York Gazette from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

Ull cy TT 5T" EH BODRKE, TIIE PEOPLES REA D-QU ART 5 Notice to Gunnew. fh cdf ri(Cted. piJ5ng ln IloprweU t.wNP. bg rj twlhe Extraordinary Indr comentB to thcs Visitirg York. York Bank Election.

I Hectiea for tkiftea Director! of the A Tork Babb to serve for one year, will be held ob Monday. November 19. 1800, at the hankuig House, between the bourn of 10 a. end 3p.De SAMUEL WAGNER, October 16, Cashier. a The electors ft Luwwr Ckuntcaford tosnuhip, vrd meet at the house rf Joseph McSberry, un s.ud towa-ssip.

The elecu-re ef CknetitH tnwnahtp. wiU meet al Ue boused iUhert kiigsweja eihl lie eiclrat Wiadenr toWBehip, WlH cueetat the house l.eber. said towcship. The eioctri Lowt-r Wiatisor township, will meet at the mill of Ueirge Overdurf. ie Li tMwwelnp.

Importers and dealers in velvet, Brussels, The electors HeiK.ra uwmhip will meet Tapestries, Three ply I hgniin, and Venetian dr and S'oaer's Schttg.l houae. ra tnwBshfp. CIaIPjEIo, The eiecirs.f the Wrwhievllis. will meet ai the house oi HenrrH.ihiX.iQs id Hofoajb. I IMPOSTERS Lehmcyor Brothers, NNittNt'K tWir tWir ccs-fAtnrr.

I i'trucriti of fruptrlj, fnl txastraiud to te public ngtico to UlNNEKd, that the art delermiiird hereafter to pot the law in force for the protection of their property. The hereby warn all peteous that bunt, jug anJ other iotraeroua will not he permitted vU ihetr VN'oim iu pu'-fr tesierni ib.i -DroL Is- J1ILLER HAIR. IN VIG ORATOR. AN KFFECTIYE. AFE AND ECONOMICAL COM I'UL'ND.

-For RrMorlu? (Day Hair tn its original color without ilrinj. ami pretent-icg the Hair trout turatiig grxy. For Prexenlln? ItalrtBirwu. Tid cur- ing it. when there i the least particle of vitality recuperative energy remaining, For Reitiotitix Scurf anti l)nn- flrtlf, and all cutaneous adectiaus of tb Scalp.

Tor Itoaullfx Ins the Ilalr, impart- ranch in thedctrucrin rf pip iue toit an unequal led gloss tuil bnlliuncy. trained tn give public notice HOWELL MANCFACTCRERS AND PAPER HANGINGS, N. E.roTRer of Fearlh aod PHirADELPHIA. Oct 9. lStiO 3tn nrfcip.

lo'k count, hsTirp Cairtion to The onergwed. reridirg ir ce Any person. la any part of the country, can be an agent, simply byt ifniiog a club, leading a list or book, and remitting the amount of raoner required for the une Send fur a Catalogue which rontains all the desired information relaiirt to agencies and the formation of ubo, and toinmire prompt and honorable dealings, ad ires, all orders to THE HE QDAKTEIIS OF j. GEORGE G. EVANS, raopmrroa or tub aud Largest Gift Book Enterprise IN THE VIOBLD, Permanently located at No.

4i5 tBwrsrr Stbebt, PHILADELPHIA. October 16, i I'ee eieoitirs taf the Borough lew'isfvrtf will Hetrt (he politic muae. la id Brtis)rh. The eiriirk the U-en ek rill meet ut the puUtc hoese om. MefStter is sud Borwugb the oil Muni.

i 'i Court -on Mi in H. r-'! York, a r5-Brrr hr.rj nock of Opcwi. jn trv ra Cue rt-sern citir a i r-I rory a.rtn.rnt cf Gunners. Mrwhewfcr Adam ft: ne, Samuel Waltemeyer, Adam tilt, Lewie Bowman. of the best Englieb and American mate, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS, We solicit an inspccti on of our assortment before purchasing elsewhere.

(Yet. 9 160 -3ra John meiuiller, Philip Levi Orwtg, WaUemcyer, Ort Id. lbfiU. 3 1. VALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS gl gk eVa.sts ORIGINAL GIFT BOCK ENTERPRISE; NOTICE 1SUKKKBY GIVEN.

TL.at every person, except Justices of the Price erty, feel con- to Gnmitrs, I FALL AND WINTER i.nkmK it ft siikv in its texture nod that the are drtertnined hereater to rt the (N 1 IiT A it to curl reacii y. 1- in rigid force for the of thir I -La J- 1 1 properties, they hereby wsrnall persons that AND NTLL'AI EN'S PUJJLT SALE The undersigned. Executer of the estate of John Vagner, decd will sell public sale, on TV ESfJA tktSQik dap of Oc4per. lNt0. Hotel, it theboroughof York, the following real estate, vix A HALF LOT OF GROUND, TUB hunting wml other instrtxsion will not le ermitted ou their premi-es D.

Benpunia Heumaq, Samuel William Ucsert G.orge ilei.uiu, Adam Frants, The ceiebriry and the increasing for tms unequalled prepvraUan couvin the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a ubtic its superior qualities over any other preparation at pres- ent io use. It clesnes the heal an-J scalp fronting on North George street, in the ho- from dandruff other cMcarr, rough ork and running hack to a public causes the hair to grow luxurisutly, and gives 'he ceiebritr and the increasing demard LARGEST IN THE WORLD! PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT No. 430 CHESTNUT AZLAXAHSr ACS AND POCKET DIARIES, FOR 1861, FOR SALE bV PEAKCK TOESG, Jio. 5 East Main Street, York, Pa, October 1 6, I l-Gfl. PHILADELPHIA.

I'CRNISHINOGOODS whi ia quality ent, make. and jnr, cannot fail to meet the wishes of all whs my I favor tbrm with a call. The propriety ienge n't wih their gfad to vr.e?y. nce riaer-a. 9- 4- dur-bi itv Their auithe uuLties at their corvsl i enable tlew.

tn a ns peri or arti I- a a tower i rd.ua ry price, fe to di- ail competit-r-w JL. Brother take tl: eccaIon 1 rvtai their think- f- ti tu-y bavr i treretufore revived, and i aare the pi, bite that it shnll ne tfsetr endeavor lain and increaee the ronS rej-oeed im LUem. and that rer.o tnn baaing good LEHVIEYER'S SIXTH YEAR of the ENTERPRISE. George Rehmuo, Wm. Eiciiliuitz, Vndrew Fake, Wm liiLman, Teter Rebmaa, John Hively, Gejge Miller, Solomon Rauhauxer, Ydam Eisenhart, Hei.fr Fry, John oat, Jacob' HeindeL Gcfober 9, George Sta Lewis Koiir.

I'avid Bvnediik, Henry Witmyer, George Sniy-err John B- PivlttgioSF, ilsnua, John Hamm, Frants John Smith, Feter Fout, John Wilhelm. NOTICE. YORK SS. alley. On the north It adjoiua property belonging to tbe same estate, and on.

smith, property of Mrs. Bierbrower. The buildings thereon erected are A Two tor Weatbrbourdcd Dwelling House, With a Two Stoty BRICK BACK BUILDING attached, and the ueces-Nary outbuiMirgs. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock on $biy, when attendance will be iven amt terms made km.wn by E. G.

SMYSER, Oct. 9, 1800. Executor. CARD. Taring fnirchaeed the eparxoue Iron BuVding, 439 Ckeetnut Street, and Jilted up nth every eonrentence facilitate my htutneet.

particularly that branrh devoted to COt A TR i ORDERS: and having a larger eep.tal than any At an Qr pbun Court held at Tork for th ('oonty of Yoik. on the 3d day of October. A D-, before the Honorable Robert J. Fiaher et a Judges of the tame Court, duly it a rich, soft, g5.oy and dexib'e appearance, ami also where the hair is loo-ening and thinning, it will give strength an! vigor lo the retore the growth thcee par which have become' bald, causing it to yield a reek roaring of hair. There are hundred? of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have hid tbeirhair re-i vtoied by the use of this nvigtTtr, when I all preparations had faded.

