135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (2024)

Have you recently upset your partner, parents, friends or close ones? As it is rightly said that apology is the biggest sign of maturity, it is never too late to apologize!

We have crafted over 135 perfect I am Sorry messages that is guaranteed to earn back the other's person's trust and affection.

Hey there, I wanted to sincerely apologize for my behavior. It was not okay and I promise to never repeat it.

Sometimes we all make mistakes, and I definitely did with you. Please forgive me, I value you more than you know.

Wishing I could take back everything I said. I messed up, and I'm truly sorry.

I know I acted out of line with you. I'm truly sorry and value our relationship too much to let this come between us. Can you give me a chance?

I am so sorry that I let you down. Please let's talk about it when you're ready.

Words can't express how sorry I am for my mistake. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

Heartfelt I am Sorry Messages to Melt Her Anger

I feel awful that I haven't been the best boyfriend. I promise to make it up to you. I am so sorry.

I deeply regret the way I treated you. I owe you all the apologies in the world! I am sorry.

The worst thing about making mistakes is realizing that we risk losing the person we love most in life when we do them. It's how I feel now: it seems like I've lost you.

Instead of appreciating how amazing you are to me, I hurt you. Please forgive me.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (1)

I have made three mistakes: deceiving you, failing to acknowledge my wrongdoing, and not cherishing the incredible person you are. I am sorry.

I have made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I am truly sorry my love.

I can only ask for your forgiveness today but I promise to change my actions tomorrow.

You are the joy of my life, you are the reason I wake up smiling, you are the person I think about when I am about to fall asleep. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I managed to ruin it all! I am truly sorry.

I know I messed up big time with you, and now all I want is to apologize from the bottom of my heart. Can you forgive me?

I am so sorry for the pain I caused you, even though I didn't mean to. I never wanted to hurt you. Please forgive me.

I should have thought twice before I acted. I was very immature and I regret it deeply. I am really really sorry!

I sincerely apologize for my complete insensitivity towards you. I promise to work on myself to ensure this never happens again, sorry.

I struggle to admit my mistakes and show my remorse, but the truth is that I'm torturing myself internally. I'm so sorry for what I did, I wish I had acted differently! I am sorry.

You were absolutely right, and I was completely wrong. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart!

I sincerely hope to make amends for what I did. I feel so terrible that I can't even sleep. I know it will take time for you to trust me again, but I will fight every day to show you that it was a big mistake on my part.

I cannot promise that I will never make mistakes again, but I promise that I will do everything in my power to avoid doing so. I am sorry.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (2)

You have every right to not accept my apology, as I have not done right with you! But please know that I am truly sorry for my actions.

I am proud and have a hard time admitting my mistakes, but the truth is that what I did to you was extremely wrong on my part. I am so sorry!

Last night I had a dream that I lost you and I woke up crying! Please, I know I made a mistake, but I beg you to listen to me for just a few seconds. I am sorry.

My biggest dream now is to make sure everything goes back to the way it was before! I'm so sorry.

I'm feeling so down right now... I still don't know how I could do this, but please know that I'm so sorry!!!

I never thought things could get so out of control. I'm so sorry from the bottom of my heart.

If you only knew how sorry I am... I shouldn't have acted that way towards you. If I could turn back time, I would never repeat my actions.

I doubted your loyalty and fought with you for no reason at all. I'm the worst boyfriend ever! Please let's talk. I have so much to apologize for so that this message is not enough.

I have let you down so badly... Please give me another chance?

I don't know exactly what hurt you the most, but I know I've made a lot of mistakes! Can you just give me a chance to talk? I really want to apologize.

I am filled with regret right now! I was a complete idiot and I can only apologize incessantly to you.

I know that what I did might be unforgivable... But I'm here asking for a few minutes of your time, because I don't know what I'll do with my life without you, my love. I am sorry

I'm completely in love with you and can't imagine my world without your presence. I made a mistake in a way that I can't even explain. I was trying to do the right thing, but I ended up getting completely lost along the way. I'm sorry, a thousand times sorry!

