Sorry/Not Sorry for the Killings in Rafah

I often tell my 8-year-old daughter that saying “sorry” doesn’t cut it if she continues the behavior that she’s apologizing for. It’s a basic lesson that kids learn. World leaders need to learn it, too, apparently.

After facing international blowback for the Israeli military strike that burned dozens of people alive in their tents in a refugee camp in Rafah on Sunday, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, called the civilian deaths a “tragic mishap.” He also said that his government was making “utmost efforts not to harm innocent civilians” and that mistakes would be investigated.

It reminded me of the awfully similar statement he gave in April, after the Israeli military attacked a convoy of World Central Kitchen staff members who had just unloaded food aid at a warehouse in Gaza. Those deadly airstrikes took place even though the World Central Kitchen workers drove in a clearly marked convoy and had meticulously coordinated their movements with the Israeli military. After an international outcry, Netanyahu issued a statement calling the deaths “a tragic accident” that “happens in war.”

“We are conducting a thorough inquiry and are in contact with the governments,” the statement read. “We will do everything to prevent a recurrence.”

But by that time, the sheer number of attacks on aid workers and on Gaza civilians seeking aid raised real questions about whether we have been witnessing intentional killings or “reckless incompetence,” as Christopher Lockyear, an official with Doctors Without Borders, noted.

On the side of reckless incompetence, there was that time in December when Israeli soldiers fired on three unarmed men waving white flags — only to discover that they were Israeli hostages who had managed to break free of their captors. At that time, Netanyahu’s office released a statement that called the killings “an unbearable tragedy.” The statement pledged to “learn the lessons” to ensure that it wouldn’t happen again.

How many apologies will be issued and investigations pledged before this God-forsaken war ends? Netanyahu’s list of international apologies keeps growing. But the attacks on Rafah — and the unspeakable suffering of Palestinian civilians — continue.



May 28, 2024, 3:49 p.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 3:49 p.m. ET

Frank Bruni

Contributing Opinion Writer

Pope Francis’ Remarkable Act of Contrition

I’m not accustomed to apologies from popes. Aren’t they infallible?

Yes, I know, that term doesn’t have practical, colloquial application — it doesn’t mean that they never bungle math problems or lose track of where they hung their robes. But the general notion or mythology of infallibility reflects a kind of papal authority and aloofness that discourages any real-time revisiting of false steps, any open regret for errant syllables.

“I’m sorry” belongs to the political realm (or at least did until Donald Trump came along). Popes inhabit a higher plane.

So a Vatican statement on Tuesday that Pope Francis “extends his apologies” to anyone offended by something he recently said is a big and surprising deal. It’s all the bigger and more surprising because Francis was apologizing for insulting gay people, and for most of my 59 years, Roman Catholic leaders were more concerned with condemning or converting or chiding or hiding us than with making sure our feelings weren’t hurt.

In a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops last week, Francis reportedly responded to a question about whether openly gay men should be admitted to seminaries by saying that those training grounds for future priests were already too crowded with “frociaggine,” a crude Italian slur.

I’m disappointed that he used it, contradicting past statements of his that urged respect for gay people and his decision last year to allow priests to bless same-sex couples. I don’t know whether he was disclosing his own lingering bigotry or trying to curry favor with the conservatives around him.

But I know this: Another pope in a prior era wouldn’t have been so quick to do damage control. Another pope in a prior era mightn’t have felt that any damage was done.

And even Francis could have decided simply to ignore the media attention to his offensive language until it died down. Popes are expected to worry not about the news cycle but about eternity. What’s more, he would have pleased some of his sternest critics by moving on. They complain that he has done too much outreach to L.G.B.T.Q. people and been too indulgent of them.

His apology speaks to the kind of pope that he, at his best, has been: one who means to heal wounds. But it says even more about an altered church in a changed world, where gay people still endure taunts aplenty but also encounter unexpected moments of grace.

May 28, 2024, 3:18 p.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 3:18 p.m. ET

Jonathan Alter

Contributing Opinion Writer

The Trump Team’s Inept Closing Argument Blew Up


If Donald Trump becomes a felon in the coming days, he and his defense team can partly blame themselves. Throughout the trial they offered implausible arguments against the prosecution’s case, and on Tuesday Trump’s lead attorney, Todd Blanche, slipped an I.E.D. into the end of his closing argument that blew up in his face.

“You cannot send someone to prison based on the words of Michael Cohen,” Blanche said, in a bid to make jurors think it was their role to decide if a president should be incarcerated.

“Saying that was outrageous,” Justice Juan Merchan told Blanche after the jury left for lunch. Mentioning sentencing to gain sympathy with jurors who have no say in punishment “is simply not allowed,” he said, and that it was “hard for me to imagine how that was not intentional.”

The defense got more than a tongue-lashing. After lunch, Merchan turned to the jurors and told them why they had to ignore this sneaky move — not a good final look for the defense.