M. has in hU po-ste-Mmi letters innumerable to I tbe fact, from persons of the highest re-peer-ability. nil! effectually prevent the hair ff'ovt turning gray, urtil ihe latent periol of life; nud in cases where the hair has al-1 ready changed its cjlor, the vis of the In-I vigorator will with certainty restore it to its I original hue. giving it a dark, glossy appear-i a nee. As a pertume for the toilet and a Han R-storative it i-particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the i Peoples Head-Quarters wht stuiil hold itaty ogicAr appotnuuent of pwhHv (rust uo4er iht Loverasaenl a Uie 1iuisd M.JM, or of ibissto.le, ur i ctfy or iactrir.tJ UisineU.

whether ue! tficer. or otnerwise. a ufiirer. or ent who is, oraft.ll emply-ed umiei the Jetsi uve, or executive lie.rt-Uieulut te. or L'oiteU bu.ies.or ut uuj city or mcirjntLed ditnct; ural i iso, that every nw.uuerul Cougress.aBd of tbet lwisliture.

i these-tect sod comme a council oi ac city, or cimumssi n-ers of i.n uicorprated district, ov law incphie il h.ildu.r or exercising at the atiuetiie Uiwoihceor Yppotaimen! Inspector tr Clerk or e- ctHBot UinCuiamxttwe iih. unUta.t nluspecur' rJ uCgeir other othcer such eiecll be iigibte to in ce ihea lo voted ir Also, th it the fourth sectioma the ct of Aa Act rel to exeAulhOs ud ft tHt.er purpises." rpproved April Hi. IM0. is en -ct-ed th-t the dlorea'Ud L3tu section. tmll Cis struel, to prevent imlit rv ciheer or txrougi o4cer.

fr 'iif: serving juige. insjHsctor clerk, is jtnj gener .1 eet.tl election ui ibis Co.n.iHn we Uh, Aud the id ctif Asae.abiv, entitled act rel t-lag to eiecuonk of this Common we 1th passed July 20. I -Jh. further pro ides a lolU.w to TluUl i inspectors and juiiges shall meet at the respective pi evs lor lo Uiing me eiect i nru tLeuuirsctto wlan thev respecuvelv behind, uei re Sto'chtcK the morning of tue lKe TL r.SDAi OF NOV vlKUKK. and each of the sii apHmt one clerk, whosh.dl be a nuahned voter 4 sucti district in cse the pasrson who shell have receive! the second hi-'aest numter ot votes lor inspector, sh not attend on the dii ut any election, then tie persou who siiail have received tne second Ligbesl nu.uber of voles lor judge at tl.e next preceding election sn ad inspector til is ce.

Ami me se the person who shull iiuve received Use highest number of voles ltr inspector sh mil attend, the person elected judge null apHinl inspector hisplai-e oj the per elected, a judge .11 uotattend, then the tnsjiecua who received ue iugtieet number of votes shall ippi'iui a iu his pi ice ar if any vac ncy shuJ c. uiinaein tue bcxiru (or the space of one noar alter the mue 1-xed 1 iw lor the upeui e-lectioB. ti.equhneil voters the ward or dtst'ict for wuicn sucli othcers sh-ll hve been elected, preear at such electH stu.U elect one oi their auiitier to hU such icancy. shall be the duty of the several assessors to attend at the pl.ee of holding every gener 1, special or township election, during the, whole urns said election is kept open lor the purpose! ot giv ing tniorin to tlie inspectors nd jutlge when culled i-nui re iliou to lue right ot aii pars assessed bv toeiu to vote at such election, or sucli tuner matters in relation to the assessment ot voiersns the sud tuspectors or eikher of them shall iroui time time requiie. No pet son sliidl be permitted to vote uY any election as aiorss th while ireeiu.in tue geo! twenty-one years or more who sn.

11 ve rest ted this other party tnrttted tn the butinef, arm hf-tr assigned. In the matter of the estate of John prepared to ojfer greater udvdntafffty and better MeibcnheHer, late of Dover township, YvYs county dtceaped gifte than ever to my cutoaert. i for gwd and cheap wearing apparel. s.l 1 find every article tM by (beta to prove lrt it is represented to be. Bear ia Bind tpr that A Novelty fn the Art World PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN.

Registers Notice. fwno all ereJitora, legatees, heirs, end other persons interested, notice is hereby giveo, that the following adminfotratioo aud guar dianstbtp accounts have been filed and settled in the Register's office for York county, in the State of Pennsylvania and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Or Court, to be held at the Court House, in the borough of York, on fc day of November, A. I). lbdO, forconfira itfon and allowance No. lot The second and further account of George Maish and Catharine otter, administrators of the estate of Daniel Mo tier, late of the borough ef York, deceased lo The account of Peter Rohrbaugh and Henry Nhvaffer, administrators of the estate nf Uhrutiae Rffirbuugb, late of Codorua township, deceased.

'ihS The account of Catharine Hammond, administratrix, and Robert U. Footer, ad in iatrator of flarwy Hammond, late of the Borough of ewisberry, deceased. l4 The first account of Henry Attick, one of the executors of the last will and testa men! of Jacob Hart, late of Fairview toau ship, deceased. loi The trt account of Jaeob Greenfield, Kaq one of the rxculorsof the last will and testament of Jactb Hart, late of liniew township, deceased. 16b The account of James Futon, admioistratur of iha tUt ot Caroline bum ntr.

late of Hopewell fowahtp, deceased. 1CT 1 be aeei.fmt of Jrese Hammer, executor of tl.e will ef Jacob Marhey, late of Hopewell township, deceased. IfiH The fourth and final account of Adam WoJ. executor of the last will a tci-lanci Jicah Waguerfote of Manchester V-wuhp. deceased.

IM 1 be account Tobias Crumltng. of the estate of Michael Ci latv of Hellam township, deceased. I TO 1h account of llnry Swartz. Guardian. Jaouh U.

Bfaieber, and of tbecbildren ef Abraham Bletcber, latw Jackson town-sbp, deceseed. IT I 1 he first nod final account of William Nro-ll. auminietrstor. de fou roa with the wdl annexed of Philip McAleer, late of the Borough of York, deceased. A.

M. UERSrVIF.T. October Ifa 1 Recter. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND nil fumteh any bo-k of a moral eharae ter) publahed the United Statee. the regular retaJ price of uthtch One Dollar or upuar and give a present north from fid rente to 1(H Dollars icitk each book, and guarantee to give pereet satisfaction, as I am determined to main 1 lain the reputation already bestowed upon my establishment.

ranger visiting Philadelphia are invited to call and judge for themselves. G. EVANS. Secured by letters patent in the United States, England, France, aud Belgium. m.

1 great facilities it afiords in dressing the hair Thf American PllOltlSTfipllif Porcdam when luoist with the lnvigorator can No. 781 Broadway, New York, be dressed in any required form so aa to pre- having secuicd their novel aud ingenious in- serve its place, whether plain or in curls in the Voue ef Mr. Daniel ia Main Street. York, directly opp ri Court Houe, where fcargnin? may be trtii and raonev iu the purchase of invite nn inspection and Ir'ce' before purchasing eewL-e. we have run op the iS.janJ motto ia -nr.

an I ere determined not to be ext-1 either in low prices. October I vntion by American and European patents, ar fully prepared to execute alt orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary photographs, tine brilliancy and finish of a ater color drawing, aui a hitherto unuttaioed quality of durability, by being reudered as imperishable as the uatunil properties of the articles upon hic-h they are transferred. As tbe patented process of the. Company juteut 141 one ye rani! in tbeetetiH uilric wnerej rnallleB lhe repioducjion of PhotOgmpUs, he otierb vie at le siteui.i immetiiaielv precede oof only on plain surfaces, hut upon Mich as ing such eiecli 'ii. ud wituin tw je.rsp.