Betraying your trust is a mistake I will never get over! I am completely upset for having disappointed you. I know it will be very difficult for you to trust me again, but I am asking for a chance, please!

I've waited my entire life to have someone like you by my side, and when it finally happened, I was able to ruin everything out of jealousy. I'm so sorry!

I am sorry, I never want to be that person again. I promise to strive every single day to be the person you deserve by your side.

From this day forward, for the rest of my life, I will do everything in my power to make amends for my mistake! I am truly sorry.

I always wanted to do everything right and show you how happy you make me, but I ended up disappointing you. I'm devastated. All I wanted to say was that I love you from the bottom of my heart and I'm so sorry for what I did!

I was completely wrong and inappropriate. I am aware of my mistakes, please forgive me!

My love, I never meant to hurt you. I've always tried my best to show you how much I love you, but I ended up hurting you instead.

Please know that it was completely unintentional. I never imagined that I could disappoint you like this. I would like to ask for just a few minutes of your time: I need to talk to you, explain what happened, and tell you how much I love you!

With all the sincerity that fits within me, please: accept my apology! I beg. I was a person I don't even recognize... I feel very bad about the way I acted.

It was an incredibly stressful and exhausting day for me, and I ended up taking it all out on you! I know that doesn't excuse anything, but please accept my sincere apology.

I spent the night awake thinking about how much I love you and how wrong I've been... Can you forgive me?

I have made so many mistakes... now all I can do is beg you to listen to me. It's hard to explain how hurt and sorry I am. I search for words, but none of them seem enough to express what I've put you through.

I am so sorry for my behavior. It was completely inappropriate and I feel terrible about what I did. Please talk to me, even if it's just to yell at me. I am ready to take full responsibility for my actions without any excuses.

My biggest mistake was not showing you how much I loved you when I had the chance. I apologize for acting the way I did. I was scared of my feelings.

I want to find out how to get you back and how to make sure this never happens again. I apologize for my mistake, it was completely unacceptable.

It hurts a lot in my chest to know that my actions hurt the person I love most in this world. I promise to be a better person from today.

This apology comes from someone who can't bear the pain they've caused your heart any longer. I'm so sorry, my love.

I'm so sorry if my words hurt you. I know I can be impulsive with my words, and sometimes I say things without thinking about how they might affect you. I never meant to cause you any pain, and I'm truly sorry for what I said. Please don't leave me.

I can't believe how much of a fool I was with you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you more than anything.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (3)

You deserve a man who puts you first. I haven't always done that in the past, and for that, I sincerely apologize.

Hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Please forgive me, my love.

My love for you is something that cannot be erased. I will continue to apologize to you, because I still believe that our love is strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

I know that promises were made and broken. But I'm here to make amends for my mistakes and be someone worthy of being with you. I'm so sorry, my love.

Dating you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I really don't want things to end like this, my love. I'm so sorry!

It is through our mistakes that we learn, mature, and evolve. I'm sorry, my love. I will be a better person from now on.

If I could go back and undo certain things, I would definitely do everything completely differently. Please give me another chance.

I am so sorry for being so selfish and for neglecting your feelings. I now fully understand how hurtful my actions could be. Please forgive me.

Believe it or not, I never meant to hurt you, but unfortunately I did and I'm so sorry. Can we just let bygones be bygones?

I'm sorry for being so impulsive with what I've done and said. Sometimes my emotions get the better of me and I lose control of the situation. I love you and I need you in my life.

I am so sorry for breaking your trust. I know you don't want to listen to me right now, but I promise I will never do it again because I believe in us. I love you so much.

How can I say "sorry" when I know it's not enough to erase my actions?

How can I ask for your forgiveness when I can't even forgive myself? My love, allow me to start over.

Let's leave these mistakes in the past and start a new journey together. A journey of love, respect, and understanding.