In his three-hour closing argument, Blanche gave jurors a few places to explore reasonable doubt but mostly swung wildly and set up the prosecution for better arguments in the afternoon.

My favorite dumb moment: “Guess who else you did not hear from in this trial?” Blanche asked. “Don and Eric. Is there some allegation that they are part of a conspiracy?” No, counselor, but the jury will likely wonder why the defense called Robert Costello, who was destroyed on cross-examination, instead of Trump’s own sons.

Blanche huffed and puffed to discredit the two possible “smoking guns” offered by the prosecution. The first consists of the scrawled notes of Allen Weisselberg, former financial head of the Trump Organization, breaking down the $420,000 that Trump paid Cohen in 2017. Weisselberg wrote “gross it up” in reference to doubling the $130,000 in hush money for tax purposes. That “is a lie,” Blanche said, using a word he would employ more than 30 times in his closing argument, to diminishing effect.

But it wasn’t a lie. The former controller of the Trump Organization had confirmed on the stand that the numbers and “gross it up” were in Weisselberg’s own hand.

The other smoking gun involves a call Cohen taped, during which Trump said “150” in reference to the hush money for Karen McDougal. While trying and — to my mind — failing to establish that Cohen’s phone was tampered with, Blanche played the tape and challenged the idea that Trump even said “150” and that Trump saying “cash” on the tape had anything to do with hush money. Jurors will presumably listen to the tape and decide for themselves. Believe me, you can hear “150.”

Blanche ended his closing argument by telling jurors that if they focus on the evidence, “this is a very easy and quick not-guilty.” Insulting the jury’s intelligence? Not smart.



May 28, 2024, 2:30 p.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 2:30 p.m. ET

Michelle Goldberg

Opinion Columnist

The Trump Team’s Big Lie About the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape

In his closing argument on Tuesday, Donald Trump’s lead defense attorney, Todd Blanche, repeatedly tried to sell a revisionist history of the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which Trump was recorded boasting of his penchant for sexual assault. In the felony case against Trump, the “Access Hollywood” tape is important because, in the story the prosecution is telling, it’s the reason Trump was desperate to quash Stormy Daniels’s story.

“The government wants you to believe that the release of that tape from 2005 was so catastrophic to that campaign that it provided a motive for President Trump to do something criminal,” he said.

Attempting to undercut that narrative, Blanche insisted that it really wasn’t that big of a deal. It caused, he said, a “couple days of frustration and consternation, but that happens all the time during campaigns.” He added: “The ‘Access Hollywood’ tape is being set up in this trial to be something that it is not.”

This is insultingly and obviously untrue. As the longtime Trump aide Hope Hicks testified about that moment in the 2016 campaign, “I think there was consensus among us all that the tape was damaging, and this was a crisis.”

We now know that a critical mass of voters doesn’t care about Trump’s misogyny and predation, but we didn’t know that then. One job of the prosecution, which begins closing arguments Tuesday afternoon, will be to take the jury back to a more innocent time before Trump’s election, when people still imagined there were Republicans with a capacity for shame.

May 28, 2024, 11:22 a.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 11:22 a.m. ET

Michelle Goldberg

Opinion Columnist

There’s Nothing Simple or Obvious About Trump’s Trial Defense

During closing arguments in Donald Trump’s felony trial on Tuesday morning, his lawyer Todd Blanche said, “There’s a reason why, in life, usually the simplest answer is the right one.”

I found this an odd approach, because to believe his theory of the case requires accepting several improbable things. First, although it’s not legally germane, Blanche reiterated, perhaps at the insistence of his client, that Trump “has unequivocally and repeatedly denied” any encounter with Stormy Daniels. And rather than simply arguing that Trump didn’t know about the scheme to reimburse Michael Cohen for the payoff to Daniels, he appears to be arguing that no such scheme existed.

Cohen, said Blanche, had a verbal retainer agreement in 2017 to serve as Trump’s personal attorney, and that’s why he was paid $420,000. If that’s the case, it’s hard to imagine why Cohen pleaded guilty and served prison time in connection with the hush-money payment.

Blanche’s argument has been internally inconsistent. First, he insisted that Trump, being busy as president, didn’t always look at the checks he signed. Then, trying to discredit the idea that Trump would reimburse Cohen $420,000 for a $130,000 payment — which Cohen has claimed was grossed up to include taxes and a bonus — Blanche pointed to “all the evidence you heard about how closely President Trump watches his finances.”

During a long digression about the National Enquirer’s practice of “catching and killing” stories, he insisted that there had never been a “catch and kill” plot involving the Playboy model Karen McDougal, implying, I think, that her deal with the publication was on the level. “She wanted to be on the cover of magazines, she wanted to write articles,” Blanche, said and that’s what she did.

Obviously, I have no idea what the jury is thinking. But given the implausibility of the narrative that Trump’s defense is spinning, it just seems weird that Blanche is invoking Occam’s razor.