TALCYBLE HEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE! The uudeT-rigred effera at private llowiug vauabe prepertr, viz: A TRACT OF LAND. itur.tc i.i Nhrewahury townhp. Yorh 1 On motiou of Messrs Evens A. Mayer, At torneye, the Court award a rule upoa Mary Meiscuhelter, (widow) of Dover township, lurk county. Levi Meisenhelter, of Mhcou county, It.iuo.a, 8uau 1 genfntz, wife Dn vtd llgenf iti, of rippecamm county, iudian-ui, Folly Kichiugei wife of ieob Eichiuger, of the sume place, Abraham Fiauiz.

of Uxn-cheater township, Guardian ot Meisenhel ter, a daughter Levi and Joseph Meisenhelter, minor children of Johu Mei ac libeller, dec'dand Harriet Seilfert, wite of Ucv. Henry Seifiert, of Monrue county, Piiiua David ot Dover township, Lydia Kebmun wile of Frederick lieb-uiau, ot Manchester township, Peter heller, of Tippecanoe county, ludiaua, Barbara Frunix. wife of A raham Frantz, of Manchester township, Aa on Meisunheher, of Macon county, Illinois, being all the neirs and lFguJ representatives ot John Meisenhelter, late of Dover township, York county, deceased, to be and appear at au Orphans Court, to be held for said County, on Friday, the 9th day of November. iBo, then and their to uccept or refuse to accept ot the real estate of aula deceased ut tbe 'Va uan.n, or sh-w cause why the real estate iu (be luq iisitiou filed of said John Meisenhelter. ueccased, should not be sold by an Older oi this Court, and the Court direct notice to be giveu to the heirs and other persons inter ted reading out of the County by publication iu one newspaper (York Gazette.) published in the borough of I ork, for tour rimes iu tou.i' successive and a paper coo(uinug said advertisem*nt prepaid to be directed to them mail, whei post office is known, aud to the heirs rcsidiug in the Couuiy of York personal notice to Ue given.

By the Court, JUliN HP.ESER. October 1G, Clerk. IF YOTJ WANT ANY BOOKS FENll TO GEORGE G. EVANS, RELIABLE GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, No 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Fill LA DELHI I A. Where all honks are sold at the PuLliebers lowest prices, aod yu hate the ADVANTAGE of receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WOXTU FROM 60 CfrKTB TO KO DuLLAUS WITH EACH BOOK.

Cro Elfins' Original Gilt It ok Enterprise has been endorsed by the 4 near the Northern Central suJ r.Qe mile fnai Now Freedom. a cf 1- me Het dnx, Jack-cu R- tvoUvr, aijd others coi LXfli or le'. Tim imrrr.vmcrrts THE GUEATEST tvr.B urrfSRn nc tbi BOROUGH OF YORK. INDUCEMENTS erecel arc good forai DYYEL- hence the great demand for it by the ladies aa sfambjrd toilet article which co oneoughtto be without, ns tbe price phtces it within the reach of a being only- TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable drug-gis-t and perfumers. L.

MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the ute of his In-vigorator, in ett-es yhere the childrens Hair inclines to he weakf The use of it lays the foundation fora good head of Aaifasit removes any iiiiput tries that may have become lounected with the scalp, the lemora! uf hicb i- necessary both fr iie health of the child, iinij the future appearance of its Hair. Cmjtjos. Non4 genariie without the foe riiile of LOUIS I LLER being on the outer arnppei; lo MILLER'S HAIR 1NYIG-OKATOH, N. Y. blown in the huieile Depot, 50 Dey St.

nod sold by ull the principal Merchants aud Druggist? throughout the woild. Lil'ei al discouut to purchasers by the qu intity. 1 a'su desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Inbtaniar.eous LIQUID HAIR DYE which aftc-yeargof scientific experimenting 1 have Lroughc to perfaction. It dves JUck or Browu instantly without injui to the Hair or Ekiu warruuted the article in, existence 4 riUCE, ONLY 50CENT3. Depot, 5C Dey Street, New York.

October MARRIAGE GUIDE. LING gDd Barn. t- iff et fang and tcet whfa, YYa- Tt Pn Com Uouit with per V0Hlv OclVlD3 A mu i Cr.t? I.n encbUe. Carriage 20 aljLt-urUnuut) Tax wnii-h ah lihaveDeen le.ai ten ielore tl.e election. But a ruizeii theU uuel wim li pieioui) been a qu lihe voter tiiia re.u ed titereiroui nnJ relumed ml who resioedui the elect i diairici paid L.XC8 iiatl beenutleu to vole reaidntg i u.m 5i jte ix moQin l'r tiled.

Thai itie ws.iie ireeiiua ciuxens i the I nuel ti between the aesot twemj -ne umt tweuiy-two vere-uied the eieiti diaoici leu il.a 11 De emiiiea io vote, the) shall not have paid a lil No peia ah -l be -idmUte I voto whose rt tme i a oout rned in the Ut of tax ble luli.ibit luuusti ed O) li.e (J.umuissi nieis, unless, irt he ntuce a recuip! i'r the p-. uteni iiiiin two yKr a au-te or ci.unif tax to the coiititiitin and giveaa eidence either on Lis own oath or or th tr aihr.n 1 1 ui Uher. th he h-s tf lui'i a U-x, ir L.ilure to ptoduce a receipt. si all m.Ve u.itu to iiie ihcreol. or Se-c mi, is he cf im nght to vote by being nn elector between the gc tventy-one iwetuv-two eira he st 1 1 i.ee mi iMih (r th.

l.e hi reanied in the htite leiat or.ee -r next Iteiore hia NO HUMBUG! House. Also, a TENANT HuCE. is a spring of water nar eneb boo-e. are TftU MilCHARD of choice fruit tract. Brtwten ti: tyr as.i itty acre- ioodiftcd, the laiance fa iu a high vUltfaatl'-r.

ha. als been hne1, nji Book Trade and all the le-iding city and country newspapers in the United 8tutes. CfO ETfini ruiM tu.il I usiOfFS transactions have received the approbation ot over citixens of the United btatea, each of whom have received sul sinntinl evidence of the benefi uerived purchasing books at this establishment. CfO Evans Has done tnore than any other publisher, or bookseller in the United States, towards dif- i fusing knowledge to the people. By bis system many books flic Th undcrBigncd would respectfully an nouuce to the citizeu of York, aud thorn who are vWitiog thin Borvugh.

that be Lm opened the iHore, formerly occupied by A Arnold ion. with a splendid, full aud lire nv Stock GENTLEMEN'S application and in Le such prKi oi residence the dttiirt i is Tfui ei bv ll.i-- ct mul lltal lie dies NOTICE. READY-MADE CLOTHING, YORK COUNTY, S- watered. The tract can be conveniently i two farn is aiwavs a good market N-w Freedom fvr all kind of produce. It fa r.fur a rot OS.C", and fo several clinrche.

Any person detrgfto viw the fom please caii the uuder'-tgtrr J. si a auk east of New lrrwks, on tl in IcsdiBZ ice turnpike J'tSKni Yi. HEN DBI? Oct. Lancaster Examiner A Herlld aimuiBt of $3, and charge this office. At an Orphaus Couit, held at York, red that othnwise Would no! -lhe County ol ork, ou the lid day ut Goto Being a private instructor fur married per-m or tbuse about to be married, bulb male i.

cl female, iu evvrj thing -concerning the and relations of our aemai sys tern, aa4 the pro lection or preventing of otf rpnag. including all the new discoveries nver bvfure given in the Fnglirh Uiigute, by Vi M. VOtNG, JJ. D. This is really a vl-uatle and interesting work.