I love you, and this feeling will never change.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (4)

I hope this difficult chapter in our relationship can finally be closed so that we can open a new book of joy. I'm so sorry, my love.

What I said has no excuse. I know I'm impulsive and sometimes the words just come out of my mouth hitting your heart directly. Forgive me.

I know I lied and broke your trust. Please forgive me! I promise to do better and be worthy of your love.

I promise to love you, respect you, and cherish you until the end of our lives. Forgive me, my love. From now on, everything will be different, and I will show you that I am worthy of your love.

It was never my intention to hurt you. I feel ashamed of everything I've done to you. I'm so sorry, my love.

Arguing with you is my greatest fear. I know I need to improve so that we can grow together in this relationship. I am sorry!

You have every right to be upset with me. I know I messed up and spoke without thinking. I'm so sorry, my love.

I know I was wrong. I regret all the pain I caused you. Please forgive me, my love.

I will never stop apologizing to you. I will always strive to improve our relationship and grow into someone worthy of your love.

It was never my intention to hurt you. You are the sun of my life. Please come back to me, my love.

I recognize that lying is the root of the issue we're facing. I promise to do better, respect your wishes, and assure you that this will never happen again. I'm truly sorry, my love.

It doesn't matter if the lie was big or small, it's still a lie. I'm ashamed of myself for lying to you. Please forgive me.

Being away from you is a living nightmare. Please forgive me and come back.

I love you! I feel guilty and remorseful for all the wrong I have done to you. Please forgive me, my love.

I can't bear this feeling of loneliness any longer. I have many regrets in life, but the biggest one, for sure, was breaking your heart through my mistakes. I am sorry for everything, my love.

For all my mistakes, I apologize. I was thinking of you and what was best for our relationship, but I ended up hurting you. Please forgive me.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (5)

Acknowledging mistakes is the first sign of maturity which is why I am truly sorry for my mistakes!

It is heartbreaking to witness the suffering of someone we love deeply, especially when we are the cause of that pain.

We promised each other that we would never go to bed without resolving all of our issues. Please forgive me for the things I did today.

I tried to please you and ended up hurting you. I'm so sorry, my love. I promise this will never happen again.

Protecting and loving you is a promise I made to you that will last forever. I'm sorry for my mistakes today, my love.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I feel like an idiot for what I did. Please forgive me.

You deserve to smile from the moment you wake up until the time you go to sleep. Forgive me, my love.

I know our relationship is stronger than what we are going through. I am sorry my love.

You don't deserve to be going through this. I know my mistakes are inexcusable, but I will not stop apologizing.

I sincerely apologize for the mistakes I have made. Please take all the time you need to reflect and try to forgive me. Know that I am here waiting for you, and my love for you will never fade.

I am so sorry for the continuous blunders, mess-ups, and mistakes. I know I can be a bit too much sometimes but I love you.

Sometimes I speak without thinking. I'm really sorry for hurting you.

Though I vowed to always make you happy, I was stupid and ended up hurting you. I am sorry.

Losing you has made me realize how empty my life is without your presence. Please, my love, forgive me. Let's try again?

I am so sorry for everything I said today, my love. Please never forget that I will always be here for you, supporting you, guiding you, and most importantly, loving you.

I apologize if I've broken any promises. Please know that my love for you will never fade.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (6)

Your smile is the true reason for my happiness. I'm so sorry if I caused that smile to turn into tears today.

I apologize for the mistakes I have made. I know you deserve a more mature person by your side, and I am still very childish, sorry.

No one can ever replace the special place you hold in my heart. Please forgive me, my love. My life is meaningless without you.

With you, I've learned that love isn't about saying 'I love you' every day, but rather demonstrating that love through daily acts of kindness and affection. I am sorry for hurting you.

You were the best gift God could have given me. I feel very bad for hurting you. I'm so sorry, my love.

You are the perfect girlfriend, and I need to improve in many ways to deserve your love. I am sorry!

You are the most important and precious thing in my life. I'm sorry for the mistakes I've made.

