Sunnybrook’s MyChart offers access to medical records for Psychiatry patients (2025)

Patients of Sunnybrook's Psychiatry departmentnow have access to their medical records like never before.

Through the hospital’s MyChart™ personal health record system, Psychiatry patients can request confidential online access of their clinic visit notes. The psychiatrist responsible for the patient’s care receives an email alert for release of information and approves the request online. Automated checks and filters ensure only appropriate information and notes are shared securely.

Backed by the legislation of Ontario’s Release of Information policy, the system is just like the current paper process of requesting one’s medical record, but provides more direct results as it takes away the middle layer for patients having to travel to the hospital to complete the release of information request first. Now, an automated request goes through MyChart directly to the psychiatrist keeping the physician directly involved with the patient request and patient follow-up as required.

“This really has the potential to impact Release of Information services of mental health information across Canada and beyond,” says Sarina Cheng, Director IS, Health Records & MyChart Program at Sunnybrook. “It allows patients to play a more active part in their health monitoring outside the walls of the hospital, and psychiatrists receiving online requests directly from any mobile device or computer.

The benefits of monitoring mental health status and online access to own personal health record information through MyChart include: the ability to track mood, interactive care and care planning with the physician, and the patient can add their own notes, sharing thoughts and feelings with their doctor beyond the scheduled visit.

“It is really aligning the goals of patients and physicians more closely as they are able to communicate on a day-to-day basis," says Dr. Ari Zaretsky, Chief of Psychiatry and VP Medical Education.

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Sunnybrook’s MyChart offers access to medical records for Psychiatry patients (1)


Sunnybrook’s MyChart™ service offers groundbreaking access to medical records for Psychiatry patients

Toronto, ON (May 5, 2015) – Patients of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre’s Psychiatry department now have access to their medical records like never before.

Through the hospital’s MyChart™ personal health record system, Psychiatry patients can request confidential online access of their clinic visit notes. The psychiatrist responsible for the patient’s care receives an email alert for release of information and approves the request online. Automated checks and filters ensure only appropriate information and notes are shared securely.

Backed by the legislation of Ontario’s Release of Information policy, the system is just like the current paper process of requesting one’s medical record, but provides more direct results as it takes away the middle layer for patients having to travel to the hospital to complete the release of information request first. Now, an automated request goes through MyChart directly to the psychiatrist keeping the physician directly involved with the patient request and patient follow-up as required.

“This really has the potential to impact Release of Information services of mental health information across Canada and beyond,” says Sarina Cheng, Director IS, Health Records & MyChart Program at Sunnybrook. “It allows patients to play a more active part in their health monitoring outside the walls of the hospital, and psychiatrists receiving online requests directly from any mobile device or computer.”

The benefits of monitoring mental health status and online access to own personal health record information through MyChart include: the ability to track mood, interactive care and care planning with the physician, and the patient can add their own notes, sharing thoughts and feelings with their doctor beyond the scheduled visit.

“This is new for mental health across the board, and I think it is a wonderful advancement,” says Dr. Ari Zaretsky, Chief of Psychiatry and VP Medical Education. “It is really aligning the goals of patients and physicians more closely as they are able to communicate on a day-to-day basis.”

About Sunnybrook’s MyChart™

MyChart is a way for Sunnybrook patients to access and manage their own personal health record online. MyChart’s clinical health information comes directly from Sunnybrook’s electronic patient record system. The information in the MyChart record can be used by patients anywhere, anytime to monitor care while traveling, set up family records, keep a diary to monitor symptoms, manage a family member’s health information and care plan, keep care providers up to date, access care in the community and set up emergency information.

Sunnybrook’s MyChart is available to the 1.6 million patients currently in the Hospital’s electronic patient record system.


Media contact:

Nadia Radovini


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Sunnybrook’s MyChart offers access to medical records for Psychiatry patients (2025)


Sunnybrook’s MyChart offers access to medical records for Psychiatry patients? ›

Patients of Sunnybrook's Psychiatry department now have access to their medical records like never before. Through the hospital's MyChart™ personal health record system, Psychiatry patients can request confidential online access of their clinic visit notes.

How to find medical record number on MyChart? ›

  1. Find your Medical Record Number (MRN) online in 3 easy steps. ...
  2. Find your Medical Record Number (MRN) in MyChart App. ...
  3. Click on After Visit Summary (AVS)
  4. Medical Record Number will. ...
  5. Note: If you have discharge instructions or a printout from your doctor's office, you can find your MRN number on them.

How long has MyChart been around? ›

MyChart was founded in 1998. Where is MyChart's headquarters? MyChart's headquarters is located at 1979 Milky Way, Verona.

Can you access your own medical record via the computer system? ›

You can request your medical records via your health care provider's online patient portal, ask for copies of your records in person at your doctor's office or put the request to your provider in an email or letter.

Is MRN confidential? ›

The MRN maintains the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, and has robust policies for retention, archiving, disaster recovery and data disclosure rules so that the data in its entire life cycle is protected, while in the MRN's care.

How accurate is MyChart? ›

MyChart and other online portals simply do not tell the real story. That is why it is so important for patients and their attorneys to get their hands on the actual medical records as quickly as possible.

What is the Epic Systems controversy? ›

Epic Systems, the largest provider of software for managing medical records, says a venture-backed startup called Particle Health is using patient data in unauthorized and unethical ways that have nothing to do with treatment.

Why do people use MyChart? ›

MyChart gives you access to your health information and a direct connection to your care team, with tools to help you actively participate in your care.

Is medical record number the same as member ID? ›

The MRN enables medical records/history to be tracked for all periods of enrollment. Note: The MRN should be used as the "Member ID" when submitting bills or encounter data.

Are MRN and patient ID the same? ›

The statement that a patient identification number and a medical record number are the same is generally true, as both are used to uniquely identify a patient's medical records. However, practices can vary across different healthcare institutions.

Is mrn the same as account number? ›

The difference between a medical number and an account number is that a medical number always stays the same. It is a personal permanent number given to the patient. An account number is assigned to a patient every time they come to the hospital, it does not stay the same.

Is a medical record number a patient identifier? ›

Additional examples of identifiers may include, but not limited to: An assigned identification number (e.g. medical record number, etc). Telephone number or another person-specific identifier.

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