It ia written in plain Ungunge for the gnera! reader, and i with bumemus Engraving. All yuwng nsrrii eple, or thme coutemplai ing luarringe, and having the lead impediment to married life, should real this book. Jt tte'oe seirvte that every one should he acquainted with Mill it is a bot-k that must he locked up, and not lie about the houe. It will be went ta any one on the receipt of twenty five ecuts, ia specie or postage stamps. Address UK.

WM. VuUNG.No. 41b bCKUCK above 4th, ls. MAFFLICTED AMD UNFORTUNATE Nv matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself undvr the care of any ene of the wotoriu Quacks native or for-eign who advertise iu Uue or any other paper, get a oopy of mLhr ot Dr. Youngs Books sad read it carefuby.

It will he the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. UK. can be ci nsulted oa any of the disease described to his publications, at his Office No. 4ltf Spruce Street, above 4th. October 16, lt6u -eowly.

for F.ll and Winter wear. Having had meat of iheiu made up under my own tnanaemi'ni. I take the pleasure to aaute the public ihi.t they excel anything in regard to quality, durability in work as also iu th most impor taut thing in prices. Particular attention if called to the large asi rtti.ent of Ficnch Doe- vkm. Broad Clolb.

Fancy Caefiiuere, Black and Fancy battiuetta of every des-cription, aud which will be sold cheaper than the Also on hand a beautiful Stock of Gentlemen's Cumfahiug Gftds from a Uiore to a fine Shirt, her, A. lo), betore the Honorable Robert J. Fisher et al Judges of tbe sauic Couit dull assigned, iu the matter ot the estate of Mary late of Dover township, ork Couuiy, deceased: Ou motion of Messrs. Evans Majer, Attorneys, the Court award a ruie Upou Jo-epU uochciiour and Michael Gocheuour, of 6hip-peusbuig. Cumberland count.

David OocLeuuur, Maria Stull, wile of Moli, of Duver township, Saiau -Gochenour, iu AUDITOR'S NOTIUK are routul or of any decree of portraits be reproduced with faultiest accuracy, anl delichcy of de'inatiiii, upon ForceLiia wares cf aiy description and ui-inension u--ed as ai tides of luxury or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet Articles, thereby seeming f.tilhful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite ctjleof or- nameutarion oi articles in domestic u-e. In order to furnish facilities for the gratification of the popular tate and to meet tiie wants of those patrons of the Fiue Art- de- -irou of h.iving Fort rut on Porcelain, the Company have iryported from Europe a tad- lection of superior porceliin goods, n.anu- tactured to their own order, which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized tn ue the piocess, they hve determined, in order To alTord People in every section of the Union an oj povtunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to Residents in the Country, who are unable to visit peisci ally Atelier and Galleiies in New York. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype, daguerreotype to ti.e ofhre of the bom- 1 pany iu Sew York, accompanied by Five Dollars, will receive in return by express, free of other charge, V.ttclilj ornatifn'ed HrrahLiH (iipHnd saiitt r. nilli lti peril ull Irauslfi red lliercwn.

Py ti ausiuitting a daguerreotype and Ten Hollars), they will secure iu like mauner, l.Iiandminie Frencli Tune or Toilet Article, witl) the portrait reproduced by the patented process. Jly sending a pair of daguerreory pcs tud nitcen Dollars, they will rective iu return A Pair of rltlt Setres Taet, with the rmrlrnits executed e.juol to minia tiue paintings; and. in like manner, pom-aits can he reproduced ou porcelain wares or Vaaes.of eterj cjualify of (InMi, ranging in price from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars i flit pair. N. Ji Bo particular in writing the ad town, county and State distinctly.

Ail letters to he to Managkh, American tiGToGVArntc Forced AIN Co 51 IMNY, BtO.ldwtiy, NfcW uI.R October 3m I I i II TS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, I 1 he uuderrigne J. au tor 1 jl'ourtof Oomain llea ork distribute the balance on tue account JVitnuei intiud Henry yjampbeh. A Thuinaa -v. iifitf.y a fr the burfit croditcr, atc-- bit nt in ia ih. uik, iu SATl KhAV.

ilc 31 (f a.t jnu 5 T.er rextxjun and wh of every description. I would repie-t eTnuiu 'to bear in mind, that it is ia temion and desire, to sell each an 1 evr) nr-tiefe with a very small profiy and but very little expense, every one examining ana pricing any Gooda will feel eatfafied that I rell tbe same from 10 to 20 per cent, cheeper than the same articles can be fcou gut' where, i ijk11 make it my cunrtit tiutx to I I 1 ashmgtou township, Edward Uochenour, iu Latimei township. Adams county, Joseph Uochenour, of Heading towusbip, Anarus and David Uocheziuur a miuor. of tow a -hip, Catharine Vft i.uier, widow, of Dover town-faip, Elizabeth Belize), (widow, ol Prry county, also the issue Daniel Gicbeuour, a deceased brother ot decedoiit, viz Sunday, the wifb of Jucob Suu uay, Ueber, tbe wife of ftViliiaut Uer ter, Deardorff, the wile of Jobu Dear-dntf, 11 of Dover towusuip, and Eui.iuuei Uochenour, of Washington towuship, also the pert-oute c.ay be present A Through Ticket to California. Ufa MAS A.

ZIEGL? Aw j- Ort. ha.W, found tbeir way into the band: of renders. --(frani bee iics Stuspaptr. CfO ETfifit Kmps constantly on band tbe most extensive slock, tbe greatest! assortment of Books, an i circulates fiee to ull who may apply, the most complete catalogue of Books and Gilts iu tbe Untied btates. Ctfi 6 EtfiHl lias advantages offered him by other publiefaers and manufacturer which enable bim to furnish bis pat run a with a finer quality and a better assortment of gifts than any other estab-lishiaeut.

Ct Eram I'ublisbe oerlTwo Hun-dred Popular and Interehtmg Books, therefore, as a publisher. be is better able to offer extra premiums and Geo Evani Guarantees rfct aatisUc-tion to all who tasy send fur Buoks. GfO Tans' New classified catalogue ot books embrace the writing ot every standard author in etery department of literature, nud givcsall the information lelative to the purchasing and forward ing by Mail or Expresof bKks ordered from his esiahhsbtncnr, together with lull directions how to remit momy. GfO Evans Catalogue ol Books will Lt sent free gratis aud free of ex to any address in the Untied States. GfO Evans In ineeaients to Agents not be surpassed.

The most liberal eommissions are offered please everybody, that will honor vrlt STATE OF SAJI AH ft Liters Tr i.t-jry in the If! 7i coll, and 1 hope by doing ao to gain tbe confidence of the citizens cf York, and tbe eur- rounding neighborhood, therefore et- conruge lice new teginuer, and you wiU fitri it to your own interest as well as tt will bv benefit to your most obe Pert HENRY EZEKIEL September 2 1650. i I issue of Jobo Gocheuour, a deceased Druther, vrz John Gochenour, of Warrington town snip, York, co. Emanuel Uochenour. of Dover towubip. Samuel Gocheuour, if Yoik Borough, William GocbfcLotir, of California.

Betsey, married to Kaufman, ot Indi 'HTih I'iteif Peach 11 facva-ci. bire LetB granted to the no- -j -gnt re-idine in the same erscr indebted to sat-! ite sre rf pit- i to make immediate f-ayment. and i I- ng r'aiiHs shall prnt tVia dufa actimu- to JoHN.G- I Uctuher C. letoJ- C. S.

