powder valley inc, DON't Change your orders! (2025)

Re: powder valley inc, DON't Change your orders!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, I'll stir the pot a bit more with all you(now popularly called "whiners") who waited until the very last minute after a crisis and then somehow think it is everyone (here is where the now popular term "hoarders" comes in) elses fault you can't get what you want.

So let me ponder and take a wild stab at your usual behavior and procrastination.....You have a date for next month. This date has regularly in the past rewarded you with a good romp in the rack. You know from the past that she doesn't use any type of oral birth control and you must use a condom! Soooooo, you don't buy a condom anytime during that month. You don't buy a condom anytime the week before or that day before picking her up. You don't buy a condom on the way to the resturant nor do you stop and buy one before you go dancing, drinking, or whatever the hell you do for a few hours. Things are going good and she has clearly indicated that you are gonna get laid tonight!!!! HOWEVER, you don't need it RIGHT NOW do you???

Soooooo, on your way to her place you still DO NOT stop and buy a condom!!! You STILL put it off and put it off during wine, necking.......more necking on the couch along with foreplay. She says, "let me go freshen up and get into something comfortable"! You STILL don't feel any urgency nor rush to go buy a condom while she is in the rest room. Out she comes in the frilly lil Victoria's Secret slutty outfit she always wears when things 'are about to get good' and she says "lets go to my bed"!!!!!

Sooooo.....you kick off yer shoes and to her bedroom you go grinnin like a a 2 peckered puppy that just seen his first cat. Now....remember you still don't have a condom but do you go now before you undress and buy one? OH HELL NO...don't need it yet right????

Soooo.....now you are buck naked and so is she, hotter than a fresh f*cked fox in a flax field and DUH, I need a condom!!!

Quickly redress, jump in the car and drive like Jeff Gordon to the Walmart just down the street a few blocks, run in and head straight for the rubber rack!!!! Ooooooohhhh, NO RUBBERS and you just see the 'RUBBER HOARDER' going around the corner of the isle with 6, YEA SIX FUCKIN RUBBERS in his hands. WHY THAT DIRTY ROTTEN HOARDING NO GOOD INFLATION DRIVING PIECE OF SHIT just cost you a good lay!!!!!! How dare that SOB buy all 6, YEA SIX flippin rubbers, shit as far as your concerned there is no way he is gonna use them all tonight, he is just hoarding them and the UGLY BASTARD probably has to beat his meat and uses them then cause you know you're the stud in town!!! ...and besides that because they were the last ones he pd $5, yea FIVE FUCKIN DOLLARS apiece for them. Why the high prices even though it has been advertised for weeks that tonight was 'prom' night and that shouldn't have had any influence on rubber runs should it???

It is HIS fault you are standing in Walmart with a Boner and NO rubbers!!!!!!! It just isn't right and you surely didn't do anything wrong because you still had 5 or more minutes of foreplay and maybe oral before you REALLLLLLYYYYYYY NEEDED IT!!!!! So its not like you didn't plan ahead is it??????

Just ain't right.... even though you knew a month ahead of time you would need a condom and it was prom night tonight!!!!

Seems like a fair comparison to me but then again I am a bit warped and those of you whom have no rubbers is gonna blame guys like me for the situation you are in!! Think that is something like narcassism or flat flippin being unprepared and not blaming the REAL person responsible????

Point yer finger atem, close yer nondominant eye and say pewww, pew pew pew LOL

Flame away gentleman! I feel better that I have contributed some usefull advice for the weekend and will sleep well because of it.

powder valley inc, DON't Change your orders! (1)


No condom? That's where BJ's and anal come in (no pun intended

powder valley inc, DON't Change your orders! (2)

). It has been a pita finding a 500 round box of 175smk though. Just found some in stock last night and placed an order.

powder valley inc, DON't Change your orders! (3)

powder valley inc, DON't Change your orders! (2025)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.