Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (2025)


Submitted by Petdrwife

"This is a recipe from my Great Grandmother. I can remember going to her house and sitting down to a lunch of Fried chicken, mash potatoes, green beans, fried corn, biscuits and fried peach pies for dessert. It is a wonder we didn't all die from heart disease but that is country living. These directions were written for me real countryfied so I explained best I could but you will get the jist. Make dough, fill it and fry it!"


Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (2) Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (3)

photo by Izy Hossack Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (4)

Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (5) Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (6)

Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (7) Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (8)

Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (9) Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (10)

Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (11) Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (12)

Ready In:
1hr 50mins





  • For dough

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 14 cup Crisco
  • milk
  • butter
  • For filling

  • 6 ounces dried peaches
  • water
  • 1 12 cups sugar
  • oil (for frying)



  • Place flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
  • Cut in crisco with pastry cutter or fork.
  • Add enough milk to make dough, do not mix too much.
  • Let biscuit dough sit for 1 hour.
  • Meanwhile take dried peaches and put in sauce pan with enough water to cover and cook until soft.
  • Add 1 1/2 cups of sugar and cook 15 minuts more.
  • Remove from stove and mash with potato masher; set aside.
  • Preheat electric skillet to 300 degrees.
  • Take biscuit dough and pull enough off for one pie, roll it out thin on floured board. Take a saucer, place on rolled out dough and trim around it with a sharp knife.
  • Place two big spoons of peaches on one side of dough and lap the other side over in half moon shape. Seal the edges with a fork.
  • Fry pies in skillet until brown, then turn and brown other side.
  • Drain on paper towels.
  • These pies can be eaten warm or stored in a container and eaten the next day room temperature they are awesome either way.

Questions & Replies

Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (13)

  1. Hi, I can't wait to try your recipe! I just did not see where in the recipe the butter is used. I see butter as an ingredient for the dough but the directions call for shortening (Crisco). That's how my Mother made the dough also. Perhaps I'm just overlooking it...please let us know how the butter is used and how much to incorporate. Thanks, Jb

    Jaay B.

  2. The ingredients call for butter. However the directions don't say when to add it. When do I add the butter ? ??

    Honey B. W.

  3. How much butter


  4. How do I copy this tecipe?


see 3 more questions



  1. Oh thank you thank you thank you. My granny made these all the time for every family get-together. We all fought over them and begged to take home the leftovers. When she died, no one had ever been able to duplicate them. I was so excited to find this recipe and ran out and bought the ingredients. They were just like Granny's. I actually cried when I was eating them because it was just like seeing her standing there by that iron skillet smiling at us kids fighting over the pies. I love you for posting this.

  2. Wow. These ARE old fashioned fried pies. I used dried apricots, and they fulfilled all the fried pie fantasies/memories in this house. The crust also works well w/ prepared pudding pie fillings (like chocolate & coconut cream), jams and marmalade. Thanks so much!


  3. Such cute little hand pies! I had never fried pies before but this was a great introduction to the method as they were so easy to assemble. I found the peach filling too sweet for my taste though so next time I would halve the amount of sugar added

    Izy Hossack

  4. Very good and pretty easy! It was my first attempt at homemade dough I usually use biscuits.

    • Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe - (23)


  5. I updated this to say I have made these a few times now, and recently made them with nice juicy Georgia peaches. Wow! were they good! May 28, 2008 I made these using Macintosh apples instead of the peaches, and they were wonderful! Brought back memories of when I was younger and my mama used to make them when I was little. Thank you for sharing Petdrwife! Cindy


see 5 more reviews



  1. I updated this to say I have made these a few times now, and recently made them with nice juicy Georgia peaches. Wow! were they good! May 28, 2008 I made these using Macintosh apples instead of the peaches, and they were wonderful! Brought back memories of when I was younger and my mama used to make them when I was little. Thank you for sharing Petdrwife! Cindy




United States

  • 94 Recipes

I currently reside in a quaint little town on Lake Erie. I spend most of my time caring for my three children (DH,DS,DD). My love of cooking comes from my deeply rooted southern upbringing. I love to entertain and people enjoy my vittles.

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Southern Fried Peach Pies Recipe  - (2025)
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