COLBERT Cos Fifth Iraod Qua rtrrly DiUributioo of 100,000 Articles, Worth 8300,000. 1ft hick will be sold for $H0 to tbe pur-ckawnof ear FENS AT 80 CENTS FEU Bu. Our Uoldeo Fen is tbe beet ever need, and is warranted it te corrode in any ink. Every buMoii man abO fanuly should nse tbe (Jalden Ten. The following list of article will bv distributed among our patrons at 00 each, and need not be paid for utitil we inform tbe puichasrr Which of the fdloaing articles we will sell ban for $1 00 and then is fXeul whether be send tbe DOLLAR and Ukea the goods or net.

ana, and Catharine married to of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county. An aperient and stomnchic nreparatinn ef IKON purified of Oxygen aud Oarhn hy cim huation iu Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the Uuiled State, uud prescribed iu their practice. Tbe experience of thousands daily prove? that in preparation of Iron can be compared with lt. Impurities of the Blood, depression of vital energy, pole and otherwise sickly com-! pfaxiotss indicate its necessity in ahnoet every Iconciev.ilde case.

Inuoxioua in all maladies in which it hns been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in i ach of the following coinpbtinfa, viz; In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspepsia. Constipation Diarrhoea, Dysentary, Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, Mismenstruation, Chlo- icsis. Whites, Diver Complaints, In- termittent Fevers, Chroric Head-j setes, KLeumausm, Pimples on the Face, In ch -os of Gunibal IIf.ltlitt, wheihertLe rc-ult of acute di-tase, or of the continued cf nervous aud muscular euetgy fi out chronic comjdtrint-, one trial tin rer-torat haa proved sucee sful to an extent winch no de-cription nor wiitten attestation would render ci edible. Invalids so long bed ridden to have become forgotten iu their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re appeared in the buy world as if just returned from W0f NAV leticve Horn given lain tri i Ue give such other evi lcne is required by Uns Act. whereupon lhe me for the porBou iinnr.

cd to vole sn lie inserted in tlie aph ilitiicni by tlie uiMpcctors i He mide op lie hcu'to writing the rd il he sn il oe.tdimi'eti to vote by reason oi Ins tving paid tax. 'ft rhe r5 age.1 if ie sh .11 be ted to is tie re s-t. such -ce- iid such se rhe me shall be 1cfl to lhe cicrks tio aa 11 in ke the like notes w.e hri oi vers tcj.i them. Ju tile, ses ore then me i tn person chiming to voie is iu Him onlheli-f timimhed by the Comiftis-so dims ud or jus riim to vote ivuen ei lotmH iherenn or not. is objected to by my qu Iihed citizen it sh ii le the duty id the ms; ecturs to ex an- me such peiHi'ti on to hisqu ithc: lions nd if he cl tins to hu ve i hin te c-bite tor rnie it.

ore. I is an sh ii ic Mitficieut prom tnc.c-d, but shall ke pr hv at le one i nipetent witness wlm li be a qu Iihed elector, th it lie Jvi resided in tlie iiiatnct ir more th ieu ys next iim.c li tely precdin iid election ttud sh -11 Iso hiiu'dl mveiT ihathixboui foie residence in pursu tnre of culling is the district -nd that he did inn remove into Suid district nr the purpose of voting therem. F.veiv iviKtnqu Iihed -u atores ii! end who m.tke due piot if required oflits residence pTyment ot xesjs foresa i1, shall ie (linined to vole in lit tow nikLrp. ward or district in winch he shall reside. 11 an) person shnli prevent or attempt Co prevent unv ofheero! utiy election unicrH'is-ct Irom holding sufti election or use or violence to nv sndi ofti-ceror sh .11 interreptor improperly interfere with hi; i the exe ition ol his duty, or sh block up tl.e window or avenue tunny window where the me my te holdiug, or siii.lt riotously disturb tlie ai snch election or sh IT use or pnctjre nv intimd itinc threats.

lorceor violence in design toimlueme dul or oerve un elector or to prevent hi in from voting lestr an the freedom of choice, such persons, on con vie: nn shall be fined in cm sum not iess th live hundred doll vnri he impt isoned ior.ny rime uot less than three nor moie than tw elv montl nu if it sh -11 be showt totl Conn w5! ere the tridof such offence sh de h-ol th a tlie person offend mg was uot a of city, rd. district br township where the id orTt-ece is committed not entitled to vole therein, then on conviction lie sh 11 lie sentenced to a fii'C of not less than one hundred or more th one thou nd tb-H is.andbe impns- ned not ess than six months, nor more thin uimi eus Ii cn person or pers ms mil ke vet or w-i-rer upon the lesultot any election ilns wer.lih. sio.U otiertom keanysucW let or wiger. either by verltul proclaraai thereof, or written or printed sm! ertoenicnt, challenge or unite I ersins in Ke such or w.iger. upon conviction there if.

ne or tLey sh lit-rieit iH pny.tnrec tuners the mount 9. bet to be bet If ny Hcrson ot by i vvqu iliiicJ. shall fraudulent) vote- in this coiumonwe Uh. or being othe-wme qu litied. eh 11 vote out of his proper j'is net ny mimn knowing the ol such qu t-iic-c ion.

sh il nid or pn'Ciiresmdtjienwin to vote, the jmr-S'-n otter lingsh ii in cn bred in nv sum not exceefling two hundred doll bo nrisunod lo. any term sotexceeoinc three montns. I pers msli 11 vote more than oneelrct ion district orotiicrw ise fr mdulcntl vote re than on on the inie d.v orsh -11 fr fld deli er inspector two tickets together with tlie intent illegally tti ote. au'. ise nd procure motlier to do.

he or so ftfeiiding sh 11 on conviction, be fined in -my Mtin not less th ti hit more ttrui five hundreti dot las. ami he imprisoned for unv term uot lessihm ihrec mr more than twelve in nths It person not qu nfied to vote this Common we Itn egreeabh to I w. (except tie sons oi quuiifi-e1 citizens.) sli 11 ppe-irnt i.n pi election fr the porj -se of issun tickets or of tnftuencing the citizens nidified io vote, he stnil on couvnaioa. forfeit -mi p-y loiy sum not exceeding one hundreo doll i rs a- er) such offence and he imprisoned for any term nt exceeding three months Agree ft) to the provtsionsnf the sixtv-first section ot id ct evcryGencr.d mdSpecj Klee ion shuihbe openeil lietwccn the hoursof eight and ten the lore noou. li couiinue without iiiterruplin or ad -jownoneot ituti! seven o'clock iu the evening when 'the pollxsli ilitecbgcn Anti the Judges of the respective districts aforesaid are tiie sud ct required to meet tit the Court Hoi; in tlie lb rough of ors.on Fridu tub 9th dt oi Novemrck, then and there to pertorm the things required by 1 iw Given onuer mv hand -r my office in York, lav ol 1-AO.

SAMUEL FORSCI1T. Sheriff Oct. 9. J. PALMER Chestnut St.

harL TLO'a IkLLEX 15 FISH. frovifidv Have couf-fant in an ix-ertra' rr L'RMT AND I'KKLEV Ffa'il. M.u'k.err!, FLrti. Ffah. r.t r-, Uftifi-h, Ducf.

I rk. Lvrd. Ilet--. r.dci. f.jiCt-eC, Kicc, 4.C.

Oct. 2. 1 00 witt ASUPEKIATTVI TONIC, DIURETIC, ilTl DYSPto also the issue of Jacob Gocheuour, a deceased hmther, vz Joel Gocheuour, Matilda wife of Peter Trimmer, aud Leah Gochenour, ad of said Washington township, Eli Uochenour. of Latimer township, A ians county, and Levi Gochenour, of Laucauer, heing al the heirs aud legal representatives of Mar Bu-hey, late of Dover towuship, ork couti ty, deceased, to be appearat an Orphans' Court, to be held for said County, oq MON-DA tbe 6th day of November next, 18GB. and by soliciting et bscriptions 1 then and tbere to accept or refuse to accept to books io the tnauner proposed, of the re il estate ot said deceased at the val 1 uatinn, or shew cause why the real estate de -cribeu in the Inquisitiou filed of said Murj Bu-bey, deceamd.

should not be sold by an ordei of this Court, and the Couit direct no tice to be given to the Heirs and other per sons intete.Ued residing our of the County, by publication in the York Gazette, a wi-ekl. uewpaper pulislud in the Borough of York, for threonines in three successive week and papeWvCbtJtaiuing said advertisem*nt prepaid to be directed to them by mail, where Post Office is koowu. and to the Heirs residing in the County of ork, personal notice to be given. By tbe Couit, JOHN KEENER, Oct 1G, Clerk. twenty books can be sold in ibe same time that it would take sell one on the old tiisluoneit subscription plan.