I often make small mistakes and never pay attention to them, but breaking your heart is a mistake that I cannot accept. I am so sorry!

Pride can destroy a relationship and cause people to drift apart. I am putting my pride aside right now to ask for your forgiveness. I am sorry.

I know that my actions have broken the bond we have built over time, but I am asking for your forgiveness because I cannot imagine my life without you.

My life, I love you more than anything. You've shown me that our love can conquer anything. Together, we will be eternal, and together, we will be eternally happy. So please, forgive me.

Sorry Messages for Friends

I apologize for my mistake. I know it's not much, but it's the most sincere thing I can do.

I'm still searching for words, but the truth is that it's not easy to say everything I feel. I'm so sorry for what I said. It was all the result of a moment of nervousness and exhaustion in which I said a lot of things without thinking.

I apologize for the way I acted and the words I used. Nothing I did represents what I really feel. The truth is that I love our friendship and would never want to ruin it like that. I'm truly sorry.

I sincerely apologize for my mistakes and behavior. I was completely inappropriate, and I feel terrible about it.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (7)

I know that my words cannot erase what I have done, but I sincerely hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday.

I will fight my whole life to earn your trust back, friend! It hurts me to think that I ended up hurting one of the people I love most in the world.

It was never my intention to hurt you, but I know I did. I'm so sorry!

We've been colleagues and good friends for a long time, but I somehow managed to upset you. Please, let's talk! I really want to make amends and win back your friendship.

I never wanted to make you suffer like that! I am so sorry for my actions. I hope that one day I can make up for everything I have put you through.

Brother, I'm still in shock... I don't know how I could have caused such great disappointment in you! It's been hard to find the right words to explain to you how sorry I am for having wronged you so badly!

My friend, you did everything you could to warn me, but I still chose to act badly. I'm so ashamed of my actions! I beg you, please give me a chance to talk to you and apologize.

I may not have shown it well, but I am so sorry for what I caused you. I hope you can still forgive me.

I acted way out of line today. Rushed things and spoke without thinking. It was wrong. I sincerely apologize and promise to do better.

Ironic as it may be, we sometimes hurt the ones we love the most. And that's what I've done to you! I sincerely apologize.

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (8)

Your forgiveness is the one thing I need most to move on with my life. Every day I suffer greatly for what I did to you!

With the utmost sincerity in the world, I ask for your forgiveness. Your friendship means the world to me, and I don't want to lose it for anything.

I betrayed your trust, and that's one of the worst things we can do to the people we admire. I feel completely guilty and I am fully aware that I made a mistake. Please don't walk away from me!

Sincere Sorry Messages for Parents

It pains me to think that I was unfair to you, Mom. I acted without thinking and was completely out of line. I'm replaying every scene in my head and I can't stop thinking about how wrong I was. I hope you can forgive me someday.

I know it's been a long time, and I'm truly sorry for never having apologized to you before mom. I've wanted to for so long, but I've been afraid to find the right words and the right moment.

Dad, I shouldn't have acted that way. I'm so sorry! I want to talk to you and figure out how I can make it up to you.

Mom, while you were striving to make me happy and ensure I had everything I needed, I was acting completely selfishly. I'm so sorry! I love you so much.

Cute Sorry Messages

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (9)

You're the chai to my morning. I am incomplete without you, I am sorry.

Thinking about you like a love song on repeat. Can we hit rewind and start over?

You're the missing piece of my puzzle. Can we put things back together?

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (10)

Sending you the biggest virtual hug and a promise to do better. Please forgive me this once.

My brain made a bad decision, but my heart only beats for you. Can we rewind?

Words can't express how sorry I am. Can a heartfelt hug do the trick?

Thinking about you constantly, and missing your smile. Can we start over?

Cuddles and takeout sound like the perfect apology. What do you say?

They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but forgiveness from you is definitely mine. Can I make it up to you?

135+ I'm Sorry Quotes to Mend Broken Hearts and Relationships (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.