May 28, 2024, 5:04 a.m. ET

May 28, 2024, 5:04 a.m. ET

Patrick Healy

Deputy Opinion Editor

How Quickly Would a Trump Verdict Sink In for Voters?


Each week on The Point, we kick things off with a tipsheet on the latest in the presidential campaign. Here’s what we’re looking at this week:

  • The most consequential week of Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan has arrived: The jury could begin deliberating in the next two days. We’ll also get insight shortly about Justice Juan Merchan’s instructions to jurors — basically, a clearer picture of what options they have for a verdict. As for the political impact of any decision by the jury, I think that will take weeks to become clear as Americans learn and absorb the news — as suburban women outside Philadelphia, for instance, weigh the verdict and their feelings about Trump against their views on the economy or abortion rights.

  • It takes time for voters to process big news, and opinions can shift with time. Part of why James Comey’s Oct. 28, 2016, letter about Hillary Clinton’s classified email was so politically damaging to her was that it came as many people were casting early votes and others were making up their minds ahead of the Nov. 8 election. The Trump verdict will be historic, but the election is five months away. How voters feel about the verdict could surely change in that time.

  • We’ll also start getting a clearer picture this week about whether Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will qualify to join the June 27 debate between President Biden and Trump. There’s a good explainer here boiling down how Kennedy needs to make the November ballot in a bunch more states first to make the cut for the debate. Given the various rules, I don’t think there’s much time for him to make the June debate; he may have a better shot at the September debate. Either way, I can’t see the Biden and Trump campaigns eager to have him onstage — they don’t want anything distracting voters from seeing the flaws and fumbles in the other guy, and R.F.K. Jr. will be one big distraction.

  • I’m preoccupied with the Biden-Trump fight for Pennsylvania and whether Biden can borrow from the winning political playbook of Gov. Josh Shapiro, who won a 15-point landslide in 2022. Biden is trailing Trump by a couple of points in the state polling average. As in other swing states, Biden needs to do far better than he’s currently polling with young voters and nonwhite voters, and with voters in Philadelphia and its suburbs. So keep an eye on Biden’s campaign trip to Philadelphia on Wednesday and his pitch for why Americans should want another four years of his presidency.

  • Trips like Biden’s Philadelphia event are planned weeks in advance, but as it happens, this one will probably happen just as the Trump jury is deliberating on Trump’s fate (or returning with a verdict). The split screen of Biden heralding Ben Franklin and Trump attacking jurors is a news cycle the Biden campaign badly wants.

May 24, 2024, 2:10 p.m. ET

May 24, 2024, 2:10 p.m. ET

Bret Stephens

Opinion Columnist

What’s Spanish for ‘Chutzpah’?

This week’s announcements by the governments of Ireland, Norway and Spain that they will recognize a Palestinian state are drawing predictable reactions from predictable quarters. Some see them as useful rebukes to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war strategy in Gaza that will further isolate Israel. Others, including me, view them as f*ckless gestures that reward Hamas’s terrorism.

That’s a column for another day. For now, it’s enough to note the Spanish government’s sheer nerve.

Though Spanish public opinion overwhelmingly supports swift recognition of Palestinian statehood, it’s another story when it comes to Spain’s own independence movements. In 2017 the regional government of Catalonia held a referendum, declared illegal by Spain’s Constitutional Court, on the question of Catalan independence. Though turnout was low — in part because Spanish police forcibly blocked voting — the Catalan government said nearly 90 percent of voters favored independence.

The central government in Madrid responded by dismissing the Catalan government, imposing direct rule. Two years later, under the current left-wing government of Pedro Sánchez, Spain sentenced nine Catalan independence leaders to prison on charges of sedition, though they were later pardoned. This year the lower house of the Spanish Parliament voted to grant amnesty to those involved in the 2017 campaign as part of a deal to prop up Sánchez’s government, despite a Senate veto. Seventy percent of the Spanish public opposes the amnesty.

Catalans aren’t the only ethnic minority in Spain that has sought independence, only to encounter violent suppression. In the 1980s the Spanish Interior Ministry under a socialist government responded to the long-running Basque separatist movement with state-sponsored death squads, notoriously responsible for a string of kidnappings, tortures and assassinations. The Spanish government called the separatists terrorists — as indeed some were — though their tactics look tame compared with Hamas’s. By the time the conflict ended in 2011, it had claimed more than 1,000 lives.

Spain possesses two cities on the African continent, Ceuta and Melilla, both of which are claimed by Morocco and have been stormed by African migrants seeking entry into the European Union. They are protected by extensive border fences and fortifications strikingly reminiscent of Israel’s breached border fence with Gaza.

There are many other independence movements throughout Europe, from Scotland to Flanders to Corsica and the Balkans. Many of these movements tend to have affinities with Palestinians, for reasons that are obvious. More difficult to explain are governments that suppress independence seekers at home while applauding those abroad. Some might call it deflection. To others, it looks like hypocrisy.

Opinion | Conversations and insights about the moment. (2024)
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