Send for a classified Catalogue, aud ever infoiffitotioti will be given in reference to agencies. Select your books, euclose the amount of money required, and one trial will satiety you that the pi ace in the country to purchase books ia at THE EXTENSIVE BOOK ESTABLISHMENT lKYiMRATINa CORDIAL To ibe 1iiizens ofew Jersey Id, STATE OF SAMUEL JLiCALtA. A LeUt-rTc ticenivivrn tue LIST OF GOODS INCLUDED IN THE DISTRIBUTION. Fianoe.Gold Hunting Gold Ift'atcbee, Ladies Silver Hatches. Guard, Vest and CbateUin huins, Ca.nteo Broocbt-, Musaie and Jet Bioocbes, Coral.

Emerald, and Opal Brooches, Cameo Ear-Drop, Mosaic and Jt Ear-Drop. Laa and Florentine Ear-Drups, Coral Ear Drps. Emerald and Opal Ear Drop, Handsome Seal King, Mosaic aud t'amea Bracelet, Gent Watch Eryt, lob and Kibbon Slides, Feta of Studs, Sleeve Uuitiiu, Flain Rings', Stune bt Kings, Sets Ladies Jewelry, Canton Crape ShwN, Muuvrline de Laities, Cballiea, Frvuch aud American Lawti, Bereges, lp-Jia French aliees, and other Ladies Dre Ge nie in great variety, together with Head Weses, Caba, Fancy Fau. anl in Tet al nuat every desengtiuo of GotHJS Usually faund in first class Dry Good tores HAMMERED HORSE AND MULE SHOES MANUFACTURED AT THE (tzlvtxi greu anti JaU 3Xtxlz. protracted travel in a distant Innd.

Some hlu-bf McCi.fa.. I-ic of t'h uccford-1 i York 'inty, uvcraed. txve btta gnf -1 the uudcrMgiiffrd. the firt lsbiH at lIipewP, and the lat In. peraors indebted io arc requested to make imir-edtatr it i njeut, thu.e th.iQ lin'j authrntir.leJ t-j PALEM MAMF'tl).

LlUil T.N ea. IKfA. GIFT very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus sanguineous exhaustion, t'ritica! changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to-air and exetefae for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Atfectioks of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the oper ition of thfa preparation of iron must neces--ariiy be salutary, for, unlike the old it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting anil overheating: and gently, regulaily aperient, even in the mosd obtinute of cos-fiveus without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable seir-atinn. It is this latter property." among other, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remed3 for Jules, upon which it a-o appears to exert a distinct and specific OF Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and Private Families.

Wolfe's Turc fosnat Brandy. Wulft'si'Dre Wadena, Slimy and Tort Wolfe's Pgit Jamaira andM. Troii F.ura. Wolfe's Purr Scotch and Irish Whiskey. ALL IN BOTTLES.

I he lenee to attention of the citieens of the United States to the above Wiites aod LuiroBS. imported by UnoirHO Wolek. r.f New York, whnee name is famiHar in every pait of this coun'ry T.it tbe purity of Liscole-hrntert SmtEDA Scnarrs. Mr. Wolfe, in bis letter to me, speaking of the purity o' bis Wises and Liqvobs.

says I u) ttaka my reputation a man, my stindirg merchant of thirty years residence the ELECTION PROCLAMATION- 1l RStA NT to in tict of the tieneru! As; the mu wt 1 1 Peuns) I itu eatuled. PLAN OF DISTRIHUTION. Trtmium Trttiuv T2. Certificate stating what we wilt sell each person for one dulUr are placed io sealed Envelopes, wib a Decimal arrangement I reai iwma so chat in Each Hundred Certifi sates there ia ene for a GOLD WATCH. MRS.

WINSLOW, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE AND FEMM.X Physician, presents to tho attesnoa of 4-' ers sj js SOOTHING SYRUP CillLI'KEN TELTHIXd. which grcqtly fxcihfates the process of rcek-ing bv soficning the reducing im- fl.nmut;or.; will ALL PAIN end rf' inodie aettue, aud i 0 tU REGULATE THE B0WF.1 Lepetii upon it, it will giie rret to end RELIEF and HEALTH TOYOtR INFA? T. We bate put aud xold thir sinr ctir.n, dispersing the local lendtney which I Uity cf New York, that all the Bra an I WANTED. far Wifs which 1 bottle are pure as and uf the best-quality, iiod a lie relied upon by every purchaser. I ry bottle hath proprietor's name on tbe wax, and a fac rimiie of his signature on certificate.

The fiil.lic are respect fully viied i call and ex-anrinc far Jhi-mselves. For sale et Retail all Apothecaries anOrocers in Philadelphia. and there will h1io be a splendid premium in each tew eerMfiratin. Lndie, if you de-ire a fine 8hwl. or lrew Fattero.

or a bauiifui aMteleof Jewelry, end as tVua for a B'X of GoMeo Pen, and we will rend a Certificate which may enable you to procure it for $1. On receipt of 80 Cents we will oral you one Box of war G-IJrn Fro, and a Few vd putcn of the aitice which we sell for 81- TRY US.fot A Lady wishet a situation as Teacher of Miimc. school or private family. The highest reference given. Address il.

Sun office. Baltimore Oct. 9-. 1 BBO -dt. For Circular and Prices, address J.

HOPKINSON SMITH, it in I ii! jr. fo BALTIMORE. HANDSOME WOMEN (Jk-'Bgk II. Arc eoi'V' tZi M.rket fii" for orert.iiyi,Mu cm so, ij. eor.6 eJ4 Market su, and trmh tf it- vha, wt MT tT eoui i Jane 6 DbiUJelpliia.

GEORGE G. EVANS, Xo. 43.) Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where yoa tsa set Bunk ef all kinds. Book of Fact! Book ot Fiction! Books of Devotion! Book of Amuaement Bona fortbwOld Folks! Rook for th Y'ouug Folk! Bocks for Huebanda! Bock-? for ivea! Book for Lovers! Books for Sweetheart! Books for Boy! Book for Girl Boo of uuiof Books ot Ftstrj 1 lkMU of Travel Books History I Boak of Biography 1 1 Bok of A -venture! Books about Sior Books shout Souliers! Books about Iud ans! Bik about Hunters! jBok about Heroe B-okbot PutrixUl Bwoks for Farmers Book tor -ctiHnic-! Uooki for Merchant Book foi Fhyscsiis! Botks for Lawyers! Book for Stas-mrn Bbies! Pre-enistion 'Book Frayer Books Hymn Book! Juvenile Books! Annual A Ibutus, etc. ecil Hartley's Interesting Biographies Rev H.

Ingraham's Scriptural hmauces! u.ucker Lives of Flrio Statesmen T. Lauren's Kevolutioi.ary Stories T. S. Ai-ihurr Fopu'ar Tales! Dr Alcoti's Family Mr. Hentx Novel Mrs Soutbwoi th Nov eU t'ooper a Novel Dicken Navels! W-wrly Novels! Irving's Works AU tbe writing of every ptandard author in every deperuneut of literature, in every style of binding, at tbe publisher's lowrst prices, and reiuetnber that you pay no ie tbau you would at any other ml you have tfce advantage ef recviv.ng an elegant Fie-ent, which oftentimes i worth a hundred fold more than iha amouut paid lar tbe book.

TO TIIE LADIES. ASSIGNEES SALE Ag-nicr fo.iowing from the New York TRlfFS IO AGENTS. POST PAID. Umn fui with 4 Cetufiaiea, ft nrxrs BLOOM OF roses. a rid.

1 OF VALUABLE NULL PROPERTY. and elegant color for the cheeks or lip. IT WILL NfaT WASH OR RUB OFF, and when ouce applied, remains durable for year The tiut ia tsoYich and natural, that the cloacat The subscriber, assignee of John Hidel biugh. will offer ot public on FRIDA the Id day of A ovembtr 1800, on tiie premises, ftith each Package of 100 boxe wre ptvtcnt Umc LOO Certificates. wwe uf which is imarat-tcesi to contain one order for a FINE ATCII.r Kewing Ma-okmuor by orderiog bo laxe io tmr pack-age you areero receive C.0 Certifioete containing one order Cera wpteatid StLYERT ATCll beside a large another ef other very pretmuma.

One Certificate sent gratis, upoa application of aey person desiring to tot a Agent, which may ewahta kite to procure a valuable premium upon the payment of 81. cm them. In speTsi a innumerable as are it causes a rintffo tox of these Chalybeate Pills lias of ten suffice I for the mod habitual cases, io-clumiig the attendant ioxfiveness. In unchecked Di.ibbikla, even whrn advanced to Dvsestaet, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, the effects he been equally dci-ive and astonishing. I tbe local loss of flesh and strength, debilitating nnd remittent hectic, which generally indicate TjkCipu nt Cossvmp tios, this remedy has ariaed the alarm i friend and physicians, in t-eveml very-grati-f ing and interesting instances.

In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced prepa- trons of iodiue, without any of their well knrwn liabilities. The attention of female? cannot be f00 con. fidently invited to this remedy and restora.it te iu the peculiarly offeettug them. In Khlumatism. both chro Ac aud inflam mntory in the latter, hotr mure dec td-edly it has been invariably well reported both as alleviatirg piu nud reducing tue swellings aod stiffness of the j-riau aud muscles In IsTFnsnTr.sT f*cks it mui-t cecessa r-ily be a great remedy and energetic resiora tive.

and its progo jn the new eettlemenfa of the West, wil1. probably be one of high renown anJ ustddtueas. remedy has evrr been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exertssuch prompt, hn ppy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition Qf aueugtti, with an uummai dispo-sttio for active aud cbeertul" exercise, im-raediately follows ita ase. Put up in neat fiat metal boxes confaipfrg nn ptlla price fib cents for aale by dmggfate and dealers.

ill be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All leUeta, oitfaru, should be addret-ed to R- B. LOCKE General Igtrts No. iff Cedar Sc Now York, Oct. 9, in Lower Windsor township, the following de scribed property, viz: A Valuable Tract of Mill Property, situate in said township, adjoining lands of John Detwiler and others, containiig ONE HUNDRED and EIGHTY'-SIX ACRES.

The improvements are a three story GRIST AlIRR, fitly by thirty-nine feet, one story Stone and two stories Frame, with four pair of Stones, two pair Burrs, and two pair Choppers, with a first rate SAW MILL. The other improvement are A LOG SftSlL Dwelling House, JJAXK BARN, and other necessary outbuildings, with a An Art rsi.ttuij: the Eiecu.nt Uus wpprtned (he etrimd day of July. Anno lfiiiit. ort Mioutn emtu hundred and thirty-nme. t-A Sheriff tl tue Couniv 4 rk.

Hermei i nr, dt hereb) iuaXe known and give noli to the Kleciors ot he Count) ti.ire ti thur ita Kiecliia will he held ft saiu Conniy. on the first fueoi5: o' Noveinber, liu, being H-e 6 ti moniu, ut which mue Elector oi preiieni nud Vice- Preaideut of the United Sitteiare to be eireieo. also herehv mnke known i.nd cive notice tint the places holttieg the it! election in the sever-1 1 w.trd. boroughs uud townships o( lhe coun'y ol ork are ns follow to i it 'lhe i. a Firai Ward nf tlieB nwcii ot i rk will meet at the school-house iu hi iug street.

IU s-tld The electors of the eromi Ward of the Borough ol ork il meet i the brio school-house tn ueen si rue I. iu Borough The eiecitWs ol the Third Ward of the Boriugfi ol fork, wdi meet ur the hrtrx school -house in i i lidij Tbe elector oi the hiur Nk'fihe BMugb ut ft ork, wil meet et thW bouse n. fcnei esi) Mue street. inYfJorouuh. The electors oi the Fifth Vird, of the BorHigh ot ft ork ill meet ut lhe brick school house on the erner of Newuerr) and Kiug sireeism the Horuug.i of ft ork The electors of Spru.g rden Uwnship will meet the public Imuw of Henry Lehr (Fre) stow ol.

said township. The electors of West Manchester township will meet al the brick school-house in DoLlstovvn, in uiv b'Wuslop i 1 he electors of York township will meet at the house ot lieniy itiiieiier, turn id township. The eiffretAMs oi ewteriy township will pieet at tbe house Jeeph McCre.r, in The electors ot F.orview low uship will meet at the bouse ot rede rick xetter, iu iJ township. 'l'ue electors oi Aloe igh l-iwasaip il meet at the luuse of Oeoree Burns, in ssiio township. The eiecuirs oi Ylanchmer towmship wilt meet at the pubue house JjCi'b Kamer, in Ibe tows oi Lisrpott The electors of Carrot! township, will meet nt the house nw Peter MiUer, in the Borough of Liillsburg The electors Fmnkiin township, will meet at the house oi David leru, in uwuuip.

The electors ol W. shugun Uvushtp will meet at the house Reeti, in iu towusbip. The electors ft Vernngtia township will meet at the b-ue oi Charles CnUerwmxi, oi sua townsmp. The ciectora 4 Dover tivnship, will meat gt the House ol Jobs Dick, in iid township. Tue electors -d HcuieUmrg tu nsuip, wi.i meet at thahmuMft Frederick Mover, in said wwuahipi Ike electors of icke township wiii meet the bouse i JHt B) er.

in said tow nship. Tbe electors ft irudese township will meet at the koese ft Jucft ht.aUcli, sbs.hI Tbe electors vt ibetowasfctp oi est Mbiihein will meei ut the iiouMt now occupied by Samuel Burnb iru, in id township Tbe eleftAbrs ft Caewgv township, will meet at tle house ot redenck H-iSc, to SJid tow nship. The electors UieB-wtmgu oi iianverf will meet nt the b-uae 4 Thomas McCosi nd, tn s. id borough The elector ot township wul meat at tue k4useft John B. huller.

in sud township. Tbe electors ft CUidoms township, wtii meet at the houaeft De4rge Brodbecfc, in Said lowusliip. Tbe electors ft Noitb Codorus towuship wl mee at tiie house ol lieniy li, in suid-townaLip. 1 The eiectirs ft S-priitsheld will meet the btiaae of W. iiever.

tiJ towusinp. The electors ft Sbrewsttury township, wiU meet al he tume ft Peter Aru -ld, in sad towusinp. i The elector ft Hopewell uwnhip. will uteefat tbe house uf George Aiiihhuc, ui td twuship. i Ti electors Wwnsiup.

will meet fit the rt rve I a ka I rh 14 10 I ft rsta a tee i. aft 'isw t4 se id rdo anv other medicine, NEVER A IT FAILED, in a SIN GLK INST ANCl i EFFECT A Uh, when timely Neverutd weknowan instance faction by any one who used it. ta 0 nlrary all are de-2 ted with it and speak in bigLcetr mendaViun of its ns effect an 4 ical virtues. Ht-ff 'peak in this maMer what we do know. after ten yra' pledge obi reputation for tee iulfUmeniof what j.here declare.

n-m- Bl every iestanev where, the infant auffcriiig from pafa5 and will be found io ftl 14:611 cr win- ntes afier the Syrn sitauisArtd. Tbfavalasble j. ref ration is tbe prei: y-rin of one of th EXFLR1LM ED anl SK1LFU1 'NURSES in New England nnd has with aever-fa I-iug Ruccesn in CASES, It not only re'icvre. the child from bat invifori fs th axd bcv.i. corrects ae.ditr, ana; jeivrs tote and eacev to the wbuie syateus J- ly relieve IN THE BuWJ AND WIND CULM land overcome which, if moneC peedily reraca e-t.

end in death. believe it the best and r. est lemedy in the world, is 'i ot I ENTER and D1AKR1KEA IN CiilLDRJA whether it arift from ycthieg irsr rr otaet We would mv mty who taw chili srjforlng-fr-bm any cf dp net iet yor f'T'-yn- dicg, nev tFtprqcdeitA edere caxna between jwr auflcrieg df.U epd thf. neltef vba wiii be SURE ye. A DfoOLUT LL tfollcw tbe use cf this used.

FnD directions fet nstsg wtlla-t -pany each Noco-f -U ic of EURTle A PEKEANa, N-w Yi.rk,is on the c-Qtside wrapper. Read Couria- Lf jpaoirs Bupikebs tos6 ex Nrw Tors We are 'happy to inform ur c.tizeng that there is no place in- our city whete the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Win and Lfquota, ms pure as imparted, and yf tbe best quality. He do not intend to give nn elaborate description of this merchant's extenrive buricesa, although it will well repay any stranger or citizen to visit UnoLruo Wolfe's extensive warebue. Nos. 18,20 ana 22, Beaver street, and Nos.

17, 1J and 21. Ills stock of Schnapp-on baud ready for sbipoieut eould BOt have lten less than thirty ihcn-and exs-es; the Brandy, some ten thonaand cage Vintages? of IHJ6 to 2 bftfi and lea thoanaud cases oi Madeira, Sherry aod Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Jamaica and at. Croix. Kara, some vfry'old and equal to any in ths coon try He alo bad three forge clfor. filled with Brandy, Wine.

in casks, uuritr C. tam-IIottse key, re.idy for bottling. Mr Woi.fr a sales of Schnapps last year anloua- i ted to one hundred and eighty thousand and we hpe in lev than to year be nay be equally successful with his Braudice and ices. HU bet-trees merits the patronage of every lever cf his species. Private fauritie who wish pare wine and Liquors for medical use should send their ordeipirect to Mr.

until every ApoHiccarj jo the land nyke tbrir sinus to. discard the poietnoas etuif frftn their she! ea, end replace i ftt oli are im. and Liquor. We understand Mr. Holfi.

far'Tbe sceora-laotiaOl of small dts er ita ibe country, pats sp nssortefl cas of Wtnesand Ltq core. EucUas man, and such a. merchant. tb'-nd be sustained agamat faisems if tboosards cL sxnu run classified catalogue or noons. rdr any Lovk.

that you may want, rrmir the retail pnc. together icuh the amount require edjar postage, and one trial will assure you that the best place in the country to purchase books is at the (jft Hook Establishment of UhOKGK KVASS, Originator ot tbe Gift Book Enterprise, Jio. JoJ Cbelnut Street. riULADELIHIA. scrutiny frils to detect its use.

Cn be te moved by lemon juice nnd will not injure the -kin. Tlris ia a new preparation, ued by the eUtrxted Couit Beauties of London ani Farts. free, in bottb with dixr.ee tiuns for se, for $1.00. HUNTS COURT TOILET POWDER, imparts whiteness to the complexion, and i uuiikff anything else used for this puipo-e. Mailed free for HUNT'S IUITIS'H BALM.

removes fan freckle, attnbutn and all eruptions of th -kin. Mailed free for oO Cents. HUNT'5 IMlERlAL POMADE for the hair, strengthens and improves it- growth, ktepe it from failing off, and is warranted to xakbthk hair curl. Mailed free for HUNTS PEARL for tlie teeth and guns, cleanses omd whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, purifiet the breath effectuariy, preskbvks the trkth ani prs-vektk tjiothachk. Mailed free for 00 HUNT'S -BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME, a double extract of orange blosaoms and cologna.

Mailed free tor 00. This perfume was first used by tbe Princes Bojal ot England, on her marriage Messrs. Hunt Co presented the Pnncosa with an elegant case of Perfumery, (ia w.htcb ail of the above articles were included) in handsome with gold stopper i valued at $1600, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. Ail the above articles sent Free, by express, for 00. Cah either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on delivery of gueds.

HUNT CO Pei fuoaer to the Queen, Referti St.9 London and "il Sansm St Thila-ilefphta JJmn' a. For sale all Druggists and Perfumers. JStgrThe Trade Supplied October 9, mxas MELODEONS, MUSIC, Books, Sewing Machines. Hid oaiiB)iuB. A article wU nnt Hi, C'cuatr tb Lowest 'UUal, Price will tbe idnU of 6 per oeot tor forwordiof.

It tii(4 is eer tow a. Cir- nltr, oent on applicotioa. Aililiwa, bil Com. UiotlBU C. 8.

COLBERT Co. Cnaiqin, Mcrcbuita Umnl Aprob, 1810.1, Foartb Straat, balaw Cbaotaat, Philadelphia. L.Fr aur iutagrit abilii ta fulfil aur PSrorBi, bej to rerr on lo tba fal-Sowmg wall gentlemen aid baetneaa firm. Hi Excellence J. Gear.

E. Got. Kn-. e.toioreUnd, I Men. Prntt A tb, Fifth nod M.rXit 8traeU, Phil.

r.ir. Riahanleun A Jeweller. Phil. A. Eq 'j'l A.

GRAY. ar. Katner A Moore. Water Ft. below Ai-ch I'bilaUelphi.

J.c. Fuller, Eo Jawel-. A. F. WarJ, Eq er ot Fasbtoae, M.

Horne, Hack. Uuo. M. Bunon, Eureka, neverfailing bpring of ruining water near tbe door. The above property affords a rare opportunity for persons wirimig to engage in the Merchant Milling burin? located at the Fishing Cieek.

a never failing stream of water, and only one and a LaU mi lew ftom the Suj-queimmia Tide Watr Ca-nal, with a level jubltc read from tiae ALU to said Canal. reraona wishing to view the property prw vious to the day of sale, can da bo by caiiiog on John Heidelbaugh residing ou the ame. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEORGE MA2SH, Oct. As AGENTS WANTED, Te whoei greater intlucunenU then ewer ere offered.

person, esJker male or female, who is desirous of engaging an Uononlle aod Prcfilakle Employment. Requiring but little time aud no outlay of money, and by tch they eon obtain gratis A Valuable Library, A Fme Gold Watch and Chain, A Service of Plate, An Elegant Silk Dmi Pattern. A bpiendtd Sett of Jewelry, INSTATE OP JOHN TYSON, deceased 1 A Xettrrsof Adniiai-traannon the estate of Village Record, West Chester, ublith to amount of tend hill to this tifliee. John Tjson, late of Teach Rottom twp York hare been granted to the undersigned rerid.njr in the same towush p. All person, indebted t6 the estate will pleitee inake immediate pajmet.t, and ttoe holding T.

TT 1 claim shall prcnt them duly ttuthentiested Dr. iiam bpirit i villumo.p.vuos, October I S6U. Adffiinfa u-afor. bv .7 8 -r S'Ats-. who rotk.

wolW. Otc, IVC. lil rl.rrV. ing but imttauoae, ruinous alike to bunmn Va.v A. 4 4 al tf.TA4rri'i:0, b4 A.

far Yen it. i Suhle. Vs. i Not. 1 Jr-lftneids Or manr ntbr fbiea art fa fa enumerated iu housed t-siixl Herbert, a iduiwnship.

tha list Gift, can do ao by acting ll IB ft- el-tws wf pairhbotnmi tnwMlii, will for tbuatabiihieiV 4 I at the Agent ikouseft CoA. Ocb I tuwraaJuy. ilir ir ii.

York Gazette from York, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.